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The Mail Online and the Daily Mail's apology to Melania Trump — The Mail Online website and the Daily Mail newspaper published an article on 20th August 2016 about Melania Trump which questioned the nature of her work as a professional model, and republished allegations that she provided services beyond simply modelling.

Source: Melania Trump will be paid around $2.9M in damages and costs by the Daily Mail; her initial suit asked for $150M in damages — Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets — The Daily Mail has apologized to Melania Trump and agreed to pay damages to settle a lawsuit filed …
Reuters, @harrysiegel, Bloomberg, @zoetillman, Hollywood Reporter, PAPERMAG, The Week and Media Law Prof Blog

Melania Trump accepts damages and apology from The Daily Mail publisher over allegations about her work as a professional model — US first lady sued UK newspaper's owners over allegations about her work as a professional model … The Daily Mail will pay damages to settle a libel claim brought …
BBC, Adweek, Newser, Fast Company, East Bay Times, Press Gazette, The Drum, The Independent, @marksweney and New York Magazine

Sources say Bill O'Reilly may not return to Fox News after his planned vacation, announced Tuesday; source says he plans to return April 24 — Embattled Fox News host Bill O'Reilly announced tonight that he is taking a vacation. O'Reilly's decision to go off the air in the midst …
The Huffington Post, Washington Post, Newser, Variety, @gabrielsherman, NPR, CNNMoney, Jezebel, Fortune, New York Times, Associated Press, CBS Los Angeles, The Week, Business Insider, Media Matters for America, The Wrap, Mediaite, @brianstelter, @brianstelter, The Wrap, @nbj914, @raju, @rob_coh, @hotliberalbitch and Axios

Press Secretary Sean Spicer apologizes on CNN for Hitler statement: “I mistakenly used an inappropriate, insensitive reference to the Holocaust” — “He was not using the gas on his own people in the same way that Assad is doing," Spicer said, drawing immediate backlash and calls …
Variety, The Huffington Post, Mediaite, Washington Post, CNNMoney, USA Today, New York Daily News, @tommyxtopher, Mother Jones, @politicoalex, Media Nation, The Hill,, @annefrankcenter, NPR, @pastpunditry, @abc, @chelseaclinton, Vanity Fair, The Week, Infowars, Salon, The Wrap, The Hill, Slate, @holocaustmuseum, New York Magazine, @braddjaffy, Rolling Stone, CBS New York, @michaelscherer, CNN, CNET, @jgreendc, @dontestallworth, @christinawilkie, @lwaltzer, @erikwemple, Mashable, @jasonkander, @jonathanchait, Politico, USA Today, Hot Air, CNN, NBC News, @jeffjarvis, @jedediahspurdy, @brianstelter, @w7voa, @grace_lightning, Associated Press, The Huffington Post, @cnnsitroom, Refinery29, New York Magazine, @elizlanders, @scottfconroy, @ashleyfeinberg, @mckaycoppins, @pattymo, Washington Post, @david_rees, @comfortablysmug, @brianstelter, @rupertmyers, The Wrap, Vox, @danpfeiffer, @arappeport, @braddjaffy, @mynameisnegan, New York Post, @mattyglesias, @mattnegrin, @markberman, @yashar, @aparnapkin, @maggienyt, @hrtbps, @ajplus, The Huffington Post, @dictionarycom, @maxboot, @chrisbolman, @studentactivism, @braddjaffy, @popehat, Rolling Stone, CBS New York, @jesseberney, NPR, @caitlynjk, @g_bluestone, Hot Air, @ivanthek, @repadamschiff, @yashar, @cillizzacnn, Mother Jones, @juddlegum, @mattyglesias, @ryanlizza, @reformedbroker, @annetdonahue, @brookebcnn, @hrtbps, Refinery29, @parkermolloy, Mashable, KTLA, Axios, Observer, The Atlantic, @dylanbyers, @erikwemple, @yashar, @julieplec, Mediaite, Mediaite, @barbrastreisand and Variety

During an interview at the Newseum with MSNBC's Greta Van Susteren, WH Press Sec Spicer apologized a second time for his comments about Hitler — WASHINGTON — White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer again apologized for comments he made comparing the use of chemical weapons in Syria …

Critics denounce Louisville's Courier-Journal for story about the “troubled past” of United passenger violently dragged off plane — Man dragged off overbooked United flight — It only took 24 hours for online anger to shift from United Airlines to a Kentucky newspaper.

Q&A with tech journalist Walt Mossberg on the tech beat and his post-retirement plan to spend more time working on The News Literacy Project — Walt Mossberg was on the tech beat before most news outlets even established such a beat. In 1991, he ditched one of the most sought after jobs …
Observer, @benthompson, @charlesmilander and @waltmossberg

MIT Technology Review's Editor-in-Chief Jason Pontin on how a troll made him rethink the site's comments section, limiting comments on some stories — I have a troll. Writing as @zdzisiekm, or “Gus,” or under other names, he has commented on stories on 6,386 times and counting as of April 2017.
@jason_pontin, @jason_pontin and @jeffjarvis

At Newseum event, Kellyanne Conway appears to criticize Bannon's description of the media as “the opposition party” and praises NYT reporter Maggie Haberman — Kellyanne Conway briefly strayed from the White House's long-standing critiques of the media Wednesday to deliver …

PwC/IAB UK report: digital advertising spend in the UK increased 17% in 2016 to reach £10.3B, driven by a rise in mobile video — Digital ad spend in the UK increased by 17% in 2016 to reach $10.3bn, marking the fastest growth rate for the industry in nine years.
@si_watson and @jimilind

Global Press, the group that trains women in developing countries to be reporters, launches Passport membership program to move beyond philanthropic support — The 11-year-old organization is now looking to move beyond philanthropic support. — In 2015, following the earthquake in Nepal …