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Inside the week that may have permanently ruptured the bond between Trump and Fox News as sources say Trump has vowed revenge on the network — The last day of Donald Trump's 2020 presidential campaign began just after 7 a.m., as polls opened on the East Coast, with a call to “Fox & Friends …
@ashleyrparker, @elaheizadi, @mollyjongfast, Newser, Business Insider, @postroz, @brhodes, @bradmossesq, @hayesbrown, @oliverdarcy, @fravel, @maxwelltani, @kimzetter, @alivelshi, @mcfaul, @yashar, @felonious_munk, @helenkennedy, @katrinanation, @rschooley, @washingtonpost,, @alexwagner, @mattgertz, Media Matters for America, @oliverdarcy, The Week, @itsalexishaines, The Hill and TheBlaze
Ashley Parker / @ashleyrparker: Fox News just cut away from @PressSec, saying the network could not in good conscience continue to air her false claims, for which she has provided no supporting evidence.
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: “The long love affair between Fox News and Trump may be over. Here's how it ended last week.” Very good story from @sarahellison and @jdawsey1 includes this detail on what happened at the White House on election night after Fox called AZ for Biden: ...
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: This feels like a fascinating shift
Bob Cronin / Newser: Fox Cuts Away From McEnany's Accusations
Sonam Sheth / Business Insider: ‘What is happening?’: A Fox News anchor frowns and rolls her eyes while a guest questioned the election results
Rosalind Helderman / @postroz: Another fun detail: Trump asked Fox to give his campaign a discount on political ads. The network declined, angering Trump. From @sarahellison @jdawsey1 ...
Ben Rhodes / @brhodes: Quite a thing that Fox News is a step ahead of most Republican elected officials in acknowledging reality.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: Reminder: she was not there in her capacity as the press secretary
Hayes Brown / @hayesbrown: What a delightfully stark lesson in realpolitik — with no benefit left to airing an ending administration's last gasps, there's no need to keep doing so
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: It is also time to stop sanitizing who @TuckerCarlson and @seanhannity are by referring to them as mere “opinion hosts.” They are propagandists. Full stop.
M. Taylor Fravel / @fravel: “His reelection campaign at one point asked for a bulk discount advertising deal. Fox said no, noting that everyone has to pay the same rates, according to two people familiar with the exchange — leaving Trump extremely unhappy with Fox.” ...
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: At various points in his presidency, people have speculated that Fox was finally “breaking with Trump.” It's never really happened, and I'd be shocked if it ever did given how mutually beneficial the relationship has been.
Kim Zetter / @kimzetter: White House official says WH staff would ask Fox News to “tamp it down a bit” whenever Fox criticized Trump initiatives, out of concern Trump would retaliate by ripping up initiative out of spite. “[Fox News] usually were pretty good about working with us” ...
Ali Velshi / @alivelshi: When Fox called AZ for Biden, Trump erupted in anger, telling aides to “get that result changed.” Meadows phoned Fox's decision desk. Hope Hicks tried to get the call reversed. Kellyanne Conway called Bret Baier. Jared Kushner reached out to Murdoch. ...
Michael McFaul / @mcfaul: Stay calm. Be patient. It's over. He's leaving. One more sign:
Yashar Ali / @yashar: Trump demanded an unattainable level of loyalty from Fox News. His reelection campaign at one point asked for a bulk discount advertising deal. Fox said no, noting that everyone has to pay the same rates, leaving Trump extremely unhappy with Fox. ...
Felonious Munk / @felonious_munk: Yeah it's a wrap. Also...doing it now shines a light on how complicit they've been for 4 years+
Helen Kennedy / @helenkennedy: 👉Trump was mad Fox wouldn't give his campaign a discount on advertising rates. 👉Trump aides begged Fox not to criticize his more liberal policy proposals. “They usually were pretty good about working with us.” Lots more ...
Katrina vandenHeuvel / @katrinanation: Rupert turned on a dime- He knows where the (polluted/dirty) wind is blowing/ The long love affair between Fox News and Trump may be over. Here's how it all soured last week. - The Washington Post ...
@washingtonpost: The long love affair between Fox News and Trump may be over. For months, the president fretted over a sense that the network's loyalty was softening. After Fox called Arizona for Biden, the battle was on. ...
Alex Henderson / ‘Get that result changed’: Inside Trump's frantic efforts to overturn a pivotal Fox News election call
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Trump has sent at least 16 tweets since Friday highlighting Fox News segments that questioned the election results: ... Last night he tweeted 10 consecutive Fox clips!
Matt Gertz / Media Matters for America: The Trump-Fox feedback loop is powering an assault on democracy
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: This from Cavuto, who has been more outspoken than his colleagues on Trump's lies, is good. But it's also him clearing the lowest of low bars — and yet it will spawn a bunch of “Fox turning on Trump” chatter when network is still carrying his water.
Tim O'Donnell / The Week: Trump reportedly ‘railed about Fox’ more than election results
John Bowden / The Hill: Fox News's Kurtz confirms Kushner called Murdoch to complain about Arizona call to Biden

Fox News' Neil Cavuto cut away from Kayleigh McEnany's press conference on Monday after she accused Democrats of “welcoming” voter fraud without evidence — Fox News cut away from a Trump campaign press conference by White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday …
@lispower1, The Wrap, Washington Post, The Guardian, Mediaite, The Sun, The Daily Beast, The Hill, The Hill, The Wrap, @cordeliaskynews, @lyssaslounge, @mariaressa, The Independent, Business Insider, @milligansusan, Mediaite, The Big Lead, Newsweek, Raw Story, @phil_lewis_, Deadline, @bishirrenea, TheBlaze, UPROXX,, Second Nexus and Breitbart
Lis Power / @lispower1: Fox News cuts out of McEnany Cavuto: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just think we have to be very clear: she's charging the other side as welcoming fraud and illegal voting, unless she has more details to back that up, I can't in good countenance continue to show you this.”
Phil Owen / The Wrap: Tucker Carlson Won't Stop Backing Trump's False and Baseless Voter Fraud Claims (Video)
Washington Post: Fox News cuts away from Kayleigh McEnany news conference after she alleges vote fraud with no evidence
Helen Sullivan / The Guardian: ‘Whoa’ - Fox News cuts off Kayleigh McEnany for ‘illegal votes’ spiel
Joe DePaolo / Mediaite: Tucker Carlson Seems to Take Veiled Shot at Neil Cavuto: In a Democracy, 'You Can't Just Cut Away From Coverage You Don't Like'
Catherina Gioino / The Sun: Attorney General Barr authorizes probes into alleged ‘voting irregularities’ amid Trump's unfounded ‘fraud’ claims
Matt Wilstein / The Daily Beast: Fox News Cuts Off Kayleigh McEnany Press Conference for Spreading Election Lies
Jordain Carney / The Hill: Collins becomes third GOP senator to congratulate Biden
Morgan Chalfant / The Hill: Fox cuts away from McEnany press conference
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Fox News Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany's Baseless Claims of Democratic Party Voter Fraud
Cordelia Lynch / @cordeliaskynews: An extraordinary moment in US/Fox broadcasting history... pulling the plug on election fraud claims
Katharina Borchert / @lyssaslounge: You're quite late to the party, @FoxNews, but thank you for checking out this beautiful thing called #journalism.
Maria Ressa / @mariaressa: Labeled on Twitter as well.
Justin Vallejo / The Independent: Fox news cuts away from McEnany press conference
John Haltiwanger / Business Insider: Fox News cut away from Trump's press secretary as she pushed baseless claims of election fraud
Susan Milligan / @milligansusan: I have to wonder who will hire Kayleigh McEnany when this is over. Typically, *any* WH senior staffer would get a plum job. Being such a public, serial liar limits her options -would damage the brand too much for any potential employer.
Colby Hall / Mediaite: Fox's Cavuto Cuts Off Trump Campaign Presser With Scathing Smackdown: 'I Can't in Good Countenance Continue Showing This'
Ryan Phillips / The Big Lead: Fox News Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany Press Conference
Marina Watts / Newsweek: Fox News Cuts Away From Trump's Press Secretary, Says It Can't Air ‘False Claims’ in Good Conscience
Sarah K. Burris / Raw Story: WATCH: Fox News just cut out of Kayleigh McEnany's presser — because she was lying too much
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: After about 4 years, Fox News decides to finally cut away from Kayleigh McEnany's lies
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Fox News Cuts Away From Donald Trump Campaign Press Conference, As Neil Cavuto Says They Lack Proof Of Electoral Fraud
Renea Bishir / @bishirrenea: Every news station needs to do the same. Never in my lifetime would I even dreamed our country would be run by a Cult Leader. Never.
Breck Dumas / TheBlaze: Fox News cuts away from Kayleigh McEnany's speech on allegations of voter fraud
Ryan Nagelhout / UPROXX: Fox News Cut Away From Trump Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany's Unhinged, Lie-Laden Address: 'Can't In Good Countenance Continue Showing This'
Cody Fenwick / ‘Whoa! Whoa!’: Fox News abruptly cuts off Kayleigh McEnany because of her ‘explosive’ remarks

An in-depth look at the reckoning inside The New York Times, as the paper becomes less dispassionate and more crusading, driven by company-wide Slack channels — On October 23, eleven days before the presidential election, Manohla Dargis, one of the movie critics at the New York Times …
@britnidlc, @mattzeitlin, @mattyglesias, @janinegibson, @anildash, @transscribe, @wordofgreen, @joshsternberg, @robbysoave, @tomcottonar, @jason, @ggreenwald, @mlcalderone, @bryancurtis, @abtran, @jackshafer, @shadihamid, @jessesingal, @heerjeet, @hotlinejosh, @nymag, @mattyglesias, @thepressboxpod, @robkhenderson, @dylanmatt, @jbarro, @laurawags, @eiffeltyler, @jessesingal, @cernovich, @mtracey, @nickgillespie, @jonathanchait, @bruce_arthur, @jeffjarvis, @jessicalessin, @nickgillespie, @samuelmoyn, @adriana_lacy and @jerrydunleavy
Britni de la Cretaz / @britnidlc: the NYT is notoriously bad at covering LGBTQ+ issues so this isn't surprising but even still, it would be nice if simply acknowledging our existence & covering the news that impacts our community wasn't seen as “activism” 🙃
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: It's not just journalist vs journalist at the Times, it's software developer vs journalist
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: This story reveals a dynamic present in many media companies, where the journalists who cover politics are often more moderate than the other people who work there.
Janine Gibson / @janinegibson: this piece is fascinating addition to one of my favourite genres (thank you @lisatozzi) but mostly I'm looking forward to the spin off which just unpacks this sentence
@anildash: “During the town hall about the Cotton op-ed, one data engineer said on Slack, ‘How many such process failures would be tolerated in tech?’”
Katelyn Burns / @transscribe: Maybe this is why none of the NYT's 1700 journalists on staff are openly trans.
Rebecca Green / @wordofgreen: I mean the NYT also dead named Aimee Stephens in her own obituary so the bar for them is super low. I will never get over people telling me that being trans makes existing safely in public a political issue.
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: The New York Times newsroom kremlinology is a microbeat within media reporting. I'd like to see these stories about USA Today.
Robby Soave / @robbysoave: These stories are increasingly lazy and pointless, I feel. Everyone, given a guarantee of total anonymity, will complain about their jobs, bosses, etc. At some level it's just gossip.
Tom Cotton / @tomcottonar: New York Times journalists who spend all day on their laptops are too “exhausted” by their fake outrage to object to a real outrage. They could always try working for a living.
@jason: Has anyone leaked the NYT slack channels yet? Oh my lord, I would pay 2x the subscription price just to watch them spar
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Key detail in this @NYMag story on the pro-censorship movement inside NYT by its own employees: NYT tech reporters were angry that the anti-censorship posture of NYT editors would impede their campaign to pressure Silicon Valley to censor more robustly:
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Great @reeveswiedeman dive into the NY Times:
Bryan Curtis / @bryancurtis: “Opinion produces roughly 10 percent of the Times' output while bringing in 20 percent of its page views, according to a person familiar with the numbers.”
Andrew Ba Tran / @abtran: Of all the fronts on which the @nytimes was being pushed to change, the strongest insurrectionary energy was coming from legions of newsroom-adjacent employees in digital jobs that didn't exist a decade ago: app developers and software engineers.
Jack Shafer / @jackshafer: “A Pew poll found that 91 percent of people who consider the Times their primary news source identify as Democrats, roughly the same as the percentage of Fox News viewers who identify as Republicans.” New York mag,
Shadi Hamid / @shadihamid: On that really bad @nytimes oped calling for more, not less, repression against Hong Kong protesters
Jesse Singal / @jessesingal: 4/ Anyway, everyone should read this article. Validest the overall Weiss narrative but adds lots of important details beyond that.
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: Worth noting that the guy with the Jack in the Box avatar is making a philosophical point: “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.” (Marx, Theses on Feuerbach)
Josh Kraushaar / @hotlinejosh: “Many of the insurrectionists were coming from places the Times didn't traditionally recruit from, like new digital-media companies and outlets that practiced advocacy journalism, and part of the challenge had become integration...”
@nymag: For the sake of the country — and the business model — the New York Times evolved during the Trump years: less dispassionate, more crusading. This has sparked a raw internal debate over the paper's mission and future. @reeveswiedeman reports
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: The real question is are we talking Political Liberalism here or The Idea of Public Reason Revisited?
@thepressboxpod: “There's a very sad need for validation,” a New York Times journalist “who has tweeted tens of thousands of times” tells @reeveswiedeman. Lots more here:
Rob Henderson / @robkhenderson: “In 2018, a group of data scientists at the Times unveiled Project Feels, a set of algorithms that could determine what emotions a given article might induce...'Hate drives readership more than any of us care to admit,' one employee told me.”
Dylan Matthews / @dylanmatt: It's a bold strategy, @ebruenig, let's see how it works out
Josh Barro / @jbarro: This is weak. The lack of internal outrage over the Hong Kong op-ed — defending an authoritarian crackdown in a place where the NYT has dozens of employees — shows the fundamental fakeness of complaints about the Cotton op-ed as a workplace safety issue.
Laura Wagner / @laurawags: 🤔
Tyler McCall / @eiffeltyler: I have been advocating for this mindset literally for years - don't become so attached to the IDEA of having a place or name on your resumé that you put it above anything else, including progress:
Jesse Singal / @jessesingal: Everything I've heard suggests people like this are having a pretty profound influence on the Times, and even though it remains the best and most important outlet in the country, you can often see the results. Just an unspeakably toxic Slack culture.
Cerno / @cernovich: Fascinating deep dive into generational conflicts in media.
Michael Tracey / @mtracey: So the main takeaway here is that @bariweiss was exactly right about the institutional dynamics beclowning the New York Times, despite the retributive meltdown her accurate description provoked
Nick Gillespie / @nickgillespie: It is possible for @nytimes to be bigger than ever in terms of reach and weaker than ever in exerting influence. 50 years ago, it could make or break books, plays, movies, politicians, etc. Now it is one voice among many and fast losing hegemony.
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: Obvious takeaway: the boomers and the millennials are BOTH toxic, only GenX is good
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: Team Jack In The Box avatar
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Much insider Slack gossip. I wish for more judgment of The Times' judgment.
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Anyone find it strange NYT staffers blame their internal chaos on hires from tech, the “techsurrectionists?” Is it possible tech cos. are flawed/ deserve deep scrutiny from press yet are not to blame for everything, including internal dissent at NYT? Hmm.
Nick Gillespie / @nickgillespie: ‘"I call it a fucking disgrace," said Daniel Okrent, the former public editor,’ about ouster of @JBennet for that @TomCottonAR oped, and more.
Samuel Moyn / @samuelmoyn: 1/ What a fascinating article on what is and will remain everyone's go to throughout the day.

Quartz CEO Zach Seward and Editor in Chief Katherine Bell will buy back the company from Japanese financial data and media company Uzabase — CEO Zach Seward, Editor in Chief Katherine Bell will buy Quartz from parent company — The co-founder of Quartz and its editor in chief agreed …
Quartz, @zseward, @yan0, @film_girl, @zielina, @katherineabell, @sdkstl, @petersterne, @chasepurdy, @jbenton, @rafat, @raju, MediaPost and TechCrunch
Zachary M. Seward / Quartz: Join our mission to make business better as Quartz becomes an independent media company
Zach Seward / @zseward: Quartz is a startup and independent media company again. Our mission is to make business better. We hope you'll join us. This will be fun.
David Yanofsky / @yan0: “Quartz has a new owner: It's me” — @zseward
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Awesome news!
Anita Zielina / @zielina: Couldn't be happier to read this: @qz setting itself up for the future as an independent entity. I was so worried they would fold - kudos to @zseward and @katherineabell for their MBO. They have a special membership deal this week - just signed up to become a member 💪
Katherine Bell / @katherineabell: Quartz is an independent media company again. I'm so proud to be part of it and excited for what comes next.
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: Bold move by @zseward... a management buyout, funded in part with a personal loan by Uzabase CEO Yusuke Umeda “demonstrating his continued belief in the value of the Quartz business.”
@petersterne: Oh wow, the co-founder and EIC of business website @qz have bought the company back from the Japanese conglomerate that owned it.
Chase Purdy / @chasepurdy: This is exciting news for all my talented friends at @qz. Really eager to see where @zseward and @katherineabell steer this nerdy ship.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Quartz Bought By Two Awesome People I Used To Have Drinks With At River Gods (R.I.P.) In Cambridge
@rafat: Happy for QZ team, this MBO is the best outcome for them, and life as an indie again. Welcome to the real indie side, it is toughest but most satisfying part of the spectrum!
Raju Narisetti / @raju: The CEO of Quartz and its EIC will acquire ownership @QZ, with a personal loan from CEO of the Japanese owner, whose board gave up on the business news site, and will look for new investors. via @WSJ
Sara Guaglione / MediaPost: Uzabase Sells ‘Quartz’ To Cofounder-CEO Zach Seward
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Uzabase sells Quartz to the site's CEO and staff

A look at Times reporter Maggie Haberman's coverage of Trump's presidency since 2016, with her pieces accounting for hundreds of millions of page views in total — For the last four years, the Times reporter has been the human incarnation of a nation riveted, like it or not, by Donald Trump.
@jamisonfoser, @kenvogel, @therealhoarse, @ralstonreports, @bendreyfuss, @benyt, @caseyjohnston, @joshnathankazis, @cwarzel, @santucci, @davmicrot, @petersagal, @briannedmr, @malugaspar, @danbarrynyt, @emptywheel, @kerrymflynn, @alexhern, @nytnickc, @jdawsey1, @nycjim, @rachellarris, @ashleyrparker and The Distancer
Jamison Foser / @jamisonfoser: Texting while driving is reckless and dangerous. I leave it to the reader to decide whether that is an apt metaphor for much of the New York Times' political desk's coverage of Donald Trump.
Kenneth P. Vogel / @kenvogel: I'm late to this, but what people don't understand is that @maggieNYT's dominance has little to do with Trump. She owned the Clinton beat, too, & would have been the preeminent White House reporter had @HillaryClinton won in 2016. She's just that good.
@therealhoarse: The NYT's political and opinion operations have the longest arms in journalism. Nobody can pat themselves on the back like these guys.
Jon Ralston / @ralstonreports: Fantastic piece on @maggieNYT, peerless reporter of Trumpworld. She endures nastiness from both sides & self-appointed media critics. No one works harder, does better. She was great on a panel to help @TheNVIndy in Feb. I saw her checking her phone the whole time! One of a kind.
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: In addition to being an amazing reporter, Maggie is also one of the nicest people in this dumb industry.
Ben Smith / @benyt: I wrote about a dominant figure at the end of an era
Casey Johnston / @caseyjohnston: this is just “being manipulative” ❤️
Josh Nathan-Kazis / @joshnathankazis: “Then, she called the sources... and chatted in a friendly way, before telling them she felt genuinely betrayed that they hadn't gone to her, that she was worried she'd be in trouble with her boss for getting beaten and, honestly, that she was incredibly angry at them.”
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: I have numerous non journalist friends, relatives, etc. who have relied so much on her reporting that they assume *all* reporters are this prolific & that I (the journalist they know) am just a horrendously lazy outlier. and I have to tell them that nobody can hope to match her
John Santucci / @santucci: If there is one great thing I've gained these last 4 years it's the ability to call @maggieNYT both a mentor & friend. Proud of you
David Rothschild / @davmicrot: Link to article Again, normally a big fan on Ben's work: I hope he take the time to think more about the trade-offs of access journalism. Especially as Maggie stays on the Trump beat, during Biden presidency, what is she going to *choose* for us to hear?
Peter Sagal / @petersagal: Fitting tribute to the premier chronicler of the Trump White House.
Brianne Pfannenstiel / @briannedmr: I'm sorry I got to “Ms. Haberman topped out at 599 bylines in 2016” and had to pick my jaw up off the floor. This woman is a machine.
Malu Gaspar / @malugaspar: For the last four years, she has been the human incarnation of a nation riveted (...) by Mr. Trump, a reporter driven by a kind of curiosity that feels more like compulsion to find out what is going on -and has dragged us all along for the harrowing ride.👇 ...
Dan Barry / @danbarrynyt: Honor is due to @maggieNYT: wife, mother, daughter, sister, generous colleague, Twitter worrier - and extraordinary, pace-setting journalist. She slowed down long enough for a chat with @benyt.
@emptywheel: That @benyt profile of Maggie Hab CONFIRMS that she tweeted abt the Hunter Biden story to raise the focus on the FBI claim. Whatever she now claims she meant by that, this is absolutely confirmation that she was part of making it go viral.
Alex Hern / @alexhern: so weird to just casually throw “she does a crime” in the middle of a paragraph. do they give you the brainworms when you get your drivers license or is it part of the instruction process?
Nick Corasaniti / @nytnickc: Just an astonishing testament to @maggieNYT For the past four years, she's **done more than a story a day, on average** Think about that. And then think about how consequential, smart and essential those stories were. Hats off to truly the best!
Josh Dawsey / @jdawsey1: A badass competitor and a good person. Has taken too much criticism over the past few years. I fear her byline every day.
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: Leave it to @benyt to write the definitive portrait of @maggieNYT in the wake of Donald Trump's defeat. Great read. “She has consistently painted a portrait of a man who is both smarter and less competent than his enemies believe...”
Rachel Joy Larris / @rachellarris: The post mortems on her tenure will be fierce
Ashley Parker / @ashleyrparker: I have SO many wonderful, indelible memories working w — and against — @maggieNYT. But among my favorites may when we, like aliens from another planet, described this Martian king (Trump) to the people of The New York Times in a way they could not fathom.
Marshall Shaffer / The Distancer: The Distancer: Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sources: MSNBC contributor Jon Meacham will no longer be a paid contributor after he failed to disclose on appearances that he helped write speeches for Biden — Mr. Biden urged mask-wearing as he laid out his strategy to fight the pandemic. The incoming administration is starting to make decisions about filling cabinet posts.
Mediaite, Fox News, Breitbart, @bryancurtis, Raw Story, TheBlaze, @marlownyc, @anniekarni, @anniekarni, @armandondk, @aaronhuertas, The Week, @pekingmike, @sayssimonson, @nytimes, @jeremymbarr, @bairdjulia and The Hill, more at Techmeme »
Rudy Takala / Mediaite: MSNBC Contributor Jon Meacham Reportedly Played Undisclosed Role Writing Biden Speeches, Including First Address as President-Elect
Bradford Betz / Fox News: Barr authorizes investigation into ‘substantial allegations’ of voting irregularities despite scant evidence
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart: Joe Biden's Coronavirus Team Includes Ezekiel Emanuel, Who ‘Hope[s] to Die at 75’
Bryan Curtis / @bryancurtis: Funny this didn't come up when Meacham went on MSNBC night after night to pontificate about What It All Means.
Sarah Toce / Raw Story: Biden is not receiving security briefings as Trump's post-election tantrum continues: report
Breck Dumas / TheBlaze: Vice President Mike Pence insists 2020 race 'ain't over,' vows to keep fighting for re-election
Marlow Stern / @marlownyc: had been curious why this guy has been given so much airtime / featured in dnc
Annie Karni / @anniekarni: Jon Meacham, the presidential historian and biographer, wrote Biden's first speech as president-elect and has had a bigger behind-the-scenes role shaping his addresses than I (at least) had realized.
Annie Karni / @anniekarni: Update via @koblin “Meacham will no longer be a paid contributor going forward, according to a person familiar with the decision. That person added, however, that Mr. Meacham would be welcomed back on the airwaves as a guest.”
Armando / @armandondk: I'm a little confused . He openly supported Biden. Did he get paid?
Aaron Huertas / @aaronhuertas: Looks like @MSNBC has a new contributor slot open for a progressive GenZ organizer from a swing state.
Jeva Lange / The Week: MSNBC contributor Jon Meacham didn't disclose he reportedly helped write Biden's presidential acceptance speech when commenting on it
Mike Forsythe / @pekingmike: Was this disclosed to @MSNBC viewers, where Meacham is a contributor, on Saturday night? I was watching and don't remember hearing this important context.
Joe Gabriel Simonson / @sayssimonson: Did MSNBC ever disclose this?
@nytimes: Jon Meacham, the presidential historian whose book on “the soul of America” has long been a touchstone for Joe Biden, wrote the acceptance speech the President-elect delivered on Saturday night.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: “MSNBC network declined to comment on Monday, but Meacham will no longer be a paid contributor going forward, according to a person familiar with the decision. That person added, however, that Mr. Meacham would be welcomed back on the airwaves as a guest.”
Julia Baird / @bairdjulia: Now this makes sense! I actually had the comforting book, “The Soul of America” by @jmeacham ( a brilliant man, historian and my old boss, who suggested I write about Queen Victoria) in my lap when I was listening to Biden's speech. I sat up when Biden used exactly that phrase.

Bloomberg Media launches Quicktake, its 24/7 streaming channel, with 10.5 hours of original content daily, as its website now has 250K subscribers paying $40/mo — QuickTake service will cover general interest and lifestyle news, starting with 10-and-a-half hours of daily programming
The Streamable, MediaPost, @ahmed, @mrochabrun, @a_riley17, @timsteno, PR Newswire and Talking Biz News
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: Bloomberg Relaunches QuickTake as 24/7 Streaming News Network
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Bloomberg Media Starts Expanded Business News Streamer, Bloomberg Quicktake
Ahmed Al Omran / @ahmed: Bloomberg is developing a solid business from selling $39.99-a-month subscriptions to its flagship news website. It now has 250,000 subscribers, some 40% of them outside the US
Marcelo Rochabrn / @mrochabrun: Wow, Bloomberg is making $120 million a year in subscriptions (250k subscriptions at $40 a month each). That's a lot for a newsroom that already funded through terminal sales Key: 40% of those subscribers are outside the US
Anne Riley Moffat / @a_riley17: Bloomberg is launching a streaming TV channel, built around its social-media brand QuickTake, which will go beyond finance and markets, with greater focus on general-interest/lifestyle news. Think of it as our response to Cheddar, but on a global scale.
Tim Stenovec / @timsteno: *Some professional news...* I'm so excited to join the incredible team at @business! I'm an anchor for Bloomberg @Quicktake, our new streaming news network. And we launch today! Check us out at 9a EST on

Sling Media, a subsidiary of DISH, says it is closing down today and all Slingbox devices and services will become inoperable in November 2022 — Slingbox will no longer function as of November 9, 2022. Sling Media, a subsidiary of DISH, announced that they were closing shop on November 9, 2020.
Slingbox, ScreenRant, TechCrunch, @matt_mcclure, @liliputingnews, Cord Cutters News, @bryandfischer and @harrymccracken, more at Techmeme »
Brianne Garbutt / ScreenRant: Slingbox Discontinued: Here's What You Need To Know | Screen Rant
Greg Kumparak / TechCrunch: All Slingbox devices will stop working in two years
Matt McClure / @matt_mcclure: Slingbox is discontinuing Slingbox to make room for new innovative products and also not releasing any new products.
Liliputing / @liliputingnews: Sling Media's Slingbox products are discontinued, effective today. In about 24 months, that means you won't be able to use them to stream your local media sources over the internet anymore. No major software updates are coming, and no new hardware.
Philip Palermo / Cord Cutters News: Slingbox Line Discontinued, Servers To Be Offline Within 24 Months
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: It's been years since I've used a Slingbox, but I'm still sorry to hear this. I was once a big fan, and the briefing the late and must-missed Blake Krikorian gave me on the original version remains one of the best demos I've ever received.

Even though media never fully learned how to cover Trump, its work exposing Trump's abuses has been crucial in holding his administration accountable — As the cowbells clanged, car horns blasted and anti-Trumpers partied Saturday on my New York City street corner not long after TV networks called …
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Washington Post columnist says media ‘never fully learned how to cover Trump’ but ‘might have saved democracy’
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “We took far too long to call his falsehoods what they often were: lies. And far too long to call his world view what it clearly was: racist. Instead, we danced around — for years — with euphemisms...” @sulliview looks back at four years of Trump coverage. ...
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: The media never fully learned how to cover Trump. But they still might have saved democracy. ... My column on recent and not so recent events ...
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: As usual, another thought-provoking piece by @Sulliview. I think that the investigative journalism produced these past few years has been crucial, one of the few checks on a corrupt administration. ...

Sources: amid layoffs at ESPN, executive VP of content, Connor Schell, plans to leave at the end of the year to start his own non-fiction production company — In the wake of ESPN's layoffs, Connor Schell, the No. 2 in charge, is leaving his position at the network at the end of the year, The Post has learned.
The Wrap, @andrewmarchand, @lucas_shaw, Front Office Sports, Bloomberg, @ballgirl8 and @ourand_sbj
The Wrap: ESPN Sets New Senior Executive Team in Wake of Connor Schell Exit, Jodi Markley Retirement
Andrew Marchand / @andrewmarchand: NEWS: Connor Schell, No. 2 ESPN exec and a producer of the Last Dance, among others documentaries, will leave the network to start his own production company, The Post has learned.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: The departure of Connor Schell is a big loss for ESPN.
Michael McCarthy / Front Office Sports: Connor Schell, ESPN's Top Content Executive, Leaving Company
Lya Vallat / @ballgirl8: For context @BigTenNetwork started the remote production from a studio concept in 2009. They are called MICR - Multicamera Insert Control Room. It has allowed the network to broadcast many live sporting events for many years in a cost effective way @FOXSports

Alex Trebek, Jeopardy host and trivia master, has died at 80 from pancreatic cancer — Alex Trebek, the master of trivia whose quick wit, easy smile and my-favorite-professor demeanor made “Jeopardy” a welcome guest in the living rooms of America for decades, has died at his home overnight following …
@jeopardy, @jeopardy, New York Times, The Wrap, @jonerlichman, Variety, @vancityreynolds, @albertthakur,, @james_holzhauer, Us Weekly, @bretbaier, @greenfield64, @ketohiking, @ivisonj, @wendellpierce, @welliver_titus, @alexburnsnyt, @raymondarroyo, @jackcurryyes, @repbarbaralee, @davidbegnaud, @chowleen, @kevincorke, @karaswisher, @andrewrsorkin, @mkbhd, @ian_oconnor, @snmichaud, @runwithskizzers, @mattgallowaycbc, @aaronrodgers12, @waltmossberg, @fakedansavage, @danwetzel, @kennedynation, @dispositive, @picardonhealth, @mkonnikova, @aliciagarza, @blmla, @docmellymel, @gettv, @jordancornette, @tonyreali, @snkenreid, @snkylebukauskas, @jruoxichen, @haibon_jared, @matthewberrytmr, @fieldyates, @adriennekress, @phil_lewis_, @calebjhull, @rachelzegler, @sherman4949, @ryan_kartje, @anthony, @ogtedberg, @rmac18, @lauraolin, @asm_nazarian, @glennf, @ajitpaifcc, @laura_nelson, @johnmyers, @thysz, @lisabloom, @kevin_stank, @melmason, @latimes, Forbes,, Fox News, ScreenRant, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, CNET, Bloomberg, New York Daily News, NBC News, Associated Press,, The Verge and GameSpot
@jeopardy: Jeopardy! is saddened to share that Alex Trebek passed away peacefully at home early this morning, surrounded by family and friends. Thank you, Alex.
Katharine Q. Seelye / New York Times: Alex Trebek, Longtime Host of ‘Jeopardy!,’ Dies at 80
Jon Erlichman / @jonerlichman: Jeopardy! episode last week: Alex Trebek: “Any family members back home cheering you on?” Contestant Burt Thakur: “I learned English because of you. My grandfather who raised me...I used to sit on his lap and watch you every day.”
Ellise Shafer / Variety: ABC News to Honor Alex Trebek With ‘20/20’ Special
Ryan Reynolds / @vancityreynolds: Alex Trebek was kind enough to film a cameo for our film Free Guy last year despite his battle. He was gracious and funny. In addition to being curious, stalwart, generous, reassuring and of course, Canadian. We love you, Alex. And always will.
Burt Thakur / @albertthakur: When with proud joy we lift Life's red wine up To drink deep of the mystic shining cup And ecstasy through all our being leaps— Death bows his head and weeps. I am overwhelmed with emotion right now and my heart goes out to the Trebek family. #Jeopardy #alextrebek @jeopardy
James Holzhauer / @james_holzhauer: It was one of the great privileges of my life to spend time with this courageous man while he fought the battle of his life. You will never be replaced in our hearts, Alex.
Johnni Macke / Us Weekly: Honored Alex Trebek in 1st Show After His Death
Jeff Greenfield / @greenfield64: This is incredibly sad; he was host of one of the places on TV where knowledge (and civility) governed.
SeizureSalad / @ketohiking: I've never in my life cried upon hearing that a celebrity had passed. Until today. @Jeopardy has been a part of my life for decades. Every night, at 7:30, Alex Trebek brought me 30 minutes of joy, without fail. Bless and thank you, you glorious man. ❤️
John Ivison / @ivisonj: What a life well lived.
Wendell Pierce / @wendellpierce: Q. He was the constant in the most challenging TV that directed us to be more curious about our world, brought family together, appealing to the best of part of who we are; at the end of life he showed great courage. A. Who was Alex Trebek. RIP
TitusWelliver / @welliver_titus: Gutted. Class and intelligence personified. Rest in power good man...
Alex Burns / @alexburnsnyt: “I love that there is no discussion, no panel of experts,” he said. “Just Alex with his cards.”
Raymond Arroyo / @raymondarroyo: Such sad news. Rest In Peace Alex Trebek who brought such a calm grace to TV.
Rep. Barbara Lee / @repbarbaralee: Alex Trebek was a cultural icon and a fixture in households across America for decades. His comforting and inquisitive presence on our TV screens every night will be truly missed. May he Rest In Peace.
David Begnaud / @davidbegnaud: Moment: “I learned English because of you,” Jeopardy contestant tearfully tells the now late Alex Trebek
Eileen Chengyin Chow / @chowleen: Jeopardy was a lifeline for this nerdy new immigrant, after I arrived in the U.S. at age 16. Thank you Alex Trebek.
Kevin Corke / @kevincorke: Question: Who will never be forgotten? Answer: #AlexTrebek #RIP my friend.
Andrew Ross Sorkin / @andrewrsorkin: When you think about the impact one person's life can have on others, think about this remarkable moment and Alex Trebek. R.I.P.
Marques Brownlee / @mkbhd: RIP to a true legend. Thank you for your humor, your wit, your poise and your celebration of knowledge. Thank you for showing us it's cool to be smart.
Ian O'Connor / @ian_oconnor: This is what it's all about...
Danielle Michaud / @snmichaud: Was a staple at the Michaud house growing up. My husband and I play against each other nightly. No greater high than sweeping a sports category against him. A true icon, and my heart is so sad at this news 💔
@runwithskizzers: I grew up on Jeopardy and it was definitely a unifying show btwn the immigrant generation and the American born generation in my community. 💔💔💔
Aaron Rodgers / @aaronrodgers12: 😭😭 6p weeknights will never be the same. So many great memories and thankful to have met him ❤️ #
Walt Mossberg / @waltmossberg: Who was the greatest game show host in history? R.I.P.
Kennedy / @kennedynation: I ❤️ this! #RIPAlexTrebek who showed immeasurable grace & fight. Check out @PanCAN to find out how to defeat pancreatic cancer!
Gautam Hans / @dispositive: The full NYT obit is up. I went as Trebek in the third grade for Halloween (with paste on mustache), and yelled answers in the form of a question at the television for years growing up (and now, at the iPad). What a sad loss for all of us.
Andr Picard / @picardonhealth: Alex Trebek, the authoritative, unflappable and record-setting host of @Jeopardy for the last 36 years, has died of pancreatic cancer at age 80, by @kseelye via @nytimes
Maria Konnikova / @mkonnikova: “It was a dignified refusal to surrender to doom...the squarest possible existentialist hero: a man who holds the answer to every trivia question, but not to the final question of death—and yet he keeps showing up us every last answer he can”
Alicia Garza / @aliciagarza: Maaaan 2020 ain't right. Not at all. RIP to a real one
@blmla: We send our love and prayers to Mr. Trebek's family and friends. He was a strong supporter of #BlackLivesMatter who believed deeply in racial justice. He was one of the kindest souls. BLMLA feels blessed to have called him friend. May the good that he has done last forever.
Melina Abdullah / @docmellymel: I love Jeopardy, and more than that, Mr. Trebek was one of the kindest, most lovely human beings. Shedding tears for him this morning.
@gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #AlexTrebek (1940-2020) — Beloved host of JEOPARDY who valiantly fought pancreatic cancer. We'll miss you, Alex. #RIPAlexTrebek
Jordan Cornette / @jordancornette: Simple. Leave the world better than you found it. Loved the show and after all these years, felt like I knew him. Rest In Peace Alex Trebek.
Tony Reali / @tonyreali: The most reliable thing in the medium of television, maybe the most reliable thing anywhere & everywhere. Every night you knew exactly where he would be and exactly how he would be. Welcoming. He was home. Consider this, the last episode aired in his life, the perfect goodbye.
Ken Reid / @snkenreid: Watched this episode just the other night with my family. It was a beautiful moment. #RIPAlexTrebek
Kyle Bukauskas / @snkylebukauskas: How beautiful is this? RIP to a Canadian treasure
Ruoxi Chen / @jruoxichen: This weekend is a rollercoaster. I also learned a lot of English watching Alex & “competing” with my dad. You all have Jeopardy to thank/(blame 😂) that I'm a book editor. This show has been an institution & he'll be missed.
Jared Haibon / @haibon_jared: Amazing that this was one of the last moments we saw Alex Trebek on our TV screens. Thank you Burt Thakur for giving us this moment.
Matthew Berry / @matthewberrytmr: I am so very very sad. Awful news about someone beloved by millions including myself. A shining example of someone who did something amazingly well for a long long time. RIP to the legend Alex Trebek.
Field Yates / @fieldyates: Resharing one of Alex Trebek's final moments from @Jeopardy, as it paints a picture of his impact on countless people and families. RIP to a true inspiration.
Adrienne Kress / @adriennekress: RIP Alex Trebek. This feels so particularly heart breaking. He was such a fixture in everyone's homes. In my family we hung out with him every night at 7:30. His absence will most definitely be felt. He will be so very much missed. ❤️
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: There may not be a better clip than this one that sums up Alex Trebek's impact
Caleb Hull / @calebjhull: One of Alex Trebek's last moments on earth... We lost a truly good man today.
Rachel Zegler / @rachelzegler: there are actually no words for this heartbreak but what! a! life! and what an absolute fight he gave. rest in peace to an absolute legend.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: The absolute gold standard of hosts. Few people can say they were the best at a profession. He was above everyone.
Ryan Kartje / @ryan_kartje: The greatest trivia host in history. A legend. Watched Alex daily for decades. This is the worst.
@anthony: I'm seeing so many contestants tweet about meeting Alex, and it's a beautiful eulogy for a true American icon.
Ted Berg / @ogtedberg: I took the Jeopardy! test when I did because I wanted to get on while it was still hosted by Alex Trebek, one of my all-time heroes. He did not disappoint.
@rmac18: Jeopardy was the only thing my family regularly watched for 20 years and I was mesmerized as a kid when my dad blurted out random answers and was often right. Watching the GOAT tourney with him, knowing Trebek didn't have much time, was one of my last good memories before covid.
Laura Olin / @lauraolin: I also loved the college kid whose answer was just “You da man, Alex.”
Adrin Nazarian / @asm_nazarian: Our district has lost a friend and the country has lost a legend. Rest In Peace, Alex.
@glennf: Alex Trebek had a very quirky set of humor and a delightfully non-normative way of thinking about things. You get glimpses of it on the show, but before each taping, he would chat with the audience and answer questions.
Ajit Pai / @ajitpaifcc: You've watched this host of @Jeopardy for almost 40 years, and over that time, it felt like he became a member of the family. You'll always miss his love of knowledge, his sense of humor, and his courage in facing health challenges. Rest in peace. “Who is Alex Trebek?”
Laura J. Nelson / @laura_nelson: Ugh. Just, ugh.
John Myers / @johnmyers: I could make a case that Jeopardy became all the more valuable as a common touchstone as the nation's politics grew more divisive.
Panlasang Pinay / @thysz: My heart breaks. Rest in power, Alex Trebek. You were the King of Trivia but your impact to me definitely wasn't trivial. Thank you!
Lisa Bloom / @lisabloom: I was blown away at his raw honesty about his cancer. What a hero.
Kevin Stankiewicz / @kevin_stank: “My life has been a quest for knowledge and understanding, and I am nowhere near having achieved that. And it doesn't bother me in the least. I will die without having come up with the answers to many things in life.”
Melanie Mason / @melmason: One contestant, stumped by a question on Final Jeopardy, simply wrote, “What is, ‘We love you, Alex!’” on his answer board. Trebek's eyes welled up as he softly read the response aloud. “Thank you,” he said.
@latimes: Breaking: ‘Jeopardy!’ host Alex Trebek has died. His wit and easy smile made him a welcome guest in the living rooms of America for decades.
Carlie Porterfield / Forbes: Stars And Former ‘Jeopardy!’ Contestants Pay Tribute To Late Alex Trebek
Paul Batura / Fox News: Who is Alex Trebek? The perfect guest in our homes, through good times and bad
Lucas Bermudez / ScreenRant: Jeopardy! Host Alex Trebek Dies at Age 80 | Screen Rant
Benjamin Mullin / Wall Street Journal: Alex Trebek, Who Kept Generations Guessing on ‘Jeopardy!,’ Dies
Bonnie Burton / CNET: Jeopardy host Alex Trebek dies at 80
Kim Lyons / The Verge: Longtime Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek has died
Gabe Gurwin / GameSpot: Legendary Jeopardy Host Alex Trebek Dies At 80

Media outlets practiced responsible journalism by waiting to be absolutely sure before they called the election in favor of Joe Biden — As Election Day turned into Election Week and closed the curtains on Trump's anti-media presidency, the media shined. — Isn't it ironic?
46: The Biden Presidency, Washington Post, Variety, NPR, CNN, The Atlantic, Reuters, New York Times, Raw Story and ABC News
46: The Biden Presidency: Here We Are — And so, here we are. — For one man, a lifetime spent waiting for this moment …
Washington Post: Biden's victory seemed clear for more than a day. So why did the media hold off on calling it?
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: Kamala Harris: 'I Won't Be the Last' Woman in the White House
Juana Summers / NPR: ‘Game-Changer’: Kamala Harris Makes History As Next Vice President
CNN: Harris bursts through another barrier, becoming the first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president-elect
Jemele Hill / The Atlantic: She Did It — When I interviewed Vice President-elect Kamala Harris last year at the Essence Festival …
Sudarshan Varadhan / Reuters: Prayers of gratitude for election of ‘daughter of India’ Harris as U.S. Vice President