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The White House Correspondents Dinner: celebrity guests, scholarships and awards, the president's absence, and Michelle Wolf's cringeworthy jokes — Welcome to our coverage of the 2018 White House Correspondents' Association dinner. — The president may not be attending this year's event …
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Journalists should stop the White House Correspondents Dinner because it has become downright counterproductive to the goals of good journalism — The 2018 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner should be the last. — It never has been a particularly good idea for journalists …

Annotated transcript of Michelle Wolf's caustic roasting of the Trump administration and the media at the White House Correspondents Dinner — Comedian Michelle Wolf roasted members of the Trump administration and the media at the annual White House correspondents' dinner on Saturday.
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Examining the puzzling pearl-clutching of people who said Michelle Wolf criticized Sarah Sanders' appearance, which Wolf didn't do — As soon as Michelle Wolf finished delivering her blistering White House Correspondents' Dinner roast of the Trump administration and the members of the press that cover it …
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The Wrap, Mediaite, The Daily Beast, ABC News, Vox, @breenewsome, theGrio, Mashable, The Guardian, CNN, YouTube, @tribelaw, Wall Street Journal, AOL, CNNMoney, IndieWire, Racked, Contemptor and Washington Post

The DOJ deleted a section from US Attorneys' Manual called “Need for Free Press and Public Trial”; Eric Holder-era policies on subpoenaing reporters remain — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ordered a review of the US Attorneys' Manual, which features high-level policy statements …
@ruthbenghiat, Law & Crime and New York Magazine

Starting in Q4 2018, YouTube TV ad inventory will be available through Google Preferred, the premium ad program for the top 5% most popular YouTube channels — Video giant to let marketers pitch spots to cord-cutters, buy inventory in YouTube TV — YouTube wants to siphon off …
YouTube Blog, Wall Street Journal, Engadget, Adweek, @tarawlevy, Deadline and The Drum, more at Techmeme »

Analysts: revenue for local TV stations is expected to increase 5.6% to $27.68B in 2018, boosted by political advertising in election season — Revenue for the local television station business is expected to increase 5.6% to $27.68 billion in 2018, according to BIA Advisory Services.
TVNewsCheck, MediaPost and Radio & Television …

Following algorithm changes on Facebook, Mic's views there dropped from 192M in April '17 to 11M in March '18, with sources saying it's running out of cash — June 2015 was an ebullient time for The company closed a $17 million funding round. The news site for millennials …

IAB report advises media buyers to spend on digital video ahead of next week's NewFronts, as audiences are younger and more diverse — Online advertising trade organization touts video viewership ahead of NewFronts next week — As publishers prepare to woo the advertising industry next week …

Suicide bomber in Kabul, disguised as a reporter, detonated bomb whilst among press pack, killing up to nine journalists, including AFP photographer, and others — A twin suicide attack in Afghani capital Kabul has killed 25 people including up to nine journalists, with one bomber having disguised himself …
Multichannel News, CNN, Liste, @jamieleecurtis, FOX40, @lovedaym, @kaitlancollins and @sulomeanderson

Apple News is exclusively publishing an excerpt from John McCain's new memoir, The Restless Waves, signaling a renewed commitment to publishing and reportage — Apple is offering a free book excerpt from Senator John McCain's new political memoir, The Restless Waves, coming out on May 22.

New York Times names Erin McCann its deputy editor of Politics and adds a mix of editors and reporters to the team — We are pleased to announce members of our Politics team for 2018 — a mix of great veteran political journalists and terrific reporters and editors from a range of desks …
@mccanner, @nickywoolf, @jswatz, @liamstack, @mccanner, @palafo, @sapna, @timherrera, @bypetevernon and @migold