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How Deadspin imploded after a long buildup of resentment between journalists and new bosses, with almost entire staff resigning by Thursday — The last meeting for many of Deadspin's journalists took place on Wednesday in a conference room adorned with fake black cobwebs …
@berniesanders, @david_j_roth, Poynter, @maxwelltani, @dhm, @domcosentino, Vox, @bubbaprog, @jeremymbarr, @lubchansky, @ashleyfeinberg, @jackmirkinson, @tomgara, @bruce_arthur, @walldo, @danhanzus, @marcatracy, @bobbybigwheel, @caitlin__kelly, @mikeisaac, @libbycwatson, @kevincooney, @sopandeb, @megreenwell, @janesports, @dianamoskovitz, @connor_j_hughes, @molly_knight, @stribsports, @justinjm1, @david_j_roth, @harrymccracken, Portland Mercury and Melville House Books
Bernie Sanders / @berniesanders: I stand with the former @Deadspin workers who decided not to bow to the greed of private equity vultures like @JimSpanfeller. This is the kind of greed that is destroying journalism across the country, and together we are going to take them on.
David Roth / @david_j_roth: I've tendered my resignation from Deadspin. You can listen to the Deadcast if you want to learn more about why, or you can ask me in a few days or something.
Tom Jones / Poynter: What should we call the impeachment? | Deadspin's tragic death | Nudes and revenge porn present ethics challenge
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Jim Spanfeller sent an email to G/O staff this afternoon in which he doubled down on his claims about Deadspin's traffic, blamed the dropped Farmers ad campaign on the “amount of press” it received, and (again) mocked several recent non-sports Deadspin posts.
Dan McQuade / @dhm: Deadspin's new owners wouldn't publish my Wildwood boardwalk t-shirt column this summer. I should have quit months ago, instead of just now.
Dom Cosentino / @domcosentino: I just quit, too. Deadspin was a good website.
Alexia Fernández Campbell / Vox: What the mass resignations at Deadspin tell us about work in America
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: I arrived at Deadspin not knowing a thing about blogging. And almost everything I know about it now, I learned from Dom. His presence was an incredible influence, as was the impression he made through his resolution throughout the Penn State scandal. I owe him an incredible debt.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Jim Spanfeller allegedly told Barry Petchesky to “get the fuck out.”
@lubchansky: one of my fondest early online memories was getting approval on a joke i wrote to be a deadspin commenter back when that was a thing you needed in like 2005(?) anyways quitting a job on principle is brave and hard, RIP to another good website, we continue to live in hell
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: bernie, please, god, tweet out the herb post
Jack Mirkinson / @jackmirkinson: Splinter was a good website Deadspin was a good website Can October 2019 be over please
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Deadspin was so special in so many ways, but an underrated part of it was its success on pure metrics alone: a staff of 20, with 20 million monthly unique users.
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: There will be nobody left by the end of the day. Roth is the best writer on Trump there is, and just a marvellous writer in all. Goodnight, Deadspin.
Brandon Wall / @walldo: “Shaken by the editor's departure, Deadspin staff members retreated to a nearby Planet Hollywood in Times Square for a drink”
Dan Hanzus / @danhanzus: Dom is a great NFL writer. Deadspin had so much talent on its roster and mgmt absolutely boffed it. Hard to believe.
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: My ⏰🕰 of the past week at Deadspin, with “HELP US” written in (fake) blood, a nostalgia trip to The Magician, and [expletive]
@bobbybigwheel: One of the best football writers there is and the most yinzer dude I've ever met
Caitlin Kelly / @caitlin__kelly: David is the best, and such an essential writer for this moment. Even more important, he has such a big heart and cares so much about the people he works with. His level of recall for obscure baseball trivia on the other hand is gross and unnatural. I am not afraid to say this.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: the venn diagram of twitter subcultures this speaks to is basically a perfect circle
@libbycwatson: we need someone to pay david a good amount of money to keep writing about trump, because he's the only person whose writing about trump is worth reading. no one else understands that man's minestrone brain like david does.
Kevin Cooney / @kevincooney: Damn proud to have been this man's colleague and friend for over a decade. An incredible reporter who should be hired somewhere ASAP
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: This is hilarious. Monty Python-level stuff.
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: Dom is football writers' favorite football writer because he knows absolutely everything about the NFL world and cuts through the bullshit better than anyone. Editing him is a dream.
Diana Moskovitz / @dianamoskovitz: When the T-shirt blogger goes, you know it's time to go. I will miss you (and the T-shirts) horribly! But I'm so glad we got to work together. I really am.
Connor Hughes / @connor_j_hughes: One of the most ridiculously-talented people I've met in this business. Also an OK guy. No doubt in my mind this dude lands on his feet.
Molly Knight / @molly_knight: I will subscribe (pay) to whatever publication hires this man the minute it's announced.
@stribsports: In a lot of ways, @Deadspin — famously dedicated to “Sports News Without Access, Favor, Or Discretion” — provides a perfect snap shot of the evolution of digital media and discourse. @RandBall on the site's demise.
Justin Miller / @justinjm1: Solidarity is a rarely used term because it is a rarely exercised virtue these days. Yesterday it was, in full.
David Roth / @david_j_roth: I'm going to log off for a bit, but I want to thank everyone I worked with, all of whom I consider friends and admire immensely, and everyone who commented on the site, all of whom I consider to be my personal attorneys. I'm so proud to have been a part of the thing you all made.
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: An editor who runs a publication by giving orders has failed even before everyone quits.

In a revolt at Deadspin after the firing of top editor Barry Petchesky, at least 8 journalists resigned Wednesday; 6 of 10 staff writers quit in the past week — On Monday, the journalists at the freewheeling website Deadspin were instructed by its owners to stick to sports.
@maxwelltani, The Ringer, @drewmagary, @barry, New Republic, @toley88, @david_j_roth, @gmgunion, Clio Chang, @timmarchman, @laurawags, USA Today, @thelatinochild, @jillian_schulz, @mckinneykelsey, @dellcam, @maxwelltani,, @madbastardsall, @kylenw, @franzkela, @tomgara, @maxkennerly, The Week, @flyingwithsara, @bubbaprog, @kvanvalkenburg, The Guardian, @banikarim, Techdirt, @davidubben, @wesleylowery, @ivieani, @sopandeb, @slmandel, @stefanfatsis, @bypatrickgeorge, @arayyay, @edzitron, Portland Mercury, Star Tribune, @bwags, @kathbarbadoro, @adrianchen, @dianamoskovitz, @onionincunion, @johnmoe, @jbenton, @jbenton, @kerrymflynn,, @mikelikessports, @jasongay, @donttrythis, Mother Jones, @pablotorre, The Independent, @patrickklepek, Bloomberg and @redford
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Yikes G/O Media just released a statement criticizing the traffic on non-sports Deadspin stories: “While amusing, our readers haven't actually come to Deadspin for stories like ‘Classic Rock, Ranked,’ or 'You're Goddamn Right It's Layering Season,' or 'It's OK to Logoff.' ”
Drew Magary / @drewmagary: I resigned from Deadspin this morning. That was a fun time you and me had there all those years, wasn't it? Let's do it again sometime.
Barry Petchesky / @barry: @maxwelltani FYI this is demonstrably false. According to our analytics department, since the start of the year, non-sports posts have on average double the traffic of sports posts.
Alex Shephard / New Republic: After Deadspin — Nick Denton, in the last post published …
Malik Beasley Szn / @toley88: .@barry no longer works at Deadspin and that means I no longer work at Deadspin. Bye!
David Roth / @david_j_roth: I'm putting up some last stories that I edited at Deadspin, all submitted and edited before today. I want to get these writers paid and read. All these stories are good and I feel lucky to have worked on them. Here is one, by @OAlmasri:
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: This is completely untrue. Honestly, if the editors went just by the data, Deadspin would have been a lifestyle and politics site with a sports subsite mostly dedicated to football.
Laura Wagner / @laurawags: I quit today too
Gabe Fernandez / @thelatinochild: Anyways, I'm done writing for Deadspin (being a permalancer means there's no official resignation process) so if you're interested in hiring someone to do some sports writing/blogging hit my line: gabe.fernandez1819 @ gmail dot com
Jill Schulz / @jillian_schulz: aside from giz, deadspin was always one of the easiest sites to pitch and sell. we rarely sold campaigns because the advertiser wanted to align with “sports”. they wanted the audience and the lifestyle sections (foodspin, adequate man, the concourse)
Kelsey Mckinney / @mckinneykelsey: Just now I resigned my position at Deadspin today along with many of my colleagues. I have been here only five months but they have been some of the best of my career and I will miss it deeply.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Welp, the comments on all of my articles (and every other @Gizmodo reporter) have been disabled, too. Believe it or not, we receive a lot of tips there. A story I wrote last month that hit a million eyeballs began w/ a reader comment. This directly fucks with my job.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: According to internal stats I've seen, on average, posts on The Concourse earn 108% more than Deadspin posts. As of earlier this year, the average PVs per post for The Concourse was 129k vs 62k for Deadspin's main page.
Prince Perspiro / @madbastardsall: i have quit my job at Deadspin.
Kyle Wagner / @kylenw: Of all the stupid ways Deadspin could meet its inevitably stupid end, “sabotaged by the dumbest man alive because he sucked at selling cut-rate insurance ads” is a travesty. Deadspin deserved the chance to sabotage itself on its own terms.
@franzkela: 95% of Philly twitter - me included - is just doing a lesser version of Dan McQuade
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Great piece on the rise of the zombie media - Newsweek, Playboy, soon Deadspin - carcasses of once living publications, now ruled by the undead
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: And there it is. Deadspin's management nuked non-sports posts contrary to their own business interests. It was just a personal preference. This happens in business far more often than we admit, particularly when the owners are so rich it's all play money.
Ryan Cooper / The Week: Capitalism without consequences — for the rich
Sara Nelson / @flyingwithsara: Rather than “stick to sports” the writers at Deadspin decided to stick together. ✊
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: I wanted Dan McQuade to be part of Deadspin for years before he agreed to join us. His contributions have been marvelous, both in video and with the written word, and I'm fortunate to have had the time to work alongside him.
Kevin Van Valkenburg / @kvanvalkenburg: A lot about this statement is annoying, but I'd like to touch on one thing in particular. It's evidence G/O Media goofs don't get how you actually build a community of readers that actually wants to return & (wait for it) perhaps see your ads. They just want empty viral traffic.
Killer Roy / @banikarim: just totally hypothetically, if i ran some websites & tanked their traffic by over 30% in six short months doing shady dumb things, i wouldn't issue false statements abt traffic which can be fact checked & would only encourage reporters to look closely at traffic. that's just me!
Timothy Geigner / Techdirt: Deadspin Is Being Burnt To The Ground By Its New Management As Staff Quits Or Revolts
David Ubben / @davidubben: This was a very good, very sad read and I hope one day soon more media leadership begins to understand that a captive, loyal audience is far more valuable than transient traffic. This is true for both society and the bank accounts of everyone involved.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: first thing my high school journalism teacher advised about working in this industry was to keep a “go to hell” fund for the day your bosses clash with your principles. Thought about using mine more than once, haven't yet. All respect to the Deadspin folks for their bravery today
Ivie Ani / @ivieani: Writers quitting Deadspin en masse is a big deal and very telling of the state of the industry. Getting out before you get got is a huge risk to take. Salute
Stewart Mandel / @slmandel: I'm here for Mavening as a verb.
Stefan Fatsis / @stefanfatsis: Deadspin was great and @david_j_roth on his way out the door publishing these pieces that writers poured their brains into shows how the people were even better
Patrick George / @bypatrickgeorge: Editors, take note: this is how you take care of your people.
Ashes-To-Ashes Ray / @arayyay: just a reminder, G/O Media owns: Deadspin Gizmodo The Root Jezebel Gizmodo Kotaku The Onion The A.V. Club Clickhole The Takeout Jalopnik Lifehacker a lot of properties we all love are at risk of going the Deadspin route, so pay attention to how Jim Spanfeller handles this
Ed Zitron / @edzitron: My Deadspin piece on Gamer got 165,000 page views, it did not mention sports once. Of my sports articles, I got 103,000 for my NBA Finals piece, 50k for my 49ers piece and 59k for my latest finals piece My person of interest piece got 144,000 ...
Blair Stenvick / Portland Mercury: Boo! Morning, News: Spooooky Impeachment Vote, Creeeepy Election Guide, and Scaaaaary World Series Win
Michael Rand / Star Tribune: RIP, Deadspin: A death as sad as it is chilling
Bobby Wagner / @bwags: stupid companies will lie about literally anything and i guess...expect people not to call them out???
Kath Barbadoro / @kathbarbadoro: The weirdest thing about this whole deadspin saga is that the site actually WAS profitable doing what it did. These VC goblins like being right and being in charge even more than they like making money, which is mind boggling
Adrian Chen / @adrianchen: Respect to @deadspin's writers and editors for resisting the profit-driven blandification of online media ✊
Diana Moskovitz / @dianamoskovitz: I kept thinking there would be a “good time” to announce this, but that “good time” never came. So here goes: Last week, I gave my two-weeks notice at Deadspin.
@onionincunion: We stand in solidarity with our GMG Union colleagues who have resigned from jobs they loved because of conditions they didn't.
John Moe / @johnmoe: Thing is, I'll read David wherever he goes. It was nice to have it at Deadspin where there was an aesthetic that complemented his style but they blew that up. So now I'll just see where my fave writers go and give those sites my clicks/$.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: And the recently fired editor, who knows these stats, agrees with me. Just dumb dumb dumb.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: .@Deadspin publishes pageviews on all its stories so it's actually quite easy to see how individual posts do. Just to take a gander, I compiled the stats for 10 NFL Deadspin stories and 10 stories from The Concourse, its home for non-sports stuff.
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: INBOX: G/O Media statement from GMG Union tweet about Deadspin resignations and “stick to sports” mandate
Rob Tornoe / Deadspin is no longer Deadspin after more writers walk out over ‘stick to sports’ edict
Mike Piellucci / @mikelikessports: If you're fortunate enough to know David, then you know this is him in a nutshell. The village is burning around him and he's still making sure to take care of people around him, particularly freelancers hungry for a chance to prove themselves.
Jason Gay / @jasongay: Santa Claus just resigned the North Pole. What a disgrace, what's happened to Deadspin.
Adam Savage / @donttrythis: I'm so sorry it's come to this. What a dumb tragedy. For the record I don't follow much sports, but i came to read deadspin every day, specifically because of your writing and that of your colleagues and how far and wide and hilariously it ranged. I stand with all of you!
Daniel King / Mother Jones: “Stick to Sports” Is About Control
Pablo S. Torre / @pablotorre: I've read @Deadspin for a long time, not least b/c it has always transcended sports. Our largely hellish media ecosystem/nation badly needs journalism like this, for example: . And the employees there deserve better than whatever the hell's happening now
Vittoria Elliott / The Independent: Staff exodus at Deadspin after parent company mandates ‘stick to sports’

Drew Magary, “cheerfully profane sports blogger at-large”, resigns from Deadspin — I resigned from Deadspin today. No more Funbag questions. No more Jamboroos. No more telling you why your team, and your children's television program, and the St. Louis Cardinals, and Christmas catalogs, and mayonnaise all suck.
@samer, @jayrosen_nyu, Deadspin, HuffPost, @drewmagary, @davewiner, @andrewpcollins, @david_j_roth, @jacobinmag, @jscros, @jawnita, @ashleyfeinberg, @megreenwell, @sethdmichaels, @gasman206, @jjoyce, @tvoti, @barry, @ianfroeb, @clairelizzie, @adamweinstein, @david_j_roth, @bobbybigwheel, @drewmagary, @kerrymflynn, @hayleighcolombo, @megreenwell and Jacobin
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Even self-interest and greed don't explain events at @Deadspin. Seemed to be about hurt feelings more than anything else. The dudes with capital just could not get over the fact that the writers knew more than them about the property. So they wrecked it.
David Roth / Deadspin: That Andy Dalton Feeling
Andy Campbell / HuffPost: Deadspin's Public Execution Reveals A Media Industry Dying From The Inside
Dave Winer / @davewiner: Deadspin's Public Execution Reveals A Media Industry Dying From The Inside.
Andrew P. Collins / @andrewpcollins: “It's been a good home. It bursts into flames roughly every four months, but that's the risk you take when you're firing off takes that are just THAT hot.”
David Roth / @david_j_roth: And here's the last Deadcast to sail under that flag, and some stuff about what's in it.
Jacobin / @jacobinmag: In an often barren media landscape, Deadspin was an oasis of editorial independence and irreverence. So its ultra-rich owners killed it. @alexnpress
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: the most fucked up thing about all this g/o media shit is that now we'll never get a chance to avenge our bullshit loss against the hated vice dot com in media softball
J. Escobedo Shepherd / @jawnita: i love you @drewmagary. thank you for letting me host the Deadspin Awards red carpet for 3 years and letting me ask a bunch of rando pro sports guys (Giants?? Jets?? idk) who they were wearing ...
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: samer is all these things but MUCH more importantly
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: Samer was the conscience of Deadspin. He always has the best instincts on the trickiest issues, and everyone on staff looks up to him and follows his lead. He is a top-tier journalist and I was lucky to work with him.
Seth D. Michaels / @sethdmichaels: the best-case, generous explanation is that the new owners were incredibly bad at their jobs. but it feels more like they bought the place with the express intention of stopping it from doing the thing it does.
Mike Gastineau / @gasman206: Watching private equity companies destroy media is so damn depressing. I've seen it from the inside and the outside. It sucks. Farewell @Deadspin
Jason Joyce / @jjoyce: The mass resignation seems to make it straightforward for someone with some money and a decent editorial sensibility to simply reboot one of the great websites (of any genre).
@tvoti: There are larger implications to this lovely Drew Magary post on leaving Deadspin, and I love his writing so much. But it's also so accurate to my leaving The A.V. Club back in the day, and I'm sharing it for that reason! ...
Barry Petchesky / @barry: A decade of getting to work at a great place with great colleagues and great readers far outweighs the shittiness of how it ended.
Transylvanian Froeb / @ianfroeb: I get teary-eyed just thinking about the piece Drew wrote about his son almost dying. I hope everyone who is rightfully, courageously walking away from Deadspin's garbage fire receives the staff-writer job/editorship/book deal they all deserve.
Claire Lower / @clairelizzie: Drew was wrong about mayo but right about nearly everything else
Adam Weinstein / @adamweinstein: Anyway if you're not the sort of self-loathing industry professional who reflexively prostrates himself before The Boss because The Boss gives The Money, read Drew on how hard it is to actually walk away from what you helped build ...
David Roth / @david_j_roth: The best there is.
@bobbybigwheel: There are friendships, marriages and children that exist because of Deadspin ...
Drew Magary / @drewmagary: Well now I can't just leave without saying goodbye. ...
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: @barry “Nothing stopping me from taking those toys elsewhere.” - @drewmagary in a post now on Kinja ...
Hayleigh Colombo / @hayleighcolombo: I am vacillating b/w being very sad that Drew no longer has a job at Deadspin and being very confident that a good new home will be found, preferably before the holidays so I can read the Haters Guide to the Williams Sonoma Catalog without worrying about his livelihood.
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: Drew is... Drew. He's incredible, and incredibly kind and generous. They made a goddamn national treasure walk out the door.
Alex N. Press / Jacobin: Un-Deadspin — In an often barren media landscape …

Apple TV+ launches with nine original titles in 100+ countries for $4.99/month or $49.99/year with a one year free trial on the purchase of a new Apple device — After months of waiting, Apple's TV streaming service Apple TV+ is now live. You can start watching on any platform that offers …
Associated Press, The Streamable, Financial Times, The Drum, CNET, The Verge, @bzamayo and MacRumors, more at Techmeme »
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: Apple TV+ Just Launched, Here is Everything You Need to Know
John McCarthy / The Drum: How Apple TV+ fits in to an increasingly crowded ad-free video streaming market
Eli Blumenthal / CNET: How to watch Dickinson on Apple TV Plus
Chris Welch / The Verge: How to watch Apple TV Plus
Benjamin Mayo / @bzamayo: Apple TV+ is live. Interestingly, you can watch the first two episodes of each show completely free, no trial commitment or anything.

Analytics company Jumpshot predicts 1M+ US customers have signed up for Disney+, which launches mid-November, based on data from a panel of online consumers — Disney's new streaming service, Disney+, doesn't launch until mid-November, but it may have already signed up over a million customers in the U.S. …

Ozy Media raises $35M in new funding led by Marc Lasry, a hedge fund manager who will join Ozy's board, bringing its total raised to $70M — OZY Media, a media and entertainment company led by Carlos Watson, said Friday that it's raised $35 million in new venture capital funding.
Tom Gara / @tomgara: I'd genuinely love to know what is the deal with Ozy. They're one of the genuine digital media mystery stories.

Campbell Brown's defense of Facebook not fact-checking political ads: “It should be the role of the press to dissect the truth or lies found in political ads” — - Campbell Brown, Facebook's Head of News Partnership, said she was “astonished” by the media's response …
New York Times,, @sarahfrier, Washington Post, Reason, Fortune, @dicktofel, The Week, @campbell_brown, @corytv, @charlesppierce, @campbell_brown, @mikeisaac, @katieharbath, @jonesonthenba, Fox News, @daviduberti, @jason_kint, Vanity Fair, The Daily Caller, @tomgara, @slpng_giants and @digiphile, more at Techmeme »
Aaron Sorkin / New York Times: An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: Facebook allowing lies in political ads got Aaron Sorkin's attention. In his piece, he delivers some behind-the-scenes detail about how Sheryl Sandberg handled “The Social Network” movie....
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: Aaron Sorkin, Mark Zuckerberg Feud Over Political Ads. Here's Why Sorkin's Wrong.
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: at what journalism organization did @campbell_brown learn that knowingly publishing false advertising was a good idea?
Matthew Walther / The Week: The self-righteous grandstanding of Facebook's critics
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: Dick, as I am sure you know the FCC requires broadcasters like my former network NBC to run ads by politicians true or false. We have the same standard.
Cory Johnson / @corytv: This is a powerful piece. Should I feel guilty for being long $FB?
Charles P. Pierce / @charlesppierce: Apparently, wrecking public education didn't work out as a long term plan.
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: Could not agree more.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: some salience here but the thing it misses is any product discussion whatsoever for *years*, the entire point for ad-supported networks was to make paid ads indistinguishable from organic content (fwiw i am not for or against either “side")
Katie Harbath / @katieharbath: Mark Zuckerberg faces criticism for remaining politically neutral.
Nate Jones / @jonesonthenba: Please don't act like they are the same forms of advertising. The issue people have is with micro targeted ads that don't see the light of day beyond the relatively small group they target. Political ads on National TV have to withstand the scrutiny of the entire nation.
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Mark Zuckerberg fires back at Aaron Sorkin's op-ed critical of Facebook — by quoting Sorkin's own movie
David Uberti / @daviduberti: Interesting how this WSJ editorial defending Facebook from “media and political elites” doesn't mention that parent company News Corp. is now a business partner of Facebook in a deal potentially worth millions of dollars a year
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: With respect Campbell, @jack just owned your company. His points are spot on - including the reach and velocity coupled with microtargeting being toxic to democracy (and very different from TV). Time to speak up internally. Your bosses are wrong on this. Again.
Alison Durkee / Vanity Fair: “America Isn't Easy”: Zuckerberg Hits Back at Aaron Sorkin—with Help From Aaron Sorkin
Chris White / The Daily Caller: Aaron Sorkin Used Fake News To Hit Zuckerberg For Not Fact-Checking Facebook's Political Ads
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Facebook's head of news: I'm shocked at criticism of our policies by journalists who apparently don't understand basic concepts of fairness and impartiality, check out this great piece by the Wall Street Journal editorial board for more on this
@slpng_giants: An incredibly strategic and dishonest take from @campbell_brown and @facebook to pin this on journalists. It's the rest of us that are pissed about the fact that this company only selectively cares about free speech. They've already decided that one candidate cannot run ads!
Alex Howard / @digiphile: The head of news partnerships at @Facebook says all “content” on FB News has met “integrity standards” for misinformation: Where are Facebook's integrity standards for misinformation? Where is the list of the 200+ outlets, paid & unpaid, who met them?

Twitter's political ad ban will run into enforcement issues on defining issue ads and possibly disadvantage lesser-known or nontraditional candidates
Whither news?, @kreissdaniel, First Draft, @ryangrim, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Verge, @emilyglazer, @emilyglazer, @jalter, @tpcarney, @kreissdaniel, @kreissdaniel, @wired, @rasmus_kleis, @robleathern, @muckrakery, @jalter, @davmicrot, @juliacarriew, @anildash and @brendannyhan, more at Techmeme »
Jeff Jarvis / Whither news?: Unpopular decisions
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: One other observation about the Twitter ads debate. The critics of digital ads have a simultaneously dim and unrealistically idealistic view of the electorate. These two views are incompatible.
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: It might be a nice troll of FB, but @jack's decision to ban political advertising is a huge blow to progressives, and a boon to big-money candidates. Twitter and FB are where candidates build and organize lists of supporters, that they then turn into donors and volunteers /1
Emily Glazer / Wall Street Journal: Twitter, Facebook Divergence on Political Ads Shows Tension in Regulating Speech
Jamie Condliffe / New York Times: The Week in Tech: WhatsApp's Spyware Fight Is at Least Good P.R.
Casey Newton / The Verge: Why a top content moderation company quit the business instead of fixing its problems
Emily Glazer / @emilyglazer: Twitter faces a new test after moving to block political ads this week: actually enforcing it. We looked at what Twitch, TikTok, Pinterest and other platforms have done:
Emily Glazer / @emilyglazer: Leading up to the 2018 election, @NextGenAmerica ran ads thru Twitch to get out the vote. Twitch almost backed out, but ultimately ran the ads. And in 2018, @prioritiesUSA and its media buyer tried to buy Pinterest ads several times over ~six months. None panned out.
Jessica Alter / @jalter: PSA: This is a bad decision and it won't have the impacts than anyone is talking about... Thread 👇
Tim Carney / @tpcarney: Yup. Facebook is cutting off the most accessible, cheapest way to target voters. Good for the establishment of both parties. Bad for upstarts and challengers.
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: Meanwhile, without campaigns to mobilize them, people do not participate in democratic processes, and many do not seek out information on their own.
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: At best, tech companies can moderate a bit of political discourse. But the political, social, racial/ethnic, and cultural divisions in American political life run much deeper than campaign ads, or even questions of epistemology.
@wired: If Facebook has made the issue of political ads seem unavoidably thorny, Twitter's decision to ban them all seems stupidly simple. Want to avoid refereeing political speech? Don't allow the ads
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: His observations on Facebook/Twitter approaches to political speech and political advertising are powerful reminders why people interested in intersection btw politics, journalism, media, & technology should follow @kreissdaniel for clear interventions with solid research backing
@robleathern: Useful take. Treating ads from a predefined set of accounts one way is a simple engineering problem compared to finding “issues” content across all advertisers, which is a requirement for banning such ads from previously unknown actors
Brandon Smith / @muckrakery: A thread on Twitter's political ad decision from the person who might know the most about how it will affect electoral politics. I—and a lot of others—might have been very wrong about how this will play out.
Jessica Alter / @jalter: 3/ This favors people who 1. can pay for these less cost effective forms of media and 2. those who have spent time building a twitter following. As an example of someone like this see Donald J. Trump
David Rothschild / @davmicrot: Facebook's head of their new News thing cites article that says Breitbart (right-wing, White Supremacist news) is balanced out by CNN (leaders in false equivalency and soap box for Trump-loyalists)
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: Facebook's PR strategy this week is starting to feel like a DDOS attack but with bad faith arguments
@anildash: This is the second genuinely surprising but of tech news today that shows that effective journalism, broad public critique & worker activism is having huge impact.
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: Read this thread; very relevant to the debate over Facebook ads. Notes: 1. Banning political ads would cut off a lot of candidates who can't afford TV. 2. Facebook would have especially great leverage over down-ballot candidates who can't afford TV if it starts banning ads.

Lead Stories, a Facebook fact-checking partner, to propose that political ads be fact-checked by Facebook partners, with a nonpartisan panel reviewing results
Frank Pallotta / CNN: Apple TV+ is coming for your iPhone. Here's everything you need to know
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: “There is an urgent need for a fair method to identify egregiously false political ads in 2020,” fact-checker @AlanDukeNews told CNN. “Our experience as fact checkers shows me that too many people are too fast to fall for disinformation.”

[Thread] Twitter will stop accepting all political advertising on its platform globally starting November 22
@jack,, @jack, @nxthompson, The Nation, Reason, The Hill, Marketing Land,, Inc42 Media, @jack, @axios, @lindaholmes, @notcapnamerica, @kvanaren, @jack, @ssnscholars, @nickgillespie, @pardesoteric, @jack, @aoc, @jbouie,, Politico, @ryangrim, Axios, The Mozilla Blog, Adweek, Washington Post, @maggieseverns, @tanyaocarroll, @rosenbergerlm and @chrismessina, more at Techmeme »
@jack: For instance, it's not credible for us to say: “We're working hard to stop people from gaming our systems to spread misleading info, buuut if someone pays us to target and force people to see their political ad...well...they can say whatever they want! 😉”
Will Oremus / Twitter's Ban on Political Ads Will Hurt Activists, Labor Groups, and Organizers
@jack: A final note. This isn't about free expression. This is about paying for reach. And paying to increase the reach of political speech has significant ramifications that today's democratic infrastructure may not be prepared to handle. It's worth stepping back in order to address.
Nicholas Thompson / @nxthompson: Can I raise my hand and suggest that both Twitter and FB are wrong and that the best solution is to allow political ads but to stop manifestly false ones? 🤷♂️🤷 ♂️
Nick Gillespie / Reason: ‘We Can Fact Check Your Ass,’ but Not When It Comes to Political Ads
Sen. Ted Cruz / The Hill: Mark Zuckerberg is right, Jack Dorsey is wrong
Amy Gesenhues / Marketing Land: Social Shorts: Twitter bans political ads, Facebook's Preventive Health tool, new CMO at Tommy Hilfiger
Kritti Bhalla / Inc42 Media: Twitter India To Bid Farewell To Leaders Personally After Political Ad Ban
@jack: Internet political ads present entirely new challenges to civic discourse: machine learning-based optimization of messaging and micro-targeting, unchecked misleading information, and deep fakes. All at increasing velocity, sophistication, and overwhelming scale.
@axios: Aaron Sorkin, who wrote “The Social Network,” penned an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg over the company's stance on political ads, saying it is “not defending free speech” but “assaulting truth.”
Linda Holmes / @lindaholmes: Sorkin thinking he can fix this by giving Zuckerberg a man-to-man talk about their shared history is the most Sorkin thing that has ever happened.
Chris Evans / @notcapnamerica: Your first mistake, Mr. Sorkin, is assuming that the person you addressed this letter to has a conscience or a soul.
Kathryn VanArendonk / @kvanaren: shout out to the NYT for really getting into the cursed spirit of Halloween by allowing the phrase “Aaron Sorkin's open letter to Mark Zuckerberg” to exist
@jack: A political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet. Paying for reach removes that decision, forcing highly optimized and targeted political messages on people. We believe this decision should not be compromised by money.
@ssnscholars: Next month, Twitter will ban political advertising. While many are praising the decision, others have expressed reservations. @UNC's @kreissdaniel considers the impact on down-ballot candidates for @washingtonpost @TonyRomm @isaacstanbecker. ...
Nick Gillespie / @nickgillespie: I'm impressed by @jack's decision to ban paid political ads (harder to implement than it might seem), but he's missing the liberating function of a no-name candidate buying exposure, a great way to level playing field with incumbents & better-known candidates/orgs.
Arielle Pardes / @pardesoteric: Today, Twitter announced a new policy to ban political advertisements on the platform. Great! Except, it's not quite so simple. My latest for @WIRED:
@jack: In addition, we need more forward-looking political ad regulation (very difficult to do). Ad transparency requirements are progress, but not enough. The internet provides entirely new capabilities, and regulators need to think past the present day to ensure a level playing field.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @aoc: This is a good call. Technology - and social media especially - has a powerful responsibility in preserving the integrity of our elections. Not allowing for paid disinformation is one of the most basic, ethical decisions a company can make. /1
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: the social network is probably worth a rewatch
Martin Macias Jr / Most Americans Back Social Media Ban on False Political Ads
Steven Overly / Politico: Eyes turn to Google as political ads divide Silicon Valley
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: Also there's really no such thing as “organic” reach on an unaccountable monopoly's platform. They dictate your reach, whether organic or paid, as FB has done in crushing organic reach.
Ashley Boyd / The Mozilla Blog: Facebook Is Still Failing at Ad Transparency (No Matter What They Claim)
David Cohen / Adweek: Mark Zuckerberg Spoke Extensively About Political Ads During Facebook's Earnings Call
Cat Zakrzewski / Washington Post: The Technology 202: Twitter placed the political ad ball in Facebook's court
Maggie Severns / @maggieseverns: This is very difficult to do, but *especially* difficult when the already-dysfunctional Federal Election Commission is without the quorum it needs to update the dated rules for political ad disclosure.
Tanya OCarroll / @tanyaocarroll: Twitter banning political ads is a powerful precedent. But the mechanics @jack describes in how paid-for-targeting can be weaponized and abused don't just apply to political ads. We need an overhaul of regulation for the whole adtech sector...
Laura Rosenberger / @rosenbergerlm: A really important move by @Twitter. Other platforms should follow suit. Until we have a real legal framework to address these challenges, private companies should not be making calls about issues this important.
Chris Messina / @chrismessina: FWIW, this was the only decision Twitter could make given that it's more open than Facebook (platform) and more of its users are concentrated in the US. Twitter encourages bots whereas Facebook is more about real identity. The risk to the health of the service was existential.

It was heartening to see Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey cut out a part of his business that he realizes he can't control
@sulliview, @sarahnemerson, @bandylaube, @mollyjongfast, @anandwrites, @chanders, @sulliview and The Wrap
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Free speech is protected, yes, but that shouldn't make straight-up lies and slander about political opponents acceptable fare on media outlets — which these platforms certainly have become. One more go 'round for my column here: ...
Slime Puppy / @sarahnemerson: a super interesting use case for twitter's political ad ban would be climate change. it “implies that advertisers can use Twitter to promote fossil fuel and the consumption of fossil fuel-based products, but not to advocate against them,” per @WillOremus
Bruce Laube / @bandylaube: Jack deserves our respect for taking this position. We need legislation against ‘blatant lying’ by politicians and media personalities. It will be difficult to write legislation that is constitutional. The internet and airwaves change the ability to influence and divide.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Always always always read @Sulliview on everything but especially on this Facebook vs twitter political advertising drama. ...
Anand Giridharadas / @anandwrites: Here's why @jack's decision matters. Most business titans today engage in virtue as a side hustle. Jack is attempting it in his day job.
@chanders: “Free speech is protected, yes, but that shouldn't make straight-up lies and slander about political opponents acceptable fare on media outlets — which these platforms certainly have become.” ...
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: However pure or impure his motivations may be, @jack deserves credit for doing something other than keeping his palm outstretched. My column: ...
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Why Twitter Can Afford to Ditch All Political Ads

Future, which owns Techradar, Android Central, and others, to buy Ti Media, which publishes 41 UK brands and 220 globally, including Marie Claire UK, for £140M — Magazine powerhouse Future has bid £140m to acquire rival Ti Media as it has the tech and expertise to scale and digitally monetise its brands.
Lucinda Southern / Digiday: Why Future has turned into a media consolidator
Gurjit Degun / Future to acquire TI Media for £140m
Arif Durrani / @durranimix: Yep, this is a remarkable turnaround story - if someone had told me in 2015 Future (having shed 40% of staff and posted £35m loss) would end up buying what was Time Inc UK, no one have believed it - credit must go to Zillah Byng-Maddick, now can she make M&A strategy profitable?
Fiona Ma / WWD: Future Acquires TI Media for 140 Million Pounds

Sources: Thomson Reuters has rebuffed takeover interest in its news wire from several suitors like Axel Springer and ITN boss Mark Wood — Thomson Reuters has rebuffed takeover interest in its news wire, according to people familiar with the matter, betting instead on a dealmaking media executive …

Netflix to launch its first original scripted podcast, as a complement to its post-apocalyptic series “Daybreak”, available exclusively on Spotify initially — Netflix is set to launch its first original scripted podcast, Variety has learned exclusively.
Podnews press releases, Digital TV Europe, The Verge, Tubefilter, The A.V. Club and Collider
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: Netflix makes first foray into scripted podcasts
Ashley Carman / The Verge: Netflix plans to release its first scripted podcast
James Loke Hale / Tubefilter: Netflix Sinks Its Teeth Into Scripted Podcasting With Post-Apocalyptic Miniseries ‘The Only Podcast Left’

Politically connected groups are creating sites that mimic local news outlets but promote ideological agendas, trying to capitalize on trust in local news — A growth in impostor local news that promotes ideological agendas. — The nature of the news misinformation problem may be changing.
@brendannyhan, @dangillmor, @torrhl, @aprilehrlich, @torrhl, @ggreeneva, @hammbear, @prowag, @brendannyhan, @mattgrossmann, @mattyglesias, @janebsinger, @michellemanafy, @aedwardslevy, @andyguess and @brendannyhan
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: Forgot to mention this but it's a great point
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: As @BrendanNyhan chronicles, the misinformation brigades are out to poison trust in local news, too.
Torr Leonard / @torrhl: “Voters could easily become confused about the origins of info from these seemingly innocuous local-sounding outlets. In 2016, websites in the Illinois network interviewed Republican candidates favored by a conservative state political committee, which then paid to mail versions”
April Ehrlich / @aprilehrlich: “The prevalence of these impostors is likely to increase as the 2020 election approaches, threatening to mislead more voters and to promote greater skepticism toward all news media, including the local outlets that so many Americans rely on and trust.”
Torr Leonard / @torrhl: “All of them originate w/ Locality Labs L.L.C., which created similar networks of questionable local websites in Illinois and Maryland. There's little information about these sites. They typically lack mastheads, local addresses and clear disclosure of their ownership...”
Greg Greene / @ggreeneva: .@BrendanNyhan: “Covertly ideological local sources aren't exclusively online. The media giant Sinclair has similarly blurred the lines ... [acquiring stations whose] news content becomes more nationally focused and more conservative.”
Keen / @hammbear: U.S. Chamber created deceptively named “news” sites to push their agenda years ago, too.
Mike Wagner / @prowag: The wise and prescient @MegDunk studies how new news organizations build credibility with audiences. ...
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: Also, many thanks to @MattGrossmann for the tweet ( ) that alerted me to the faux-local Michigan sites & inspired the Lansing Sun coverage that I cite ( ... ). He's a must-follow, esp if you want to keep up with new political science work.
Matt Grossmann / @mattgrossmann: Voters are more trusting of local news; political actors are taking advantage by creating local- & state-disguised “news” commentary sites, then citing them in campaign commercials @BrendanNyhan follows up on conservative “local news” networks
@mattyglesias: These are sleazy tactics, but politics ain't beanbag. Progressive donors fetishize “organizing” over scalable mass communication to their detriment.
Jane Singer / @janebsinger: It's good that people trust local news, right? Maybe not: Dozens of impostor local sites promoting ideological agendas have sprung up. Some are backed by foreign operatives; others are domestic. Together, they are behind hundreds of thousands of tweets.
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: The nature of the news misinformation problem may be changing. As consumers become more skeptical about the national news they encounter online, impostor local sites that promote ideological agendas are becoming more common.
Ariel Edwards-Levy / @aedwardslevy: “Faux-local websites...with names like Battle Creek Times, Detroit City Wire, Lansing Sun and Grand Rapids Reporter...mix news releases and town announcements with rewritten content derived from other sources” including conservative groups like Heritage
Andy Guess / @andyguess: Important column by @BrendanNyhan. Everyone's talking about deepfakes, but we shouldn't overlook the potential threat next year of lo-tech, weaponized local news.
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: @UpshotNYT My @UpshotNYT on impostor local sites ( features the new 2019 @Poynter media trust survey w/@andyguess & @JasonReifler, which shows people not only trust local news more but prefer local sources in a controlled study (especially Rs)

After Red State and Daily Mail posted salacious photos of Rep. Katie Hill, other media outlets weigh how to handle personal privacy and leaked information — “Publishing [intimate] photos ... doesn't make you a journalist. It makes you a Peeping Tom." — Katie Hill may be the first …
Noah Rothman / @noahcrothman: Not sure how far off it is before people start proudly sharing their nude selfies on social media in advance of a run for office, but it can't be long now. ...
Guante / @elguante: “This really isn't about Katie Hill. It's about the long fight women have had to have agency over our own bodies.” This piece does a great job picking apart the predictable, victim-blamey “well just don't take/send them!” commentary that always comes up around this issue.
Jeff-Merry Slaughter / @carolinianjeff: “And that presents an epic dilemma for the media, said editors and publishers.” So, um, No. No it doesn't. It might be an “epic dilemma” for unethical clickbait gossipmongers, but it's an incredibly easy call for actual journalists.
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: @mlcalderone I'll also confess to being a little confused about the idea that this is a brand-new ethical question. Media organizations have been grappling with this for at least a decade! It's possible the legal and ethical standards are now changing, but the issue itself isn't new.
Ashley Fairbanks / @ziibiing: I've heard so many stories now about how anxiety over revenge porn is holding women back. Let's not give up our power. Let's recognize that nude photos aren't rare, and if we want young women to lead, we are going to have to accept them. ...
Michael Kruse / @michaelkruse: “Everyone needs to keep in mind that journalism in the public interest does not simply mean journalism that's interesting to the public,” @kbculver tells @mlcalderone, and “digital technologies mean journalism ethics isn't just for journalists anymore.”
Michael Gendron / @michaelgendron: What the heck are you grappling with? Don't publish them. Ever.
Kitty Eisele / @radiokitty: media grapples w/ poss. onslaught of nude photos via @politico. RedState, a conservative site owned by Salem Media Group, a co, aimed at “audiences interested in Christian, family-themed content, conservative values,” did publish intimate photos (of) Hill
Stephen Werewolf / @politicswolf: “Former campaign aides to Republican Steve Knight, a former Palmdale congressman, received nude photos of Rep. Katie Hill, and one of them posted them on conservative websites.”
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: “There's going to be a generation of members of Congress and politicians where there are thousands of images just around,” @chrislhayes noted this week.