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An unreleased version of Justice League, the cut by original director Zach Snyder, will be released on HBO Max in 2021, after a sustained fan campaign — ‘John Henry’ Producers on Their Netflix Ratings Smash, Dwayne Johnson Controversy and Potential Sequel
Hollywood Reporter, CNN, The Ringer, Numlock News, @dylanbyers, @xpangler, @reillybjohnson, The Indian Express, @pkafka, @poniewozik, @hackswithhaggs, @ser_jon_arryn, @ashleyesqueda, Always Be Watching, @ringer, @aaroncouch, @pkafka, @pkafka, New York Post, @seanfennessey, The Wrap, @lord0fthunder, The Week, @_thesmartalec, @thatpetewoods, @thr, @benkendrick, @harvilla, Tubefilter, The Mary Sue, Collider, The Streamable and Fortune

Inside the mad dash to launch HBO Max during the pandemic and the twists and turns at WarnerMedia over the last year — Creating a rival to Netflix is more urgent than ever for WarnerMedia. Will the HBO Max moonshot succeed? — On the biggest day of his career, John Stankey arrived …
@annaknicolaou, @lucas_shaw, @ftlifearts, @edmundlee, @annaknicolaou, @loudmouthjulia, @financialtimes, @mattgarrahan and @alexweprin

Pew study shows divide between those who rely on White House for pandemic news and those using other sources; White House group broadly says media hypes risk — People in this group are most likely to say the outbreak has been made too big of a deal, journalists have been exaggerating the risks
Nieman Lab, MediaPost, @pewresearch, @pewresearch, @domdifurio, @asmitch, @pewresearch, @johngramlich, @jayrosen_nyu, Mediaite and Multichannel News

Twitter is testing a feature that lets a tweet's author limit who can reply, giving the options of Everyone, People You Follow, and Only People You Mention — Twitter today acknowledged that it's begun testing a new setting that let users limit who can reply to tweets.
Twitter, Android Community, @paulwrblanchard, @petersterne, @manishm345, @mmasnick, @thhamilton, @walkermarcus, @mattnavarra, @eriqgardner, @taylorlorenz, @bluechoochoo, @twittersupport, @nedsegal, @gadinbc, @chrisgeidner, @bluechoochoo, @kateconger, @rvawonk, @mattsingh_, @bluechoochoo, @sekwisniewski, @carlquintanilla, @willystaley, @neerajka, @ivanthek, @mattsingh_, @willoremus, Ad Age, The Next Web, 9to5Mac, and The Verge, more at Techmeme »

Publishers like Time and Gannett are highlighting packages of stories of civic, economic, and public recovery to lure back coronavirus-weary advertisers — In trying to sell ads against their coronavirus coverage, news publishers have gone through a Kubler Ross-esque progression.
Poynter, American Press Institute, @keithgrossman, @sampjacobs, The Media Nut and NewsLab

Sources: Amazon's head of UK and Ireland operations Doug Gurr is on the shortlist to become BBC's next DG; the current shortlist features just one woman — Exclusive: shortlist features just one woman as potential candidates weather crisis in current roles
Deadline, @marksweney and @jimwaterson

Court docs: William Lewis, who quit as Dow Jones' CEO this month and is on shortlist to become BBC's next DG, has been accused in News Group phone hacking case — Exclusive: Former newspaper executive Will Lewis alleged to have played part in email deletions
@gcluley, @henrycporter and @katebevan

ClickHole returns and starts publishing as a new, employee-owned website, about four months after being acquired by Cards Against Humanity — It's been almost four months since the satire site ClickHole was purchased by Cards Against Humanity and published their last article, titled …
ClickHole, @niemanlab, @grahamstarr, @vulture, @grahamstarr, ClickHole, Gothamist and The Wrap

BBC says it faces an estimated £125M in lost income this year and has had record viewing figures during the lockdown, including among 16- to 34-year-olds — The BBC will be forced to find further savings as it faces an estimated £125m in lost income this financial year as a result …

NYT's proprietary ads platform plan has been misread as protecting user data more than Facebook and Google do, yet NYT will still sell targeted ads using data — One of the most frustrating aspects of discussing the internet, business models, and privacy is how many otherwise intelligent people continue …
@silvermanjacob, @freedomofpress, @zackkanter, @tealtan, @nicdawes, @mmasnick, @malwarejake and @raju, more at Techmeme »

Poynter launches Locally, a site to help local journalists with information about layoffs, closures, job listings, funding opportunities, remote training, more — The coronavirus is a story unlike any in a generation. It's a global issue playing out differently in every community on the planet.
@kristenhare, @poynter, @poynter and @poynter

Scribd announces Scribd Perks, which gives paying subscribers access to additional audio and video streaming services like Pandora Plus at no extra charge — E-book and audiobook subscription service Scribd has been actively embracing and experimenting with bundling over the past couple of years …
CBR, more at Techmeme »

Ahead of Tribune Publishing's shareholder meeting Thursday, workers who faced pay cuts worry Alden Global Capital will gain more control and launch more cuts — Inside the Tribune Publishing newspaper chain, all eyes are focusing on Thursday's annual shareholder meeting.
@loriacarter, @kaylabyler, @davidfolkenflik, @raqzal, @dmihalopoulos, @mattlaslo, @ssdance, @yelvington, @joejov3, @mollymotoole, @michaelsocolow and @gabrieljr