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FBI arrests Filippo Bernardini, an Italian citizen who works in publishing, in a scheme that targeted authors and others to steal unpublished book manuscripts — Filippo Bernardini, an Italian citizen who worked in publishing, was charged with wire fraud and identity theft for a scheme …
Ellise Shafer / Variety: FBI Arrests Suspect in Unpublished Book Manuscript Phishing Scam
Charles Soule / @charlessoule: Sir, that is Ethan Hawke. You have arrested Ethan Hawke.
Matt Blaze / @mattblaze: What a strange crime. Other than extortion (which doesn't seem to have happened), it's unclear how to make money from a famous living author's unpublished ms. You can't sell it as theirs, and as as an unknown author you'd be unlikely to get much of an advance under your own name.
Jake Williams / @malwarejake: I sincerely hope this case goes to trial so we can hear all the details.
Elizabeth May / @_elizabethmay: Remember that story from Vulture back in August that had us all baffled and riveted because someone was pretending to be publishing pros and stealing manuscripts for seemingly no financial reason? It finally has a resolution! The original article is here:
Franklin Leonard / @franklinleonard: The number of people who read this tweet and think that Ethan Hawke was stealing manuscripts will keep me laughing for at least a few days.
Philip Gourevitch / @pgourevitch: big news year so far for junior staffers in publishing
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: Rights coordinator for a major publishing house by day. Unpublished manuscript thief by night. A hell of a story, err, indictment... ...
Quinta Jurecic / @qjurecic: ...
Nicole Perlroth / @nicoleperlroth: Fun fact: The FBI arrested Bernardini at JFK today. Cannot describe how long @Liz_A_Harris and I have been waiting for this day. We knew the FBI had a suspect, but didn't know who. Today is our Christmas.
Quinta Jurecic / @qjurecic: There has never been a more urgent need for a paper to actually link to the indictment
@nytimesbooks: The F.B.I. has arrested a suspect in a yearslong phishing scam, saying that the man “impersonated, defrauded, and attempted to defraud, hundreds of individuals,” obtaining hundreds of unpublished book manuscripts in the process.
Alexandra Alter / @xanalter: F.B.I. Arrests Man Accused of Stealing Unpublished Book Manuscripts — @Liz_A_Harris has the scoop on the publishing insider behind a mysterious phishing scam
Mark Berman / @markberman: man he's a master of disguise, he looks JUST like Ethan Hawke there
Laura Rozen / @lrozen: “Early knowledge in a rights department could be an advantage for an employee trying to prove his worth.” hm. on the other hand, less good for one's cv is being indicted by the FBI
Nicole Perlroth / @nicoleperlroth: Our book thief CAUGHT. A 29 year old Simon & Schuster UK employee, Filippo Bernardini, has been arrested in connection with the theft of unpublished manuscripts in the mystery @Liz_A_Harris and I covered in 2020 For background:

The Grammy Awards show, planned for January 31 in Los Angeles' Arena, has been postponed indefinitely due to concerns over COVID-19 — As expected, the Grammy Awards have been postponed indefinitely due to coronavirus-related concerns, an Academy spokesperson has confirmed to Variety.
Discussion:, NPR, Billboard, CNET, @claireatki, TheGrio, WWD, UPI, The Guardian, The Wrap, TVLine, @variety, @amandasalas, Collider, @jennifer_su, The A.V. Club, Adweek and CBS New York
@claireatki: No Golden Globes on TV, Grammy's postponed, Sundance in-person events cancelled...Awards circuit fall-out continues.
Chauncey Alcorn / TheGrio: Grammy Awards postponed due to COVID-19 surge
Layla Ilchi / WWD: What Events Are Postponed or Canceled Due to COVID-19?
Fred Topel / UPI: Grammy Awards postponed indefinitely due to Omicron
Benjamin Lee / The Guardian: Grammy awards 2022 postponed indefinitely due to Omicron
@variety: Grammy Week events, such as the MusiCares Person of the Year concert, honoring Joni Mitchell, and the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Gala, feting Sony Music chief Rob Stringer, are likely to move to the week before the new date as well.
Marco Vito Oddo / Collider: The Grammy Awards Postponed Indefinitely Due to the Pandemic
Jennifer Su / @jennifer_su: So bummed... was looking forward to @Trevornoah hosting and all the musical performances... #GRAMMYs #GrammyAwards #postponed #indefinitely #trevornoah says it is shutting down its article recommendations service, but will continue the weekly Longform Podcast — Loyal readers of Longform, the nonfiction podcast and website dedicated to curating and recommending nonfiction articles, learned Wednesday that the article-recommendation component is no longer.
@longform, @viajoshhunt, @olivianuzzi, @bettinamak, @craigmod, @jaycaspiankang, @francescamari, @maxlinsky, @bombur, @meagan_flynn, @elongreen, @pamelacolloff, @davidwolman, @longreads, @pappademas, @patcaldwell, @jduffyrice, @zachbaron, @thrasherxy, @dave_schilling, @thebrowser, @bobbie, @stevekandell, @taffyakner, @harrymccracken, @jacobfeldman4, @everettcook, @karenkho, @samdiss and @nbj914
@longform: Longform is shutting down its article recommendations service. (The Longform Podcast will continue to publish new episodes weekly.) Thank you to our contributing editors, our supporters, and the publications, writers, and readers who made it all possible. We will miss you.
Joshua Hunt / @viajoshhunt: A shame, and yet I envy every writer who will never know the brash thirst that led an entire generation to append “cc @longform” to tweets about their latest “deep dive” or “longread.”
Olivia Nuzzi / @olivianuzzi: I couldn't believe it the first time I saw myself recommended by Longform, the place where I was introduced to many of the writers who became my heroes. I am so grateful for their support and I will miss their recommendations ❤️
Craig Mod / @craigmod: 😭😭 sigh ... kind of a 90s style yahoo for long form writing, collected and made findable the best of the best, and they had a killer app a decade back that was excelleeennttt Thanks @aaronlammer and @maxlinsky and co 😭❤️😭 ❤️
Kang / @jaycaspiankang: farewell to a site that helped a lot of unknown writers find new audiences and take the first real steps in their careers, even degenerate gamblers who wrote mostly about poker and basketball. Wonderful site; great people behind it.
Francesca Mari / @francescamari: Blast. I spent so many great Saturday mornings (and evenings) curled up reading selections from @longform's Pick of the Week email. Thanks for bringing so many great works and writers to my attention. 😪
Max Linsky / @maxlinsky: This project lasted so much longer than I ever expected. It also changed my life. Thank you to every single reader, editor, and writer who made Longform possible. A great run.
Mike Epstein / @bombur: RIP to a wonderful service.
Meagan Flynn / @meagan_flynn: Thinking back to when I was 18 & knew nothing & stumbled on this then-brand-new site. Can't quantify all the ways every story they curated helped me discover and love what was possible in journalism. What a loss
Elon Green / @elongreen: Man, this site changed my life. Eternally grateful for @maxlinsky, @aaronlammer, and that beautiful human, @GretchenMarg.
Pamela Colloff / @pamelacolloff: It's hard to remember life before @longform, but at the time, writers like me, at regional magazines, were lucky to find an audience for our stories. I'm so grateful to Longform for bringing my work—and the work of so many great journalists—to a much, much larger audience.
David Wolman / @davidwolman: Will miss you, and am so grateful for the work you've done to elevate writers and spotlight great storytelling. 🙏🍻
@longreads: We hate to see news like this. Sad to see y'all go—thanks for a great, long run helping people find some of the best stories out there.
@pappademas: writing anything is about feeling lonely and stupid a lot of the time, RIP to a magic mirror that always told me “You look real fly, baby” when I was done
Patrick Caldwell / @patcaldwell: Drats, this is a bummer. Was always a joy to see something I worked on highlighted there. Also a real loss as one of the few remaining places where you could discover something wonderful that you might not otherwise encounter online.
Josie Duffy Rice / @jduffyrice: Well I am sad
Zach Baron / @zachbaron: Tremendously grateful to these guys, who spent years working incredibly hard to put the spotlight on other people besides themselves. Thank you @maxlinsky and @aaronlammer, and congrats on never having to read another magazine piece again.
Dr. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: We will miss you, too
Dave Schilling / @dave_schilling: Damn. When I was a journalist, I always got so excited to be featured on Longform. RIP.
@thebrowser: sad to see Longform coming to close today, unquestionably in the all-time pantheon of curators. All the tributes are so richly deserved, ten amazing years of work
@bobbie: Pouring one out for @longform—a great source of information, inspiration and craft for a decade. I know how much effort it must take, and how hard it is to stop, so congratulations to @maxlinsky @aaronlammer and everyone else involved in keeping it going so long.
Steve Kandell / @stevekandell: hard to overstate how important longform was during a particular moment that feels much further away right now than it really was
Taffy Brodesser-Akner / @taffyakner: I love @longform as a reader — as a writer, I yelped with joy and gratitude every time I had a story featured on it. Thank you, guys, for being enthusiastic about our stories. It was great to hear you always cheering from the stands.
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: Sorry to hear this. @sundaylongread is a great alternative.
@jacobfeldman4: Damn. What a run. Congrats to @maxlinsky and the entire crew that made lengthy journalism feel like the coolest thing in the world.
Everett Cook / @everettcook: Longform linked a feature of mine when I was a young reporter and it was legitimately the coolest thing that had ever happened to me. I floated for weeks. Made me feel like I belonged. Thanks for everything @maxlinsky @aaronlammer !
Karen K. Ho / @karenkho: Being recommended by Longform changed my life. Very proud to have been a part of it.

Audie Cornish, a host of NPR's “All Things Considered”, is leaving her job, following recent exits by other prominent NPR hosts of color, including Noel King — Audie Cornish, a host of NPR's “All Things Considered,” is leaving her job, becoming the latest prominent person of color to leave the public broadcaster.
Sarah Rumpf / Mediaite: Audie Cornish Quits NPR's All Things Considered, Blasts Network for ‘Hemorrhaging Hosts from Marginalized Backgrounds’
Audie Cornish / @audiecornish: Some personal news...this week I am joining many of you in “The Great Resignation”. 1/5 #NPR
Sean Saldana / @seanasaldana: The criticism of high level staffers leaving NPR is strange to me. Cause it's not like people are being forced out of the industry — it seems like they're leaving for better schedules, roles with more editorial input, less stress, and maybe even higher pay.
Audie Cornish / @audiecornish: I love my job. I love the listeners of @NPR and the people who make it. Alongside that truth, I am ready to stretch my wings and try something new. 2/5
Brittany Bowker / The Boston Globe: Audie Cornish leaving NPR and ‘All Things Considered’ to ‘try something new’
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Also see this exchange between two NPR journalists, given the news about @AudieCornish and other departing hosts
Roxane Gay / @rgay: I just gasped. One of my top five interviews ever. Audie Cornish is just an outstanding journalist. Whatever NPR did smh...
Paul Farhi / @farhip: .@NPR is losing some of its Black and Latino hosts. Colleagues see a larger crisis. Latest by me and the multitalented @ElaheIzadi: ...
Rebekah Entralgo Fernández / @rebekahentralgo: My contribution to the NPR discourse is this: I loved my time as an intern & was grateful that I was offered a temp position after. But I quickly realized that there are people who temped for years before being hired. I couldn't afford that instability, so I got a job elsewhere.
Rebekah Entralgo Fernández / @rebekahentralgo: I really did not want to leave. Working at NPR was my dream job. But at the time I was loaning money to my mom & didn't have a safety net to catch me if I couldn't find another place in the building to temp. There are a lot of diverse voices lost to their system.

Q&A with Ben Smith on his new media venture, as plans like a launch date remain to be finalized: “We want to serve the highest common denominator” — The departing Times media columnist and former editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed News wants to push the envelope but isn't yet ready to say just how.
@newyorker, Puck, Today in Tabs, @davidmackau, @kantrowitz, @dabeard, @tombevanrcp, @hshaban, @nycsouthpaw, Poynter, @ashleyfeinberg, @meredithshiner, @banikarim, @froomkin, @natsfert, @davidshepardson, @getembedded, @lmoses, @tomgara, @scottnover, @alexthomp, @claremalone, @eliotwb and @hotlinejosh
@newyorker: With his new news venture, Ben Smith is “eager to push the envelope” on how stories are told and delivered. How, exactly, he won't yet say.
Dylan Byers / Puck: News on the Ben Smith News
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: Sir This Is The Whole Internet
David Mack / @davidmackau: this is the closest thing a reader will ever get to what it's like IRL to have a convo with ben
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: The shift away from social media journalism is a very good thing, for journalism and the news business
David Beard / @dabeard: At the end of @clare_malone's interview with @benyt is a question every journalist should ask: “Anything that I'm not asking that I should know?” The reporter has to admit vulnerability and imperfection, but occasionally the question pays off.
Tom Bevan / @tombevanrcp: Sorry, but “treating the audience with respect” is not a novel concept, nor is it a business plan. It's pretty clear they are making this thing up as they go.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Sharp essay from @alexlaughs, a journalist whose entire team was laid off at BuzzFeed, on the unfairness and absurdity of news startup fundraising. (The basic question of who in media gets money and who doesn't brings Quibi to mind.)
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: Beckett, or maybe Brecht, would love this.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: phenomenal interview, absolutely perfect—cannot wait to finally read articles about the Big Stories currently in The News
Meredith Shiner / @meredithshiner: In this interview, the NYT media columnist doesn't say a lot but he does say he's been in serious discussions *for months* about launching a media company, which was a huge conflict of interest in his current role—critiquing potential rival outlets— the NYT should have to address
Susie / @banikarim: im so confused. why do this interview if you have literally no answers?
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Pure bullshit. Must read.
Natalie Fertig / @natsfert: I completely missed this earlier... @benyt didn't learn this UNTIL he worked at the Times?? 😵💫
@davidshepardson: I appreciate the effort here to get a reporter to answer questions
Embedded / @getembedded: Congratulations to My Internet alum @benyt on leaving The New York Times to launch a new global news organization, where he will hopefully be welcome in all of the Slack channels! ...
Lucia Moses / @lmoses: Eager to see how a healthy relationship btw a media company and social media looks like:
Tom Gara / @tomgara: “The era of social media journalism is basically coming to an end, and there's a question of what's next,” Ben told me."
Alex Thompson / @alexthomp: Another notable quote to @ClareMalone: “I don't think that newspaper articles or magazine articles are, for most stories, most days, the best way to deliver the news.”
Clare Malone / @claremalone: Ben Smith can't *exactly* say what his new media venture is ... but we talked about it anyhow! An occasionally-distracted Q&A with the one half of The Smiths, the newest media moguls (??) in town.
Eliot Brown / @eliotwb: Well this seems super classy “In early December, Ben dismissed an inquiry into plans for a new venture as a “rumor” that wasn't true”

Justin Smith will be CEO of the new venture, which will focus on digital consumer subscriptions and premium advertising, and Ben Smith will lead its newsroom
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 1/ NEW: Memo from @Justin_B_Smith to close confidants about his plans to launch a new media venture with @benyt ... Go deeper:
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW for @axios: More details about the new Smith-Smith media venture + exclusive memo from Justin Smith to close confidants detailing their motivations
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: One thing I'm gonna watch with this new global-minded media startup is location. Obv it's based in NY, but if they don't hire people all over the world (and outside a few usual bureaus), then it's gonna seem like just another US-centric “global” news org. We have a lot of those!
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 2/ Key excerpts: — “The global news business hasn't seen significant new entrants in more than 40 years.” — “These organizations often see the world through a domestic lens, the international market an afterthought. ”
Jennifer ‘pro-voting’ Rubin / @jrubinblogger: sounds like what Elizabeth Holmes would say if it was media start up: “Faced with the technological and societal disruptions of the past two decades, traditional editorial institutions have become almost paralyzed — operationally, politically, culturally”

Ben Smith is leaving the NYT to start a global news organization with Justin Smith for the “200M people who are college educated, who read in English”
Poynter, @bgrueskin, @benyt, @dgelles, @emilybell, @reckless, @nhannahjones, @dylanbyers, Washington Post, @kindahagi, @felixsalmon, @sarafischer, American Press Institute, @daveleeft, @dangillmor, @juliacarriew, @rachel, @dcbigjohn, @jason, @zengerle, Indigenous Wire, Talking Biz News, @ashleyfeinberg, @ryanchittum, @laurenzcollins, @karaswisher, @richardgrenell, @benyt, @kampeas, @nprinskeep, @mayawiley, @jswatz, @om, @kazweida, @chaykak, @comfortablysmug, @apbenven, @bypatrickgeorge, @alexthomp, @jscros, @jscros, @maxwelltani, @jswatz, @kromandavid, @froomkin, @brianstelter, @rafat, @davidcorndc, @hunterw, @katie_roof, @froomkin, @buzzfeedben, @lebassett, @sethklamann, @alicialutes, @claireeshaffer, @meredithshiner, @rublekb, @mhbaskin, @ungarino, @esotericcd, @kerrymflynn, @rosiegray, @rosental, @digitalshields, @daveweigel, @lpolgreen, @claremalone, @justinhendrix, @parismartineau, @natalieweiner, @yair_rosenberg, @ralstonreports, @jakesherman, @ariehkovler, @clairevtran, @howardkurtz, @chanders, @tomgara, @tomgara, @hamiltonnolan, @robinwigg, @thekenyeung, @toley88, @bristei, @ashleyfeinberg, @ashleyfeinberg, @kerrymflynn, @s_m_i, @paperhaus, @joshsternberg, @davegershgorn, @tomscocca, @rmac18, @daisandconfused, @scottfeinberg, @michaelroston, @brianstelter, @edmundlee, @cliffordlevy, @susanpage, @jimwaterson, @lisatozzi, @pdmcleod, @ljkawa, @scottnover, @akarl_smith, @martinsfp, @carolynryan, @ezwrites, @mattnegrin, @tomgara, @samjmintz, @sonnybunch, @alexbruell, @patrickmcgee_, @jbflint, @jbflint, @kfile, New York Magazine, Defector and Vanity Fair
Alex Sujong Laughlin / Poynter: I'm not mad about Ben Smith; I'm mad at all of this
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: This is an interesting line, coming from Justin Smith, who just spent almost a decade at Bloomberg, and who is teaming up w/ the former Buzzfeed News EIC. ... h/t @sarafischer
David Gelles / @dgelles: NEWS: @benyt is LEAVING the NEW YORK TIMES to start a new news organization with @Justin_B_Smith.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: There's a lot one could mark-up about this statement...
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Hot new media startup for college-educated professionals
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: Anyone else confused by this? “There are 200 million people who are college educated, who read in English, but who no one is really treating like an audience, but who talk to each other and talk to us,” Ben Smith said. “That's who we see as our audience.”
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Lot of folks keep treating the Smiths project like a big mystery. It's not—it's a global news org, hundreds of journalists, subs/ads/events, a chance for Smiths to get in on $$ action. But! This piece did a great job of capturing what it's like to talk to @benyt on the phone.
Elahe Izadi / Washington Post: Media columnist Ben Smith leaves the New York Times to lead new media start-up
Sarah Hagi / @kindahagi: Solidarity to all the buzzfeed workers who wanna make fun of Ben smith but also wanna get hired by him
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: I would HIGHLY recommend that @mfriedenberg and @aagalloni take a significant minority investment in the new @Justin_B_Smith @benyt venture, and give them free desk space in Reuters bureaus around the world, for reasons I glossed here, in 2018.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Some details: — Ben Smith's last day NYT is next Monday — Justin Smith will stay on as an adviser to Bloomberg Media through March 15 — For now, Justin Smith will be self-funding the business while he finalizes late-stage talks with individual investors
American Press Institute: Need to Know: January 5, 2022 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: News avoiders …
Dave Lee / @daveleeft: You read this paragraph and realise BBC leadership is completely asleep at the wheel
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Baffled by the negativity being tossed at @benyt over his departure for something he'd rather do. The main benefit for the rest of us is that he's sent the NY Times an important message — that the Times isn't the supreme leader of journalism despite its arrogance.
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: “enjoyed a liquidity event” is one of the most cursed phrases I've ever had the misfortune to read
@rachel: turns out 200M educated english speakers just wanted a beautifully dumb word game they could tweet ⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟩 ⬜⬜⬜🟩 🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩
John R Stanton / @dcbigjohn: Looking forward to Andrew Sullivan coming on as chief race reporter for “College Educated English Speakers Weekly”
@jason: Every five to ten years a billionaire gives some ambitious journalists $10-50m to fix the news... that's what this Ben & Justin Smith project sounds like to me.
Jason Zengerle / @zengerle: Huge gets for OZY relaunch.
Rob Capriccioso / Indigenous Wire: Will Ben Smith's new ‘global’ media empire include Indigenous news?
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: immense respect to ben for just constantly telling people he absolutely intended to rectify his massive conflict of interest by selling his buzzfeed stock and then bouncing before anyone ever actually made him do it—just incredible work
Ryan Chittum / @ryanchittum: Hopefully not Quartz II for the top 5%
Lauren Collins / @laurenzcollins: By MAN MAN leaving news org to start news org with MAN. “We will miss MAN,” MAN said. MAN took over column from MAN, who succeeded other MAN. MAN pubbed report on MAN compiled by MAN, which led to inquiry by MAN. “MAN helped transform media,” said MAN.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Ahahaaa nice one @laurenzcollins or should I say WOMAN, which has the word MAN in it.
Richard Grenell / @richardgrenell: Another Ben Smith adventure geared towards the newsroom gossips that Americans have dismissed for years. These media elites aren't concerned about the public or the truth....
Ben Smith / @benyt: Nobody should ever be forced to read a verbatim transcript of his own words, but this does include many of them.
Ron Kampeas / @kampeas: I'm a big @benyt fan but this new venture sounds at this stage like two bros saying, “What if we-” “Yeah! and then we-” “Dude, yeah!”
Steve Inskeep / @nprinskeep: Best of luck to @benyt. His Times media writing was among the most nuanced, entertaining and influential I've seen.
Maya Wiley / @mayawiley: .@BenSmith So. You know when your friends make a big decision and you have to learn about overhearing your neighbors talking it on the street corner? 😂 Exciting news though!
John Schwartz / @jswatz: In the future, everyone will work for The New York Times for 15 minutes.
@om: Whatever you think of this, it is an opportunity for more writers to ply their trade. And hopefully, this will be something unique, and worth paying for. As long as no clickbait headlines and nonsense that treats readers as idiots.
Kaz Weida / @kazweida: Sure sounds like he's saying... a media startup but for wealthy white people. But isn't that what The NY Times already does? It's not really a niche.
Kyle Chayka / @chaykak: does everyone just want, in the end, what Tina Brown did with Vanity Fair in the 80s
Comfortably Smug / @comfortablysmug: Ben Smith in May 2020: I've agreed to divest by the end of the year. NYT to Slate in October 2021: “We've extended Ben's deadline to divest the stock options to February 2022.” Ben Smith in January 2022: lol, peace losers
Alexis Benveniste / @apbenven: Missed opportunity if they don't have their launch party at The Smith
Patrick George / @bypatrickgeorge: At last, a publication aimed at college-educated people who can read the English language. An idea whose time has come
Alex Thompson / @alexthomp: .@benyt to @DylanByers: ""The era of social media journalism is basically coming to an end, and there's a question of what's next...The relationship of individual journalists to their audience is also changing, and I think [this new pub] will reflect that"
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: the man who took down ozy now faces his toughest battle yet: building another ozy
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: strong cowards ratio here so let me be the first to say: i would absolutely take a first-wave well-paid startup job at this publication and then calmly take my layoff severance in 18 months. there's no shame in that. everyone's gotta play the game
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: which one of them is going to get paid a lot of money to not do their job most of the time while the other one does all the work?
John Schwartz / @jswatz: At least he's not flouncing off to market himself on Substack as a victim of the NYT “woke mob.”
David Kroman / @kromandavid: I know it's not quite this simple, but I do wish there was more focus on strengthening news organizations that already exist rather than casting about for a new shiny object
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Emerging consensus among my DMs is that @benyt's motives include: 1) $$$$$ 2) The joy of trolling (Not necessarily in that order) 3) Column is too much work 4) Not going to take over from @deanbaquet 5) Not ready to cash in his BF stock options
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “There's been a change in the relationship between journalists and institutions in the same way there's been a change in the relationship between talent and institutions in the entertainment industry” —@benyt
@rafat: But but, what about the 250 million Smiths worldwide who are still unaddressed by any media, thought that was a bigger opportunity. But seriously, congrats @Justin_B_Smith & @benyt, this will be a fun to watch you two build a media startup again!
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Good luck @benyt. But a serious question: how is the NYT failing the 200 million college-educated people who speak English? That's a column I'd like to read.
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: BuzzfeedBen is back in the saddle. Mazel tov to all involved!
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: I would guess that this is key to why he is leaving, actually.
Ben Smith / @buzzfeedben: Men will literally start a global news operation catering to the 200 million college educated English speakers worldwide rather than go to therapy
Laura Bassett / @lebassett: Can't stop laughing at this
Seth Klamann / @sethklamann: Oh thank God, somebody at a major national news organization is finally launching a fresh national news organization.
Alicia Lutes / @alicialutes: “Details are sparse, but Ben told me that they saw their audience as the 200 million or so English speakers with college degrees who are tired of the same-old same-old in the news.” - @dgelles white men truly must be stopped.
Claire Shaffer / @claireeshaffer: I've read this quote several times and I still have no fucking clue who he's talking about
Meredith Shiner / @meredithshiner: yo NYT what if you hired a public editor instead of a political reporter to take on the media beat wouldn't that have more value to the institution and the republic???
Kayla Ruble / @rublekb: So are everyone else's media group chats collectively losing it over this quote right now or just mine?
Morgan Baskin / @mhbaskin: “A personal dream, and a market opportunity” is the funniest quote I've ever read, no notes
Rebecca Ungarino / @ungarino: genuinely having trouble understanding what this means as a total addressable market and how it's different from existing national news orgs
@esotericcd: Welp there's the answer to the question “why hasn't Smith sold his shares in Buzzfeed yet despite New York Times policy requiring it for conflict reasons?”
Rosie Gray / @rosiegray: @benyt Congrats Ben. I was getting pretty worried about whether a news outlet will finally cater to the 200 million college educated English speakers worldwide
@rosental: Ben Smith Is Leaving The Times for a Global News Start-Up - It seems that @benyt wants to compete with @NYTimes for the global audience of the “200 million people who are college educated, who read in English, ... who talk to each other and talk to us...”
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: Shepherd Smith, Stephen A Smith, Harry Smith partnering on global news organization centered on folksy but relatable rants
David Weigel / @daveweigel: Ben's media column was the best, gonna miss it terribly
Clare Malone / @claremalone: The once and future media mogul!
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: Well that's a powerhouse duo if ever there was one.
Paris Martineau / @parismartineau: ben please im begging you dont put your employer's name in ur twitter handle this time
Natalie Weiner / @natalieweiner: who keeps giving bros money
Yair Rosenberg / @yair_rosenberg: This will be really cool, but also, if you're reading this, pat yourself on the back at having survived Ben's media column days without him writing about you. Sigh of relief all around.
Jon Ralston / @ralstonreports: Man, this dude can't hold a job. (Congrats, Ben!)
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: I'm so excited to see @benyt doing this. He's one of the smartest minds in media.
Arieh Kovler / @ariehkovler: Preemptively registering all the good publication name Twitter handles with Ben at the end of them.
Claire Trần / @clairevtran: Starting a news outlet. There are 200 million people who can't cook, all they know is mcdonalds, charge their phone, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie, but who no one is really treating like an audience, but who talk to each other and talk to us. That's who we see as our audience.
Howard Kurtz / @howardkurtz: Ben Smith, going back to his netroots...a loss for the Times
@chanders: Also, does this mean that @benyt will have served out his tenure at the NYT without ever divesting his @BuzzFeed stock options? Pretty slick all around, if so.
Tom Gara / @tomgara: (FWIW I've always thought this is what kinda sets the FT apart, it's written for a pretty global audience of $$ people and nowhere near as anchored on its home audience as its US counterparts. And same goes for a lot of BBC stuff)
Tom Gara / @tomgara: I have no special insight into the Smith/Smith media startup, but so much English language media coming out of the US and UK is very provincial and written with the assumption that its audience shares the interests and priorities of Americans or Brits
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: For a high six figure check even the most ferocious media critics will embrace absolutely any theory of what will work in media and that includes me, pls DM me offers
Robin Wigglesworth / @robinwigg: If anyone - university-educated or otherwise - is unhappy about their media diet then 👉👉👉
Ken Yeung / @thekenyeung: Mr. & Mr. Smith
Tom Ley / @toley88: Defector's potential audience is 300 million people but 200 million people is cool too I guess
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: I guess we'll never know if Ben Smith finally sold his Buzzfeed options.....
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: i simply cannot stop laughing—cheers to all involved
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: “what about the 200 million people who are college educated, who read in English, but who no one is really treating like an audience, but who talk to each other and talk to us?” - me, constantly
@kerrymflynn: “'There are 200 million people who are college educated, who read in English, but who no one is really treating like an audience...' Ben Smith said in an interview.” Genuinely confused. What does NYT / BuzzFeed / others do if not serve that audience?
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: This makes sense.
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Smith Squared!
Dave Gershgorn / @davegershgorn: wow never thought i'd see The Smiths tour again
Tom Scocca / @tomscocca: In the end, the divestments we made were in ourselves
Daisy Alioto / @daisandconfused: Mr. Smith Goes to Mr. Smith
Scott Feinberg / @scottfeinberg: He had a huge platform and was killing it. Why the hell would he do this?
Michael Roston / @michaelroston: Well I guess that's it, the media has been equationed
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The Smiths?
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: Smith & Smith Co.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: .@benyt has been a superb media columnist, revolutionizing the beat by churning out scoop after stunning scoop. He's a great colleague, too. Very sorry that he is leaving the NYT, but wish him well on his next adventure.
Susan Page / @susanpage: Best media columnist ever.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: New York Times breaks news that New York Times media columnist who often breaks news about the New York Times is leaving the New York Times
Lisa Tozzi / @lisatozzi: Smith²
Paul McLeod / @pdmcleod: So does anyone want to work for legacy media anymore? Ben Smith is leaving the New York Times for a global news startup.
Luke Kawa / @ljkawa: “in the long run, you either end up at Bloomberg or Buzzfeed” has finally merged
Scott Nover / @scottnover: I think it's safe to say @benyt was a remarkable media columnist.
Allan Smith / @akarl_smith: I can think of one Smith who is not going anywhere
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: Call it BloomFeed.
Esther Zuckerman / @ezwrites: What does this mean? Like genuinely.
@mattnegrin: what if new york time hire extremely brilliant and honest person on twitter who always accurate with media prediction for open position at media column
Sam Mintz / @samjmintz: He'll have to change his Twitter handle yet again, I worry for the man
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: Interesting. Ben's column was one of the best regular features at the NYT.
Alexandra Bruell / @alexbruell: Mr. Smith says he sees an opportunity to help address a crisis in trust among news consumers. via @BenMullin via @WSJ
Patrick McGee / @patrickmcgee_: The Smith Times
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Job opening!
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Cue series of tweets and columns on what @benyt leaving NYT says about traditional media platforms. Or just reverse engineer the ones everyone wrote when he joined NYT two years ago.
Andrew Kaczynski / @kfile: How did @benyt miss this scoop?
Shawn McCreesh / New York Magazine: Ben Smith Goes Global
Albert Burneko / Defector: The Media Smiths Have A Bold New Idea
Caleb Ecarma / Vanity Fair: Can the News Media Rebound in 2022?

Bloomberg Media CEO Justin Smith steps down effective immediately to found a media company “that serves unbiased journalism”; Scott Havens to replace him as CEO
@justin_b_smith, Reuters, Vox, @benmullin, The Rebooting, @sewellchan, @benmullin, @chriscillizza, @hunterw, @benmullin, @jbarro, @madisonoconn, @niketa, @jayrosen_nyu, @laurawags, @edmundlee, @mccarthyryanj, @carloslozadawp, @michaelluo, @digiphile, @lionelbarber, @richard_florida, @mattdpearce, @jkempenergy, @mattzeitlin, @marcbain_, @benmullin, @parryravi, @claremalone, @sub8u, @ryanlcooper, @robinwigg, @michaelroston, @jason_kint, @brianstelter, @davidfolkenflik, @seangriffey, @seangriffey, @jbflint, @pkafka, @pkafka and Talking Biz News
Justin B. Smith / @justin_b_smith: After 8 years at Bloomberg Media, and more than 25 years in quality journalism, I've decided to pursue a personal dream, and a market opportunity, to launch a new kind of global news media company that serves unbiased journalism to a truly global audience
Peter Kafka / Vox: Ben Smith had one of the coolest jobs in journalism. Now he wants to do something else.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Justin Smith's new media venture, code-named “Project Coda,” is aiming to reach a market of 200 million people globally, David Bradley tells me:
Brian Morrissey / The Rebooting: Web3 and its discontents — For various reasons, I have Web3 on my mind.
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: Trump and Brexit happened in part bc people believe English-speaking, college-educated elites care more about each other than about their own countrymen. I respect the folks behind this new venture but their target audience is hardly underserved.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Scott Havens is the new CEO of Bloomberg Media. -Justin Smith is starting a global, general-interest media company -He's likely going to raise significant funding -The venture will include digital publishing, newsletters, podcasts and digital video
Chris Cillizza / @chriscillizza: Exactly right
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: I feel like everyone wondering what @benyt is going to do has not watched his work over the years. He likes scoops. They are going to do big exclusive stuff and everything else will flow from that. You're welcome, Twitter.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: SCOOP: Bloomberg Media CEO Justin Smith is stepping down to start his own media company
Josh Barro / @jbarro: “The news industry is facing a crisis... due to the distorting influence of social media” and “seek to tap into the rising power of individual journalists to build audiences on a variety of platforms” are both plausible guideposts, but they are in tension.
Madison O'Connor / @madisonoconn: I just wanna know how discussing the fractured state of the news media leads to a global news startup and NOT local news...
Niketa Patel / @niketa: Wordsmiths seems like a fitting name
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Listen to @pkafka, media people. What Ben and Justin Smith say matters little. “They'll sell the new org based on their resumes and output before it starts producing journalism. And once it actually starts making stuff, that's the thing that will matter.”
Laura Wagner / @laurawags: It's almost like a reporter's job is to ask questions powerful people may not want to answer
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: The best @benyt quote from today's media scrum, comes courtesy of @pkafka, who asked what to make of his latest move: “The accordions accordion. The pendulum swings.”
Ryan McCarthy / @mccarthyryanj: I am rooting for whatever this is! But I don't understand the value of interviewing someone who won't talk about what their new venture is. We can all actually wait to cover this, you know
Michael Luo / @michaelluo: .@benyt had a hundred-and-forty-four unread text messages when @ClareMalone talked with him for a sometimes-digitally distracted sixteen minutes this afternoon. The concept is..still in motion.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: “lots of things have happened on Twitter that are really important.”—@benyt And Twitter's a real part of the world, I would think." <—one of the longest “no further comment” ever
Lionel Barber / @lionelbarber: “The startup would seek to tap into the rising power of individual journalists to build audiences on a variety of platforms” @benyt says shift in power in media follows entertainment industry. Journalists as mini/maxi brands? Common culture? via @WSJ
Richard Florida / @richard_florida: This sounds pretty cool ...
@mattdpearce: Internationalist business elite of the world, unite:
John Kemp / @jkempenergy: “I think that there's a big audience that wants journalism that respects their intelligence”
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: Sounds...puckish
Marc Bain / @marcbain_: every former and current Quartz employee right now is thinking this sounds very familiar
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: I asked @benyt about the biggest difference between @nytimes and his new startup. His response: “The New York Times has a 150-year head-start on us.”
Parry Ravindranathan / @parryravi: Big news! @Justin_B_Smith was my long time boss at @BBGMedia and a good friend. End of another era. But no better time to do this, Justin. And congrats Scott @msh200 Bloomberg Media CEO Justin Smith Steps Down to Found News Startup
Clare Malone / @claremalone: From the WSJ piece on the new Smiths venture...both this and the Times stub talk abt. college-educated English speakers. So is this gonna be like...The Economist but less British and w/bylines? @benyt ?
Subrahmanyam Kvj / @sub8u: Might be me, but this is amusing, coming from the (ex) CEO of Bloomberg. The burning desire of every new media startup, small or big, to run down everything else, even that which they've been involved in is something!
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: TIL Bloomberg Media makes ~$140m on subscription fees alone
Robin Wigglesworth / @robinwigg: Good luck and Godspeed, but launching another news outlet dedicated to “unbiased journalism for a global audience” makes me think of this meme.
Michael Roston / @michaelroston: I hope the next 5 hires they announce all have the surname Smith
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: According to census/wikipedia, there are at least 3mil Smiths globally so that's a sizable base to launch a news media biz. In all seriousness, only the best to @Justin_B_Smith @benyt on their new venture. We'll be rooting for your success. Cheers.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: >> @Justin_B_Smith plans to “launch a premium news business that serves unbiased journalism to a global audience and provides a high-quality platform for the best journalists in the world.” And @benyt is on board
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: The Smith brothers - Justin and Ben, unrelated - leave Bloomberg and NYT respectively for a new news startup - big news for news biz
Sean Griffey / @seangriffey: Huge news: @Justin_B_Smith stepping down as CEO of Bloomberg News to launch a new startup. One of the smartest operators in media...this is #1 on my watch list now.
Sean Griffey / @seangriffey: One fun part of the Justin Smith / Coda - David Bradley stating that he would invest. You can sell The Atlantic and QZ but media is a hard drug to quit.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: I think already work for that place “My plan is to launch a premium news business that serves unbiased journalism to a global audience and provides a high-quality platform for the best journalists in the world.” From @BenMullin
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: More power to Justin but I sure hope his new premium news business doesn't run quotes like that without context.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: “My plan is to launch a premium news business that serves unbiased journalism to a global audience and provides a high-quality platform for the best journalists in the world,” says the man leaving a job running a premium news business staffed by excellent journalists.

Analysis of about 1,500 episodes from 20 popular political podcasts between the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 riot finds about half contained election misinfo — A new study analyzed nearly 1,500 episodes, showing the extent to which podcasts pushed misinformation about voter fraud.
@daveyalba, Reclaim The Net, @tomgara, @mmfa, @zaleskiluke, @rasmus_kleis, @scout_finch, @matthewboedy, @tripgabriel, @puiwingtam, @mollyjongfast, @michaelkruse, @indivisiblecria and Brookings
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: very interesting tidbit in @stuartathompson's first (!) misinformation story for our desk. google moderates videos on youtube, but argues that its Podcasts app “more closely resembles a search engine than a publishing service” bc it doesn't host the audio.
Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net: Podcasting is likely the next censorship target
Tom Gara / @tomgara: I wonder how long it is until questions like these are getting asked about Chrome
@mmfa: On YouTube, right-wing candidates are using appearances from Steve Bannon's War Room podcast to campaign for office; many of the videos contain explicit election misinformation. ...
Luke Zaleski / @zaleskiluke: Trump and republicans are undertaking a hostile takeover of America through gerrymandering, an unprecedented right wing propaganda campaign, dark money, violence, intimidation, omertà politics, obstruction, abuse of power, and specious legal maneuvering/abuse of the court system.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: This line - “we don't host it” - will be hard to maintain, both for Google and other podcast apps, especially if the apps make recommendations.
Jennifer Hayden / @scout_finch: It's still happening right now.
Matthew Boedy / @matthewboedy: Charlie Kirk podcast among those studied by @BrookingsInst. He talked about Big Lie at least seven times in 70+ episodes.
Trip Gabriel / @tripgabriel: Lie after lie about a stolen election spread on right-wing podcasts from Nov 3 to Jan 6, an analysis found. Bannon's War Room was the worst offender.
Pui-Wing Tam / @puiwingtam: The first story from our new misinformation reporter @stuartathompson and it's a revealing one:
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Here's a list of podcasts sharing electoral misinformation pre and post 2020 election
Michael Kruse / @michaelkruse: Mr. Bannon's show was removed from Spotify in November 2020 after he discussed beheading federal officials, but it remains available on Apple and Google.

AMC Networks buys anime streamer and distributor Sentai, including its anime-focused Hidive subscription streaming service, Anime Network, and Sentai Studios — The deal includes the anime-focused HIDIVE subscription streaming service. — AMC Networks, the company behind …
Jennifer Maas / Variety: AMC Networks Acquires ‘Made in Abyss’ Distributor Sentai and Anime Streamer HIDIVE
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: AMC Networks Acquires Anime Distributor Sentai
Evan Minto / @vamptvo: Uh, kinda running out of independent anime companies aren't we? Discotek, it's all on you now.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Anime industry is valued at just under $25B, w/that number expected to nearly double to $43B by 2027. Audiences once considered niche in North America, Europe, and Latin America are now incredibly sought after. And anime becomes a tool to reach otherwise disinterested consumers.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Sony: owns Funimation & Crunchyroll Netflix: acquiring rights to huge series; deals with NAZ, Science SARU, MAPPA, Studio Mir WarnerMedia: Cartoon Network producing anime Disney: licensing anime in Japan for D+, originals (Star Wars Visions) Now, AMC:
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Some more points re: anime licensing, acquisition, curation, and live-action adaptation strategies including: ♦️ how anime's used to scale on new audiences ♦️ how anime's used to target low-engagement users, and therefore high risk ♦️ the balancing game ...

Quentin Tarantino says he will proceed with selling NFTs based on Pulp Fiction screenplay excerpts, defying a Miramax copyright lawsuit — The famed director is moving forward with his Secret Network NFT sale later this month. — After being sued for copyright infringement …
New York Times, Business Wire, IndieWire, ScreenRant, @morgan_chittum, The A.V. Club and Insider
Ephrat Livni / New York Times: Quentin Tarantino plans to sell ‘Pulp Fiction’ NFTs, defying a Miramax suit.
Business Wire: Quentin Tarantino Announces Dates for NFT Auction of Scenes from Original, Handwritten Pulp Fiction Screenplay on Secret Network
Ryan Lattanzio / IndieWire: Quentin Tarantino Auctioning ‘Pulp Fiction’ Screenplay NFTs Despite Miramax Lawsuit
Morgan Chittum / @morgan_chittum: Tarantino's attorney described the film studio's lawsuit as a “ham-fisted attempt” that will “fail.”

Amazon says it sold over 150M Fire TV devices worldwide, announces Ford and Stellantis deals to bring Fire TV to their in-car entertainment systems — Amazon is touting a major milestone for Fire TV, claiming it has sold more than 150 million of the streaming devices worldwide.
Lauren Forristal / The Streamable: Fire TV Sells Over 150 Million Fire TV Devices Worldwide - What Do They Have Planned for 2022?
Antuan Goodwin / CNET News: Stellantis partners with Amazon for next-gen STLA SmartCockpit

AT&T CFO says HBO Max and HBO ended 2021 with about 73.8M subscribers, ahead of the company's forecast — The WarnerMedia streamer's fourth-quarter content slate included ‘Succession,’ ‘Dune’ and ‘Sex and the City’ sequel series ‘And Just Like That.’
Variety, The Verge, Los Angeles Times, Forbes, Cord Cutters News, Bloomberg, The Wrap, Broadband TV News, Tubefilter, TechCrunch, Media Play News, and Deadline
Manori Ravindran / Variety: HBO and HBO Max Rounded Out 2021 With 73.8 Million Global Subscribers, Topping Estimates
Catie Keck / The Verge: HBO Max is doing great, according to HBO Max
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: After a turbulent year, WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar touts HBO Max gains
Tony Maglio / The Wrap: HBO and HBO Max Combined for 73.8 Million Global Subscribers at the End of 2021
Julian Clover / Broadband TV News: HBO Max ahead of targets
Geoff Weiss / Tubefilter: HBO, HBO Max Surpass Internal Projections With 73.8 Million Year-End Subscribers
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: AT&T: HBO, HBO Max Ended 2021 With 73.8 Million Subs

Paid Peacock subscribers will get access to live streams of all events at the Beijing Winter Olympics, scheduled February 2-20 — NBC is hoping another Olympics will give Peacock a boost. Ahead of the forthcoming Winter Games from Beijing next month, NBC announced that Peacock subscribers …
Awful Announcing, The Streamable, Deadline, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, @dougscripts, @thedragonfeeder and Adweek
Joe Lucia / Awful Announcing: Peacock will stream all Winter Olympics coverage live, with event replays immediately following on demand
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Peacock Will Stream All NBCUniversal Coverage Of Beijing Olympics, Including Live Events, Via Premium Tier
Todd Spangler / Variety: Peacock Will Stream All of NBCU's 2022 Winter Olympics Coverage
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: NBCUniversal's Peacock to Stream All Winter Olympics Coverage Live
Doug Adams / @dougscripts: Can I get this but hold the Olympics and add more @ambermruffin episodes?
Chris Fenton / @thedragonfeeder: W/ outstanding issues re: #China like #Omicron #COVID19 #PengShuai #HumanRights #Taiwan Diplomatic Boycotts, #Xinjiang #Russia #Ukraine #Trade #India etc, The athletes may only be #Chinese. Peacock Increases Live Streaming Access 4 #BeijingWinterOlympics
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: Peacock Will Livestream All of NBCUniversal's Winter Olympics Coverage

Studios and production houses are delaying a return to filming as some cast and crew test positive for Omicron, to avoid costs tied to mid-shoot shutdowns — Tim Hillman was preparing to start work as location manager for the Fox Network show “9-1-1” in Los Angeles on Monday, but Omicron had other plans.

Sources: ill-suited or blocked programmatic ads are airing on some podcasts, showing that early trust between networks and ad tech providers could break — This story is part of a group of stories called — The podcast industry is working up to something big; you can see it in the acquisitions.
@marcoarment, @marcoarment, @profcarroll, Podcast Movement, @marcoarment, @stephenrobles, AdExchanger, @ismh and @ashleyrcarman
Marco Arment / @marcoarment: Big platforms and ad-tech companies ALWAYS sell us all on a dream. You'll make more money! It'll be easier! It'll be more accessible to small producers! And it almost never pans out that way. The middlemen siphon off most of the money, and the platforms become monopolies.
Marco Arment / @marcoarment: Meanwhile, small creators still don't make meaningful money, big producers become beholden to the controlling platforms, and the audience's experience and privacy get destroyed. Podcasting is the ONLY major digital medium left where this doesn't happen. Don't let it.
David Carroll / @profcarroll: programmatic adtech has been a cataclysm for the news website biz hence all the paywalls so it stands to reason that paid premium podcasts vs free hot garbage is the endgame if podcast programmatic adtech sticks
Marco Arment / @marcoarment: Old-fashioned podcast ads (baked-in host reads) have had better CPMs, stronger response rates, and higher audience trust than almost any other form of advertising for over a decade. And large podcast companies threw that world away for... a worse outcome.
Stephen Robles / @stephenrobles: Every once in a while I'm tempted by dynamic ad insertion and like features, but always stand by baked-in ads.