Top News:
Brian Steinberg / Variety:
Vox Media is buying Hot Pod to make it The Verge's first paid subscription product; Ashley Carman will replace Nick Quah, who launched the podcasting newsletter — Vox Media is acquiring Hot Pod, the independent news outlet focused on the podcasting industry, as part of a bid to expand offerings from its technology site, The Verge.
@markstenberg3, @bristei, New York Magazine, Podcast Movement, Hot Pod News, @nwquah, @ashleyrcarman, @austin_rief, Nieman Lab, Axios, @nwquah, Tubefilter, RAIN News, @xpangler, What's New in Publishing, @ogrover, @matt, @jamescridland, @ashleyrcarman, Pink's Bottom Line on Media …, @reckless, @caleweissman and @lucas_shaw
Mark Stenberg / @markstenberg3: Oh and a fun Easter Egg: It looks like Vox Media is exploring more paid editorial products in the future
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: Scoop: Vox Media will acquire Hot Pod, the start-up podcast-news outlet founded by @nwquah, who joins Vulture as a podcast critic via @variety
Nick Quah / @nwquah: some professional news...
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: so this is exciting!! the verge is acquiring hot pod, @nwquah is becoming a vulture podcast critic, and i'm taking over hot pod!!
@austin_rief: The bundling of the creator economy has begun. Take a guess as to what you call a bundle of creators... perhaps... just maybe... a media company?
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: Hot Pod, the podcast industry newsletter, will become The Verge's first paid product
Sara Fischer / Axios: Axios Media Trends
Nick Quah / @nwquah: More details in these pages: —> —> —>
Brad Hill / RAIN News: Hot Pod acquired by The Verge — Nick Quah hands off authorship, joins Vulture
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: Vox intends to keep the subscription price for Hod Pod at $7 per month and will give all Hot Pod subscribers a three-month subscription to New York magazine
Owen Grover / @ogrover: Nobody better than Ashley to run with this! Congrats!
James Cridland / @jamescridland: Congratulations to @nwquah and good luck to @ashleyrcarman and the good folks at @voxmedia for taking Hot Pod to the next level.
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: .@nwquah welcomed me into the industry when i first started covering it, offering his thoughts and quotes for many stories. hot pod is an institution whose reputation i hope to uphold. thank you, nick, for setting the model for podcast reporters & for this newsletter & community
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Big Verge news: we are making @nwquah's excellent Hot Pod newsletter part of The Verge! @ashleyrcarman will take over as lead writer, and Nick is joining our sister site Vulture as a podcast critic. More in Variety this morning:
Cale G Weissman / @caleweissman: damn!! big congrats @nwquah !!
Elizabeth Byrne / ABC:
Australia's High Court affirms earlier rulings that media companies can be held responsible for Facebook comments posted under stories on their Facebook Pages — The High Court has dismissed an appeal by some of Australia's biggest media outlets including The Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian …
Wall Street Journal, Sydney Morning Herald, @davidmackau, The Verge, @jeffjarvis, Gizmodo, @jenniferbeckett, @ronnisalt, @jason_a_w, @jpwarren, @jpwarren, @matt_nurse, @jenniferbeckett, @jacknorton8064, @jason_a_w, @welcht21, @brooklynmarie, @film_girl, @serkanthewriter, @michaelwestbiz, The Guardian, @jenniferbeckett, @kaetrin67, @jason_kint, @jpwarren, @jpwarren, Mumbrella, @elisethoma5, The North West Star, @dellcam, @jason_a_w, @elisethoma5, @realcarrickryan and @jenniferbeckett, more at Techmeme »
Mike Cherney / Wall Street Journal: Australia's Top Court Finds Media Companies Liable for Other People's Facebook Comments
Michaela Whitbourn / Sydney Morning Herald: Media outlets lose High Court appeal over Facebook defamation ruling
David Mack / @davidmackau: big yikes. australia's top court rules media companies are responsible for third party comments on their FB pages
James Vincent / The Verge: News sites are liable for defamatory Facebook comments, rules Australia's High Court
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: OMG. Early wake-up call for @kosseff, @daphne, @mmasnick. There's a 230 Bat Signal from Australia. Court makes media companies liable for what users post about their content ON OTHER PLATFORMS. This decision is so bad it makes me side with News Corp.
Matt Novak / Gizmodo: Facebook Users Liable for All Comments Under Their Posts, According to Australia High Court
Dr Jennifer Beckett / @jenniferbeckett: Does this require more buy-in and development of tools by platforms? Yes, and we've been asking for that for a. Very. Long. Time. Does it require some soul searching by news orgs about framing and how they cultivate their reader culture? 💯 5/
@ronnisalt: Not sure people realise the ramifications of this. This is a shocking decision and will have far reaching outcomes for every Australian who uses social media. It's appalling.
Jason Wilson / @jason_a_w: Also: the absolute state of defamation law in Australia
@jpwarren: The explanation of “intention” in this judgement is good. They way #defo law works, especially online, is not at all like how people imagine it works.
@jpwarren: I'm already seeing some over-broad interpretations of the judgement, but this write up is pretty good:
Matthew Nurse / @matt_nurse: This has huge implications for monitoring the spread of misinformation via comments on social media pages.
Dr Jennifer Beckett / @jenniferbeckett: What it means is more nuanced moderation practices and a need to build better comment cultures. This starts with considering how the way a story is framed models certain ways of thinking that lead to unwanted behaviours 2/
Jack Norton / @jacknorton8064: @elisethoma5 Weirdly for a while when I was at sky we did have active comment moderation but the burden was just too big on the few producers we had
Jason Wilson / @jason_a_w: You could turn of comments but I presume that would defeat the purpose of media orgs having Facebook pages
Thomas Welch / @welcht21: @jpwarren I have to admit I'm very confused by the whole thing. I don't see how the court has ruled the media company liable but not FB or anyone else in the chain? Just because the plantiff didn't seek damages from them? Or is there a legal reason that protects them?
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: @elisethoma5 Not good at all.
Christina Warren / @film_girl: This is terrifying and awful on every level.
@serkanthewriter: * Important announcement @TrueCrimeWeekly * Due to a High Court decision today on media and defamation laws for publishers and people who leave comments on social media pages of news organisations. More about the High Court decision here:
@michaelwestbiz: Another shocker for free speech. Another rich income stream for the show ponies of defamation law. Dylan Voller deserves justice but High Court ruling means publishers can be sued for comments made on their feed by anon Twitter or Facebook posters?
Paul Karp / The Guardian: High court rules Australian media companies can be liable for defamatory comments posted on Facebook pages
Dr Jennifer Beckett / @jenniferbeckett: Are there problems in the original ruling that are largely because of scale and the moderation tools available for social media - yes. Does this mean the end for comments for news - no. 1/
Kaetrin / @kaetrin67: Ping @openargs I'll link to the full decision next. This is big and basically the opposite of the USA S230 if I have the right of it. Even though the loser in this case is the Murdoch press (no tears for them) the broader implications are .... wow.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: WTH from down under. I'm going to call it a night and pretend I didn't see this until tomorrow morning. I do hope to then wake up knowing it was just a bad dream that media companies are the ones responsible for toxic sludge on their Facebook pages.
@jpwarren: @welcht21 The court can only address the case that is before them. FB is not a party to this case, and the case to answer was “are the news orgs publishers in the #defo sense?” and the court agreed that, yes, they are.
@jpwarren: The confusion is totally understandable, and it'll be really interesting to see if the law gets changed to match what people think it should be, or if people's understanding is altered to match what the law says.
Elise Thomas / @elisethoma5: But also RIP Sky News on Facebook. #auspol
Luke Costin / The North West Star: Media liable for FB comments: High Ct
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Imagine w/o Section 230 the catastrophe of US courts weighing the liability of users at the moment social media companies decided users should also be moderators.
Jason Wilson / @jason_a_w: they should all delete their Facebook pages ...
Elise Thomas / @elisethoma5: Wow. This is a big deal.
Carrick Ryan / @realcarrickryan: Surely Government can simply amend the wording of the relevant defamation legislation to circumvent this? Our defamation laws are among the worst in the World and are in desperate need of a complete overhaul. I'm sure we had an AG that was intending on fixing that?
Tom Ley / Defector:
One year in, Defector has 40K+ paying subscribers, 23 full-time employees, and about $3.2M in revenue, roughly 95% of which comes from subscribers — This week marks one year since the lights here at Defector flickered on and we began publishing blogs. The question that you were probably asking during …
Nieman Lab, @labuzamovies, @albertburneko, @pkafka, @lisatozzi, @yourmandevine, @davidcrespo, @timmarchman, @mattufford, @alexlaughs, @tristandross, The Wrap, @choire, @rickpaulas, @senari, @film_girl, @davechensky, @toley88, @mattdpearce, @ryanlcooper, @scott_tobias, @bluechoochoo, @markstenberg3, @brandyljensen, @lainnafader, @realbengilbert, @choire, @justinnxt and @emmacargo
Laura Hazard Owen / Nieman Lab: The worker-owned Defector, at a year old, has over 40,000 paying subscribers and $3.2M in revenue
Peter Labuza / @labuzamovies: The transparency in which @ToLey88 speaks to Defector's subscribers, and the way the entire group thinks about how and what a media company should look like, is going into my next syllabus. What a blessing this website is.
Albert Burneko / @albertburneko: good website
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: We don't do transcripts at Recode Media bc 🤷♂️. But if we did my chat with @ToLey88 would read a lot like this:
Lisa Tozzi / @lisatozzi: One good thing that happened over the past year is @DefectorMedia
Dan Devine / @yourmandevine: “One thing we've learned over the last year is that success in digital media depends a lot on how you choose to define that word.” An insight that matters in a lot of areas of life, and the kind of thing I'm glad to pay for. Happy birthday, @DefectorMedia.
Conputer Dipshit / @davidcrespo: interesting point about the Defector model: it only works because they can farm out most of their software needs to mature, low-cost platforms that didn't exist 15 years ago
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: The people who make Defector are as wonderful as you'd hope. That their work built a large community that sustains a profitable and ethical business is really inspiring.
Matt Ufford / @mattufford: strongly encourage you to subscribe to @DefectorMedia, an insanely good content bang for your 69 bucks (or whichever tier you pay for)
Alex Sujong Laughlin / @alexlaughs: buried deep in @DefectorMedia's birthday post is a cute lil tid that i may be involved in! stay tuned for more 😈
Stan Cross / @tristandross: article is really worth reading if you're at all curious about these kind of alternative media models
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Defector Announces $3.2 Million in Revenue After One Year
@choire: Happy first anniversary to @DefectorMedia, an independently owned publication striving to be a business in a way that doesn't suck.
Rick Paulas / @rickpaulas: Watching Defector over the past year has really been fascinating and gives my jaded ass the least bit of optimism when it comes to the “industry,” but what really set them apart is how unafraid they are of producing hard-hitting niche stories like this:
Puja Patel / @senari: Renew your @DefectorMedia subscription, get a new one, add to their tip jar, help keep a progressive media institution going! And congrats to some of the best, funniest, smartest, dumbest people on the internet for proving it could be done!
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Proud to be an accomplice! Congrats @DefectorMedia! It was so nice to see @DianaMoskovitz the other night and I'm so happy the site/team has had such a stellar year!
David Chen / @davechensky: Here's a question I'm spending a lot of my time thinking about right now: is a movie/tv/entertainment-based version of this possible? And if so, what would it look like?
Tom Ley / @toley88: Here's some stuff about how the first year of Defector went.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: Rooting for @DefectorMedia as a media company that actually tries new stuff, and have been pleased to throw my money at them.
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: I have had similar thoughts. props to the Defector crew for trying to write stuff people want to read
Scott Tobias / @scott_tobias: Leaving a compromised site en masse, starting your own thing, building an excellent and sustainable operation out of it. You love to see it. Happy birthday, @DefectorMedia!
Andréa López / @bluechoochoo: How does a media company not dependent on #scale spend $3.2 million in revenue? Defector opens their books.
Mark Stenberg / @markstenberg3: If nothing else, one great thing about @DefectorMedia is how transparent it's been about its finances, spending, salaries and freelance rates. It operates with a level of openness that you usually only see with non-profits. Very cool!
Brandy Jensen / @brandyljensen: happy first birthday to defector, one of the vanishingly few good websites made by good people
Lainna Fader / @lainnafader: Rare good media news. Happy to renew my subscription
Ben Gilbert / @realbengilbert: Defector's average employee salary for full time staff is just shy of $70K/year. Not bad!
@choire: Accurate, do not do this: “entire companies get restructured over some drip with a business degree writing ‘Podcast = Money ??? TikTok = Money ???’ on a whiteboard.”
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp:
[Thread] Media's most important public health failure isn't the false Rolling Stone ivermectin overdose story but the vax denial led by Fox News and others — The ivermectin story is being framed as the apocalypse of institutional media, but it's more like a glaring reminder of a few oldish truths 1) Journalism was always a mix of great, good, mediocre, and shitty work. The Internet makes it easier to find and highlight ... all of it.
@dkthomp, Columbia Journalism Review, Astral Codex Ten, Reason, @karlbode, The AfterParty, @karlbode, @mattkleinhans, @nishfaria, @dkthomp, @karlbode, @rschooley, @rschooley, @dkthomp, @cwarzel, @karlbode, @codytfenwick, @timkarr, @dkthomp, @codytfenwick, Resident Contrarian and Jen the Libertarian
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: 3) The most important public health story by far, isn't MSNBC's (etc) big ivermectin fail but the vax denial led by a mix of institutional (Fox) and independent voices. It's kinda galling to see so many smart ppl miss the forest of vaccine denial for the tree of ivermectin b.s.
Mathew Ingram / Columbia Journalism Review: How a story about ivermectin and hospital beds went wrong
Scott Alexander / Astral Codex Ten: Too Good To Check: A Play In Three Acts
Robby Soave / Reason: The Media Fell for a Viral Hoax About Ivermectin Overdoses Straining Rural Hospitals
Karl Bode / @karlbode: from the guy who wrote that “big disinfo” story to Glem Greenwa|d, people jumped on that Rolling Stone screw up as conformation of their priors, but nobody offered solutions for the real problem: an ad-based media that underpays its employees and doesn't reward thoughtfulness
Karl Bode / @karlbode: I mean it was just the kind of rushed lazy aggregation screw ups the ad-based press thrives on, and it's weird this one story was singled out to make whatever point (right or wrong) one was belaboring at the moment
Matthew Kleinhans / @mattkleinhans: @DKThomp It can be both: 1. Lies and misinformation (anti-vax and others) from cons. media, and 2. Institutional failures like this one that provide cover for the lies and misinfo. A whole lot of truth massaging going on leads to massive distrust over and over again
Nish Faria / @nishfaria: @DKThomp Huh, nuanced thoughtful opinions are alive on Twitter.... What's going on?
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: 2) There really is an epidemic of “team-picking” in institutional (and independent!) media. Subscription competition will make it worse—or better, if you like teams. It's the 19th century, again, in news media, but this time, with an internet connection.
Karl Bode / @karlbode: that Rolling Stone ivermectin cock up happens probably a hundred times a day (lazy aggregation without clarifying/confirming source allegations), but it was interesting to watch the cock up get quickly weaponized by folks who don't care about the 99 other times it occurs
Schooley / @rschooley: The thing about the vaccine fear monger media jumping all over that one ivermectin story is in their giddy delight at slamming Maddow, they're pretending that all the other stories about runs on feed stores and people saying they're taking it on Facebook don't exist.
Schooley / @rschooley: The story isn't so much that people are being poisoned by the horse paste as is they're looking for any remedy to avoid taking the one preventative that's actually been shown to work. They're dying of covid, not vet med diarrhea.
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: If you've found yourself tweeting nonstop about Maddow's (etc) bad tweet and haven't really chimed in re: the nonstop stream of anti-vax bullshit emanating from FNC primetime, I think you should ask yourself why you find the first story so much more compelling than the second.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: anyhow i think all the design incentives of these platforms and the way the news cycles work/burn so fast means that the real superpower is to be completely shameless and never admit any mistakes and eventually the bar will lower so much you can just be reckless all the time
Karl Bode / @karlbode: what if the real problem is that ad-impression-based journalism is inherently flawed leading to a disproportionate amount of lazy work that prioritizes hyperbole over substance. And what if, we, you know, actually talked about fixing that?
Cody Fenwick / @codytfenwick: He makes some good points here, but I think he misses one of the most obvious and most important: The false Ivermectin story made waves, but it was found to be false, the stories were corrected, and it was dropped. Fox News, etc., perpetuate lies long after they're debunked.
Tim Karr / @timkarr: @KarlBode we have a few ideas
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: We have to find a way to illuminate the problems of institutions without fetishing institution-phobia. But the emerging age of subscription media in an information abundant world privileges the skill of anti-institutional “ideological positioning.” This will be a problem.
Drew Holden / @drewholden360:
[Thread] Rolling Stone's story claiming ivermectin overdoses clogged Oklahoma hospitals was poorly sourced and wrong, but Insider, Maddow, and more picked it up
[Thread] Rolling Stone's story claiming ivermectin overdoses clogged Oklahoma hospitals was poorly sourced and wrong, but Insider, Maddow, and more picked it up
National Review, @ddale8, CNN, TK News, @redsteeze, @stevedeaceshow, @ggreenwald, @ryanchittum, @cwarzel, @umairh, Gawker, @jholmsted, @msignorile, @ggreenwald, @ddale8, @ddale8, @ddale8, @ddale8, @kayleighmcenany, @mediaite, @claytravis, National Review, Mediaite, @charlesarthur, @saifedean, @chrismasterjohn, @davidvdegraw, @marybethpf, @dylanmatt, @vprasadmdmph, @primalpoly, @jjcouey, @vprasadmdmph, @timrunshismouth, @evacide, @ggreenwald and @jimmy_dore
Kevin D. Williamson / National Review: Like a Rolling Stone — Welcome to the Tuesday, a hebdomadal conspectus of stuff I'm thinking about.
Daniel Dale / @ddale8: As far as I can tell so far, what happened is the doctor gave an interview to a local outlet in which he cited ivermectin use as one reason some hospitals are congested. The outlet then framed ivermectin use as the main cause of the congestion, which it obviously isn't. 2/
Matt Taibbi / TK News: Moral Majority Media Strikes Again
Stephen L. Miller / @redsteeze: The photograph Rolling Stone used for their false ivermectin ER story is from January, via the AP and was for a vaccine drive for African Americans by a church. (HT @FuzzyTaylor235 )
Steve Deace / @stevedeaceshow: An amazing and infuriating thread about #FakeNews everyone should read, for which there will be no accountability here whatsoever. While those of us who quote real data walk on eggshells if it doesn't affirm regime narrative.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: The number of prominent liberals who fell for and aggressively spread the laughably fake ivermectin/gun-shot story is very large. Just see for yourself. It says so much about this faction that they're so susceptible to this group-think: all affirming and spreading obvious hoaxes:
Ryan Chittum / @ryanchittum: “The problem lay in the reason the error spread, which happens to be the same reason underlying innumerable other media shipwrecks in the last five years... the media business has become a machine for generating error-ridden moral panics.” ...
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: only half followed it this weekend but from my feed i saw a lot of ppl apologizing for sharing something w/o checking which led to a lot of (sometimes quite valid) handwringing about mainstream media. but it def seems that even rare mea culpable/self reflection only goes 1 way
@umairh: I kind of agree, the big public health story is how the rich west still doesn't give a shit about vaccinating the rest of the world, thus creating a disaster that'll last generations
Tarpley Hitt / Gawker: Rachel Maddow Wards Off Disinfo With Disinforming Tweet
J.R. Holmsted / @jholmsted: “One hospital is denying” as if they may be full of shit & can't be verified, but the “one doctor” that was the source for the viral piece (that they didn't bother to find out or mention that he is no longer employed by the hospital) is authoritative.
Michelangelo Signorile / @msignorile: It's really desperate when conservatives are attacking reports about whether hospitals are really jammed or not from overdoses— it's still a horse drug and it's dangerous and there's a vaccine!
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: @MPiggywaste ... Even Rolling Stone and pretty much everyone else admits that the story spread by Maddow, Joy Reid and your favorite edgy left-wing irony accounts is a hoax. I'm sure that hurts but it's best to just accept it. ...
Daniel Dale / @ddale8: I'd say the major lesson for all parties here is that a comment from one person or entity is often insufficient to demonstrate that something is true or not true. Another lesson is to look for the initial source of stories that have gone viral via aggregation. That's all for now!
Daniel Dale / @ddale8: Anyway: I'd say that lots of people involved here - certainly the local outlet/the big aggregating outlets/the prominent tweeters on the left, but also some critics on the right - could've done a better job pursuing facts/waiting for facts before coming to conclusions. 7/
Daniel Dale / @ddale8: Then national and international media outlets aggregated the initial, poorly framed local story without themselves doing due diligence to examine the extent to which ivermectin was contributing to the OK hospital congestion. And Maddow and others tweeted out the stories. 3/
Daniel Dale / @ddale8: Here's a statement from a hospital that Oklahoma doctor is affiliated with, supporting his comments about ivermectin use contributing to hospital congestion in the state - though not suggesting, as viral stories did, that ivermectin is a main cause of the backup. (Thread!)
Kayleigh McEnany / @kayleighmcenany: The fake news media MUST be exposed. It gives me so much joy that @DrewHolden360 takes the time to document all the lies from the media in painstaking detail. Not an easy task. Drew does it with precision! ⬇️
@mediaite: Maddow Doesn't Delete Tweet Promoting Dubious Story of Ivermectin Patients Overloading Hospitals
Clay Travis / @claytravis: This is an amazing thread about a 100% fake covid story spread by some of the biggest names in left wing media that @Twitter has done nothing about. Read it all. Great work @DrewHolden360.
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: Rolling Stone Blasted Over False Story on Oklahoma Hospitals Turning Away Gunshot Victims for Patients Who Took Ivermectin
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: This story spread so widely because one or more of the wire agencies picked it up. That why the byline says “and agencies”: in news offices, agency stories are generally trusted as already checked. It's why the details of the story all read the same.
@saifedean: This thread is an excellent compilation of accounts to block to improve your Twitter experience and reduce your odds of being manipulated by lying sociopaths
Chris Masterjohn / @chrismasterjohn: So apparently the stories about ivermectin overdoses were completely fraudulent, whereas maybe one or possible two of the ivermectin COVID trials were fraudulent? So it seems in a competition for fraud, the anti-ivermectin are doing a bit better than pro-ivermectin so far?
David DeGraw / @davidvdegraw: Awesome thread exposing the anti-Ivermectin “horse de-wormer” PSYOP & all the shills mindlessly echoing misinformation that has literally killed over 1 million people. Ivermectin & Zinc should have ended this pandemic as quickly as it began... & once you understand that 💡
Mary Beth Pfeiffer / @marybethpf: Yes, the media bought in to the @RollingStone article. But it was the culmination of a lot of sloppy reporting. Now question the Big Lie told by @US_FDA and @CDCgov and picked up by @AmericanMedic10 that said ivermectin is scary and harmful.
Dylan Matthews / @dylanmatt: A fairly brutal thread on some ways that the liberal news ecosystem is susceptible to similar viral frauds to the ones that plague right media
@vprasadmdmph: The devastating part of thread is that people who study “mis/disinformation” also pushed the story I personally think policing info is doomed As I have written: ... and ... And think better to regulate the platform ...
Geoffrey Miller / @primalpoly: A helpful thread about this weekend's weirdest avalanche of fake news about ‘dumb yokels overdosing on invermectin’. One fake @RollingStone article led most mainstream news outlets to repeat the claims without any fact checking. This is the tragic state of American journalism
@jjcouey: Holy moly, this is a shit show. The doctor didn't even work there anymore.
Tim Young / @timrunshismouth: Read this thread... retweet the hell out of this thread. Good work @DrewHolden360
Eva / @evacide: Every one of us is vulnerable to the tendency to amplify stories that shore up our pre-existing beliefs without scrutinizing those stories too closely.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: The only reason Rolling Stone is calling this an “UPDATE” as opposed to what it so plainly is — a RETRACTION — is because liberal outlets know that their readers don't care at all if they publish fake news as long as it's done with the right political motives and goals.
Jimmy Dore / @jimmy_dore: This is exactly like Russiagate in that journalists are allowed to make stuff up out of whole cloth, be wildly unethical and flat out lie to their audience as long as your lies push Establishment narratives & u are dunking on a red state or Trump. That's exactly what this is.
Amanda Meade / The Guardian:
At a Senate hearing, Sky News Australia CEO says it “self-censored” 18 videos about COVID-19 to avoid a permanent YouTube ban, denies broadcasting Covid misinfo — CEO Paul Whittaker also tells media diversity inquiry Sky News Australia does not deny climate change, and accepts it is happening
New York Times, Sydney Morning Herald, Vanity Fair, @wendy_harmer, Media Matters for America, @markdistef, @mrkrudd, Insider, @lesstonehouse, @mikecarlton01, @murpharoo, @mikecarlton01, @turnbullmalcolm, @mrkrudd, @stephenjonesmp, @dana1981, @summersanne, @davidfolkenflik, @natecochrane, @ketanj0, @michaelemann, @edmundlee, @pt, @danawollman, @rmac18, @rasmus_kleis, @jayrosen_nyu, @nytmedia, @damiencave, @jftaveira1993, @zerowastechef, @leohickman, @jayrosen_nyu, SBS News, Brisbane Times and Sky News Australia
Sydney Morning Herald: Rupert Murdoch's newspapers, 24-hour news channel to champion net zero emissions
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Will Rupert Murdoch's Australia Climate Rebrand Reach America?
Wendy Harmer / @wendy_harmer: Supposing there won't be a retrospective apology to everyone they've pilloried and humiliated as loonies, cranks and worse over the years. They could start with @GretaThunberg
Allison Fisher / Media Matters for America: The new climate “pledge” from the Murdochs is straight from the fossil fuel playbook
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: I don't know about you, but I'm going to go full Joker when the News Corp tabs start advocating for a “simple and effective carbon price”
Kevin Rudd / @mrkrudd: I agree with Turnbull and @MichaelEMann on Murdoch's attempt to “greenwash” themselves in the lead up to the Glasgow climate conference. It's all politics. They want to accommodate Morrison, making minor changes, but not on the big stuff that matters in the here & now.
Jake Lahut / Insider: Rupert Murdoch's Australian news outlets plan to dial back climate change denial and promote net zero emissions by 2050, according to reports
@lesstonehouse: Sky News Australia denies broadcasting Covid misinformation, saying YouTube is ‘totalitarian’ I never knew this. 😂😜 #auspol
Mike Carlton / @mikecarlton01: Paul Whittaker, the self important little cane toad who runs Sky News, rather crossly told the senate enquiry yesterday that YouTube was owned by a “Foreign entity.” It was gently pointed out to him that so is NewsCorpse. ...
Katharine Murphy / @murpharoo: “... an influential player in Australia's decade-long climate wars” .. Probably better to call the conduct for what it was/is #auspol
Mike Carlton / @mikecarlton01: Sky News is commissioning a documentary on climate change. Guffaw. That's a bit like the Taliban starting a girls' school. ...
Malcolm Turnbull / @turnbullmalcolm: “Until Rupert Murdoch and News Corp call off their attack dogs at Fox News and WSJ....these are hollow promises that should be viewed as a desperate ploy to rehabilitate the public image of a leading climate villain.” Says @MichaelEMann
Kevin Rudd / @mrkrudd: Every time Murdoch feels cornered on an issue, they attempt to distract the debate by smearing those they disagree with. The facts? SkyNews has poisoned our democracy by lying about this pandemic, and real people are suffering because of it. ...
Stephen Jones MP / @stephenjonesmp: Severe whiplash and political disorientation in Coalition party room as the engine room of climate change denial come to a grinding halt.
Dana Nuccitelli / @dana1981: This is a positive development, but would be quite a lot more meaningful if also applied to the Murdochs' American climate-denying news outlets like @FoxNews.
Anne Summers / @summersanne: I thought there was no top down editorial direction from News Corp editors. That's what their columnists keep saying. Don't tell me they were fibbing!
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch's Aussie news outlets are promising to go carbon net zero - and to promote it in print, online & on the air. No comment so far from Fox/WSJ on what it means in US. The record suggests not much. Here's what happened last time 👇🏼
@natecochrane: So YouTube must publish anything Murdoch produces or else it's a “totalitarian state” but Murdoch's editors retain tight rein over what they put out & claim that's “editorial independence”. #ThisIsNotJournalism ...
Ketan Joshi / @ketanj0: “Whittaker, who said YouTube was unaccountable and owned by a foreign entity, later conceded under questioning from Labor senator Kim Carr that News Corp Australia and Sky News were also owned by a foreign entity” ...
Michael E. Mann / @michaelemann: “Rupert Murdoch's Australia News Outlets to Ease Their Climate Denial [color me skeptical]” by @DamienCave for the The @NYTimes w/ quotes from yours truly and others: #NewClimateWar
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: Seriously wonder what @jamesmurdoch thinks of this
Parker / @pt: What a weird world where ostensible news organizations announce their intention to publish fewer intentional falsehoods.
Dana Wollman / @danawollman: “I'm not interested in ruining people's lives,” says its top editor, Leah Finnegan, who once insulted a baby in a headline."
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: Until Rupert Murdoch “call off [his] attack dogs [who] continue to promote climate change disinformation on a daily basis” @michaelemann says, “these are hollow promises that should be viewed as a desperate ploy to rehabilitate [a] leading climate villain”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Suggested headline.
@nytmedia: After years of casting doubt on climate change, Rupert Murdoch's media outlets in his native Australia are planning an editorial campaign advocating a carbon-neutral future. It could put pressure on Fox News, though critics were quick to voice skepticism.
Damien Cave / @damiencave: Is News Corp really going to change its tune and support action on climate change or is it just trading denial for delay? Lots of skepticism for a move that could nonetheless be both incremental and significant.
Francisco Taveira / @jftaveira1993: .@MichaelEMann: “They've turned to other tactics in their effort to maintain the fossil fuel status quo. Focusing on a target of 2050, three decades away, kicks the can so far down the road that it's largely meaningless.” #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency
Anne-Marie Bonneau / @zerowastechef: Rupert Murdoch's Australia News Outlets to Ease Their Climate Denial “They've turned to other tactics — delay, distraction, deflection, division, etc. — in their effort to maintain the fossil fuel status quo,” @MichaelEMann
Leo Hickman / @leohickman: Now the New York Times has picked up the SMH story... “could be a breakthrough that provides political cover for Australia's conservative government to end its refusal to set ambitious emission targets”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: This headline isn't skeptical enough. The story under it does a better job. One way to assess how serious they are is to ask: does the campaign try to put the company on what it now thinks is the “right” side without ever acknowledging that it did wrong?
Todd Spangler / Variety:
Hulu is raising the prices of its two on-demand plans by $1/month on October 8; Hulu with ads will now cost $6.99/month and Hulu without ads will cost $12.99 — On Tuesday, Hulu began notifying subscribers that as of Oct. 8, the price of Hulu's two on-demand plans — with ads and without commercials …
J. Clara Chan / Hollywood Reporter: Hulu to Increase Price of Ad-Supported, Ad-Free Subscriptions In October
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Hulu Raises Price For Both Of Its On-Demand Streaming Tiers; Live Service, Disney Bundle Rates Won't Change
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: Disney ups Hulu prices
Alan Neuhauser / @alneuhauser: Hulu “without ads” should always be in quotes. Because it's not “no ads” — it's ads.
Abby Monteil / Decider: Hulu Raising Prices of On-Demand Plans By $1 Next Month
Jessica Bursztynsky / CNBC: Hulu is raising the price of its on-demand plans by a dollar on Oct. 8
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: Hulu Raises Price for On-Demand Subscriptions
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: Hulu Is Raising Its Prices Again
Dominick Reuter / Insider: Hulu will raise the prices of its basic and ad-free streaming plans by a dollar starting in October
Mitchell Clark / The Verge: Hulu's monthly prices increase by $1 as Disney pushes its streaming bundle
Ethan Anderton / SlashFilm: Hulu Is Raising Subscription Prices Next Month
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: Hulu to Raise Prices of SVOD Plans by $1 to $6.99 with Ads, $12.99 without Ads
Ben Munson / FierceVideo: Hulu raises prices for SVOD subscribers
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Hulu Ups VOD Service Options By $1/Month
WhatsApp data helped prosecutors build a case against whistleblower May Edwards that cited hundreds of “encrypted” messages between her and a BuzzFeed reporter — When Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a new “privacy-focused vision” for Facebook in March 2019, he cited the company's global messaging service, WhatsApp, as a model.
@janelytv, The Register, @davidfolkenflik, ScreenRant, @danielschuman, @rmac18, New York Post, @tomgara, @knowtheory, Gizmodo, @brendannyhan, @evacide, @propublica, Insider and 9to5Mac, more at Techmeme »
Jane Lytvynenko / @janelytv: New ProPublica investigation outlines how Facebook undermines WhatsApp encryption. That contributed to the prosecution of Natalie “May” Edwards, the FinCen Files whistleblower who's now in prison.
Thomas Claburn / The Register: Can WhatsApp moderators really read your encrypted texts? Yes ... if you forward them to the abuse dept
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: A critique of ProPublica article on WhatsApp security/monitoring of reports of abuse from @alexstamos
Daniel Schuman / @danielschuman: If you're a journalist you should not be using WhatsApp. Encourage your sources to move to Signal.
@rmac18: As a reporter, I find this bit particularly worrying. WhatsApp can turn on user tracking at its own discretion to cover its own interests, outside of any law enforcement request. Kind of underscores how much better it is to use Signal for reporting.
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Facebook reads and shares WhatsApp private messages: report
Tom Gara / @tomgara: @stevekovach As the article says like 20 paras in, if a user receives a message they think violates the rules, they can press the report button, which tells them it will submit the most recent messages from the chat for review.
@knowtheory: Boy. There is at least one and probably several much better pieces buried in here trying to climb their way out. It's just trying to do too much.
Whitney Kimball / Gizmodo: WhatsApp Moderators Can Read Your Messages
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: No easy answers in the content moderation world. Always read @alexstamos.
Eva / @evacide: This ProPublica article about WhatsApp gives a lot of useful information about why content moderation at scale is so hard, but when it comes to encryption, it's a misleading mess.
@propublica: New: WhatsApp assures users that no one can see their messages — but the company has an extensive monitoring operation and regularly shares personal information with prosecutors.
Sara Fischer / Axios:
IAC's Dotdash is launching its first standalone online store, tied to its site, as a pilot project; Dotdash makes ~1/3 of its revenue from commerce — Dotdash, the digital media company owned by IAC, is launching its first-ever standalone store pegged to its site, which it acquired in 2019.
Eoin Higgins / The Flashpoint:
The Guardian removed a section of a Judith Butler interview comparing anti-trans feminists to fascists; sources say Guardian pulled a series on trans issues — On Tuesday, British newspaper The Guardian published an interview with Judith Butler—and then removed a section …
The Guardian, @eoinhiggins_, @socialrepro, @andybcampbell, @alexpaknadel, @eoinhiggins_, @eoinhiggins_, @eoinhiggins_, @ben_hr, @socialrepro, @eoinhiggins_, @tristangrayedi, @oliviasolon, @oliviasolon, @sinangag_engels, @emme_lund, @eoinhiggins_, @mlothianmclean, @junodawson, @rozkaveney, @illwilleditions, @hexpositive, @healthuntodeath and @jasebyjason
Jules Gleeson / The Guardian: Judith Butler: ‘We need to rethink the category of woman’
Eoin Higgins / @eoinhiggins_: This, from Judith Butler, is entirely correct—but @guardian removed it after transphobic bigots complained.
Juliana☿ / @socialrepro: Lots of DMs: Yes, they deleted a paragraph criticising gender critical feminism Yes this is confusing, and (I'm told) unprecedented Yes we asked for it reinstated (or as a last resort, republished) Yes I offered a rewrite to bring it up-to-date Yes I'm now going to bed
Andy Campbell / @andybcampbell: The Guardian US site has some of the best extremism reporters in the biz, and as far as I know they never have to pull punches against bigots, even when bigots complain. It's legitimately baffling to see what happens to journalists and their work when people complain in the UK.
Alex Paknadel / @alexpaknadel: I try not to dunk on the Guardian because it's one of the few British newspapers that isn't trying to get Der Stürmer to hold its beer, but this is worrying and inexplicable. Those were Professor Butler's words and they should be printed. The end. ...
Eoin Higgins / @eoinhiggins_: Readers complained (as we saw yesterday before the section was removed) and Guardian UK editors used Wi Spa as an excuse to pull it. Nothing in the question, which focused on violent far-right anti-trans protesters at Wi Spa as a frame, was inaccurate. ...
Eoin Higgins / @eoinhiggins_: The Guardian pulls Judith Butler's comments on the anti-trans “gender critical” movement's growing affinity for the far right. ...
Eoin Higgins / @eoinhiggins_: Butler termed trans-exclusionary ideology as “one of the dominant strains of fascism in our times.” ...
Ben Harris-Roxas / @ben_hr: The Guardian UK's pandering to “gender critical” anti-Trans actvists continues to be gross ... The Aus and US outlets seem so different, I really think there's something deeply wrong with the UK shop
Juliana☿ / @socialrepro: (To be 100% clear: my proposed question rewrite was written and sent to them before the deletion. Goodnight!)
Eoin Higgins / @eoinhiggins_: This is actual cancel culture. When people critique the NYT for having a bigot review another bigot's book is not cancel culture.
Tristan Gray / @tristangrayedi: @oldnorthroad @guardian Via a pal - Looks like there was a coordinated letter-writing campaign from transphobes to ensure it was pulled The Guardian caved to them in record time
Olivia Solon / @oliviasolon: Given the Guardian's track record on trans issues one would hope changes to articles like this would be made with more transparency and accountability
Olivia Solon / @oliviasolon: Notes about corrections or amendments are supposed to explain changes clearly to the reader. What on earth does this mean? ...
Ps-Jon / @sinangag_engels: Lol the guardian omitted quite a substantial amount from this interview because Judith Butler thought to dunk on TERFs for 3 paragraphs. Why are guardian editors pandering to TERFs?
@emme_lund: the 3 paragraphs that The Guardian removed from the Judith Butler interview are the most important part of the whole piece.
Eoin Higgins / @eoinhiggins_: Plot thickens—apparently the Butler interview was meant to launch a series called Gender Now. But UK editors have pulled the entire project and the link now goes to a blank page.
Moya Lothian-Mclean / @mlothianmclean: The Guardian editing an interview with Judith Butler to remove the part where they criticise terfs as fascists... but yes, it is the transphobes being silenced.
Juno Dawson / @junodawson: For those asking, I see no harm in sharing it as it's everywhere else. This is Judith Butler speaking to the Guardian before being edited.
Roz Kaveney / @rozkaveney: In a truly shocking moment of bigoted dishonesty, the Guardian has censored Judith Butler.
Ill Will / @illwilleditions: Shortly after its publication, The Guardian redacted Jules Gleeson's interview with Judith Butler, omitting sections directed at the antifascist implications of the philosopher's work. Here you'll find the original, unabridged version.
Suzy Exposito / @hexpositive: The @guardian removed this portion of Judith Butler's interview after publishing with the note, “This article was edited on 7 September 2021 to reflect developments which occurred after the interview took place.” What developments? Why interview Butler at all?
Tom Whyman / @healthuntodeath: @owenhatherley Moreover, it is stated as the personal view of a subject the paper is interviewing. No one wld mistake this view for the editorial line of the paper. Not sure why they thought censoring would do anything other than cause the deleted section to go viral (maybe that was the point?)
Lorenzo Reyes / USA Today:
Gannett launches USA Today Sports+, a digital subscription product with reporting, interactive features, and sports betting content, in seven markets — Gannett Co., the parent company of USA TODAY, announced the launch of USA TODAY Sports+, a new, premium digital subscription product …
Awful Announcing, @gannett, @elgazzarblvd, @golfweek, @chrismsutcliffe, @injuryexpert, @osaliciad, @usatodaysports, Editor and Publisher, @raysototech, The Wrap and The Hill
Sean Keeley / Awful Announcing: Gannett launches USA Today Sports+ premium digital subscription product, introduces NFL insider Josina Anderson
@gannett: .@USATSportsPlus launched today! It's THE app providing insider local sports reporting, interactive content, @tipico real-time odds & more - just in time for @NFL football season! Check out the scoop from @LorenzoGReyes on how to #FanHarder 🏈
Kareem Elgazzar / @elgazzarblvd: “The seven markets in which Sports+ is launching are Arizona, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indiana, Michigan, Tennessee and Wisconsin.” @Enquirer Gannett starts premium sports subscription product, USA TODAY Sports+
@golfweek: We're really excited to announce that @golfweek content will soon be part of the new @USATSportsPlus app. It's a great way to get all your sports content in one place, including deep dives in multiple sports. A great addition to the @Gannett family!
Chris Sutcliffe / @chrismsutcliffe: Local and regional sports subscriptions are definitely a priority for publishers this year
Will Carroll / @injuryexpert: Always wish the best for any sportswriting venture, but they're really going to give subscribers the ability to text @GreggDoyelStar? They're just going to get dog pictures. Wait ...
Alicia Del Gallo / @osaliciad: It has been a whirlwind of a day, but in the best way! I am so excited to share that @USATSportsPlus officially launched today!! 👏🏼 There's more big news here in just a second, but you can read all about USA TODAY Sports+ below, or just go straight to download app! 🤩
@usatodaysports: Allow us to introduce you to some friends of ours! @USATSportsPlus is a premium sports digital subscription experience that leverages the power of the USA TODAY Network. Today we officially launch in 7 markets! Read up to see what Sports+ is all about!
Ray Soto / @raysototech: I'm excited to announce the launch of our new premium sports subscription product @USATSportsPlus. The app includes the latest version of our AR framework. Subscribers can expect more interactive content in the coming months.
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: USA Today Launches Sports-Only Subscription Product
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Gannett launching subscription model with direct access to sports reporters
Jim Waterson / The Guardian:
Fran Unsworth, BBC veteran and director of news since 2018, will leave amid worsening relations with the government and internal fights over a staff reorg — Exit likely to set off competitive and politicised recruitment process to find replacement at corporation
Variety, The Guardian, @jimwaterson, @shivanidave, @ian_fraser, @sophiasgaler, @jimwaterson, The Independent, @dafydd_62, Press Gazette, BBC, @stewartcadman, @cden128, @dannyshawnews, @nick_miles_, Guido Fawkes, BBC and City A.M.
Naman Ramachandran / Variety: Fran Unsworth, BBC Director of News and Current Affairs, to Leave After 40 Years
Jim Waterson / The Guardian: Sources: Fran Unsworth, BBC veteran and director of news since '18, to leave amid worsening relations with the government and internal fights over a staff reorg
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Anyway here's a scoop on a big change at BBC News. ...
Shivani Dave / @shivanidave: I will never forget that in an all BBC News staff call Fran said attending pride is acceptable if it is seen as “a celebration” but in cases where it is a protest, such as with the “trans issue” BBC impartiality rules apply ...
Ian Fraser / @ian_fraser: Battle for the soul of BBC News, as head of news and current affairs Fran Unsworth announces her departure. via @jimwaterson ...
Sophia Smith Galer / @sophiasgaler: Fran once stopped me in the quad outside the office to tell me that she'd been enjoying my TikToks and to keep going. It was at a time when others were telling me the opposite - it really encouraged me, and I'm so grateful.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Now confirmed: BBC head of news Fran Unsworth to leave at end of January. Now comes a contest to succeed here and shape BBC News for years to come. I'm sure the government will have absolutely no views on the appointment process and keep out for reasons of editorial independence!
Matt Mathers / The Independent: BBC director of news Fran Unsworth to step down
@dafydd_62: BBC I fear will most likely get worse, not that it is any good at the moment. : Fran Unsworth, BBC's director of news, expected to leave corporation. ...
Dominic Ponsford / Press Gazette: Hunt is on for new BBC head of news as Fran Unsworth resigns
John Cadman Stewart / @stewartcadman: Fran Unsworth, BBC's director of news, expected to leave corporation. When you get an interfering text from Nobbie Gibb, you know it's time to head out of Dodge ...
Den C / @cden128: And the changing of the guard continues. Watch out for a Tory appointee to turn the screws on impartiality and drive our once-trusted national broadcaster ever closer to Tory Govt Mouthpiece. @BBCNews @BBCPolitics ...
Danny Shaw / @dannyshawnews: If true...this will be big loss to @BBCNews. Fran has had tough decisions as Head of News but has always acted with calmness, good humour & integrity. She slices through bullshit - a real asset in that job... Now watch the scramble to succeed her...@jimwaterson @iburrell @amolrajan
Nick Miles / @nick_miles_: Pretty awful news for anyone hoping for government free BBC news and current affairs output. Tories trash institutions these days. ...
Millie Turner / City A.M.: BBC director of news Fran Unsworth to exit next year
New York Times:
Comscore data shows North American theaters sold about $2.2B in tickets so far in 2021, compared with $7.8B for the same period in 2019 — With box office numbers way down in the pandemic and streaming numbers hard to come by, the film industry is often unable to determine whether a movie is a hit or a miss.
The A.V. Club, @michellemanafy, @nytimesbusiness, @johannadc, @hamrahrama, @ennisnyt and @goldman
Gabrielle Sanchez / The A.V. Club: Sony moves Venom: Let There Be Carnage release date again, will hit theaters sooner
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: “It's not just about money. For us, success is really about: Did it matter? Did people talk about it? It is very easy to just get lost in a mountain of content. At least before, we had the language of box office...” @ninajacobson
@nytimesbusiness: With box office numbers way down in the pandemic and streaming numbers hard to come by, studios often don't know what's a hit or a miss.
Johanna Draper Carlson / @johannadc: “Do people, now accustomed to an on-demand world, feel less of a need to rush out to see the latest film?” Yes. Definitely. Although that had been coming for a while. (The idea that H'wood can't determine a hit without box office is amusing.)
@hamrahrama: When Baz Luhrmann's producer starts talking about the value of “storytelling” and the NYT compares box office to “symbolism in fiction,” then you know for sure there's a big problem in Hollywood.
Connor Ennis / @ennisnyt: “The result is a film industry in a fog, in many cases unable to even ascertain whether a movie is a hit or a miss.” @brooksbarnesNYT & @nicsperling on Hollywood stuck reading tea leaves instead of box office results, even w/ Shang-Chi's big weekend