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Sources say Bill O'Reilly may not return to Fox News after his planned vacation, announced Tuesday; source says he plans to return April 24 — Embattled Fox News host Bill O'Reilly announced tonight that he is taking a vacation. O'Reilly's decision to go off the air in the midst …
@gabrielsherman, Variety, Newser, Associated Press, Washington Post, The Huffington Post, CNNMoney, Jezebel, Mediaite, @brianstelter, Business Insider, Media Matters for America, The Wrap, The Week, @brianstelter, The Wrap, @nbj914, @raju, @rob_coh, @hotliberalbitch, New York Times, Axios and BuzzFeed

Sources: Fox News kept renewal of O'Reilly contract quiet as network knew NYT story was coming; contract includes tougher language if more allegations arise — Just as Fox News was moving forcefully into the post-Roger Ailes era with none other than Rupert Murdoch at the helm …
Washington Post, Mediaite, @brianstelter and @hadas_gold

The Mail Online and the Daily Mail's apology to Melania Trump — The Mail Online website and the Daily Mail newspaper published an article on 20th August 2016 about Melania Trump which questioned the nature of her work as a professional model, and republished allegations that she provided services beyond simply modelling.
BBC, New York Times, The Wrap, Press Gazette, Variety, Talking New Media, The Week, New York Post, Financial Times, The Drum, The Huffington Post, Fortune and Axios

Melania Trump accepts damages and apology from The Daily Mail publisher over allegations about her work as a professional model — US first lady sued UK newspaper's owners over allegations about her work as a professional model … The Daily Mail will pay damages to settle a libel claim brought …
Press Gazette, The Drum, The Independent, ITV, BBC and @marksweney

Source: Melania Trump will be paid around $2.9M in damages and costs by the Daily Mail; her initial suit asked for $150M in damages — Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets — The Daily Mail has apologized to Melania Trump and agreed to pay damages to settle a lawsuit filed …
@harrysiegel, Reuters, Bloomberg, Hollywood Reporter, Telegraph and The Week

Critics denounce Louisville's Courier-Journal for story about the “troubled past” of United passenger violently dragged off plane — Man dragged off overbooked United flight — It only took 24 hours for online anger to shift from United Airlines to a Kentucky newspaper.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer apologizes on CNN for Hitler statement: “I mistakenly used an inappropriate, insensitive reference to the Holocaust” — “He was not using the gas on his own people in the same way that Assad is doing," Spicer said, drawing immediate backlash and calls …
Media Nation, @politicoalex, @abc, @chelseaclinton, @tommyxtopher, @pastpunditry, @annefrankcenter, @holocaustmuseum, @braddjaffy, The Week, Infowars, @michaelscherer, Mediaite, Washington Post, @jgreendc, @dontestallworth, The Hill, Washington Post, Slate, @christinawilkie, The Wrap, @lwaltzer, @barbrastreisand, USA Today, CNET, Vanity Fair, CNN, @erikwemple, CNN, @jasonkander, New York Magazine, Mediaite, The Huffington Post, Mashable, Refinery29, Hot Air, @elizlanders, @scottfconroy, @jedediahspurdy, @jeffjarvis, @jonathanchait, Hot Air, @w7voa, @grace_lightning, @cnnsitroom, @ashleyfeinberg, @brianstelter, @mckaycoppins, @pattymo, @erikwemple, Associated Press, The Huffington Post, Refinery29, New York Magazine, @brianstelter, @yashar, @david_rees, Mediaite, @comfortablysmug, @rupertmyers, The Wrap, Vox, @danpfeiffer, @arappeport, @braddjaffy, Politico, @mynameisnegan, New York Post, @mattyglesias, Variety, @mattnegrin, @markberman, @aparnapkin, @maggienyt, @hrtbps, @ajplus, The Huffington Post, @dictionarycom, @maxboot, @chrisbolman, @studentactivism, @braddjaffy, @popehat, Rolling Stone, CBS New York, @jesseberney, NPR, @caitlynjk, @g_bluestone, @ivanthek, NBC News, @repadamschiff, @yashar, @cillizzacnn, Mother Jones, @juddlegum, @mattyglesias, @ryanlizza, @reformedbroker, @annetdonahue, @brookebcnn, @hrtbps, @parkermolloy, Mashable, KTLA, Axios, Observer, The Atlantic, @dylanbyers, @yashar and @julieplec

Q&A with tech journalist Walt Mossberg on the tech beat and his post-retirement plan to spend more time working on The News Literacy Project — Walt Mossberg was on the tech beat before most news outlets even established such a beat. In 1991, he ditched one of the most sought after jobs …

Global Press, the group that trains women in developing countries to be reporters, launches Passport membership program to move beyond philanthropic support — The 11-year-old organization is now looking to move beyond philanthropic support. — In 2015, following the earthquake in Nepal …

CNN hires Oliver Darcy, ex-politics editor at Business Insider, to cover media alongside Stelter and Byers, becoming the third alum of The Blaze to join — Two former employees of Glenn Beck's The Blaze website now work for CNN, as of Tuesday. The cable news outlet hired Oliver Darcy …
@oliverdarcy, Adweek and CNN

Rolling Stone settles defamation case with UVA administrator Nicole Eramo, named in debunked rape story, after challenging earlier $3M jury award — The terms of the settlement are confidential, according to a lawyer for University of Virginia administrator Nicole Eramo.
Death and Taxes, C-VILLE Weekly and Talking Points Memo

RBmedia launches with focus on digital media, acquires — A new digital media company is making its debut with a splashy acquisition: RBmedia, a new entity formed by combining eight brands focused on digital magazine and audio content, will acquire …
Digital Book World, Talking New Media and Publishers Weekly