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The New York Times Executive Editor Joe Kahn announces his leadership team; Marc Lacey and Carolyn Ryan will be managing editors starting on June 14 — A pair of veteran Times journalists will serve in the newsroom's No. 2 position under the new executive editor, Joe Kahn. — Give this article- - - Read in app
Politico, @cliffordlevy, @lenalwilson, @lvedd, @kyletblaine, @kimseverson, @carloslozadawp, @shreeyasinha, @davidfolkenflik, @ceciliakang, @mccarthyryanj, Streetsblog New York City, @eugene_scott, @nickkristof, @jayrosen_nyu, @davidjoachim, @meslackman, @nickconfessore, @grynbaum, @nytimespr, @grynbaum, @gregkellyusa, @ggreeneva, The Why Axis, Media Nation, Columbia Journalism Review, @otiadjei, @marclacey, Talking Biz News, @tomwatson and New York Times
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: 👏Huge applause for @carolynryan and @marclacey, who have just been promoted to NYT managing editor. Brilliant journalists, great innovators, awesome colleagues. They form an outstanding leadership team with Joe Kahn, our terrific new executive editor.
Lena Wilson / @lenalwilson: this is the pic you see when you look up DREAM TEAM in the dictionary. (i would know — @carolynryan used to sign my paychecks!) emotional to be at The Times as these changes are taking place. cheers to everyone on the masthead, both outgoing and incoming.
Lisa Vedernikova Khanna / @lvedd: There are few Times people my entire family unit loves as much as @carolynryan . Right @hkhanna ?! @marclacey and love to you too! Congratulations.
Kyle Blaine / @kyletblaine: “Ms. Ryan will be the first openly gay journalist to serve as managing editor of The Times.” 🏳️🌈 🙌
Kim Severson / @kimseverson: This is what a real #sisterfire looks like: @carolynryan is the first gay managing editor at the @nytimes. No “openly” queer journalist has ever risen higher.
Carlos Lozada / @carloslozadawp: Nice kicker: “We do happen to get along very well,” Mr. Lacey said, although he added, to Ms. Ryan's laughter, that the two of them were fierce opponents at the Ping-Pong table.
Shreeya Sinha / @shreeyasinha: Big day for my former boss and mentor of a decade, @marclacey who was named Managing Editor of NYT, along with @carolynryan. Such great stewards of our values, mission and dedication to the people that uphold them
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Kahn names strong team to help lead NYT- elevates @marclacey @carolynryan as managing editors (the ping pong thing is real)
Cecilia Kang / @ceciliakang: Lots of changes, but not this: “We are essentially and fundamentally driven by rigorous and original reporting, on-the-ground reporting. That has to be at the heart of everything that we do” @carolynryan, who along w @marclacey named new managing editors
Ryan McCarthy / @mccarthyryanj: Legitimately great news about two legitimately fantastic people/journalists
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: Carolyn Ryan will be the first openly gay journalist to serve as managing editor of The Times. Marc Lacey is the third Black journalist to serve in the role, after Gerald Boyd and Dean Baquet, the current executive editor.
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: The @nytimes announces two managing editors who will work with newly appointed executive editor Joe Kahn in running the Times: Marc Lacey and Carolyn Ryan, both veteran Times people with strong support in the newsroom.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Kyle Pope, editor of @CJR Columbia Journalism Review, said the appointment of Joe Kahn as next editor of the New York Times sent a clear signal that it has “no plans to rethink its approach.” I agree with that. “We are not the opposition” sums it up.
David S. Joachim / @davidjoachim: Worked directly for both of these outstanding journalists Perfect picks, @nycscribe 👏👏👏
Michael Slackman / @meslackman: “We are essentially and fundamentally driven by rigorous and original reporting, on-the-ground reporting. That has to be at the heart of everything that we do.” - @carolynryan @nytimes Managing Editor w/@marclacey
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: New masthead just dropped. Congrats to @carolynryan, @marclacey, and everyone else — we are lucky to have this team.
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: @carolynryan @marclacey Kahn also named four deputy managing editors: @RBlumenstein , @samdolnick, @Duenes and @cliffordlevy
@nytimespr: Joe Kahn, the next executive editor of the @nytimes, announces his senior leadership team: @marclacey and @carolynryan as managing editors, and @RBlumenstein, @samdolnick, @Duenes and @cliffordlevy as deputy managing editors.
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: NEW: New York Times names @carolynryan and @marclacey as managing editors. They will share the No. 2 newsroom role under Joe Kahn.
Greg Kelly / @gregkellyusa: Who the hell POSES like this? Get off the floor!!! This is the new “boss” of the NYT? I think that “newspaper” is about to get even WEIRDER.
Greg Greene / @ggreeneva: I remember the NYT's ousted opinion editor avowing that the Times was a “pro-capitalism” paper. Reading this information about the paper's incoming executive editor, one gets a sense of how that attitude became so ingrained.
Christopher Ingraham / The Why Axis: When millionaires decide what's news
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: Joe Kahn seems unlikely to fix The New York Times' broken political coverage
Michael Oti Adjei / @otiadjei: Reading about the key characters behind the growth of the New York Times including the departing Dean Baquet and incoming Joe Kahn was such an eye opener. So much experience. No easy path to top media executive roles.
Marc Lacey / @marclacey: “We don't know where the political zeitgeist will move over time,” Mr. Kahn said in an interview. “Rather than chase that, we want to commit and recommit to being independent.”
Mariam Ahmed / Talking Biz News: New York Times names Kahn executive editor
Tom Watson / @tomwatson: Sadly, @nycscribe thinks the threat to liberal U.S. democracy is just the temporary “political zeitgeist.” Respectfully, how can readers trust a journalist who arrives at this wildly erroneous conclusion?

The New York Times under Joe Kahn should re-create the role of the public editor and reexamine coverage of the 2016 election — A very short to-do list for the paper's new leadership. — Congratulations to Joseph Kahn on being named the next Executive Editor at the New York Times.
@jeffjarvis, @dangillmor, @froomkin, @pkafka, @andrewfed, @andrewfed, @harrispolitico, @jamesfallows, @cjr, @niranjanajit, @hayesbrown, @jessicalessin and The Fine Print
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: The New York Times has proudly announced that it will be business as usual — an lots more of it — for the foreseeable future:
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Great idea. @JamesFallows calls on the new NYT editor to launch a thorough internal-accountability review of how the institution lost its bearings during the 2016 election. “It should matter to the paper's new leadership to find out and understand.” ...
Andrew Fedorov / @andrewfed: Because it's the biggest story in our world, we lifted our paywall for the introduction to my Joe Kahn profile series and we'll be rolling out the rest of it in the coming days.
Andrew Fedorov / @andrewfed: “He never brought up his family's wealth,” @josephmenn told me in the (unpaywalled) intro to our profile of Joe Kahn. “I was a public school kid and had a keen attention for who'd been to a fancy prep school and he shared some of those characteristics.” ...
John F. Harris / @harrispolitico: Friendly advice for the Times as @JamesFallows ponders the Joe Kahn promotion. One, bring back the public editor. Two, do a searching review of Trump-era failings in the way political stories are framed to imply false equivalence of both parties. ...
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: Updated, with fewer typos! ... A very short to-do list for new management at NYT. By me
@cjr: New: In picking Joe Kahn, the New York Times' managing editor, to replace Dean Baquet as executive editor, the newspaper is signaling that it has no plans to rethink its approach, @kylepope writes
Ajit Niranjan / @niranjanajit: this critique of the new york times' trump coverage applies just as much to business and politics reporting that ignores the scientific reality of climate change
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Congrats to @nycscribe who will be an excellent executive editor of @nytimes. A very thoughtful leader for our industry.
Andrew Fedorov / The Fine Print: IT'S KAHN! New York Times Picks Next Executive Editor

A profile of Joe Kahn, whose focus on China shaped his career, during which he won two Pulitzers and helped turn The New York Times into a 24-hour operation
@byronyork, New York Magazine, Politico, Washington Post, @shawnmccreesh, @glennbeck, Breitbart, @karaswisher, @noltenc, @eclecticbrotha, @drrubidium, @michelletandler, Shane Vander Hart, New York Post, @soledadobrien, @ashleyfeinberg, @christineemba, @brianstelter, @clockwerks, @grynbaum, Columbia Journalism Review, @feliciasonmez, @froomkin, American Press Institute, @alexnpress, @maxwelltani, @gillianwong, @jonathanchait, @dbauder, @grynbaum, @jtanews, @edokeefe, @otiadjei, @harrymccracken, @nickkristof, @jayrosen_nyu, @katekelly, Today in Tabs, Gawker, Nieman Lab, WWD and Bloomberg
Byron York / @byronyork: The new executive editor of the New York Times poses for a profile in @NYMag:
Shawn McCreesh / New York Magazine: The Inside Man — Joe Kahn is the new, old-school editor of the Times. But who is he?
Perry Bacon Jr / Washington Post: It appears CNN and the New York Times forgot a lesson of the Trump years
Shawn McCreesh / @shawnmccreesh: The Kingdom and the Kahn — my profile of the new top dog at the Times.
Glenn Beck / @glennbeck: This is THE CREEPIEST photo I have seen. It looks like a photo I would use to explain if your boss, teacher or frankly anyone is sitting like this when you walk in, turn around and walk out - nothing good can happen when it begins like this. @nytimes
Paul Bois / Breitbart: Diversity Obsessed New York Times Promotes Rich, White Man as Executive Editor
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Another great one from @ShawnMcCreesh for @NYMag about @nycscribe: Meet Joe Kahn, the Enigma Who Will Run the New York Times
Dr. John Ocasio-Nolte / @noltenc: This is Joseph Kahn, the new boss at the New York Times. He enjoys salsa dancing, moonlit walks on the beach, world peace, and men who aren't afraid to cry.
Raychelle Burks / @drrubidium: Everything about this photo says “do a forensic search of the cellar”
Michelle Tandler / @michelletandler: I'm just disappointed he didn't show a little more ankle.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: This. Times one million. Really—this is a Public Service Announcement:
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: if someone doesn't show me the entire reel for this photoshoot i'm going to die
Christine Emba / @christineemba: this picture has me LOSING IT
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “In the news business, three is usually regarded as the minimum number to declare a trend, and it is now official. We are moving away from the age of charismatic editors at America's top news organizations,” @harrispolitico writes
Trei Brundrett / @clockwerks: The whole bit in here about their Live desk product, Kahn's role in it, and that they believe it makes NYT competitive with linear cable like CNN is fascinating stuff. “Kahn told me he believes this is where the future of the Times lies.” quite a statement. live stories are big
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: My profile of Joe Kahn: a decorated journalist who saw the potential of China before others, whose affluent childhood was disrupted by tragedy, and who is now tasked with leading The New York Times amid the challenges of a polarized era.
Kyle Pope / Columbia Journalism Review: Doubling down at the Times — Dean Baquet's departure as executive editor of The New York Times …
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: One might think it's impossible to write a 6,000-plus-word story without quoting a single woman, but ... one would be wrong!
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Everything about these two paragraphs bodes very ill for progress at the NYT: Sounds so much like Baquet. See:
American Press Institute: Need to Know: April 20, 2022 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: Most Americans …
Alex Press / @alexnpress: lotta people noticing how weird this photo is but I can't get past this guy's middle initial being “F” but without any name attached, his parents just wanted his initials to be JFK. rich Boston people are so scary
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: having a nice, normal sit with the newspaper i now run
@gillianwong: Kahn's experience with Chinese officials, well versed in propaganda and deception, was newly relevant. “I would not have thought that being a foreign correspondent in China would be good preparation to be executive editor of The New York Times in 2022.”
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: If you care about the New York Times, you should read every single word of this @ShawnMcCreesh profile of its new editor, a terrific character study with plenty of Kremlinology
David Bauder / @dbauder: As is tradition, Times stays inside with its new executive editors.
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: Here's Joe Kahn as an undergrad in 1986. Drawing commissioned by The Harvard Crimson.
@jtanews: The New York Times named Joseph Kahn its next executive editor, the fifth Jewish editor in the position since its creation in 1964.
Ed O'Keefe / @edokeefe: “I would not have thought that being a foreign correspondent in China would be good preparation to be executive editor of The New York Times in 2022.” - @nycscribe, on how his career prepared him to lead the @nytimes. (By @grynbaum)
Michael Oti Adjei / @otiadjei: Its the educational background of these top media executives for me
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: Now I want a publication I work for to publish a glowing profile of me.
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: @nytimes @deanbaquet An excellent profile of the NY Times's new executive editor, Joe Kahn, and how he worked his way up in journalism: by @grynbaum
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Dean Baquet turned 65 a while ago, and today The New York Times has a new editor: Joe Kahn. He rose in a very traditional way. Here's the Times article about their new boss:
Kate Kelly / @katekelly: Love this: “At one point, Harvard's president, Derek Bok, got so fed up with Mr. Kahn's dogged reporting that he barred university officials from speaking to The Crimson.”
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: KAHN HEIR — White smoke issued from the chimney of the New York Times this morning …
Tarpley Hitt / Gawker: New New York Times Editor Joe Kahn Was a Big Loser in College
Kathryn Hopkins / WWD: Joseph Kahn Takes the Helm at The New York Times

Netflix's Q1 earnings show that Disney, Paramount, and other companies that reorganized around streaming video must deal with consistent subscriber volatility — The entire entertainment industry is watching to see what happens as the streaming giant throws everything it has at the wall.
New York Times, Deadline, @reckless, CNBC, The A.V. Club, @reckless, @nina_metz, @alexweprin, @reckless, @blackamazon, @timsweeneyepic, @aemccarthy, Bloomberg, @ajs, @nivie, TechCrunch, Variety and Yahoo Finance, more at Techmeme »
Jill Goldsmith / Deadline: Netflix Sheds $54 Billion In Market Value In One Day As Wall Street Regroups On Longtime Darling, Ponders Fallout On Rivals
Nilay Patel / @reckless: The very smart executive team running a successful company has to invent some new things because there's a lot of competition and the old things don't just print money anymore - that's a good thing!
Alex Sherman / CNBC: Legacy media has disrupted Netflix. The consequence may be mutually assured destruction
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Netflix kills the Bone show as its Original Animation department pretty much falls apart
Nilay Patel / @reckless: The reaction to Netflix having a single bad quarter is a good reminder no one remembers what competitive markets in tech are like anymore
Nina Metz / @nina_metz: The game plan for Netflix (below) seems like it's a temporary solution to a long term issue which is: Subscriber numbers can't increase indefinitely (unless you diversify with something else & my brain isn't big enough to speculate what that could even be) ...
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: After the financial crisis, the big banks were forced to undergo regular “stress tests” meant to “assess the strength and resilience” of their businesses. The streaming business is now going through a stress test of its own, via Netflix. ...
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Here's Steve Jobs showing the iPod's market share in 2004 and patiently explaining how he was going to expand it by adding the iPod mini. Virtually no major tech CEOs have had to do this exercise in the past decade
@blackamazon: I also am a wee bit petty and am wondering if .. Even with all the manipulation etc .. folks are over being told what they like
Tim Sweeney / @timsweeneyepic: Netflix is doing great, and when a company is so successful that it saturates its readily available audience, it is normal for business to fluctuate along with transient trends.
Amy McCarthy / @aemccarthy: y'all really mean to tell me that they didn't consider the fact that people would cancel subscription services if there's nothing on there that they want to watch??
Alyson Shontell / @ajs: Netflix thought it was bleeding users because of covid receding. Now it has identified 4 different, uncontrollable issues that could shed it millions of users in the coming months.
Lauren Forristal / TechCrunch: Is it cake? No, it's Netflix's crumbling subscriber numbers
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Netflix Subscriber Woes Suggest Streaming Wars Have Started to Buffer

Netflix added 1.09M subscribers in Asia Pacific, the lone bright spot in Q1, helped by the success of the South Korean series Squid Game, its biggest launch
Marco Arment / @marcoarment: Agreed. Netflix's refusal to participate in Siri/ was a power move, made when they were in a position of power. Now, they have strong competition. They're at greatest risk of being forgotten... until another price hike prompts people to consider canceling.
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: How much of Netflix losing subs driven by inflation? I agree shows have been meh and there's lots more completion...but I wonder if many are taking stock of spending and are all of a sudden like “when did Netflix become 16 bucks?”
@fmanjoo: So lemme get this straight: Netflix added 500k new subs last month. Netflix lost 700k subs by pulling out of Russia. So, sure, a 200k decline, but not the end of the world. They added a half million subs!
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Netflix opens down -30%. Still dropping. Tesla reports earnings tonight. Elon's figuring out financing for Twitter. It's April 20th (Or, 420) In the wise words of Matt Levine, we're all just waiting for the next can of snakes to be opened by whoever's unlucky enough to hold it.

Reed Hastings says Netflix plans to offer cheaper, ad-supported plans and will examine what those plans will look like “over the next year or two”
@trungtphan, Deadline, Reuters, Axios, Engadget, @lucas_shaw, Variety, @jbflint, @sherman4949, @greg_jenner, @eric_seufert, @mattzeitlin, @lmoses, Tubefilter, @nycsouthpaw, @jbflint, @digitalshields, @pkafka, @levynews, Fast Company, Bloomberg, The Playlist, Techdirt, @nevfountain, @andizeisler, @jam_etc, Collider, @gayguycandleco, CNBC, The Wakeup, @kennykeil, @campster, @ashkan, @thewendylee, @thethirdhan, @wholemarsblog, @brookeobie, @tiffkhsu, @lucas_shaw, @carlquintanilla, @danielleloucamp, @murderxbryan, @centristmadness, @carnage4life, @johnnyhoey, @natjarv, @alexweprin, @loudmouthjulia, @hkeskiva, @kantrowitz, The Verge, The Wrap, Insider, IndieWire, The Streamable and TechCrunch
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Netflix Will Add Advertising In “Next Year Or Two”; Co-CEO Reed Hastings Finally Concedes “Consumer Choice” Prompting Cheaper Plan
Tim Baysinger / Axios: Netflix pivots amid increased competition as growth stalls
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Netflix says it will “pull back” on spending growth. This is really the kitchen sink approach.
Todd Spangler / Variety: Netflix Will Launch Lower-Cost, Ad-Supported Streaming Plans, Reed Hastings Says
Joe Flint / @jbflint: EXTRA! EXTRA! Reed all about it (see what I did there?). Hastings says Netflix considering launching cheaper ad-supported tier of the platform. via @WSJ
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: When stocks trade on subscriber growth, the music always stops eventually
Greg Jenner / @greg_jenner: Love the way Netflix is slowly morphing into Channel 4, even while Nadine Dorries tries desperately to make Channel 4 more like Netflix
Eric Seufert / @eric_seufert: Ads won't save Netflix—at least, not the advertising initiative that Reed Hastings described in the earnings call last night. Some thoughts in a thread (1/X)
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: ahahahahhhhhahaha everyone comes home eventually
Lucia Moses / @lmoses: Refreshing to hear Netflix calling advertising by its name rather than ‘storytelling’ or the like
James Hale / Tubefilter: Wait, Netflix is doing ads?
@nycsouthpaw: After many years and much disruption, the tech geniuses have hit upon the idea that a large ad-supported bundle of content with a few things you might like to watch floating in an ocean of crap, alongside some high cost premium options, is the best way to deliver tv to your home.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Yes Netflix is likely to add an ad-supported lower priced service but to be clear the no commercial feed isn't going away. Of course premium costs more.
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: Hearing Reed Hastings favorite show is “Never Have I Ever” (I'll stop this eventually)
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: For years, Netflix has insisted on focusing on a single product - and keeping that product ad-free. Last year it introduced video games - and now ads are coming.
Ari Levy / @levynews: $NFLX has lost 62% of its value in 5 months, based on after hours trading. At its lowest since Oct. 2019.
Michael Grothaus / Fast Company: Disney opens down ~4% and Warner Bros. Discovery opens down ~5%, after Netflix reported a drop in subscribers
Christopher Marc / The Playlist: Netflix Changes Course & Says They'll Launch Lower-Cost, Ad-Supported Streaming Plan
Karl Bode / Techdirt: Netflix Pivots From Innovator To Turf Protector As Executives Whine About Password Sharing
Nev Fountain / @nevfountain: I think Netflix should be nationalised so it can compete with the BBC.
Jess A. M. / @jam_etc: 1. they don't fund cool interesting unique things like they used to 2. when they do they never advertise it 3. when it fails due to this, they never renew it for any more seasons the netflix dream is kinda dying a little bit, man! where's all the amazing netflix originals!?
Marco Vito Oddo / Collider: Netflix Will Launch Lower-Cost, Ad-Supported Streaming Plans, Says Company Co-Chief Reed Hastings
@gayguycandleco: Someone please just put all of these streaming services on one platform and let it become even more outrageously priced than the cable we all left for streaming so we can just get it over with. 🙄
Sean McNulty / The Wakeup: NETFLIX's 27% overnight stock drop explained, and why an Ad-supported version is on the way
Chris Franklin / @campster: I hope they call it Qwikster 2
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: 2/ Now long term, it will tap into AVOD dollars. More marketers will shift TV dollars to web. This is overall a good sign as NFLX will need ad-based offering for global domination.
Wendy Lee / @thewendylee: “I know it's disappointing for investors,” Netflix Co-CEO Reed Hastings said."Internally we're really geared up and this is like our moment to shine...we're super focused on achieving those objectives and getting back into our investors' good graces." ...
@thethirdhan: I know we've joked about how streaming is taking us full circle back to having 100 cable packages but like...
@wholemarsblog: Netflix Explores a Version With Ads as Subscriber Base Shrinks So one bad quarter and you throw away all your principles, everything that differentiated your product? $NFLX
Tiffany Hsu / @tiffkhsu: Ads are getting a warmer reception on streaming services, execs tell @koblin and me: “It's basically game on.” “Ultimately, fantastic news for the U.S. consumer.” “Free, ad-driven TV isn't sitting at the kids' table anymore.”
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: If after-hours trading holds up, Netflix will lose almost $40 billion in market cap tomorrow morning.
Carl Quintanilla / @carlquintanilla: HASTINGS: “Those who have followed Netflix know that I have been against the complexity of advertising .. But as much as I am a fan of that, I am a bigger fan of consumer choice.” $NFLX ...
Danielle / @danielleloucamp: Maybe they shouldn't have given all their money to Ryan Reynolds
@murderxbryan: Netflix needs to bring in more money so that they can make more content like “is this cake” or whatever that thing is
@centristmadness: People will probably look back on this as an inevitability but imho they simply were bad at programming. They used algorithms based on what people watched the most on their service and ended up with derivative content and HBOMax and Hulu ate their lunch.
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Netflix predicted it would add 2.5M subscribers in Q1 but actually lost 200,000 instead. This was a huge miss but even bigger is that they expect to lose another 2M in Q2. 🤯
John Hoey / @johnnyhoey: Streaming services are slowly inventing...cable television? Remember when @SIRIUSXM was promoted as commercial free? I do.
Natalie Jarvey / @natjarv: Netflix executives used to go out of their way to say they wouldn't introduce advertising to their service. Now Reed Hastings says an ad-supported tier is coming in the next “year or two”
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: “It is pretty clear that it is working for Hulu, Disney is doing it, HBO did it. We don't have any doubt that it works.” Netflix embraces advertising: ...
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: I for one am ~shocked~ that Netflix, upon seeing increased competition, subscriber slowdown, price hike churn, and trouble scaling in key international territories, is going to offer an ad supported tier. Jokes aside, a major albeit inevitable milestone for the SVOD godfather.
@hkeskiva: Netflix $NFLX shareholder letter didn't try to bury the news. First words: “Our revenue growth has slowed considerably” Shareholder letter:
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: I had to upgrade my account last month when I was watching on a trip while someone was watching at my house. We both had Netflix subs but they were on the living room TV. Netflix counts that as two households, but should it?
Mitchell Clark / The Verge: Netflix CEO now says he's open to a cheaper, ad-supported plan
Huileng Tan / Insider: Netflix's CEO says he's open to creating a lower-priced tier with ads as the company bleeds subscribers
Christian Blauvelt / IndieWire: Netflix CEO Signals Support for Lower-Cost, Ad-Supported Plans
Matt Tamanini / The Streamable: Netflix Adding Ad-Supported Option in ‘Year or Two’ According to CEO
Manish Singh / TechCrunch: Netflix to introduce ad-supported plans in a major shift

Netflix estimates that its users are sharing passwords with 100M+ non-paying households globally, including 30M+ in the US and Canada, in violation of its rules
Hollywood Reporter, CNBC, SlashFilm, Fast Company, @marcoarment, @pkafka, @sub8u, @jtylerconway, @alexweprin, @wilgafney, @sir_ruffy, @blueheronfarmtx, @wisdom_98, @laurenthomas, @ajitpai, @iamsteph, @xpangler, @sundeep, @pkafka, Deadline and The Wrap
Alex Sherman / CNBC: Netflix estimates 100 million households are sharing passwords and suggests a global crackdown is coming
Eric Vespe / SlashFilm: Netflix Lost $54 Billion Overnight
Marco Arment / @marcoarment: I'm with @gruber on Netflix's woes: Netflix used to be all we watched. Now, almost every good new show is somewhere else, and Netflix has become an endless sea of mediocre, time-wasting filler. Fix the content, and the subscribers will follow.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Longtime Netflix bull @RichLightShed: “Netflix felt vulnerable yesterday in a way that it never has before.”
Subrahmanyam Kvj / @sub8u: First we blame content costs. Then we blame competition. Then we blame sleep. Then we blame users. “Netflix said that members who are sharing their login credentials outside the home are contributing to its slowing growth in 2022”
Tyler Conway / @jtylerconway: Netflix is gonna fuck around and test us like we didn't all didn't spend our formative years using torrents????
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Netflix is not mincing words, says a global password-sharing crackdown will be coming soon, with more than 100M accounts already sharing worldwide. ...
Highbrow Theological Shade / @wilgafney: Also, Netflix fin'ta harass you even more for traveling and logging into your own damn account.
@sir_ruffy: Make noise all you want, we pay for multi so we can share the passwords with our friends and family. You don't want people sharing passwords, remove multi device view and stop charging for them.
Blue Heron Farm / @blueheronfarmtx: Are we...Are we all sharing the same one?
@wisdom_98: They need to give better service and try to keep their current customers. Focused on the wrong thing
Lauren Thomas / @laurenthomas: One has to wonder if/when Peloton will navigate a similar phenomenon. For Peloton, subscription prices are going up — but does the company try tiered options for single-member accounts vs. entire households???
Ajit Pai / @ajitpai: “@Netflix said it estimates more than 30 million U.S. and Canadian households are using a shared password to access its content. The company said more than 100 million additional households were likely using a shared password worldwide.” @cnbc @sherman4949
Stephanie Horbaczewski / @iamsteph: So #netflix lost 200k subs for the first time in a decade (bc of Russia) + competition= to monetize existing users better. Adding share fees for accounts they could see $1.6b in revenue @xpangler via @variety
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: Netflix Estimates More Than 100 Million Non-Paying Households Use Shared Passwords via @variety
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: 2016: “We love people sharing Netflix,” CEO Reed Hastings. “That's a positive thing, not a negative thing.”

Sources: Barack and Michelle Obama's production company Higher Ground doesn't plan to re-sign with Spotify, and is talking to Audible, iHeartMedia, and others — Barack and Michelle Obama's time with Spotify Technology SA is coming to an end. — The former first family's production company …
Insider, Variety, @ashleyrcarman, Los Angeles Times, Music Ally, The Guardian, Engadget, @lucas_shaw, @mylesudland, The Wrap, Fox News, The Verge and CNN, more at Techmeme »
Urooba Jamal / Insider: The Obamas are set to part with Spotify after the streaming giant decides against offering a new deal, a report says
Todd Spangler / Variety: Obamas to End Exclusive Deal With Spotify
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: SCOOP from me and @Lucas_Shaw: the obamas and their production company, higher ground, are officially leaving spotify. they've been shopping around for a new podcast deal and spotify declined to make an offer. that and more on behind the scenes here:
Stuart Dredge / Music Ally: Report claims Obamas are exiting their Spotify podcast deal
Sian Cain / The Guardian: Barack and Michelle Obama to end exclusive podcasting deal with Spotify, reports say
Mariella Moon / Engadget: The Obamas are reportedly leaving Spotify
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: The Obamas haven't selected a new home for their podcasting company, but Spotify didn't make an offer and has withdrawn from the negotiations.
Myles Udland / @mylesudland: The thing about the creator economy? You actually have to create.
Harper Lambert / The Wrap: Obamas to End Exclusive Podcasting Deal With Spotify
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Spotify declines to renew Obamas podcast contract: report
Oliver Darcy / CNN: The Obamas and Spotify won't ink a new podcasting deal

Nielsen: streaming platforms accounted for 30% of US viewers' TV usage in March, the highest since Nielsen started measuring TV use by platform; cable took 37% — Nielsen's platform rankings for March also show cable posting gains driven by news coverage of Ukraine.

Six ex-staffers of Arsenal Media, co-founded by Benny Johnson to make GOP clients' content go viral, describe bullying, toxic HR practices, and late payroll — In the breathless world of conservative online politics, Arsenal Media is here to help you go viral.
Will Sommer / @willsommer: Benny Johnson sounds like a great guy to work for.
Joe / @joeperticone: if you hire benny johnson for anything you will inevitably become the subject of an article like this. This is like 10th one in as many years
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: I got my hands on Arsenal's pitch deck to clients. The firm promises huge viral returns on videos and social content through it use of a “team of conservative influencers” with “a combined follower count of millions.”
Jeremy Goldman / @jeremarketer: Read of the day by @kellymakena on Arsenal Media & Benny Johnson and how a firm that helped Republican politicians earn virality fell apart.
Greg Greene / @ggreeneva: Whoa, goodness gosh — who would guess that plagiarist and shameless serial grifter Benny Johnson might find his way to the center of another grift?
Oliver Willis / @owillis: Wow I'm shocked that former @semaforben hire Benny Johnson fucked something up again This firm made Republicans go viral — now it's falling apart
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: One former worker told me Johnson can be “very abusive, very toxic, screaming at people, like using profanity, vulgarity, making women cry... I hadn't been screamed at like that since I was probably seven years old on the playground.”
Tim Murphy / @timothypmurphy: anyway, from the “politics-as-content-creation” front:
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: A spokesperson for Johnson did not deny claims that he yelled at a female staffer, demanding that she apologize to his entire family.
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: Diving back into the elections beat headfirst with this one. If you want to send me a tip, you can: • DM me on Twitter or Instagram • Message me on Signal/WhatsApp: 585-412-2148 • Or, email me makena dot kelly @ theverge dot com
Jordan Zakarin / @jordanzakarin: Right-wing media is America's one and only true welfare state. If you are born to wealthy parents & love racism, you can fail constantly, get fired regularly, and become a pariah, yet still continue to receive funding from billionaires for your scams.
Max Steele / @maxasteele: “Our co-founder and chief creative officer who we built our pitch deck around? Yeah he doesn't have anything to do with us.”
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: NEW: Arsenal Media Group, brainchild of Benny Johnson, is falling apart. As midterms heat up, staffers are fleeing the GOP marketing firm famous for its Kim Klacik ad due to late payments and “verbal abuse” from Johnson.
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Here's @kellymakena on the internal culture of Arsenal Media, one of the firms which helps conservative culture-war candidates go viral with the help of its influencer network. Screaming, not paying people... all bad jobs are the same in the end
Mallory Shelbourne / @malshelbourne: Lol Benny Johnson is the worst human I have ever worked with, and I worked in publishing/ad sales with Conde Nast as a client before journalism.
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: Arsenal Media Group markets Republicans like Madison Cawthorn + Kari Lake. Even though Benny Johnson denies that he cofounded the company, his spox told me “Arsenal wouldn't have come into being without Benny's input early on in the company's formation.”
David Mack / @davidmackau: sounds like somebody needs a relaxing vacation at sea!
Andrew Beaujon / @abeaujon: you hate to see it

AT&T reports HBO Max and HBO gained 3M subscribers in Q1 globally for 76.8M in total; WarnerMedia made $8.7B in Q1 revenue, up 2.5% YoY, as ad revenue hit $1.7B — The now-divested WarnerMedia unit was again a drag on profitability because of continued investments in HBO Max and the launch of CNN+ …
Next TV, The Wrap, Deadline, The Streamable, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Reuters, iMore, @sherman4949 and The Hollywood Reporter
Jill Goldsmith / Deadline: HBO Max, HBO Hit 76.8M Global Subs In Q1, Up 3M From Year End; WarnerMedia Profit Squeezed By CNN+, Streaming Spend
Matt Tamanini / The Streamable: HBO Max Adds 3 Million Subscribers in Q1 2022, Hitting 76.8 Million Globally
Drew FitzGerald / Wall Street Journal: AT&T Adds Wireless Customers, HBO Subscribers in Final Lap as a Media Giant

Instagram plans to tweak its ranking algorithm to highlight original content more and recommend accounts that aggregate and reshare other users' content less — Instagram head Adam Mosseri announced today that the company is going to tweak its ranking algorithm to highlight original content more on its platform.
@mosseri, The Indian Express, iMore, @mosseri, @jeff4llen, @chrismessina, @tysonhutchins_, @mikeisaac, @jeff4llen, @wongmjane, @texanmeg, @khairulaming, @jeff4llen, @qwongsj, Protocol, @social_allie, CNET and The Verge, more at Techmeme »
Adam Mosseri / @mosseri: 📣 New Features 📣 We've added new ways to tag and improved ranking: - Product Tags - Enhanced Tags - Ranking for originality Creators are so important to the future of Instagram, and we want to make sure that they are successful and get all the credit they deserve.
Adam Mosseri / @mosseri: @siruihua ... It would be hard. If the account is an aggregator, we'll more likely be able to detect that it's not original. If it's someone pretending to be that original creator, which is less likely but could happen, it'll be hard for us to know.
Jeff Allen / @jeff4llen: This is great!! It's the right move for creators, for the integrity and safety of the platform, and the long term growth of Reels. Now let's talk implementation! There are “quick and dirty” ways to prioritize originality and “harder but better” ways. 1/
@chrismessina: I wonder how Instagram's AI for detecting originality will fair against @OpenAI's DALL·E...
Tyson Hutchins / @tysonhutchins_: Instagram says it will begin to reward originality over aggregators. I do miss the days when I saw something in my feed besides reposted viral videos & sports highlights. Will be interested to see how easy it'll be for us to notice the change.
@mikeisaac: @mosseri @MattNavarra interesting you say this. i follow a lot of food video people and have started seeing a lot more aggregators swipe their stuff and sorta push down the OG creators, which is probably aggravating to them curious how this'll work. guessing creators will need to put out more stuff
Jeff Allen / @jeff4llen: Super excited to see Instagram promoting originality. Next steps: promoting highly transparent creators who don't hide behind anonymous accounts! And publishing 70 pages of quality guidelines! And filing patents for new high quality information retrieval signals! 15/
Jane Manchun Wong / @wongmjane: I'm often irritated by the amount of stolen content in Instagram's Explore feed. Glad to know they're finally working to fix it Here's to a new frontier where content farms manipulate the stolen content to pass off as original to the algorithm
Meg Coffey / @texanmeg: I'm all for promoting originality, but this will have a serious impact on tourism accounts who rely on UGC. They don't have the resources to create original content for every post so they show destinations thru the travellers eyes. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
@khairulaming: You should remove IG feed videos and make Reels longer than 1 minute. There are too many video formats on IG and they give us headache. Please focus on one video format only
Jeff Allen / @jeff4llen: For more information on what we learned in our study of the Widely Viewed Content Report, check out our @Integrity_Inst analysis! For more information on ranking systems, check out our “Ranking and Design Transparency” briefing! 16/16 ...
Queenie Wong / @qwongsj: Instagram says it's going to try to “value original content more” through a ranking change. I asked how does IG know who is the original creator of a piece of content? Head of IG gives more details in this answer. 👇
Nat Rubio-Licht / Protocol: Instagram, fed up with people sharing TikToks to Reels, is changing its algorithm
Social Allie / @social_allie: Instagram is clearly trying to woo creators away from TikTok in an effort to increase time on platform. But unless they shore up that creator revenue model, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Queenie Wong / CNET: Instagram Says Ranking Change Will Favor Original Content
David Pierce / The Verge: Instagram is begging you to stop reposting TikToks to Reels

A study of 130K articles published by 31 newspapers acquired by firms like Alden and Sinclair finds a significant decrease in local content post-acquisition — From Alden Global Capital to Sinclair Media, tales of corporate media takeovers of local news outlets — and their chilling effects — are everywhere.
Sarabeth Berman / @sarabethberman: “An immediate drop in content”: A new study shows what happens when big companies take over local news— “What was so shocking to me is that all the acquisitions led to staffing changes almost immediately and an almost immediate drop in content.”

The reporters explaining that Taylor Lorenz's door knocking is common journalistic practice fail to grasp that the new right is opposed to any newsgathering — On Tuesday, Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz published a story about a repulsive creep who uses her large online following to …
American Press Institute, @chadloder, Poynter, @mattbinder, @alexstamos, @nycsouthpaw, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @melissatweets, @danielleiat, @annamerlan, @cheaptrickrules, @billcorbett, @robertmackey, @gregotto, @hshaban, Wholistic, @dangillmor, @drewharwell, @amandamarcotte, @dcwoodruff, @mor_sock_puppet, @bruce_arthur, @scott_tobias, @marisakabas, @mlcalderone, @simonowens, @blakersdozen, @ashleyfeinberg, @letsgomathias, @emilybell, @literaryeric, @petersagal, @kendallybrown, Discourse Blog, The Week, @hezbolsonaro, @alexthomp, @robbysoave, @justinhendrix, The Wrap and New York Post
American Press Institute: Need to Know: April 21, 2022 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: Alden Global Capital …
Chad Loder / @chadloder: cw: hate speech. LibsOfTikTok is deleting her tweets, but the replies to the deleted tweets are still there. Her replies are littered with thousands of instances of targeted homophobic hate speech going back over a year. Twitter makes money from this. 👉🏼
Tom Jones / Poynter: Digging into the Taylor Lorenz controversy that should not be a controversy at all
Matt Binder / @mattbinder: all the info in the Libs of TikTok piece was already publicly available online. but Taylor had one thing that no one else had which made the report possible...Glenn Greenwald accidentally confirming their identity lol ...
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: De-anonymizing somebody online in a major outlet is a form of doxxing, period. Even if done with public records. Even if done to somebody you dislike. That doesn't mean it's not justified by circumstances, but let's not mince words when justifying it.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I really cannot stress enough how everyone should read this full piece by @pareene.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “[Libs of TikTok]'s account, everyone in the press should understand, is the model for what they will be replaced with.” This is the entire crux of my beat and something that newsroom leaders across the industry need to recognize. Read this full piece:
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “This new right fundamentally doesn't want ‘newsgathering’ to happen. They want a chaotic information stream of unverifiable bullshit and context collapse and propaganda.” Extremely fantastic piece by @pareene
Melissa Mackenzie / @melissatweets: All the defenders of Taylor Lorenz are revealing themselves, too. They're pro-shoddy journalism, intimidation, and doxxing if the subject of the story is someone who they despise and gets in the way of their leftist ideology.
@danielleiat: “If you are attempting to persuade this creep's defenders, specifically, and not a general audience, you have made a category error... You are debating logic and facts with frothing bigots with a bone-deep opposition to your entire project.”
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: “Their backers, the people behind the whole project, are philosophically and materially opposed to the idea that true things should be uncovered and verified and disseminated publicly about, well, them, and their projects.”
Jess Harvell / @cheaptrickrules: look i'm hardly out here cosigning everything major american newspapers do, but what we have here is a grown ass adult unfamiliar with the basic concept of “reporting,” or arguing in extremely faux-naive bad faith, and they are far from alone in this
Bill Corbett / @billcorbett: Great analysis by @pareene. Bullseye. ***** They Know How Journalism Works! They're Just Against It!
Robert Mackey / @robertmackey: This is a very clear and important explanation of why we need reporting on how the right's propaganda machine uses social media
Greg Otto / @gregotto: “All I would like my reporter friends to understand is that they are debating with people that consider them the enemy not just in a partisan sense but in an existential one. The only correct to make yourself an existential threat”
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: .@pareene on the dishonest cries of “doxxing,” the rejection of journalism — of revealing, news gathering or any semblance of public accountability — and the failure of American newsrooms to adapt to bad faith, propaganda and targeted harassment
Stephanie Brail / Wholistic: Libs of TikTok: Why I Use My Real Name
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Brilliant, from @pareene — The extremist right considers real journalism to be an existential threat, and is acting on that — dangerously. So “The only correct posture to take in response is to make yourself an existential threat to their movement.”
Drew Harwell / @drewharwell: Still can't believe @taylorlorenz knocked on a door and cited openly available public records to report on a giant right-wing outrage account saying LGBTQ teachers groom children and directly influencing Republican policy. Have you no decency madam ...
Amanda Marcotte / @amandamarcotte: This is a wise piece. I'll add that the reason Republicans want to mire liberals in a “what is doxxing” debate is they DON'T want to debate why they love this gross Libs of TikTok account so much.
Chase Woodruff / @dcwoodruff: “They don't just believe the media is too hostile to conservatives; they are hostile to the concept of journalism itself... It's an ideologically coherent opposition to the liberal precepts of verifiability and transparency.”
@mor_sock_puppet: A thing I really appreciate about this piece, and @pareene in general, is the moral clarity being brought to the events.
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: Everybody - everybody - should read this, from @pareene.
Scott Tobias / @scott_tobias: I think @pareene's newsletter has been consistently aces, but you should really take time to read this piece about yesterday's Libs of TikTok piece and right-wing efforts to dismantle journalism.
Marisa Kabas / @marisakabas: conservatives know that taylor lorenz was practicing standard journalism procedure, they're just mad that she was successful because they hate journalism! great piece by @pareene:
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: “All I would like my unbiased, objective, nonpartisan reporter friends to understand is that they are debating with people that consider them the enemy not just in a partisan sense but in an existential one,” writes @pareene in a must-read for journalists
Simon Owens / @simonowens: This is the best analysis I've read of the Taylor Lorenz backlash.
Blake Montgomery / @blakersdozen: I went to jail once for door-knocking the subject of a story. It's not something reporters do for lolz or for menace. It's a last-ditch gesture of good faith to get the subject's side of the story when they won't respond.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: good pareene
Christopher Mathias / @letsgomathias: One of those articles where you want to screenshot & share every paragraph, by @pareene
Emily Bell / @emilybell: This is an excellent piece from @pareene who encapsulates the current push of the right to invert the truth and discredit the press - (and why the pother around ‘doxxing’ is essentially anti-free press)
Eric Nelson / @literaryeric: This is supposed to be a criticism of the mainstream media, but it's also a total fucking embarrassment that conservative media is reliant on a lady who watches TikTok for their investigative reporting.
Peter Sagal / @petersagal: Speaking of good writing, @pareene has always been so sharp and savage that I enjoy him even when I actually like his targets. (Not the case here.)
Kendall Brown / @kendallybrown: One of the teachers targeted by Libs of TikTok—and subsequently sent death threats by the account's followers—was Oklahoma teacher Tyler Wrynn. He then lost his job. The video he was targeted over was just telling LGBTQ kids rejected by their parents that they're loved.
@hezbolsonaro: For some reason Glenn Greenwald has changed his view on anonymous outlets that harass and defame people and try to get them fired
Alex Thompson / @alexthomp: Showing up at people's homes is standard journalism that more reporters should do. like half of “all the president's men” is Woodstein showing up at people's homes.
Robby Soave / @robbysoave: @TaylorLorenz I ask this in genuine good faith: How do you square this sort of reporting with your stated position that doxxing is never okay? It seems you are likely to direct no small amount of harassment toward this woman as a result of exposing her.
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: Meet the Queens woman behind Libs of TikTok, secretly fueling the right's outrage machine (with help from Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald). She promoted January 6 and pretended to be at the Capitol that day. ...

Jakarta-based Noice, which hosts and produces podcasts, radio, audiobooks, and more with 2M users, raises a $22M Series A led by Northstar — NOICE, an Indonesia audio content startup, has raised $22 million in Series A funding led by Northstar, with participation from returning investors Alpha JWC Go-Ventures and Kinesys.

As a result of Putin's crackdowns, Yandex's news aggregation site carries fewer than a third of the outlets it once offered — Yandex, VKontakte and Kaspersky all ran afoul of the Kremlin's need to control Internet access, despite the efforts of their founders
Joseph Menn / @josephmenn: For a time, it looked like such Russian tech companies Yandex, vKontakte and Kaspersky would help the country's people get real information and keep talented employees from moving West. That dream has ended. My story at The Post: ...
David Kaye / @davidakaye: “Yandex today is a key element in hiding information about the war.” important @josephmenn story abt #Russia's tech giants, esp VK & Yandex, in context of Putin's repression. ...