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Ben & Jerry's, Eddie Bauer, and Magnolia Pictures join Patagonia, REI, and others suspending Facebook ads in July to protest amplification of hate speech — Eddie Bauer, Magnolia Pictures, Ben & Jerry's and others have suspended campaigns over the platform's content moderation practices.
@benandjerrys: We will pause all paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram in the US in support of the #StopHateForProfit campaign. Facebook, Inc. must take the clear and unequivocal actions to stop its platform from being used to spread and amplify racism and hate. >>> ...
Todd Spangler / Variety: Trump Tweet Threatening D.C. Protesters With ‘Serious Force’ Hidden by Twitter for ‘Abusive Behavior’
Abid Rahman / Hollywood Reporter: Magnolia Pictures, Ben & Jerry's, Eddie Bauer And More Brands Join Facebook Ad Boycott
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: The biggest tech story right now is companies like @benandjerrys @patagonia and @thenorthface pulling ads from Facebook.
@slpng_giants: BIG NEWS: @benandjerrys has joined the #StopHateForProfit campaign and will pause their advertising on Facebook starting in July! As always, a leader in responsibility and civil rights!
@jimrutenberg: “Not Perfect” says @Facebook. “Not good enough” says @patagonia @thenorthface @MagnoliaPics and a growing list of other advertisers
Mary Anne Franks / @ma_franks: “There's a growing awareness that this isn't a brand safety issue anymore — it's a societal safety issue.”
Tiffany Hsu / @tiffkhsu: Ben & Jerry's, Eddie Bauer and Magnolia Pictures joined Patagonia and more today in pausing paid Facebook ads. Agencies are now developing guidelines for clients thinking about joining the boycott (which doesn't include unpaid posts and ends after July).
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry's Joins #StopHateForProfit Campaign, Puts Facebook Ads on Pause
Tyler Sonnemaker / Business Insider: Ben & Jerry's just joined the growing list of advertisers boycotting Facebook over the platform's lack …
Judd Legum / Popular Information: Facebook advertisers hit pause

Not only is “objective neutral” journalism predicated on a white perspective, it deprives readers of plainly stated facts for fear of accusations of partiality — What's different, in this moment, is that the editors of our country's most esteemed outlets no longer hold a monopoly on publishing power.
@jeffjarvis, @joseiswriting, @newsbysamuels, @newsbysamuels, @newsbysamuels, @newsbysamuels, @newsbysamuels, @newsbysamuels, @newsbysamuels, @newsbysamuels, @anniema15, @anniema15, @katzonearth, @katzonearth, @zoemjack, @mazsidahmed, @miriamelder, @harrylylesjr, @jordanchariton, @janesports, @athertonkd, @maggiekb1, @drallirich, @sarahparvini, @natematias, @emarvelous, @dataeditor, @sarahw, @jamilsmith, @jaycaspiankang, @jbillinson, @katzonearth, @clarajeffery, @ericmgarcia, @michaelharriot, @armandondk, @amanda_parris, @oliviakrauth, @tylerrickytynes, @anastasiakeeley, @vladduthierscbs, @jeffjarvis, @benspielberg, @kat__stafford, @benyt, @soledadobrien, @allisonlcarter, @jeffjarvis, @benyt, @michaelluo, @mr_berman, @wesleylowery, @hshaban, @maiasz and @harrysiegel
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: 4/ After half a century, newsrooms have failed abjectly at diversifying staffs and especially management: at sharing power. The question I struggle with: Is it time to give up and support instead media from communities, new and old?
Jose Antonio Vargas / @joseiswriting: After reading @WesleyLowery's discerning piece, as I muted @chucktodd on @MSNBC, isn't it way overdue for a Black journalist to host @MeetThePress? #IdaBWellsWouldbeProud
Robert Samuels / @newsbysamuels: I had serious journalistic discomfort about what I was doing. I rarely got the time to scrutinize the stories I was quickly writing to make sure that the cops were saying the right thing. I told them the job was off. Instead I got called a diva (which I may be, but not for this)
Robert Samuels / @newsbysamuels: The problem with those reports were they would be thrown out if they came from any other source. Names spelled wrong, victims address' wrong, suspects previous arrest records were wrong. Fortuantely, I'd catch them. But some times, entire narratives were wrong. (3/
Robert Samuels / @newsbysamuels: In the end, an editor was called a dutiful but not extraordinary night cops reporter. It was true. The editor said it was also because they learned I was “insulted by the position.” That was not true. (7/
Robert Samuels / @newsbysamuels: I told my editors that if I had to do the job for more than a year, I was going to leave the paper. By the 364th day, they knew I had a job offer and acceptance in grad school in hands, and gave me a new beat. But here is what stung: (6/
Robert Samuels / @newsbysamuels: Almost a decade ago, my old news organization asked me to placed on the night cops beat. I didn't want to do it because deadlines were stiffening, newsprint was shrinking and all that led to an uncomfortable reliance on arrest reports and official statements from cops. (2/
Robert Samuels / @newsbysamuels: What's Wes right about? There needs to be a radical re-imagining of how daily cops reporting is done in journalism. It's long overdue, and it's been something reporters - particularly black reporters - have complained about for years. I know this because I am one of them. (1/
Robert Samuels / @newsbysamuels: And nothing was worse than getting a call the next day from a family who didn't care about all of the “police said” attributions you'd add to shift the blame from the fact that you couldn't report it fully. (4/
Robert Samuels / @newsbysamuels: Fortunately reporters on the day shift would often re-report what deadlines simply didn't allow me to do the time to do. But I felt like the job was journalistically ethical but morally dubious. Night cops reporting almost led to me giving up on news reporting altogether. (5/
Annie Ma / @anniema15: anyways this is a great piece from my friend and former deskmate @SophieHaigney on objectivity and police narratives and who we grant authority to, none of which can be separated from the lack of diversity in newsroom decision-makers
Annie Ma / @anniema15: but i never really felt empowered to say anything about it, and a cynical part of me felt like no one cared. cops reporting often fails to even meet the deeply flawed standard of “both-sides,” because limits on time and resources mean you're just left with “police said.”
Jonathan Myerson Katz / @katzonearth: The fact is that if people want to take this shift seriously, a lot of highly paid current reporters got to go, and a lot of other people who have been toiling on the sidelines for $250 web fees are going to have to take their jobs.
Jonathan Myerson Katz / @katzonearth: The fact that @benyt read @WesleyLowery's whole column and still thought “project fairness” was one of the two most important parts just proves my point.
Zo Jackson / @zoemjack: “Instead of promising our readers that we will never, on any platform, betray a single personal bias — submitting ourselves to a life sentence of public thoughtlessness — a better pledge would be an assurance that we will devote ourselves to accuracy.” 🔥🔥🔥
Mazin Sidahmed / @mazsidahmed: I agree. Starting our own publications is one answer
Miriam Elder / @miriamelder: This discussion keeps reminding me of @camanpour's mantra, developed after covering the genocide in Bosnia, that there's a difference between being truthful and neutral
Harry Lyles Jr / @harrylylesjr: *investing* in black writers and journalists is extremely important. hiring us is the viral video that everyone is comfortable sharing because it makes you feel like you Did A Good. investing is doing the thing that's actually going to bring about change
Jordan / @jordanchariton: This is a MUST READ by @WesleyLowery on what I've been saying for years—"neutral objective" journalism is a bullshit paradim meant to keep the masses uninformed and misinformed all for the misguided desire of seeming “fair.”
Jane McManus / @janesports: Such a great piece about the identity and journalism, and how Black reporters have often been forced to erase their experience when they enter the newsroom and adopt the neutrality of the universal (white, male) voice.
Kelsey D. Atherton / @athertonkd: “Neutral objectivity insists we use clunky euphemisms like “officer-involved shooting.” Moral clarity, & a faithful adherence to grammar & syntax, demand we use words that most precisely mean [what] we're trying to communicate: “the police shot someone.""
Maggie Koerth / @maggiekb1: Science journalists have been talking about false objectivity and the problems it creates for climate reporting for years. But here's a really good essay talking about the impact false objectivity has on diversity and racism.
Allissa V. Richardson, Ph.D. / @drallirich: Mandatory @nytimes reading for all journalism schools, by @WesleyLowery: “A Reckoning Over Objectivity, Led by Black Journalists.” Definitely on my syllabus for the fall at @USCAnnenberg.
Sarah Parvini / @sarahparvini: “Neutral ‘objective journalism’ is constructed atop a pyramid of subjective decision-making: which stories to cover, how intensely to cover those stories, which sources to seek out and include, which pieces of information are highlighted and which are downplayed.”
J. Nathan Matias / @natematias: @WesleyLowery's story about communities resenting poor news coverage reminds me of @kanarinka's project “Mapping the Globe,” which summarized the kind of coverage that the Globe gave to different neighborhoods in Boston.
Errin Haines / @emarvelous: It's easy to be objective when the default setting is white and male. My friend @WesleyLowery outlines an old fight happening in a new day, why it matters and why change is coming in and out of the newsroom:
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: i always love reading Wes but i truly miss reading his drafts
Jamil Smith / @jamilsmith: “Black journalists are hired and told — sometimes explicitly — that we can thrive only if we don't dare to be our full selves,” @WesleyLowery writes. “What's different now, in this moment, is that the editors no longer hold a monopoly on publishing power.”
@jaycaspiankang: This is an important piece by @WesleyLowery. I only want to add, and not in a dispiriting way, I've now worked at ESPN, New Yorker, NYT, Vice, and This American Life and tried to push for diversity and I don't think media will ever change.
Josh Billinson / @jbillinson: “Instead of telling hard truths in this polarized environment, America's newsrooms too often deprive their readers of plainly stated facts that could expose reporters to accusations of partiality or imbalance.”
Jonathan Myerson Katz / @katzonearth: This has been a core question for my entire 20 year career. The fact that the new media columnist for the New York Times is just waking up to it is further proof that the incentive structure of journalism is completely backward.
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: This is a must read piece by @WesleyLowery. I also am fascinated by the photo selection.
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: Excellent piece by @wesleylowery on objectivity and the press. To his point reporters of color often have sources who look like them too give a more complete picture of what the objective truth is.
@michaelharriot: Here is my comprehensive Twitter summary of @WesleyLowery's article on journalistic objectivity in the @nytimes today: “That MF spittin!” The end
Amanda Parris / @amanda_parris: “The mainstream has allowed what it considers objective truth to be decided almost exclusively by white reporters and their mostly white bosses. And those selective truths have been calibrated to avoid offending the sensibilities of white readers.”
Olivia Krauth / @oliviakrauth: “Deference to precedent is a poor excuse for continuing to make decisions that potentially let powerful bad actors off the hook and harm the public we serve.”
Tyler R. Tynes / @tylerrickytynes: For the entirety of journalistic history newsrooms across the country, most prominently in national outlets, have demonstrated a labored refusal to racially integrate Thus, demands from Black journalists have always been simple: hire us & invest in us
Annie Shields / @anastasiakeeley: If you couldn't see that what happened at the NYT was a labor story, I am afraid you were on the wrong side.
Vladimir Duthiers / @vladduthierscbs: “We also know that neutral “objective journalism” is constructed atop a pyramid of subjective decision-making:..No journalistic process is objective. And no individual journalist is objective, because no human being is.” @WesleyLowery verum est..!
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Excellent by @WesleyLowery. What journalism calls its virtue—objectivity— is a pillar of its systemic racism: “the mainstream has allowed what it considers objective truth to be decided almost exclusively by white reporters and their mostly white bosses.”
Ben Spielberg / @benspielberg: The concept of “objective journalism” as sold in the media is a facade. @WesleyLowery explains how it marginalizes and pushes out journalists of color; more broadly, it protects existing power structures rather than holding the powerful to account.
Kat Stafford / @kat__stafford: A column that every news manager and executive should read via @WesleyLowery. “...The failure of the mainstream press to accurately cover Black communities is intrinsically linked with its failure to employ, retain and listen to Black people.”
Ben Smith / @benyt: Also why twitter isn't always the best place for arguments about journalism. People take a slogan to mean whatever they want it to mean, when it's not really a theoretical business.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Seriously—best thing I've read today on what does “objectivity” mean, when reporting on communities generally ignored, mischaracterized, frequently exploited by the press.
Allison Carter / @allisonlcarter: “No journalistic process is objective. And no individual journalist is objective, because no human being is.”
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: 5/ Most newsrooms are not diverse. Most newspapers are controlled by hedge funds or exhausted families & won't invest in diversity & innovation. So what do we do with them?
Ben Smith / @benyt: Here's @WesleyLowery wrestling with what I think really is a core question these days: how to be fair, and project fairness, as a reporter today
Michael Luo / @michaelluo: .@WesleyLowery offers a very, very thoughtful piece on this debate, the fruit of much thinking, reading, and wrestling.
Matt Berman / @mr_berman: A concise case for why Twitter is good and why relying on “never tweet” is bad, within an overall really strong essay.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: What if we built a journalism where instead of judging a reporter's ability to be fair and accurate based on their tweets, we instead judged them based on their journalism? Let's abolish “your tweet” emails and meetings
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: A summary of American journalism's failure to properly cover the Trump administration and to understand how a fixation on the appearance of objectivity fails the public interest and allows bad-faith actors to manipulate the news media: Via @WesleyLowery

WHCA cancels its White House Correspondents' Dinner planned for Aug. 29 but is working on a virtual presentation to salute award-winning journalism — Unfortunately, we must cancel the 2020 White House Correspondents' Dinner. We still hope to have a virtual event later this summer. But an in-person dinner simply is not possible. Here is my note to @whca members
Washington Post, @sambucabral, Mediaite, @jparkabc, @sunnyright, The Wrap, TVNewser and Axios
Sam Cabral / @sambucabral: Genuinely heartbroken. One of the few things I could look forward to participating in. 2020 takes yet another victim.
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: White House Correspondents' Association Dinner Canceled Over Covid Concerns
John R Parkinson / @jparkabc: Bummer, Jon - would have been the best Nerd Prom yet - but looking forward to the virtual event. Ordering a tuxedo t-shirt now.
Sunny McSunnyface / @sunnyright: Local circle jerk cancelled
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Trump Contradicts White House Defense He Was Joking About Rolling Back Coronavirus Tests: 'I Don't Kid' (Video)
Ursula Perano / Axios: 2020 White House Correspondents' dinner canceled

LAT union's Black caucus demands management commit to hiring at least 18 Black journalists over 3 years, fix pay gap, engage with communities of color, and more — As a union, it is our responsibility to be a force for progress, and we cannot build the future we want for the Los Angeles Times until we clearly see its past.
@mattdpearce, The Wrap, @loisbeckett, @jenyamato, @adamelmahrek, @angeljennings, @adriana_lacy, @alenetchek, @hunterw, @jaylclendenin, @mattdpearce, @vanessamartinez, @byfernandas, @ryangirdusky, @melissagomez004, @davidfolkenflik, @thomas06037, @stacyfernandezb, @jamesqueallylat, @aaja, @jenyamato, @laurenjmapp, @brittanyhite, @gerrickkennedy, @tomas_mier, @gerrickkennedy, @josie_huang, @klcpegher, @sherlyholmes, @jamilsmith, @ladyviii, @sonali_kohli, @makedaeaster, @marissaaevans, @adrienneshih, @billplaschke, @liledit, @gerryfsmith, @mitrakalita, @angeljennings, @augustbrown, @thecindycarcamo and @matthjourno
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: .@GerrickKennedy was a phenomenally talented co-worker, and there's something broken in an institution that drives journalists like him away. I'm sharing his #BlackatLAT story in solidarity and hope it leads to positive change, outlined here via @latguild:
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Black LA Times Journalists Demand Change From Leadership: We Are ‘Ignored, Marginalized, Under-Valued’
Lois Beckett / @loisbeckett: This is such a powerful statement/public messaging campaign from the @latguild's Black Caucus, on what it would mean to truly reckon with the ways that newsrooms have failed Black reporters for decades:
Jen Yamato / @jenyamato: “It is very easy for a Black reporter to disappear at the LA Times.” Black journalists have experienced pain and racism at the @LATimes. @JeromeRCampbell is one of many former Times employees sharing their stories. We demand lasting change. #BlackatLAT
Adam Elmahrek / @adamelmahrek: Reading all the #BlackatLAT testimonies has been a serious eye opener. We have got to do better. And 💯 we need Black journalists on the i-team. For moral reasons. And to do good journalism... what stories are we missing without them?
Angel Jennings / @angeljennings: There are ZERO Black journalists on the @latimes investigative team. We demand change. #BlackatLAT
@adriana_lacy: Black journalists, past and present, have experienced pain and racism at @latimes. Michael Livingston shared his story, as did other former Times employees. We demand lasting change. #BlackatLAT
Alene Tchekmedyian / @alenetchek: Generations of Black journalists have experienced pain and racism in the @latimes newsroom. @JeromeRCampbell shared his story, as did other former Times employees. We demand lasting change. #BlackatLAT
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: Gerrick is a great guy and literally a peerless music writer. Any institution that couldn't hold on to him should be doing some deep reflection.
Jay L. Clendenin / @jaylclendenin: As newsrooms reckon with systemic racism and discrimination, it has become clear the L.A. Times is not immune. We collected the stories of former Black @latimes staff, including Ed Boyer. I stand with my co-workers. We demand change. #BlackatLAT
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: Today, @latguild is staging a show of solidarity organized and led by our Black colleagues, who will use the hashtag #BlackatLAT throughout the day to tweet testimonials from Black former colleagues. You can read an open letter from our Black Caucus here:
Vanessa Martnez / @vanessamartinez: “Diversity is when Black journalists are in your newsroom. Inclusion is when those Black journalists are appreciated, empowered, respected, heard and valued — and that isn't happening.” We collected the stories of former Black @latimes staff. Follow #BlackatLAT to see them all
Fernanda Santos / @byfernandas: Just imagine if Black and Brown journalists in every news organization out there starting openly sharing their stories ... #BlackatLAT
Ryan James Girdusky / @ryangirdusky: Do a headcount of how many conservatives work at the paper
Melissa Gomez / @melissagomez004: There would be no path forward for brown journalists like myself without our Black colleagues, who continue to do great work despite being undervalued. The @latimes needs to do better if it wants to earn the trust of Black & brown folks. #BlackatLAT
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: NEWS: Black journalists at the LATimes have posted a list of demands for change at the paper. They include hires to make newsroom reflect black population of LA County; pipelines for black journalists to rise; and apology for past wrongs in coverage.
Thomas Suh Lauder / @thomas06037: Our former colleague @mmaltaisLA shared some of her experiences at the @latimes. Her story and all these stories need to be heard. The number of Black journalists who have had to move on from here is heartbreaking. Change is long overdue. #BlackatLAT
Stacy Fernndez / @stacyfernandezb: Too many newsrooms, including @latimes, want Black journalists there for the diversity boost and then fail us in every way that matters. I stand with #BlackatLAT.
James Queally / @jamesqueallylat: .@GerrickKennedy is one of the most talented music journalists out there. The stories he used to tell me out of the Calendar section made my blood boil. We've completely and totally failed at retaining Black talent. #BlackatLAT
@aaja: #aajafamily, in solidarity with our Black colleagues at the @latimes, we'll be following #BlackatLAT and listening today. cc: @latguild
Jen Yamato / @jenyamato: Please keep reading #BlackatLAT. Our colleagues shouldn't have had to go through this. And the pain revealed today by Black journalists about their experiences at the @LATimes can't have been easy to share. Thank you to all who have spoken out.
Lauren J. Mapp / @laurenjmapp: I feel super fortunate that my @SDUT editors consistently ask me how they can support my writing and overall career goals. This should be the norm, not the exception.
Brittany Hite / @brittanyhite: Generations of Black journalists have experienced pain and racism in the @latimes newsroom. This is just one such account from Jerome Campbell. I stand with my colleagues past and present. We demand change. #BlackatLAT
Gerrick D. Kennedy / @gerrickkennedy: And this was after being told my pay was based on my age and not my experience 😅
Toms Mier / @tomas_mier: I used re-read @GerrickKennedy's music stories (especially the Fifth Harmony ones) sooooo many times because I wanted to be as good as him. Shit, I wish I could be HALF as good. It saddens me that The Times didn't value his work as much as I did. #BlackatLAT
Gerrick D. Kennedy / @gerrickkennedy: I appreciate you @mattdpearce
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: RTing in full recognition that much of public radio including my own station does not look or sound enough like the communities we cover
Kelcie Pegher / @klcpegher: The reason we have @latguild is so we can organize like this. Read more from the open letter
Julia Wick / @sherlyholmes: As newsrooms reckon with systemic racism and discrimination, we collected the stories of former Black @latimes staff. Here is @TrevellAnderson's experience. We demand change. #BlackatLAT
Jamil Smith / @jamilsmith: I stand in solidarity with the @latguild's Black Caucus—who have sent a list of demands to both Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the owner of @latimes, and the paper's top editors concerning the racial equity and fairness of its workplace and coverage. #BlackatLAT
Victoria Hernandez / @ladyviii: I'm so grateful for @GerrickKennedy welcoming me and showing me the ropes when I joined LA Times. He is a brilliant writer with a big heart and he deserved so much more than the awful treatment he received. #BlackatLAT
@sonali_kohli: As newsrooms reckon with systemic racism and discrimination, we collected the stories of former Black @latimes staff. Follow #BlackatLAT to read their experiences. Those still at the @latimes demand change @NPearlstine @DrPatSoonShiong
Makeda Easter / @makedaeaster: my experience with the @latimes diversity program was — to put it lightly — awful. i know others have experienced the same. but it was black and brown journalists like @GerrickKennedy @TrevellAnderson @cmonstah who advocated for me and helped me navigate this place. #BlackatLAT
Marissa / @marissaaevans: The truth about newsrooms retaining Black journalists is managers ask “how could we have supported you” when you're putting in two weeks notice. If managers asked their hires “how can we support you and your career here” and wanted honest answers they might keep Black folks.
Adrienne Shih / @adrienneshih: Black journalists, past and present, have experienced pain and racism at @latimes. Ed Boyer shared his story, as did other former Times employees. Enough is enough. We demand lasting change. #BlackatLAT • Read our letter to @DrPatSoonShiong:
Bill Plaschke / @billplaschke: As newsrooms reckon with systemic racism and discrimination, we collected the stories of former Black @latimes staff. Here are their experiences. We demand change. #BlackatLAT
@liledit: Remember when top LAT brass hired that NY music critic who tried to expense a $5,000 strip club tab? That occurred while @GerrickKennedy was banging his head against a wall — for a fraction of the pay. Gerrick's departure remains devastating. #BlackatLAT
Gerry Smith / @gerryfsmith: The LA Times “will not survive without winning over subscribers who are not white, and the only way to do that is to have a diverse and inclusive workforce.”
S. Mitra Kalita / @mitrakalita: Following #BlackatLAT today. Listening.
Angel Jennings / @angeljennings: It's shameful that I'm the only Black reporter in the largest section of the @latimes. We demand change now.
August Brown / @augustbrown: Gerrick was one of the most passionate and insightful colleagues I ever worked with, and a true pal I miss every day here. Any structure that fails to look after and help talent like @GerrickKennedy rise up the ranks needs a deep overhaul.
Cindy Carcamo / @thecindycarcamo: This! Please support our efforts to push our beloved @latimes to become more inclusive and hire more Black and POC colleagues. #BlackatLAT
Matt Hamilton / @matthjourno: Please read this account from @emsimani, one of many talented Black journalists who left The Times in recent years. Ellis is not alone. We can do better, and support our past, current and future Black colleagues. #BlackatLAT

While NYT's move online enabled increased op-ed page output, opinion and news stories look similar on the site and many casual readers can't tell the difference — The New York Times opinion editor James Bennet resigned recently after the paper published a controversial opinion essay by U.S …
PNAS, American Press Institute, @rjcc, @jamesrbuk, @alfredomeza, @stephenleahy, @lucasgrindley, @marklittlenews, @marist, @alanmillernlp, @sarahbures, @uncleree1, @lukewsavage, @kellystrib, @michaelgendron, @brendannyhan, @spj_tweets, @dangillmor, @fagstein, @timherrera, @huntercrowther, @leeanne25, @michaelsocolow, @mfbernier and @naomi_schalit
PNAS: A digital media literacy intervention increases discernment between mainstream and false news …
Richard Lawler / @rjcc: It's wild to me that to the NYT and WSJ the op-ed section is basically the same as desus & Mero saying “allegedly”
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: My take on this has always been that news outlets need to move with the times on this rather than try to drag readers back to an imagined past.
Alfredo Meza / @alfredomeza: Journalists know news and opinion are separate, but readers often can't tell the difference vía @NiemanLab
Stephen Leahy / @stephenleahy: come across this all the time... should print opinion in a different colour
Lucas Grindley / @lucasgrindley: 100 percent true: Readers assume they are run by the same people. ...
Mark Little / @marklittlenews: Such an important challenge ... particularly for news organisations who use opinion writing as a selling point for subscriptions ...
@marist: Assistant Professor of Journalism @klerner weighs in on news versus opinion in @ConversationUS. ...
Alan C. Miller / @alanmillernlp: It is vital that the public understand the difference between news and opinion. Many people do not. ... via @ConversationUS
Sarah Bures / @sarahbures: Tbh, I assumed it meant “opinion editorial” and I have been in journalism and journalism-adjacent for almost 10 years.
@uncleree1: As a person with a journalism degree I am always annoyed when someone like Rick Bell is called a “reporter”. He is not a reporter, he is a columnist. He is paid for his opinion. So is Andrew Coyne, or Chantal Hebert. They are not reporters. #cdnpoli #ableg #yql
Luke Savage / @lukewsavage: This piece makes the straightforward case that many news consumers don't fully understand the difference between reporting and opinion - definitely something to that though puzzling that the Cotton/Bennett thing is the case study ...
Kelly Smith / @kellystrib: Journalists know news and opinion are separate, but readers often can't tell the difference. Opinion stories no longer look clearly different from news stories online. And reporters share analysis and opinion on Twitter, further confusing readers.
Michael Gendron / @michaelgendron: Putting this on readers for not understanding the difference is a massive cop out imho. Journalists are (often) the ones blurring the lines right now. “Journalists believe news and opinion are separate, but readers can't tell the difference” ...
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: Our new @PNASNews on how to counter dubious info online: A digital media literacy intervention increases discernment between mainstream and false news in the US & India (with @andyguess @ba_lyons @michaelhlerner @Jacob_Montg @JasonReifler @NeelanjanSircar)
@spj_tweets: “It is a tenet of American journalism that reporters working for the news sections of newspapers remain entirely independent of the opinion sections. But the divide between news & opinion is not as clear to many readers as journalists believe that it is.”
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Some good news on the media literacy front: Facebook posted tips that DO help people sort truth from lies, a new study says.
Steve Faguy / @fagstein: I've been saying this for years. Newspapers believe everyone understands the secret codes (if there's a small picture of a journalist's face, it's opinion OBVIOUSLY). Our job is to make things clear.
@timherrera: this is a good recap of the lie publishers tell themselves that readers know the difference between news articles and opinion articles. like, just look at the provenance of the phrase “Op-Ed” how could we expect readers to understand this!!!! ...
Hunter Follon-Crowther / @huntercrowther: Everybody take a few minutes and please read this. News literacy is vital to a healthy democracy, and right now, we're not healthy.
Lee-Anne Goodman / @leeanne25: exactly why smart newspapers should be doing away with vast majority of columnists & op-ed writers. no one cares. give people quality reporting & investigative journalism. how many columnists/op-ed writers even know how to file an FOI? or have any relevant expertise?
Michael Socolow / @michaelsocolow: Great @klerner @ConversationUS piece explains how news & editorial content first became separated in U.S. newspapers - and how they then seemingly fused back together in the web & social media era, confusing readers. ...
MarcFranois Bernier / @mfbernier: «"Op-ed" is short for “opposite the editorial page,” not “opinion and editorial” or opinions that are opposite from those of the editorial page» Journalists believe news and opinion are separate, but readers can't tell the difference ... via @ConversationUS

NYT names Mary Suh acting Op-Ed Editor until the fall and The Intercept's Charlotte Greensit as Opinion's managing editor and associate Editorial Page editor
@xeni, @cduhigg, @claudia_sahm, @susanmcp1, @sjgrunewald, @taffyakner, @chezpim, @drewholden360, @groovesdc and Talking Biz News
Xeni Jardin / @xeni: The reason it's really bad that New York Times just hired this person from the intercept is she has passed on Russian disinformation and amplified it in her work. If this needs to be explained, I fucking give up on you.
Charles Duhigg / @cduhigg: Once again, the world can rejoice by reading words that @MaryMSuh has touched!
Claudia Sahm / @claudia_sahm: “ @talmonsmith is promoted to staff editor” SUPERB choice!! absolutely honored to have my opinion piece mention in his many accolades PS his editing was essential to my piece.
Susan McPherson / @susanmcp1: Massive congratulations to the brilliant @cgreensit who is joining the @NYTImes as managing editor, Opinion. Simply outstanding news.
@sjgrunewald: lol just when you think they scraped the bottom of the barrel they find a whole new bottom of the barrel to scrape.
Taffy Brodesser-Akner / @taffyakner: Honestly whatever brings @MaryMSuh back here is the best news I've heard all day.
Pim Techamuanvivit / @chezpim: I've stuck by @nytimes through many episodes I found rather disagreeable over the years, mostly for continued access to the fab @nytfood content. But this might just be the last straw. Is there a way to subscribe to just the food & nothing else? @SamSifton @tejalrao ?🙏🏼
Drew Holden / @drewholden360: The Glenn Greenwaldization of the NYT opinion page continues

Source: Trump's younger brother is seeking a temporary restraining order to block publication of a book due out July 28 by the president's niece, Mary L. Trump — President Trump has said Mary L. Trump signed a nondisclosure agreement in connection with a 2001 court case related to the estate …
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: Trump's Family Seeks Temporary Restraining Order to Block Niece's Upcoming Tell-All Book
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Statement from @BoutrousTed, lawyer for Mary Trump, author of a forthcoming book calling her uncle the world's most dangerous man: “President Trump and his siblings are seeking to suppress a book that will discuss matters of utmost public importance.” (1/2)
Keith J. Kelly / New York Post: Trump's family seeks restraining order to stop niece's tell-all
Clyde Haberman / @clydehaberman: Isn't one definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and over expecting a different outcome?
Janet Johnson / @jjohnsonlaw: “You know, when we settled with her and her brother, who I do have a good relationship with — she's got a brother, Fred, who I do have a good relationship with — but when we settled, she signed a nondisclosure.” Most loving families require NDAs.
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Trump Family Tries To Stop Release Of Tell-All Book From President's Niece; Publisher Predicts Court …
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: The request for a TRO against Mary Trump and Simon & Schuster was filed in Queens County Surrogate's Court, and accuses her of breaking a confidentiality agreement stemming from settlement of Fred Trump's estate
Jerry Lambe / Law & Crime: Trump Family Seeks Restraining Order Against Publication of Tell-All Book by President's Niece
Sam Charles / @samjcharles: “In the book, Ms. Trump, 55, is expected to say she was a chief source for The New York Times's coverage of the president's finances, and that she provided the newspaper with confidential tax documents.”
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: .@BoutrousTed, who is repping Mary Trump, calls the suit an effort at “unlawful prior restraint”
Robert Swartwood / @robertswartwood: I guess this book contains a lot of highly classified information too?
Jeff Mac / @jeffmacishere: I'm sure lots of good, innocent people attempt to enforce an NDA signed by their niece.
Joe Pompeo / @joepompeo: Simon & Schuster's response to the Trumps trying to stop Mary Trump's book ( “The courts take a dim view of prior restraint, and this attempt to block publication will meet the same fate as those that have gone before”
Max Boot / @maxboot: I'm surprised Trump isn't arguing that all of his family conversations going back decades are now classified top secret.
Jonathan Alter / @jonathanalter: This piece should have said Trump's effort to get a temporary restraining order to prevent publication has zero precedent and thus zero chance of success. He might win a civil suit against his niece post-publication for breaking a contract.
Catherine Garcia / The Week: Trump family asks court to block release of tell-all written by president's niece
Donald Trump / The Guardian: Trump family tries to block publication of book by president's niece - report
J. Edward Moreno / The Hill: Trump family asking court to block publication of niece's book

A group of reporting networks and media outlets partner to amplify Rappler's work and offer its journalists access to resources like databases and reporters — Investigative reporting is getting harder and harder as autocratic governments crack down on media and government-friendly oligarchs use …
@marinawalkerg, @fbdnstories, @kaplandave, @icijorg, @gijn, @fbdnstories, @rasmus_kleis and @icijorg
Forbidden Stories / @fbdnstories: Keeping stories alive
David E. Kaplan / @kaplandave: Here are the good guys fighting back. Thanks to @DrewOCCRP for bringing this to @gijn.
Icij / @icijorg: Together with other journalism networks, we plan to help the team at @rapplerdotcom continue - and amplify - their work, despite the recent convictions of @mariaressa and Reynaldo Santos. #PressFreedom
@gijn: When journalists in one part of the world are under pressure, it is increasingly clear that the most effective support is from journalists in other parts of the world. @ARIJNetwork, @CLIP_AmericaLat & more media are banding together to help @rapplerdotcom
Forbidden Stories / @fbdnstories: Collaborative journalism is always the most efficient way to defeat censorship.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “It hurts everyone when a publication can no longer report...freely. Rappler has been a tireless voice against corruption and any restrictions on them are a problem for all of us” @gijn @OCCRP, @ICIJorg and co write, commit to amplify @rapplerdotcom's work

A pseudonymous blogger behind Slate Star Codex is deleting the blog after an NYT reporter said he knew his name and planned to publish it due to NYT policy — So, I kind of deleted the blog. Sorry. Here's my explanation. — Last week I talked to a New York Times technology reporter …
@champagnesharks, @jacksonkernion, @balajis, @exactly_3, @ericnewcomer, @dereklowe, @benlandautaylor, @ambimorph, @sapinker, @nickmmark, @bioliberalism, @aella_girl, @justinkan, @conor64, @jmrphy, @omarmkhateeb, @tynansylvester, @mindbound, @tante, @mojombo, @theabridgedzach, @joelmmathis, @redsteeze, @ktmboyle, @fishertyson, @benthompson, @ronaldchennault and @marcgunther
@champagnesharks: He's getting closer to going full mask off by lamenting the loss of a race science blog
@jacksonkernion: My longstanding position is that Scott Alexander badly needs an editor, but I think SSC is clearly in the internet's “Weird-Good” quadrant (rather than “Normie-Bad") I desperately want Weird Internet to survive this moment. @nytimes: Don't doxx.
Balaji S. Srinivasan / @balajis: Journalism as the non-consensual invasion of privacy for profit. Shame on you, @CadeMetz @puiwingtam!
@exactly_3: The New York Times will happily maintain their sources' anonymity to tell us that Mark Meadows cried during his first weeks as CoS, but are going out of their way to out a pseudonymous blogger because reasons. #CancelNYT
Eric Newcomer / @ericnewcomer: this just seems like classic front-running the more I look at it and the name thing is just a distraction. his name is so discoverable and it was used in a book. many bloggers and tech people hate media that they can't control. he went to the sympathetic free beacon to expound.
Derek Lowe / @dereklowe: I'm able to blog under my real name, but not everyone can. The @nytimes is apparently ready to de-anonymize “Scott Alexander” of Slate Star Codex, and that's a terrible idea. If this is accurate, editor @puiwingtam should reconsider. (1/2)
Ben Landau-Taylor / @benlandautaylor: 0/ Some thoughts on the New York Times threatening to dox “Scott Alexander”:
L. Amber O'Hearn / @ambimorph: I feel like we're in a state of cultural emergency. This is not ok.
Steven Pinker / @sapinker: Tragedy in the blogosphere: One of the best is being taken down. Scott Alexander (not his real name) explains: NYT Is Threatening My Safety By Revealing My Real Name, So I Am Deleting The Blog | Slate Star Codex
Nick Mark MD / @nickmmark: I understand the need to follow policies, but doxxing someone who depends on anonymity for their safety is the antithesis of good journalism. Truly a shame that this blog has come down because of inflexibility @nytimes.
@bioliberalism: @sapinker I've quoted Slate Star Codex at length and spent hours engrossed in Scott's articles (Meditations on Moloch, The Categories Were Made For Man and the Reactionary FAQ spring to mind.) Forcing his self-cancellation is a travesty. Contact details below.
Aella / @aella_girl: Scott Alexander deleted The NYT is planning to dox him, which is a terrible idea because of his medical practice and threats made on his life. @puiwingtam did you know about this? This lack of empathy or concern for safety is really disappointing.
Justin Kan / @justinkan: .@nytimes threatens to dox @slatestarcodex. This is despicable. I've cancelled my subscription.
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: IMHO, the New York Times should respect Scott Alexander's pseudonymity. I get the general policy and regard the psychiatrist-patient relationship as a sound reason to make an exception in this instance, especially as this is (as I understand it) a piece on the blog cc @puiwingtam
Justin / @jmrphy: “If there's no blog, there's no story. Or at least the story will have to include some discussion of NYT's strategy of doxxing random bloggers for clicks.”
@omarmkhateeb: NYT: We'd like to write a positive story about you. Your blog has been great during these times. Also NYT: We're going to reveal your identity against your will because it's our policy to name people. And this guy is a physician #MedTwitter
Tynan Sylvester / @tynansylvester: This is ever more bizarre since the NYT's ‘policy’ appears to be made-up. They've done stories on various pseudonymous people over the years without doxxing them. So why must Scott be doxxed, given it will obviously ruin his life?
Arets Paeglis / @mindbound: Just yesterday I said I would defend @slatestarcodex if it came to it, and so I do here and now, in the light of I have few words to say that others haven't already said more eloquently but this is a great loss to the community of independent thought.
@tante: When Steven Pinker recommends you, you basically know that you are probably a horrible person. We remember Pinker, good buddy of Epstein and a huckster preaching the glory of the status quo.
Tom Preston-Werner / @mojombo: Always remember: a journalist is not a friend. They may seem like it when you talk to them, and you will be eager to open up to them, but they will often stab you in the back for clicks. Be careful what you say to them; it's a transaction, nothing more.
Zach Weissmueller / @theabridgedzach: Journalists aren't necessarily ethically obligated to protect the anonymity of highly influential writers, but given the circumstances @slatestarcodex outlines in his post, @nytimes would need to demonstrate a strong public interest justification for this. We'll see, I guess.
Joel Mathis / @joelmmathis: A quick thought: The NYT should grant semi-private citizens AT LEAST as much anonymity as it's willing to give White House officials who do briefings “on background.”
Stephen L. Miller / @redsteeze: This is a travesty.
Katherine Boyle / @ktmboyle: I covered arts and culture as a reporter and this is a tragedy —and one of my greatest fears. If you are a writer, artist or thinker who uses anonymity to protect yourself, you should never be forced to reveal your identity. We should protect these people at all costs.
@fishertyson: I really hope either @puiwingtam or @nytimes addresses this claim. I find it hard to believe it's NYT policy to print names, even if the story is about a pseudonymous blogger who has received death threats. Idiot or liar?
Ben Thompson / @benthompson: This is pretty disappointing. Scott's reasoning for not wanting his identity revealed at NYT scale seem pretty legitimate.
Ronald Chennault / @ronaldchennault: @mediagazer @jayrosen_nyu @slatestarcodex “When I expressed these fears to the reporter, he said that it was New York Times policy to include real names, and he couldn't change that.” 😂🤣😅😒 Must have missed it when the NYT started enforcing this policy. Maybe the policy just applies to bloggers...

Memo: NYT lays off 68, mostly in advertising, none in the newsroom; severance is a minimum of 16 weeks, with a $6,000 payment to help with costs like COBRA — In a note to staff, NYT says staff laid off will receive a “minimum of 16 weeks of severance and medical benefits, a $6,000 payment to help with job transition costs, such as a new laptop or COBRA costs, and six months of outplacement services.”
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Covid-19 cuts hit New York Times as company axes 68 jobs
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: Internal email: 68 layoffs at The New York Times Company: mostly in advertising; none in newsroom or opinion sections
@kerrymflynn: Note from Mark Thompson and Meredith Levien says NYT is closing its experiential marketing agency, Fake Love Ends with: “Change is necessary if The Times is to thrive, but we're very aware that it can have a real human cost. We are sorry to lose these colleagues today...”

Source: Amazon is “actively pursuing” licensing deals to add live and linear TV to complement its Prime Video offerings — The company has plans to add live and linear programming to complement its on-demand catalog. — Amazon is looking to add 24/7 live programming …
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: This isn't quite the scoop that Protocol's reporter might think it is: Live streams have been available on add-on Amazon Prime subscription channels like Showtime, Starz and CBS All Access. And Amazon has publicly expressed interest before in launching a linear video service.
@worldsoccertalk: Amazon making their move into live TV, which will likely include live sports.
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: Protocol went looking through recent job listings on Amazon and came to the conclusion the company wants to add live TV to its Prime Video service Amazon has been streaming sports and certain other programming for a few years now.
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: @dakotadallen That's because they include live news and sports channels due to distribution agreements with Disney (which owns Hulu), Comcast, CBS and Fox. My guess is it will look similar to @Philo — maybe even an acquisition.
Dakota Allen / @dakotadallen: @MatthewKeysLive Be nice if they rolled it into the Prime membership. But unlikely since Hulu charges like $54/month for their live TV option
Daniel Frankel / Multichannel News: Amazon Prime Video Set to Go Live and Linear

Press Freedom Defense Fund launches $200K emergency financial assistance program of up to $1,500 per person for journalists dealing with COVID-19 fallout — $200,000 To Be Distributed in Amounts Up to $1,500 Each — Volunteer Selection Committee to Include Nationally Recognized Journalists …

Wondery has launched a free app for iOS with original podcasts supported by ads, and an ad-free version, Wondery Plus, for $4.99/mo; Android version will follow — Streaming-Video Subscriptions Have Risen During COVID-19 — but So Has ‘Subscription Fatigue,’ Study Finds
Sar Haribhakti / @sarthakgh: Yes, I will download a new app to listen to a few podcasts I can and do listen to on other apps right now And, I will, of course, pay you for the luxury of doing so Let's not even get into the cut Apple may or may not get from my subscription. It's been a long week already!