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Des Moines Register reporter Andrea Sahouri was acquitted of all charges by a jury after her arrest while covering a BLM protest last summer — Des Moines Register reporter Andrea Sahouri was acquitted of all charges by a jury on Wednesday following her arrest while covering a Black Lives Matter protest last summer.
@andreamsahouri, Washington Post, New York Times, Des Moines Register, Freedom of the Press …, CNN, @mwadsworth, NPR, Des Moines Register, USA Today, Committee to Protect …, @davidcayj, @jeremiahdavis10, @freedomofpress, @clay_masters, @omarjimenez, @mattlaslo, @mattdpearce, @tonymess, @jessicataylor, @fbajak, @annahbackstrom, @danbarrynyt, @mikejason73, @kimzetter, @linhmaita, @keitholbermann, @lyzl, @michaelrzuzel, @konfrstforhouse, @slavamalamud, @robneyer, @wesleylowery, @pressfreedom, @katie_robertson, @dmrmorris, @dena, @kb_gardner, @indivisrural_ia, @lyzl, @sulliview, @sgrubermiller, @adamserwer, @anupkaphle, @nycsouthpaw, @ryanjreilly, @katie_robertson, @abby4iowa, @cbhessick, @aprilehrlich, @jaredlholt, @spjwash, Associated Press, Law & Crime, Reason, Forbes, The Hill, Al Jazeera and The Wrap
Andrea May Sahouri / @andreamsahouri: Acquitted. (Photo credit: Ted Nieters/Polaris Images)
Elahe Izadi / Washington Post: Iowa reporter acquitted in a trial that shocked press freedom advocates
William Morris / Des Moines Register: Live updates: Des Moines Register reporter Andrea Sahouri acquitted by jury on both charges in protest trial
Freedom of the Press Foundation: Iowa reporter Andrea Sahouri acquitted on charges than never should have been brought in the first place
Maribel Wadsworth / @mwadsworth: Grateful justice was done, and @andreamsahouri was fully exonerated. But it should never have come to this. She was assaulted, arrested, charged and tried for doing her job. Today's victory is as much a victory for the 1st Amendment as it is for Andrea. #PressFreedom
Scott Neuman / NPR: Iowa Reporter Found Not Guilty By Jury After Arrest At Black Lives Matter Protest
William Morris / Des Moines Register: ‘This is my job!’: Register reporter Andrea Sahouri testifies in her own defense in her second day on trial
USA Today: Iowa journalist Andrea Sahouri acquitted in rare trial of reporter arrested while on assignment
Committee to Protect Journalists: Iowa journalist Andrea Sahouri acquitted on misdemeanor charges from 2020 protest coverage
David Cay Johnston / @davidcayj: Malicious is the proper word to describe the prosecution of @DMRegister reporter @andreamsahouri for doing her job WHILE complying with police orders. Jury acquitted. Polk County Attorney John Sarcone should resign. ...
Jeremiah Davis / @jeremiahdavis10: Aside from the fact that she never should've been arrested and this never should've gone to trial, I'm thankful for her and for journalism this was the outcome.
Clay Masters / @clay_masters: Here's @andreamsahouri's first tweet after her acquittal following a 3-day trial for doing her job as a journalist. Naturally, she is continuing to display solid journalism ethics by giving the photojournalist proper credit.
Omar Jimenez / @omarjimenez: As you should have been. This isn't what doing your job should look like.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: Polk County prosecutors should apologize to the jurors for wasting their time, and then they should apologize to the rest of us for turning America's press freedoms into an international embarrassment. ...
Tony Messenger / @tonymess: Excellent news. But NEVER should have gone to trial.
Jessica Taylor / @jessicataylor: Thank goodness.
Frank Bajak / @fbajak: The news here is not the acquittal of a newspaper reporter arrested while covering a demonstration. It's the fact that a prosecutor saw fit to file charges and go to trial.
Annah Aschbrenner / @annahbackstrom: Polk County DA John Sarcone doubles down on his prosecution of a journalist in Des Moines, arguing she was “a part of the protests” and “this isn't about free press.” ...
Dan Barry / @danbarrynyt: Justice. This journalist thanks you for what you do.
Mike Jason / @mikejason73: Glad she was acquitted. Should have never happened. This is the United States of America, FFS. ...
Kim Zetter / @kimzetter: Sahouri was covering protest last yr when officer came at her. She raised her hands and said “I'm press.” He pepper-sprayed her and her boyfriend and arrested them. Prosecutors said they disobeyed dispersal order and her role as journalist was irrelevant. Jury disagreed.
Linh Ta / @linhmaita: Spenser Robnett, who accompanied Sahouri to watch over her, was also found not guilty of all charges.
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Goddamned right
Lyz Lenz / @lyzl: It's absolutely essential that we talk about what an overreach of power this was by the Polk County District Attorney John Sarcone and the DMPD
Michael Rene Zuzel / @michaelrzuzel: Utter bullshit that she was arrested in the first place, much less that it went to trial.
Rep. Jennifer Konfrst / @konfrstforhouse: I'm glad the jury saw the truth here. Thanks to the journalists who do their jobs even when they have to endure things like this. You deserve better. We all do. #JournalismIsNotACrime
Slava Malamud / @slavamalamud: How this ever became a court case is beyond me. How the cop who pepper-sprayed her is not the defendant is utterly incomprehensible.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: Good. It is insane that charges were ever brought in this case
@pressfreedom: The acquittal of journalist Andrea Sahouri in Iowa today is a welcome relief, but Polk County prosecutors never should have filed charges against her in the first place. Reporting is not a crime. Our full statement:
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: A shoutout here to @DMRMorris who spectacularly livetweeted the whole trial
William Morris / @dmrmorris: Here's our story, which will continue to grow: ... Watch this space for additional updates.
Dena Takruri / @dena: Happy to hear journalist @AndreaMSahouri was acquitted. She should have never been charged in the first place. ...
KatieBeth Gardner / @kb_gardner: Journalism is not a crime. @andreamsahouri of the @DMRegister was acquitted today of charges stemming from her coverage of a protest in May 2020. #NotGuilty #PressFreedom
Indivisible Rural NW Iowa / @indivisrural_ia: Polk County Attorney needs to resign. And apologize.
Lyz Lenz / @lyzl: Also, please remember a lot of protestors in Des Moines are facing similar trumped up charges.
@sulliview: Iowa reporter Andrea Sahouri acquitted in controversial case that shocked press freedom advocates. ... Good news, and good coverage from @ElaheIzadi ...
Stephen Gruber-Miller / @sgrubermiller: I asked @ChuckGrassley this morning about @DMRegister reporter @andreamsahouri's trial. He said he wasn't familiar with the details but expressed a general support for freedom of the press. Here's the full exchange.
Anup Kaphle / @anupkaphle: This is great news! But it should have never gotten as far as it did. ...
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: The prosecutor's office should have to pay her costs for this ridiculous trial.
Ryan J. Reilly / @ryanjreilly: This arrest, this prosecution, and this trial never should have happened. If there's any silver lining here, it's that great reporters like @andreamsahouri tend to produce some extraordinary criminal justice journalism after an experience like that. ...
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: Andrea Sahouri, a Des Moines Register reporter, has been acquitted in a rare case of a journalist prosecuted while on the job — charges the Register had slammed as “a violation of free press rights”
Abby Finkenauer / @abby4iowa: . @andreamsahouri never should have had to go through this. Freedom of the press was just put to actual test in Iowa. Watching this happen in my state was hard to watch & just terrifying for journalists who live here, report here & trying to do their jobs. Standing w/ you.
Carissa Byrne Hessick / @cbhessick: Very glad to see that reporter Andrea Sahouri was acquitted. But questions still remain about why police arrested her in the first place, and why Polk County Attorney John Sarcone decided to prosecute her. ...
April Ehrlich / @aprilehrlich: Police arrested 117 journalists in the U.S. last year. Eleven still face charges, including me.
Jared Holt / @jaredlholt: Of course she's not guilty but she will never get her time or money back defending herself from this fascistic prosecution attempt for doing journalism
@spjwash: This is a win for journalists everywhere. Reporters should not be arrested for doing their job.
Aaron Keller / Law & Crime: Iowa Jury Acquits Newspaper Reporter Who Was Arrested While Covering George Floyd Protest
C.J. Ciaramella / Reason: Iowa Reporter Acquitted After Being Arrested While Covering George Floyd Protests
Jemima McEvoy / Forbes: Jury Acquits Iowa Reporter Arrested While Covering Black Lives Matter Protest

Andrea Sahouri's trial was an actual threat to the First Amendment, and initial silence from state leaders showed who would defend journalism and who would not — This week, Des Moines Register journalist Andrea May Sahouri is o n trial after being arrested on May 31 while covering a Black Lives Matter protest for her job.
Lyz Lenz / @lyzl: Sahouri was just declared not guilty. This case should have never gone to trial.
Lyz Lenz / @lyzl: The problem with our culture is not about a dumb potato. It's about a journalist on trial for doing her job.
@niemanlab: “The trial is happening in a red state within the context of a lot of societal pearl-grabbing over the First Amendment and ‘cancel culture.’ And provides a crucial window into power and the media, and who is defended and who isn't.”
@statesnewsroom: Gov. Kim Reynolds declined to comment and “Grassley said he didn't have specifics on the case of Des Moines Register reporter Andrea Sahouri, who was acquitted Wednesday of charges that she ‘failed to disperse’”
Lyz Lenz / @lyzl: In Iowa, lawmakers have gone to bat to defend conservative white men over their “free speech” and have said nothing about the trial of a journalist.

A deep look at what happened at Gimlet Media and its top podcast Reply All, following the pressure of a union drive and rewards of a lucrative sale to Spotify — A podcast was applauded for its reporting on embedded racism in the workplace. It didn't make it to the third episode.
Vulture, @bradfordpearson, @bendreyfuss, @bendreyfuss, @yendi, @vulture, @amyalex63, @amyalex63, @conor64, @bendreyfuss, @daveyalba, @ahmedyussuf10, @vulture, @simonowens, @bendreyfuss, @katierosman, @kendrawrites, @kerrymflynn, @besharodell, @bendreyfuss, @amyalex63, @conor64, @choire, @blakersdozen, @simonowens, @simonowens, @fffffrida, @tomgara, @kendrawrites, @ashleyrcarman, @kendrawrites, @kerrymflynn, @nbj914, @milphy and @michaelroston
Nicholas Quah / Vulture: What Went Wrong at Gimlet?
Bradford Pearson / @bradfordpearson: Holy hell
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: I'm not even in our union because I'm technically “mangement” because journalism titles are technically “stupid”
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: And then the union drive succeeded anyway, so who cares that some highly paid people in the company were suspicious about the union? It seems like that happens every time. And they failed to stop the union.
Adam Lipkin / @yendi: One of the many things to remember when following the Reply All/Gimlet stuff is that @podcaststartup wasn't an “inside look.” It was marketing.
@vulture: The reckoning at Reply All is in many ways a classic story about the perils of start-up culture. @nwquah reports
Amy Alexander / @amyalex63: A solid B+ report here from @nytimesbusiness on a complex topic. (The “Cancel-Adjacent” section is inexplicable.) Recommendation: Hire Black & Latino Journos to cover the news industry (including #pods and #social media + #audio app companies.)
Amy Alexander / @amyalex63: Also, re Ethics, this report should be updated to disclose within text @lpolgreen's former employment w @nytimes (embedding a link @ her name is insufficient.)
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: One thought on this Gimlet piece: it asserts StartUp painted a falsely rosy portrait. IMHO, a listener could definitely tell working conditions would be *startup chaotic* and *journo founder learning management on the fly*, not *polished corporate*
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: I'm not saying that people can't have hurt feelings from union discussions, but disagreement about unionizing is pretty standard practice! Someone not supporting a union drive in your office does not seem remotely worth them *apologizing on Twitter and taking a leave of absence*
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: Rigorous and fair reporting from @katierosman @uugwuu on the Bon App/Reply All saga. It made me sad—just all around sucks for everyone. Our industry needs to do way better. Also, abolish “star” systems.
Ahmed Yussuf / @ahmedyussuf10: “You promised to develop me, that's why you said you brought me here,” said Mr. Mputubwele, who now works for “The New Yorker Radio Hour.” “It's like they thought that they could do diversity without actually doing the work that diversity requires.”
@vulture: The reckoning at Reply All is in many ways a classic story about the perils of startup culture. On what went wrong at Gimlet, @nwquah reports
Simon Owens / @simonowens: Here's another long article investigating the incident, with lots of staffers speaking up. Still no concrete accusations lodged at PJ other than he wasn't as supportive as he could have been of unionization efforts.
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: This Vulture story is better but still sort of makes it all just sound like a fight about unionizing.
Katie Rosman / @katierosman: “Being ‘cancel-adjacent’ is exhausting,” @tammieetc said. “There is a word for this, but I'm not sure what it is. ‘Irony’ is insufficient.” “If we cancel everyone,” she said, “who will be left?” Cooked up with @uugwuu
@kendrawrites: Many of those who are accused of perpetuating harm at Gimlet are no longer in supervisory roles. At NYT they have been promoted. And in some cases are in charge of overseeing their diversity efforts.
@kerrymflynn: “Unfortunately, the culture of so many of our newsrooms is such that our newsrooms only respond to public pressure and public embarrassment.” ^ A sad but good quote from @WesleyLowery in NYT's “What Really Happened at ‘Reply All’?” story
Besha Rodell / @besharodell: The pertinent quote here, which can be applied far and wide: “It's like they thought that they could do diversity without actually doing the work that diversity requires.”
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: I still don't entirely understand what the people at Reply All resigned for that was so bad that they had to cancel their series? Like, some of them didn't support the union drive, but isn't that pretty common during union drives?
Amy Alexander / @amyalex63: To wit: the #NestingDolls effect is real. Until @nytimes and other major Legit news outlets add Black & Latino staff to #media + #tech beats, full accountability coverage of the racial power imbalance in these important sectors will not happen: 👇🏾
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: The NYT has a Gimlet story too. It suggests the longest serving ReplyAll staffers stood to make $600,000 K minimum from the Spotify acquisition, which unionizing beforehand could jeopardize. How do so many accounts not even consider *that* motive?!
@choire: It's possible this tale of serial tragedies only ends in more tragedies yet to come.
Blake Montgomery / @blakersdozen: “When quiet talks of unionizing began, employees at “Reply All” were kept out, as the organizers feared leaks to management. When those employees learned they had been kept in the dark for months, some were distrustful of the organizers.”
Simon Owens / @simonowens: Maybe PJ did something horrific that we don't know about, but the most concrete thing that's been publicly reported thus far is that he was maybe upset that he was brought in late to the unionization efforts.
Simon Owens / @simonowens: This piece seems to push back at some of the most serious accusations lodged against PJ and Shruthi — that they sent “harassing” messages and hosted an anti-union meeting. I've yet to see a single concrete detail that necessitated PJ leaving the show.
Frida Garza / @fffffrida: i really wish ppl who hoard power in their workplace and later get called out for it could practice actually just sharing some of that power w/ colleagues who don't look like them, instead of quitting and taking it all with them:
Tom Gara / @tomgara: What a sentence: “Alison Roman, a cookbook author (and former columnist for The New York Times), was facing criticism for her popular turmeric-infused chickpea stew recipe, which hadn't initially acknowledged the influence of South Asian curry dishes”
@kendrawrites: A lot of people tell me their stories. And a thing I take incredibly seriously is protecting people's privacy. So I have a whole stack of stories I can't tell you. I can't tell you the stories of people, smart, hard working, kind people NYT has driven from journalism.
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: nyt also wrote about gimlet tn, and @katierosman and @uugwuu detail who owned shares / how many they did when spotify acquired the company
@kendrawrites: I'm happy that the voices of those who have been harmed, their voices are finally being heard. And I hope things get better. But as a former NYT staffer it is incredibly painful to read this article knowing there's no similar reckoning in that newsroom
@kerrymflynn: “...many of the workers and contractors who lived through Gimlet's fast rise... witnessed firsthand what happens when a company gets too big too quickly for its leadership to pay close attention to its own people.” - @nwquah
Nicholas Jackson / @nbj914: When publications drop similar, non-breaking-news stories at the same time I'm going to call it a Zanesville going forward: //
Sean Milford / @milphy: whoa

Sources: BuzzFeed is in talks to go public through a merger with 890 5th Avenue, a SPAC; one source says proceeds could be used for future acquisitions — BuzzFeed Inc. is in talks to go public through a merger with 890 5th Avenue Partners Inc., a special purpose acquisition company, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
Gillian Tan / @gilliantan: Buzzfeed is in talks to go public through 890 5th Avenue Partners, a SPAC named after the Avengers mansion New w/ @Lucas_Shaw 👇 $ENFA
Laura Bassett / @lebassett: *blank stare*
Edward Ongweso Jr / @bigblackjacobin: Remember folks: at this point in the bubble, SPACs allow companies that cannot normally go public to do so by subsidizing the cost via bag-holding SPAC shareholders and offering generous terms so investors look the other way
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: “890 5th Avenue — named after the fictional Avengers mansion — is led by Executive Chairman Adam Rothstein and CEO Emiliano Calemzuk.”
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Shoulda bought those options
David Dayen / @ddayen: The Prospect is extremely SPACable, not gon' lie
Eric Balchunas / @ericbalchunas: BuzzFeed in talks to go public via SPAC. Unfort $BUZZ no longer available. ...
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: After brutal layoffs, BuzzFeed is in talks to go public through a SPAC, Bloomberg reports
Andrew Feinberg / @andrewfeinberg: Well this is a gigantic “fuck you” to all the people who got laid off from @HuffPost yesterday.
Hemal Jhaveri / @hemjhaveri: This detail is just *chef's kiss* absurd. “890 5th Avenue — named after the fictional Avengers mansion” 🥴
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: Buzzfeed to merge with SPAC named after Avengers mansion Flashback to: How Geek Culture overtook Pop Culture once kids who read comic books worked on Madison Ave, Wall Street (& Silicon Valley + Hollywood).
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: I don't have any idea what this means from a business perspective but it would create some fun subplots of Media 2021 because a lot of people from the happier days of the internet have stock options in buzzfeed
Samuel Rubenfeld / @srubenfeld: 24 hours after laying off dozens of journalists
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: Woof. Not even a week since the layoffs. But I guess the push for profitability this year is in this context.
David Moscrop / @david_moscrop: Rule #1 of corporate media: try to become what you once perfomatively hated.
Ryan McCarthy / @mccarthyryanj: Very hard to see how SPACs in media will be a good thing for newsroom jobs.
John Michael McGrath / @jm_mcgrath: ah so friends of mine were sacrificed on the altar, cool cool coooooooool
Tyler Sonnemaker / Insider: BuzzFeed in talks to go public through merger with 890 Fifth Avenue, a SPAC focused on media and telecom
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: BuzzFeed in Talks to Go Public Via SPAC Merger (Report)

BuzzFeed announces layoffs at HuffPost, affecting 47 US employees, three weeks after acquiring the site from Verizon Media; HuffPost Canada will close
Talking Points Memo, @huffpostunion, @samantha_kb, New Republic, @ohheyjenna, @perlberg, @emmaladyrose, @sebastianmurdoc, @boyreporter, @kimbhasin, @jacobsoboroff, @schwarz, Today in Tabs, @cmclymer, @huffpostunion, @sulliview,, Fingers, @_tarynitup, @mckinneykelsey, @jbendery, @jbarro, @kerileighmerrit, @donie, @joyurcaba, @sarahmillerdc, Poynter, @samantha_kb, @jwints, @mahamabedi, @sara_bee, @hshaban, @mccarthyryanj, @mekosoff, @claireefallon, @flyingwithsara, @itsalexberg, @jessicaschulb, @jscros, @annaesilman, @annaesilman, @annaesilman, @annaesilman, @discourse_blog, @kimbhasin, @lukewsavage, @kazweida, @annetdonahue, @erinstrout, @pennyriordan1, @losowsky, @janellenanos, @tpcarney, @emilydreyfuss, @emilydreyfuss, @aedwardslevy, @sebastianmurdoc, Talking Biz News, @rebekahentralgo, @chrisgeidner, @edzitron, @jesseraub, @themaxburns, @scaachi, @egavactip, @ruthbenghiat and @adamserwer
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo: On HuffPost's Layoffs — According to press reports, HuffPost, which was recently acquired by Buzzfeed …
@huffpostunion: Today, we learned that 33 of our unit members — nearly 30% of our unit — are being laid off. Our union's statement: “We are devastated and infuriated, particularly after an exhausting year of covering a pandemic and working from home.” (1/x)
Samantha Beattie / @samantha_kb: Without telling us they've shut down our site.
Alex Shephard / New Republic: What Is BuzzFeed Doing to HuffPost?
Jenna Amatulli / @ohheyjenna: A thread of incomparable reporters laid off from HuffPost today who you, an esteemed media organization, should scoop up immediately: 1/
Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: Layoffs hitting HuffPost today, weeks after it was acquired by BuzzFeed: - 47 staffers in the US - exec editor Hillary Frey and international exec editor Louise Roug have decided to leave - closing HuffPost Canada - consultations on slimming down UK/ Aus ...
Emma Gray / @emmaladyrose: Today I got laid off at HuffPost, after a decade of work I am so incredibly proud of. I am one of 47 of my deeply, beautifully, funny and talented and wonderful and kind colleagues who lost their jobs today. I'm the most sad that we can't all hug each other. (Also... hire me?)
Sebastian Murdock / @sebastianmurdoc: there's simply no way our new corporate overlords could ever be THAT evil I said two hours ago like a dipshit
Ron Nurwisah / @boyreporter: A hard tweet to write. I'm one of the journalists affected by the HuffPost layoffs. Want to give a 👏 to everyone who helped build @HuffPostCanada especially @yumke who hired me. And a 🙌 to @gabigailgilliam @MikeElliotBarry and the rest of my team for being so amazing in 2020
Kim Bhasin / @kimbhasin: BuzzFeed laid off many of the longest-tenured staff at HuffPost. They stayed through all the regimes and created something great despite the endless BS. People like @emmaladyrose, @EmilyRPeck, @rklein90, @quasimado, @ClaireEFallon & @RealGirlProject - They built that newsroom.
Jacob Soboroff / @jacobsoboroff: Seconding this, and pulling for my former colleagues and friends at @HuffPost after this absolutely crappy news.
Jon Schwarz / @schwarz: The layoffs at HuffPost are terrible. But this was baked in when the company was founded with money from venture capitalists and private equity. That's why it got sold to AOL, and then Verizon. Journalism was never profitable in the past, it isn't now, and it never will be.
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: Spring is Here — When I say “a terrible industry,” what's the first one that you think of?
@cmclymer: I cannot recommend enough that news outlets hire @emmaladyrose. The influence of her reporting on a variety of topics over the past decade has been simply extraordinary. She's a fair and incredibly talented journalist. Any outlet would be lucky to have her.
@huffpostunion: (2/x) “This is also happening less than a month after HuffPost was acquired by BuzzFeed. We never got a fair shot to prove our worth.”
@sulliview: Tons of talent among those being laid off at HuffPost. I hope every hiring news org is taking a hard look. And I'm so sorry to hear this gutting news, especially after so much good work in the past year.
David Infante / Fingers: Media industry still butt; bar-tab Venmo still deficient
Taryn Finley / @_tarynitup: Extremely frustrated, saddened and disappointed to see so many of my talented HuffPost colleagues laid off today. They have taught me so much and it has been such a joy to work alongside them. Hire them. And unionize your newsrooms. I can't stress that enough.
Kelsey Mckinney / @mckinneykelsey: every single media layoff story is as disgusting and predictably inhumane as you expect it to be and yet every single time i am shocked
Jennifer Bendery / @jbendery: Still processing how painful today was for HuffPost. Some exceptional reporters and editors, not to mention exceptional people, are now on the market. Hire them.
Josh Barro / @jbarro: 47 layoffs might save about $4 million, before restructuring costs and lost revenue from reduced editorial product. Peretti said he wants to break even this year instead of losing $20 million. That math does not seem to pencil, unless there's a big strategy to grow revenue.
Keri Leigh Merritt, Ph.D. / @kerileighmerrit: Just psychologically, downright cruel.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: This is high on the fucked-up scale.
Jo Yurcaba / @joyurcaba: Solidarity to all the incredible HuffPost reporters/editors laid off today (as someone who was laid off a month into the pandemic). If you have any LGBTQ+ pitches, I'd be happy to consider them - email is in my bio.
Sarah Miller / @sarahmillerdc: Mergers and layoffs go hand-in-hand, and not just in media. Under previous antitrust regimes, layoffs were just another “efficiency.” With a merger boom just over the horizon, the connection between M&A and layoffs needs to be part of the conversation.
Tom Jones / Poynter: Piers Morgan walks off then walks away
Samantha Beattie / @samantha_kb: I will be publishing my story I was writing this week about climate change... somehow. Maybe on a blog?
Jesse Winter / @jwints: Shuttering newsrooms on the heels of a union push that sought basic respect and support for journalists should be illegal. Instead it's all too familiar
Maham Abedi / @mahamabedi: HuffPost Canada was home to some of the brightest, kindest and most passionate journalists in our country and they simply deserve better. I have no doubt they'll find it. Forever grateful to them and for the newsroom that took a chance on me seven years ago. It's a sad day.
Sara B. / @sara_bee: Although HuffPost has struggled financially for several years, some staffers criticized the lack of resources expended to promote the site and its content under Verizon Media. “We never got a fair shot to prove our worth,” the union said.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: “there is one CEO who for years has utterly failed to both run a profitable company and treat his employees with even a modicum of human dignity when he is forced to throw their lives in the trash on a yearly basis. That man is Jonah Peretti”
Ryan McCarthy / @mccarthyryanj: Newsrooms lost ~17k jobs last year. This, after 10+ years of working through cuts and consolidation, 2 recessions and a pandemic. That this many talented journalists could be out of work is a market failure. The industry has to do better for its workers. Hire them:
Maya Kosoff / @mekosoff: sometimes i miss working in journalism full time but then a media company seems to deliberately choose the cruelest, most stress-inducing way to lay off several dozen people and my nostalgia evaporates
Claire Fallon / @claireefallon: well! just found out that after ten years at huffpost, i'm being laid off.
Sara Nelson / @flyingwithsara: Devastating. And we stand with you, @HuffPostUnion. But no doubt the union made even the worst conditions better for the people doing to the work at @HuffPost. And the union fights on. #1u
Alex Berg / @itsalexberg: This is devastating. HuffPosters have done such amazing work over the years and deserve so much better after a year of working through a pandemic.
Jessica Schulberg / @jessicaschulb: i'm absolutely shaking with rage - this is a bloodbath and we've been at buzzfeed for less than a month. we don't even have an EIC yet. there was no effort to work with the union to avoid/mitigate job loss during a pandemic
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: here's a blog about the people in charge, and specifically one guy who keeps finding new ways to fuck up
Anna Silman / @annaesilman: @peretti you'll pay for our mandatory government hotel quarantine back in canada right?
Anna Silman / @annaesilman: now instead of taking his first vacation in a year because, lol, spr!ngisH3re!, he'll be on the phone to immigration lawyers seeing if he can stay in the country that has been our home for almost a decade.
Anna Silman / @annaesilman: after a hellish year spent reporting on the front lines of a pandemic, my partner and i were looking forward to things finally getting a little brighter over the next few months. plus, after giving 7 years of his life to huffpo, they were finally going to get him his green card!
Anna Silman / @annaesilman: in addition to every other entirely fucked up thing, huffpo laid off several international employees who depend on the company for their visa — during a pandemic, with no warning. this is tantamount to destroying not just someone's livelihood but their whole life. i am livid.
Kim Bhasin / @kimbhasin: BuzzFeed made its layoffs a live reality show reveal. Staff were told 47 of them would be laid off, but they'd have to wait to find out if they were included. If they didn't receive an email by 1 pm then their jobs were safe.
Kaz Weida / @kazweida: This is unconscionable. There's no need to inflict this kind of suffering.
Anne T. Donahue / @annetdonahue: This is so fucking disrespectful and disgusting. I'm appalled and absolutely not shocked.
Erin Strout / @erinstrout: Cruel.
Penny Riordan / @pennyriordan1: @boyreporter @HuffPostCanada @yumke @gabigailgilliam @MikeElliotBarry I've been there twice, after both Patch/AOL and GateHouse/Gannett. You'll find somewhere amazing to land, no doubt. But first, take a break, get some rest, and take some time!
Andrew Losowsky / @losowsky: If you want an expert on social, email, audience - Ron is your man. This is a rare opportunity to pick up one of the best.
Tim Carney / @tpcarney: I have been reading “The Price of Peace” by @zachdcarter. It's been an education, yes, but it's been a joy. Zach is an excellent writer who grips you with his storytelling prose. HuffPo let him go today, so buy his book. ...
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: Anyway, I want to say “hire all the talented journalists who got laid off today!” But our industry is so imperiled, as are so many others, that what we really need is a much broader restructuring of our priorities as a society
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: People working to help others, with a sense of purpose and mission, so often are the least valued by our capitalist system. Doctors might appear to be the exception, but...
Ariel Edwards-Levy / @aedwardslevy: After nine years at HuffPost, I am unfortunately saying goodbye to my incredible colleagues. I'm so proud of the work we've done. If you're looking to hire someone who loves writing about public opinion, good data and awful puns, please get in touch.
Sebastian Murdock / @sebastianmurdoc: as an aside, in the future maybe don't have the password to your massive layoff blindside meeting be a variation of “spring is here”
Mariam Ahmed / Talking Biz News: BuzzFeed announces layoffs for HuffPost staffers
Rebekah Entralgo Fernndez / @rebekahentralgo: Deeply evil. Solidarity with @HuffPostUnion
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: For more on this really awful news, BuzzFeed cut roughly a third of the HuffPost newsroom, per this:
Ed Zitron / @edzitron: if this is about buzzfeed not having the profits to sustain huffpo, then perhaps they shouldn't have acquired them in the first place
Jesse Raub / @jesseraub: @edzitron i'm pretty sure the losses are related to HuffPost only and he's saying that the meager profits at BuzzFeed can't cover those HuffPost losses, technically. still extremely monstrous and horrible.
Max Burns / @themaxburns: My heart goes out to the 47 fantastic reporters and producers laid off from Huffington Post today. It's a brutal time for a brutal industry, so please consider hiring some of these great voices.
Mark Pitcavage / @egavactip: There are some good reporters there. :(

Ian Murray, executive director of UK's Society of Editors, steps down following backlash over his claims that there is no racism in the UK press — Ian Murray steps down amid backlash over his article criticising duchess's claims of UK media bigotry — The executive director of the Society …
@sunapology, @miqdaad, @metrouk, @owenjones84, @nicransome, @terrychristian, @jeffjarvis, @thattimwalker, @shirishmm and @peterjukes
@sunapology: The Society of Editors and also @pressgazette seriously misjudged the public mood and more importantly the mood within its own industry on this one. Shambolic. ...
Miqdaad Versi / @miqdaad: Major development: The executive director of @EditorsUK, Ian Murray has *resigned* after he claimed there is no racism in the press, leading to a rolling series of withdrawals from the @EditorsUK's National Press Awards ...
@metrouk: He said he would step down from his role so the organisation can ‘rebuild its reputation’ after numerous high-profile journalists hit out at his ‘laughable’ comments.
Owen Jones / @owenjones84: It's good that this preposterously obnoxious man has gone, but the British national media - one of the most socially privileged occupations in the UK - is riddled with denial about the racism rampant in its ranks. ...
Nic Ransome / @nicransome: “...holding a spotlight up to those in positions of power, celebrity or influence.” Translation: “...mercilessly holding a spotlight on those in positions of celebrity to hide that we never hold a spotlight on those in positions of power or influence.” ...
Terry Christian / @terrychristian: This bloke was a horrible slimey twat Society of Editors chief quits after row over Meghan racism statement ...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: This was as predictable as dawn. Society of Editors chief quits after row over Meghan racism statement ...
Tim Walker / @thattimwalker: I predicted more people would be going as a result of the #MeghanAndHarry interview. We need now to address the malign influence of Murdoch if anything is to really change. ...
Shirish Kulkarni / @shirishmm: I keep coming back to @reynoldspost's key question on newsroom inclusion: “Are we going to be sustainers, creators, deniers, facilitators or dismantlers of systemic racism?” Thank you to those who are choosing to dismantle. ...
Peter Jukes / @peterjukes: Society of Editors chief quits — “the decision became inevitable after people began abandoning awards - a key source of funding for the industry body” Insider tip: the awards scam is the major earner and form of social control of most these outfits ...

UK's Society of Editors issues a clarification after 200+ journalists of color criticize its denial of Prince Harry's claim that UK media is “bigoted”
Yorkshire Post, The Guardian, The Guardian, Hollywood Reporter, @billt, @peterjukes, @campbellclaret, @tobyperkinsmp, @oz_f, @georgiebingham, @peterjukes, @hackneyabbott, @pressgazette, @archiebland, @meghamohan, @david_conn, @mwolferobinson, @davidallengreen, @monisha_rajesh, @miqdaad, @archiebland, @bizpears, @markpack, @jakubkrupa, @jeffjarvis, @archiebland, @vivian and Press Gazette
James Mitchinson / Yorkshire Post: The Yorkshire Post to withdraw from Society of Editors awards
Archie Bland / The Guardian: Society of Editors steps back from claim racism no part of Meghan coverage
Bill Thompson / @billt: Respect to @JayMitchinson for taking a stand. I'm another white journalist from a working class background, and I stand with him and all those who see and oppose racism in our profession. (Yorkshire Post to withdraw from Society of Editors awards) ...
Peter Jukes / @peterjukes: “I will be damned if the colour of my skin and my perceived social status is going to prevent me from listening, learning, bettering myself and my workplace. It is now up to the Society to decide how it betters itself, for the sake of decent journalism.” ...
Alastair Campbell / @campbellclaret: Why can't more editors and newspaper people actually have principles? If they did they would be withdrawing from a lot more than this - eg using the govt propaganda videos and photos, accepting the ludicrous briefing system etc. ...
Toby Perkins MP / @tobyperkinsmp: This @JayMitchinson character continues to shine and is doing a wonderful job lifting the @yorkshirepost to the very top of its profession. This statement is in keeping with that. Remember him when he was new @D_Times editor and I was new MP.Always had class and an eye for news.
Osman Faruqi / @oz_f: I genuinely cannot see anything like this happening in Australia. Major publishers and senior journalists blasting a peak industry body after it denied coverage of Meghan Markle was racist. ...
Georgie Bingham / @georgiebingham: YES. This paper is an example in soooo many ways.
Peter Jukes / @peterjukes: Always honourable. Always independent and on point @JayMitchinson and the @yorkshirepost
Diane Abbott MP / @hackneyabbott: Media industry still in denial about institutional racism #blacklivesmatter ...
@pressgazette: Evening Standard editor Emily Sheffield joins Guardian, FT, i and Huffpost editors to speak out: “We were not consulted about The Society of Editors' statement and it did not reflect our views on these vital issues” ...
Archie Bland / @archiebland: Latest on @CharleneWhite stepping down as presenter of Press Awards after Society of Editors suggested racism in media not a thing. A new statement today from board backing off that view did not persuade her that the original remarks could be overlooked: ...
Megha Mohan / @meghamohan: Great to see @EditorsUK board refuting idiotic statement made by executive director that there was no bigotry in the British media. More than 160 journalists of colour have called his statement proof of “an institution & an industry in denial”. ...
David Conn / @david_conn: Society of Editors has now revised its statement that racism played no part in the Meghan coverage, after protests from many journalists of colour, some editors, and senior people on its board. Report by @archiebland. ...
Maya Wolfe-Robinson / @mwolferobinson: There are now 236 journalists of colour who have signed this letter in response to the original statement from the Society of Editors ...
@davidallengreen: Many stupid things in law and media are described as ‘robust’
Monisha Rajesh / @monisha_rajesh: I signed. No more gaslighting.
Miqdaad Versi / @miqdaad: More than 160 journalists of colour from across the British media have described a claim by the Society of Editors that racism was never a factor in coverage of the Duchess of Sussex as “laughable” proof of “an institution and an industry in denial”. ...
Archie Bland / @archiebland: 167 journalists of colour sign letter saying the Society of Editors' statement that there's no racism in the British media is ‘laughable’, Guardian and FT eds @KathViner and @khalafroula also disagree, and board member says ‘tone deaf’: ...
Elizabeth Pears / @bizpears: Completely support this. The Society of Editors does not speak for me.
Mark Pack / @markpack: It's hard not to wonder if the chief of the Society of Editors perhaps doesn't actually read any newspapers when he comes out with stuff like this...
Jakub Krupa / @jakubkrupa: “The Society of Editors has said a statement it issued saying there was no racism in the British media failed to reflect reality, and stepped back from its defence of the coverage of the Duchess of Sussex after members of the board threatened to resign.” ...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Classic reflexive racist defensiveness. Step 1: “Us, racist? Why, no, let us tell you how not racist we are.” Step 2, below: “Uh, yes, but we do have a lot of work to do.” Step 3, coming: “Watch us fix this because we have the power to fix everything. We will start a committee.”
Archie Bland / @archiebland: Latest on Society of Editors stepping back from claim racism in the media isn't a thing. Some on board still feel it hasn't gone far enough, and considered resigning last night. Others say this is as far as you can go with board consensus required. ...
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: Too little too late

ITV news anchor Charlene White quits as host of National Press Awards following the Society of Editors' widely ridiculed claim that the UK media is “not racist”
New York Times, @charlenewhite, Jon Slattery, BBC, @claudiawebbe, @nbentleytweets, @marshadecordova, @dionnegrant, @davidlammy, @stancollymore, @mehdirhasan, @afuahirsch, @mwolferobinson, @henrymance, @georgiebingham, @stephenkb, @andreabyrnetv, @jessbrammar, @pressgazette, HoldtheFrontPage, The Wrap, paulwiltshireblog and Press Gazette
Charlene White / @charlenewhite: Yep, that's right... ...
Jon Slattery: Media Quotes of the Week: From backlash over Society of Editors response to Harry and Meghan interview prompts director to quit and awards boycott to UK action plan for journalists' safety
Claudia Webbe MP / @claudiawebbe: Solidarity @CharleneWhite Thank you for speaking truth to power This is why we must diversify and democratise our media
@nbentleytweets: I think this is amazing, selfless, and brave, but it is completely appalling that yet again it is a black woman stepping back. It is so obvious that the levels of racism within the media are endemic - and it is denial to claim otherwise.
Dionne Grant / @dionnegrant: Charlene White,the first Black woman to present the ITV News At Ten,has pulled out of hosting the Society of Editors' National Press Awards following the Society's claim that the UK media is “not racist”. Says it needs a host “whose views align with yours” ...
David Lammy / @davidlammy: Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Thank you @CharleneWhite 👏🏿👏🏿 👏🏿 ...
Stan Collymore / @stancollymore: Another fine broadcaster and journalist taking a stand as she always does. Bravo @CharleneWhite 🙌🏽
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Charlene White Quits As Host Of Press Awards Over Society Of Editors' Racism Statement | HuffPost Life >> meanwhile back in the UK... ...
Afua Hirsch / @afuahirsch: What solidarity looks like ... @CharleneWhite 🔥
Maya Wolfe-Robinson / @mwolferobinson: “Here's the thing. I only work with organisations who practise what they preach. My time is precious, so I'd rather not waste it.”
Henry Mance / @henrymance: “I only work with organisations who practise what they preach.”
Georgie Bingham / @georgiebingham: Well done you. Nothing gets done about the ‘nothing to see here’ attitude until people take physical steps to highlight it.
Stephen Bush / @stephenkb: Excellent and brave statement by @CharleneWhite: ...
Andrea Byrne / @andreabyrnetv: There is a lot of talk on here this morning about freedom of speech, but not much about due impartiality and the Ofcom code. For those that don't know, news programmes in the UK are regulated by this code.
Jess Brammar / @jessbrammar: “I'm not yr personal Google. I am a Black woman who has consistently stood up for what she believes in, irrespective of impact it wd have on my career.” @CharleneWhite quits as host of Society of Editors' Press Awards with an explosive statement ...
@pressgazette: New: ITV's Charlene White has quit as host of @EditorsUK Press Awards being held virtually on 31 March. She says it needs a host “whose views align with yours: that the UK press is the one institution in the entire country who has a perfect record on race” ...
Paul Linford / HoldtheFrontPage: Murray quits as Society of Editors chief over ‘tone-deaf’ racism denial
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: Will UK Tabloids Face a Reckoning Over Meghan Markle Coverage?

Study: Caliphate is an example of performative journalistic transparency that concealed issues, like a lack of editorial oversight, that doomed the project — Welcome to another edition of RQ1! For those who are new, we are Mark Coddington and Seth Lewis — two former journalists turned academics …
Casey Kelly / @caseyriankelly: Fascinating. Before the recent Caliphate controversy, two journalism scholars did a study of the podcast's “performative transparency.” The kind of “self-celebratory transparency” that uses omission & artificial revelation to boost journalistic authority.

[Thread] NYT reacts to Tucker Carlson's comments about NYT's Taylor Lorenz and her struggle with online harassment, calling his tactic calculated and cruel — Our response to Tuesday night's “Tucker Carlson Tonight” broadcast.
@aidnmclaughlin, @nytimespr, @jamieogrady, Variety, Poynter, Washington Post, @taylorlorenz, Fox News, FTVLive, @jeffjarvis, @laurawags, @webdevmason, @pbump, @shiraovide, @santiagomayer_, @davidoatkins, @redsteeze, @taylorlorenz, @slpng_giants, @daveweigel, @davidoatkins, @davidoatkins, @maxthegirl, @raevotta, @aprilaser, @nandoodles, @nitashatiku, Garbage Day, Mediaite, The Hill, Glenn Greenwald and The Wrap
Aidan McLaughlin / @aidnmclaughlin: Fox News responds: “No public figure or journalist is immune to legitimate criticism of their reporting, claims or journalistic tactics.” Fox also said that — surprise! — Tucker Carlson will be addressing this on his show tonight
@nytimespr: Last summer @erikwemple at the @washingtonpost examined the anatomy of an attack by Carlson that had real world consequences. ...
@jamieogrady: This is extremely reckless and defamatory rhetoric. It places Taylor Lorenz in danger tbh.
Jordan Moreau / Variety: New York Times Defends Reporter Taylor Lorenz From Tucker Carlson's ‘Cruel’ Attack
Tom Jones / Poynter: Remember this as you celebrate the acquittal of Des Moines Register reporter Andrea Sahouri
Teo Armus / Washington Post: Tucker Carlson keeps attacking a New York Times reporter after the paper calls his tactics ‘calculated and cruel’
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I hope people see this and recognize it for what it is, an attempt to mobilize an army of followers to memorize my name and instigate harassment
Tucker Carlson / Fox News: Meghan Markle latest example of elites' unseemly victimhood
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Fuck Tucker Carlson.
Laura Wagner / @laurawags: Tucker Carlson talked about me on his show for like 30 seconds in 2019 and it spawned some of the worst harassment I've ever dealt with (which is saying a lot considering the Barstool hordes made my life hell for years). Solidarity with everyone dealing with this shit.
@webdevmason: Taylor Lorenz has made a hobby of slandering others, including younger and far less privileged women. The official stance of the New York Times seems to be that its own employees are due better treatment than the plebs they victimize. They're the important people, after all.
Philip Bump / @pbump: The unexpected thing about Carlson's attacks is that Taylor Lorenz isn't even an immigrant.
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: “Journalists should be able to do their jobs without facing harassment.”
Santiago Mayer / @santiagomayer_: Your supporters began sending me death threats when I was in 10th grade. Sit the fuck down.
David Atkins / @davidoatkins: One of these days soon someone will follow through on the terrorist threats, and the likes of Carlson, Dobbs, Bongino and the rest will claim innocence. They are not innocent. They know exactly what they are doing. But we will not cowed.
Stephen L. Miller / @redsteeze: Tucker Carlson has had mobs show up at his house. The New York Times is culpable for that. Pretty straight forward.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: As I said in this thread on international women's day, no one should have to go through this, it's become a far too common experience. Women, POC, LGBTQ journalists all suffer higher rates of abuse online, it has to stop.
@slpng_giants: .@ProcterGamble, as a leading advertiser on Fox, are you okay with the network allowing their host Tucker Carlson to repeatedly attack a female journalist after her reports of already relentless harassment online?
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: If you're booking Sean Davis as your character witness, boy, I dunno
David Atkins / @davidoatkins: I stand with @TaylorLorenz. Not long ago I had to turn off my phone, call the cops and leave my home for days due to an endless barrage of death threats by phone and email, based on a pile-on spotlighting and lies by right-wing media. It is extremely disturbing to live through.
David Atkins / @davidoatkins: Also, fuck Glenn Greenwald in particular for being consistently a big part of these pile-ons. He know what he's doing, too. And they all relish it.
Rae Votta / @raevotta: This is infuriating, specifically the narrative about it being “creepy” to report on gen z and their culture with seriousness. When I first reported on YouTube much of media was writing about it dismissively. @TaylorLorenz's work to report with legitimacy should be applauded.
April Glaser / @aprilaser: The harassment campaign underway now against female journalists by prominent men in media and on Fox News deserves much more attention.
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: It's not just the @nytimes that should be denouncing Tucker Carlson Tonight. The @iab is still partnering with Fox News, lending it credibility and support — and actively encouraging advertisers to sponsor the network.
Nitasha Tiku / @nitashatiku: really grateful that someone w/undeniable talent & success like @taylorlorenz is using her platform to expose harassment. these same tactics-wish we had more language for it than “stochastic terrorism” or “gamergate”-have been used on the most marginalized w/no one to defend them
Ryan Broderick / Garbage Day: starting to think we are acting like crazy people
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: Tucker Carlson Mocks NYT Reporter as a ‘Deeply Unhappy Narcissist’ After Paper Calls Him Out for ‘Cruel’ Harassment
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: NYT criticizes Tucker Carlson for attacking journalist

The pandemic relief bill throws a lifeline to newspapers weighed down by pensions by changing financing rules; it could have saved McClatchy from Chapter 11 — Pension provisions in the $1.9-trillion bill give local news outlets crucial breathing room to pursue sustainable digital business models
@bgrueskin, @peterhamby, @apantazi, @ckrewson, @jeremylittau, @nancygibbs, @dougfisher, @cforman, @stevenwaldman and @niemanreports
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: The former CEO of the McClatchy newspaper chain says if the pension relief in today's COVID bill had passed a year earlier, his company likely wouldn't have filed for bankruptcy, or wound up in the clutches of hedge funds. Via @cforman / @NiemanLab
Peter Hamby / @peterhamby: “Pension provisions in the $1.9-trillion COVID relief bill give local news outlets crucial breathing room to pursue sustainable digital business models”
Andrew Pantazi / @apantazi: Former McClatchy CEO: “Had this law been in place just 13 months ago, the McClatchy Co., America's second-largest national chain, which I then ran as CEO, would likely have been able to avoid the painful Chapter 11 restructuring”
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: “Likely” doing a lot of work here
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Interesting thoughts from @cforman about the COVID relief bill's potential to give local news outlets some runway to evolve, if they use it well.
Nancy Gibbs / @nancygibbs: Key progress on the local news front from @cforman via @NiemanReports
Doug Fisher / @dougfisher: Of course, glossed over here id the stunningly bad business decision to take on billions in debt in one of the great sucker sales of the century. So in general the bill is good, but ...
Craig Forman / @cforman: Great leadership @lenfestinst @JimFriedlich on new solutions for local news @PhillyInquirer @dlboardman

Newsrooms are increasingly packaging their long form journalism as podcasts, newsletters, or even documentaries as they pivot away from long articles online — From pop-up newsletters to podcasts and short courses to documentaries, newsrooms are getting creative about presenting long-form journalism in the Internet era.

Amazon is the only major publisher that withholds its digital books from public libraries, preventing people from downloading over 10,000 e-books and audiobooks — Its monopoly is stopping public libraries from lending e-books and audiobooks from Mindy Kaling, Dean Koontz, Dr. Ruth Westheimer …
@stevekopack, @nancercize, @winningwriters, @joanegreve, @fightfortheftr, @pranavdixit, @dangillmor and The Verge, more at Techmeme »
Steve Kopack / @stevekopack: Amazon will not sell downloadable versions of its more than 10,000 e-books or tens of thousands of audiobooks to libraries. Librarians call it the “worst obstacle” to moving into the digital era. Lawmakers are now working on laws to force Amazon to give in ...
Nancy Bruning / @nancercize: If it's possible to hate Amazon even more than I already do, this is it.
@winningwriters: In testimony to Congress, the American Library Association called digital sales bans like Amazon's “the worst obstacle for libraries” moving into the 21st century | ...
@fightfortheftr: WaPo: @amazon is “Replacing the library card with a credit card” Learn more at
@pranavdixit: Amazon's monopoly is squeezing your public library, too. ...
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Amazon dominates audio books and abuses that dominance. The Biden Justice Department should force the company (I'm a small shareholder) to divest Audible and get out of audio books altogether.

Spotify and K-pop label Kakao settle their licensing dispute, making Kakao's songs available on the platform globally, including in South Korea — Spotify has announced that it has reached an agreement with Kakao Entertainment (previously KakaoM), making their content available …

Creators are monetizing through hyper-specific revenue streams like NewNew, which lets fans pay to vote to control a creator's day-to-day decisions — Digital stars are coming up with new ways to make money. Yet fans still hold the power. — A rash of new start-ups are making it easier …
Insider, @brandyzadrozny, @alexnpress, @taylorlorenz, @yourcompanionai, @gautambhatia88, @somanyshrimp, @davelevitan, @mikeduncan, @dappergander, @45thabsurdist, @sarahljaffe, @llamasoft_ox, @tessplease, @nototally, @mikurubaeahina, @bwecht, @transscribe, @mattdpearce, @rmc031, @benyt, @emilydreyfuss, @pardesoteric, @kendallostrow, @slooterman, @jessefelder, @brooke, @cwarzel, @taylorlorenz, @joshelman, @jasonkilar, @pfpicardi, @zackhonarvar, @heyrosenberg, @annienavar, @itskyleharris, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @mathewi, @whysharksmatter, Mediaite, @broderick, @taylorlorenz and Gothamist, more at Techmeme »
Amanda Perelli / Insider: How Snap made a comeback and won back users and advertisers
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Why does @TaylorLorenz's new story fill me with dread?
Alex Press / @alexnpress: every sentence in this article could fuel a nightmare
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: NEWS: I wrote about all the crazy and inventive ways creators are monetizing, including letting fans pay $$ decide what they wear, who they hang out with, where they go, and what they do
@yourcompanionai: I'm pretty sure like multiple people envisioned this in multiple different dystopia sci-fi fics, it's not even an original type of horror
Gautam Bhatia / @gautambhatia88: This actually feels a bit like @samitbasu's Chosen Spirits “utopia” come to life.
David Drake / @somanyshrimp: It's extremely awesome that everything is becoming a popularity contest
Feminist Proper Gander / @dappergander: Influencers are signing up for an app where fans pay money for votes to control the influencers' everyday activities, like what they wear, who they talk to, and what leisure activities they will engage in. This is legitimately crazysauce.
@45thabsurdist: Protip: if you're pitching a startup, and you describe your concept as “creating a human stock market,” and that doesn't give you pause, and nobody stops you, the only responsible thing to do is burn the building down.
Sarah Jaffe / @sarahljaffe: Good lord the future sucks
@llamasoft_ox: “Content Creators” are “Monetizing” Every Fucking Thing and it's Utterly Ghastly
Tess Gattuso / @tessplease: i can't recommend this article by @TaylorLorenz enough. i get DMs from these types of startups a lot. these places have made it easier for creators to get paid to say hi than paid for what they create. and you gotta love the “human stock market” bit.
@nototally: it sort of just feels like the current world for a lot of us but made much more explicit
@mikurubaeahina: this is the most bleak story I have ever read about our future, so I am positive it will take off
Brian Wecht / @bwecht: This article by @TaylorLorenz is fascinating. I can't imagine ever opting in to any of these things, though to be fair, my experience as a creator is pretty far outside the norm.
Katelyn Burns / @transscribe: Truman Show/Black Mirror vibes
Ben Smith / @benyt: “Sure, it's fun to control a famous influencer or celebrity, but it's honestly just as entertaining to control someone you go to school with, or your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend”
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: The benefits of offloading every decision to strangers: absolves you of responsibility and makes you rich. Honestly, sounds momentarily freeing.
Arielle Pardes / @pardesoteric: This latest @TaylorLorenz story, about the lengths creators will go to sell themselves online, is amazing. It reminds me of an older story, about a man who used the internet to sell control of his life, much like the 15-year-old quoted here.
Kendall Ostrow / @kendallostrow: If you want to know where Celebrity culture is headed, track the creator economy. What digital creators are doing today, Hollywood stars will be doing in a few months (or years). These aren't fads or trends. This is the future of the talent business.
Sara Luterman / @slooterman: Calling this “late capitalism” is optimistic, because the operative assumption is that something better comes after.
Jesse Felder / @jessefelder: 'NewNew, a start-up in Los Angeles, describes its product as creating a “human stock market.” On the app, fans pay to vote in polls to control some of a creator's day-to-day decisions.'
Brooke Hammerling / @brooke: I don't know. If someone wants to pay me to decide how I dress I feel like this would help me a lot because I'm so lazy I just wear leggings and sweatshirts so if someone pays me and then tells me what to wear I'm in. 😎
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: i believe that influencers/creators are living in the near future that we're all gonna live in as the attention economy matures. and i think what that means is more and more and more and more precarity for everyone.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Please read to the end, there are actually TWO people trying to build a “human stock market” 😅 ...
Josh Elman / @joshelman: The great shift to see here is how fans are paying for entertainment directly to the celebrities and influencers they like
Jason Kilar / @jasonkilar: Interesting dive into the creator economy. Thank you @TaylorLorenz. The creator economy is changing so fast and in ways that I think are ultimately productive.
@pfpicardi: Endlessly fascinated by Taylor's pieces but DAMN this one is a doozy. It's like we are all Sims???
Zack Honarvar / @zackhonarvar: Creators aren't just creative with their content — they're also innovative in their approach to building revenue streams. This does a great job highlighting these new business models and showcasing the limitations that exist in order for creators to go completely direct to fan.
Adam Rosenberg / @heyrosenberg: One of the best articles on how creators monetize. Taylor is also a good follow for all this stuff.
Dr. Annemarie Navar-Gill / @annienavar: This is dystopian, distressing, and I have so many questions about the types of and uses for the data generated in such an absolute hellscape
Kyle Harris / @itskyleharris: This is exactly why I'm cutting out all social media. This company NewNew is allowing people to basically become real life Sims. It's disgusting and terrifying. Stay of social media, kids..
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: What's interesting to me is that creators I spoke to found monetizing daily aspects of their lives LESS stressful than doing ad deals. It's way easier to charge $ for stuff ur already doing (hanging w/ friends, eating lunch) than having to produce sponcon
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “We're building an economy of attention where you purchase moments in other people's lives, and we take it a step further by allowing and enabling people to control those moments.”
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “It doesn't matter how boring you think you are, there's someone out there who would find your life interesting to the point that they're willing to pay.”
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “Sure, it's fun to control a famous influencer or celebrity, but it's honestly just as entertaining to control someone you go to school with, or your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.”
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I think we're only scratching the surface of how the attention economy is impacting the lives of kids
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Next up: People being paid by their “fans” to lose weight, gain weight, etc.
Dr. David Shiffman / @whysharksmatter: I do not count as an influencer other than in a super narrow niche, but if someone wants to pay me money in exchange for them figuring out for me what I'm eating for lunch today, I can think of worse problems. @TaylorLorenz
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: New York Times Issues Rare Statement Slamming Tucker Carlson For ‘Calculated and Cruel’ Criticism of Taylor Lorenz
Ryan Broderick / @broderick: This is just the plot of the movie Gamer