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Henry Blodget says Business Insider is folding into the Insider brand, as Insider expands globally and into new verticals beyond business and tech — Beginning Tuesday, Business Insider's logo will no longer appear on's website, the publication's CEO and founder Henry Blodget tells Axios.

The COVID Tracking Project, founded by three journalists and supported by The Atlantic, says it will issue its final update on March 7 and close in May — After a year of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting COVID-19 data for the United States, we're ending our data compilation work in early March.
@covid19tracking, @alexismadrigal, @erictopol, @covid19tracking, @covid19tracking, @karaoehler, @ericuman, @yayitsrob, @kottke, @alexismadrigal, @covid19tracking, @jburnmurdoch, @kissane, @thejoshklein, @alexismadrigal, @covid19tracking, @peterj_walker, @alexismadrigal, @emilybell, Why is this interesting?, Crain's New York Business and Engadget

Elon Musk's Clubhouse appearance was a kind of test case for a16z's media ambitions and showed how the app could work as the audio version of Medium — I. Andreessen Horowitz and the backdoor pilot — Hey, did you hear Elon Musk went on Clubhouse? — The media and venture capital worlds …
@ericnewcomer, @alexeheath, @caseynewton, @ericnewcomer, @johnlegere, The Muffin por Mauricio …, @niemanlab, @darethetrigger, @dearsarah, @jessicalessin, @coryweinberg, @ericnewcomer, @leimer, @jaycodon, @rafat, @moorehn, @marklittlenews, Business Insider, CNBC, Washington Post, TechCrunch and The So What Newsletter, more at Techmeme »

Nine journalists in India who published or tweeted about stories that say police shot a protesting farmer have had criminal cases filed against them — At least nine senior Indian journalists are facing criminal charges for reporting allegations that Delhi police fatally shot a farmer …
Human Rights Watch, @jayshreebajoria, @hrw, @ranaayyub, @pbhushan1, @penamerica, Al Jazeera, @hannahep, @amankayamhai_et, DW.COM, @delhipolice, The India Cable and

Political reporters need to be rebranded as government reporters, covering problems and those trying to solve them instead of who is winning messaging wars — The newly announced resignation of Washington Post executive editor Marty Baron, the abrupt stepping-down of Los Angeles Times …
@joncanady, @jschoenwald, @kottke, @froomkin, @rauchway, @decitect, American Press Institute, @gregggonsalves, @froomkin, @sjnorthrup, @froomkin, @froomkin, @froomkin, @davidfolkenflik, @sullydish, @froomkin, Politico, @froomkin, @jayrosen_nyu, @risj_oxford, @jamesfallows, @perrybaconjr, @perrybaconjr, @perrybaconjr, @marcidale and @garossino

Survey: 42% of Americans trust journalists more if they keep their views private; 36% trust them more if they are “open and honest” on social media about views
@benyt, @sopandeb, @sopandeb, @yashar, Memex 1.1, @taylorlorenz, @lukeoneil47, @jbarro, @goldietaylor, @byjoelanderson, @genepark, @choire, @benyt, @transscribe, @ryangrim, @espiers, @soledadobrien, @mariabustillos, @jeffjarvis, @mattyglesias, @russian_starr, @jilliancyork, @jeffjarvis, @sopandeb, @yashar, @wesleylowery, @jayrosen_nyu, @edzitron, @sammy_roth, @taniel, @chrisgeidner, The Media Nut, @hshaban, @chick_in_kiev, @ewong, @wesleylowery, @ericzuck, @briannawu, @joannastern, @nishachittal, @joannastern, @moneyries, @joshtpm, @allisonlcarter, @andrewmarzoni, @taylorlorenz, @benmullin, @felixsalmon, @megreenwell, @larakate, @racheld, @hwise29, @sonnybunch, @benhoffmannyt, @taylorlorenz, @wmreddy, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @aegallagher, @morningconsult, @ron_fournier, @ron_fournier, @joshuagreen, @qjurecic, @timodc, @jayrosen_nyu, @carigervin, @mattdpearce, @mattdpearce, @tball, @smgalante and American Press Institute

Myanmar's military taking control of the country through a coup and restricting internet access threatens an already-fragile free press — Yesterday—after a decade of democratic transition, five years of elected government, and several days of threats, apparent walkbacks, and rumors …
New York Times, Associated Press, BBC, The Guardian, France 24, @cape_diamond, @jon_allsop, Committee to Protect … and Reuters

Flipboard CEO Mike McCue says the service “put journalists in charge” of its algorithms to fight misinfo and calls Apple News a black box with no audience data — Flipboard, the media curation app that organizes news into a magazine format, has long balanced algorithms and human curation.

Wikimedia begins work on implementing its first global code of conduct, which addresses harassment, the introduction of false or biased information, and more — (Reuters) - The foundation that operates Wikipedia will launch its first global code of conduct on Tuesday, seeking to address criticism …

Dan Abrams says Law&Crime Network had $13M revenue in 2020, up from $3M in 2019, was profitable for the first time, and is planning to expand to more countries — Law&Crime Network, the media company owned by entrepreneur Dan Abrams, brought in more than $13 million in revenue last year, up from less than $3 million in 2019.

MSNBC president unveils an internal structure emphasizing the difference between news and perspective/analysis, will hire a head of documentary acquisitions — Rashida Jones, who took the helm of MSNBC on Monday, unveiled a new organizational structure that puts greater emphasis …

Patrick Steel, CEO of Politico since 2017, tells staff he will leave the company this summer: it's “the right time to start the next chapter of my career” — Patrick Steel, the chief executive of Politico since 2017, said on Tuesday that he will leave the company this summer.

Sources: 50 employees were let go Tuesday from NBCUniversal's Entertainment Content Division, led by Susan Rovner — The reductions were expected after the conglomerate merged its development teams from Peacock and its linear networks. — The other shoe has dropped at NBCUniversal.
The Wrap, Variety and Hollywood Reporter