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Henry Blodget says Insider and Business Insider will use the same CMS and merge tech and editorial teams; BI's logo will no longer appear on — Beginning Tuesday, Business Insider's logo will no longer appear on's website, the publication's CEO and founder Henry Blodget tells Axios.
Talking Biz News, @nichcarlson, @kirstenacuna, @sarafischer, @wongmjane, @jyarow, @parismartineau, @jayshams, @felixsalmon, @martinsfp, @megancgraham and @jyarow

The COVID Tracking Project, founded by three journalists and supported by The Atlantic, says it will issue its final update on March 7 and close in May — After a year of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting COVID-19 data for the United States, we're ending our data compilation work in early March.
@covid19tracking, @alexismadrigal, @covid19tracking, @covid19tracking, @ericuman, @yayitsrob, @kottke, @alexismadrigal, @covid19tracking, @jburnmurdoch, @kissane, Why is this interesting?, @thejoshklein, @alexismadrigal, @covid19tracking, @peterj_walker, @alexismadrigal, @emilybell, Crain's New York Business and Engadget

Political reporters need to be rebranded as government reporters, covering problems and those trying to solve them instead of who is winning messaging wars — The newly announced resignation of Washington Post executive editor Marty Baron, the abrupt stepping-down of Los Angeles Times …
@froomkin, @sullydish, @rauchway, @davidfolkenflik, @froomkin, American Press Institute, @gregggonsalves, @froomkin, @sjnorthrup, @froomkin, @froomkin, Politico, @froomkin, @jayrosen_nyu, @froomkin, @risj_oxford, @jamesfallows, @perrybaconjr, @perrybaconjr, @perrybaconjr, @marcidale and @garossino

Survey: 42% of Americans trust journalists more if they keep their views private; 36% trust them more if they are “open and honest” on social media about views
@benyt, @sopandeb, @sopandeb, @yashar, Memex 1.1, @taylorlorenz, @jbarro, @lukeoneil47, @goldietaylor, @byjoelanderson, @genepark, @choire, @benyt, @transscribe, @ryangrim, @espiers, @soledadobrien, @mariabustillos, @jeffjarvis, @mattyglesias, @russian_starr, @jilliancyork, @jeffjarvis, @sopandeb, @yashar, @wesleylowery, @jayrosen_nyu, The Media Nut, @edzitron, @sammy_roth, @taniel, @chrisgeidner, @hshaban, @chick_in_kiev, @ewong, @wesleylowery, @ericzuck, @briannawu, @joannastern, @nishachittal, @joannastern, @moneyries, @joshtpm, @allisonlcarter, @andrewmarzoni, @taylorlorenz, @benmullin, @felixsalmon, @megreenwell, @larakate, @racheld, @hwise29, @sonnybunch, @benhoffmannyt, @taylorlorenz, @wmreddy, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @aegallagher, @morningconsult, @ron_fournier, @ron_fournier, @joshuagreen, @qjurecic, @timodc, @jayrosen_nyu, @carigervin, @mattdpearce, @mattdpearce, @tball, @smgalante and American Press Institute

Elon Musk's Clubhouse appearance was a kind of test case for a16z's media ambitions and showed how the app could work as the audio version of Medium — I. Andreessen Horowitz and the backdoor pilot — Hey, did you hear Elon Musk went on Clubhouse? — The media and venture capital worlds …
@ericnewcomer, Business Insider, @alexeheath, @caseynewton, @johnlegere, @ericnewcomer, The Muffin por Mauricio …, @darethetrigger, @dearsarah, @jessicalessin, @coryweinberg, @ericnewcomer, @leimer, @jaycodon, @rafat, @moorehn, @marklittlenews, CNBC, Washington Post, TechCrunch and The So What Newsletter, more at Techmeme »

Myanmar's military taking control of the country through a coup and restricting internet access threatens an already-fragile free press — Yesterday—after a decade of democratic transition, five years of elected government, and several days of threats, apparent walkbacks, and rumors …
New York Times, New York Times, Associated Press, BBC, Committee to Protect …, France 24, Reuters, @cape_diamond and @jon_allsop

Flipboard CEO Mike McCue says the service “put journalists in charge” of its algorithms to fight misinfo and calls Apple News a black box with no audience data — Flipboard, the media curation app that organizes news into a magazine format, has long balanced algorithms and human curation.

Around 80 journalists were arrested in Russia over the weekend amid continued pro-Navalny demonstrations, according to PEN America citing local media reports — Around 80 journalists were arrested in Russia over the weekend amid continued protests against the detainment of opposition leader Alexei Navalny …
Reason, @franklarose, @repandykimnj, @sensanders, PEN America, @penamerica, @secblinken, @peterbakernyt, @ivohdaalder and @pressfreedom

MSNBC president unveils an internal structure emphasizing the difference between news and perspective/analysis, will hire a head of documentary acquisitions — Rashida Jones, who took the helm of MSNBC on Monday, unveiled a new organizational structure that puts greater emphasis …

Spotify launches in South Korea, the world's sixth biggest music market — STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Spotify Technology SA on Tuesday made a long-awaited debut in South Korea, the sixth largest music market in the world and home to the K-pop music genre. — The Swedish music streaming giant …
Billboard, Music Business Worldwide, Spotify and ZDNet

Dan Abrams says Law&Crime Network had $13M revenue in 2020, up from $3M in 2019, was profitable for the first time, and is planning to expand to more countries — Law&Crime Network, the media company owned by entrepreneur Dan Abrams, brought in more than $13 million in revenue last year, up from less than $3 million in 2019.

The future of GOP belongs to “Barstool conservatives”, as Dave Portnoy emerges as one of the most visible critics of lockdown policies in the US — Over the coming months, hundreds of thousands of words will be written about Donald Trump's presidency and the future of the Republican Party.
CNN, @benwoodfinden, @andrewtwalk, @michaelbd, @matthewwalther, @lachlan, @apblumenfeld, @apblumenfeld and @brianstelter

Judge finds billionaire Chau Chak Wing was defamed by Australia's ABC show that portrayed him as CCP member and orders ABC to pay AU$590K — Chinese-Australian businessman Chau Chak Wing has been awarded $590,000 after a judge found he was defamed by an ABC program that portrayed him as a Communist Party member.
ABC, @beneltham, @neighbour_s, @sulin_tan and The Guardian