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Report: CNN CEO Chris Licht and three executives told Oliver Darcy and his editor that Darcy's Donald Trump town hall critical coverage had been “too emotional” — CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy was reportedly scolded by his boss Chris Licht, the chairman and CEO of the network …
Puck, @dylanbyers, @bgrueskin, CNN, @reillyadam, @karaswisher, @matthewjdowd, @richard31331936, @mattgreenfield, @jfagone, @giacomonyt, @sarahellison, The Wrap, @brianstelter, @sharonwaxman, @djrothkopf, @buzzedition, @davidshuster, @decodingfoxnews, @gtconway3d, @gtconway3d, Fox News, @nikkimcr, @alexthomp, @moorehn, @atrachelgilmore, @kt_so_it_goes, @johnstodder, @tripgabriel, @monacharen, @stevekrak, @andrewkerrnc, @parrhizzia, @keitholbermann, @markjacob16, @comfortablysmug, @stevemullis, @son_of_a_thomp, @jamisonfoser, @jackposobiec, @chrisgeidner, @ashtonpittman, @redsteeze, @david_darmofal, @existentialfish, @kateaurthur, @michaeldweiss, @mattgertz, @mattyglesias, @mirandayaver, @meidastouch, @soledadobrien, @mattdpearce, The Hill, @salcalleros, HuffPost, New York Post,, @mastodonmigration …, Adweek and Newser
Dylan Byers / Puck: Licht's Dispassion Punch
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: SCOOP @PuckNews: CNN's Chris Licht summoned @OliverDarcy and his editor to a meeting with himself and top executives in which they told him that his coverage of Trump town hall had been too emotional and stressed the importance of remaining dispassionate:
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: No one was more openly skeptical of how CNN handled the Trump town hall than the network's own senior media reporter, @oliverdarcy. And according to @DylanByers, his bosses didn't like that. At all.
Adam Reilly / @reillyadam: Point worth pondering—@brianstelter argues that, when it comes to covering Trump 2024, the media's choices simply won't matter as much as we like to think @gbhnews
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: FFS, that piece by @oliverdarcy was fair and insightful. His newsletter is excellent. If any one was emotional about this, it was Anderson Cooper. In any case, defensively beating up on his own staff is not what a leader should be spending his time on in the midst of an obvious...
Matthew Dowd / @matthewjdowd: Every day that goes by where CNN anchors, analysts, and paid commentators don't stand with Oliver Darcy shows that they are part of the corrupt organization that isn't interested in truth and democracy as primary imperative of a news organization.
@richard31331936: First step in autocratic takeover: silence the critics. Second step [Anderson Cooper]: redefine reality.
Matthew Greenfield / @mattgreenfield: CNN's team is overwhelmingly unhappy with Licht's attempt to inject the MAGA point of view into CNN coverage. Note: audiences also hate it. It drives away CNN's actual audience while failing to attract MAGA viewers.
Jason Fagone / @jfagone: On cable news, journalism is only possible around the edges. Anyone with integrity ultimately leaves or gets forced out
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: Seems like the most important thing for the integrity of a newsroom is to not censor your own reporters
Rosemary Rossi / The Wrap: CNN CEO Chris Licht Reprimanded Reporter Oliver Darcy for His ‘Emotional’ Coverage of Trump Town Hall
Sharon Waxman / @sharonwaxman: Seriously - a ridiculous butpredictable move. @oliverdarcy watch your back - we need you in this job. But you are not “emotional,” you're speaking truth and reporting facts. Chris - read the damn room.
David Rothkopf / @djrothkopf: Licht has got to go. Or every self-respecting journalist working at CNN does.
Susan Cooper / @buzzedition: Dear @oliverdarcy, We approve of your coverage of the CNN produced trump rally, and we would be happy if you left @CNN and got a job at @MSNBC or @NBCNews or just anywhere that doesn't have an idiot named Chris Licht as the CEO.
David Shuster / @davidshuster: Hey @oliverdarcy, hang in there. Your Integrity matter how much a boss tries to squeeze it out of you. CNN's Oliver Darcy Reportedly Scolded By Boss Chris Licht Over ‘Emotional’ Trump Town Hall Coverage: ‘They Put the Fear of God Into Him’
@decodingfoxnews: From the same man who thinks it's a journalist's job to “make news.”
George Conway / @gtconway3d: Is it bad to criticize your media critic for being criticizing the media? Because it seems bad.
George Conway / @gtconway3d: “The sense of profound embarrassment over [how] the network appeared to subjugate itself to a pathological liar and voter fraud conspiracist whose attacks against CNN once inspired supporters to send bomb threats and death threats to CNN staff, is 𝙥𝙖𝙡𝙥𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚.”
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Reporter ‘visibly shaken’ after CNN boss scolds him for being ‘too emotional’ in Trump town hall coverage
Nikki Mccann Ramírez / @nikkimcr: Nothing says “dispassionate” like holding an editorial damage control meeting the morning after and hauling in your premier reporters for a talking-to when they don't regurgitate your spin.
Alex Thompson / @alexthomp: “The vast majority of CNN insiders I spoke to admired [Oliver] Darcy's courage for channeling their sentiments. His bosses did not.” Via @DylanByers and @PuckNews
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: A thing to note here is that Licht is hellbent on making Collins a star at the network, and his dressing-down of Darcy was in service of protecting Collins (despite the fact that she was waaay out of her depth) so it's a sign of who Licht's pets will be.
Rachel Gilmore / @atrachelgilmore: So sick of some in media upper management who are more concerned about the *perception* of bias than actual bias. We shouldn't have to manufacture balance or sanitize something that is clearly wrong to avoid “looking too passionate.” We don't need to appease, we need to report.
@kt_so_it_goes: oh look the guy who ran out and orgasmically exclaimed WE MADE NEWS has thoughts on professional emotion
John Stodder Jr / @johnstodder: The ambushing of Oliver Darcy is more evidence the Trump town hall was part of a rebranding of CNN as a right wing, anti-Biden network. Licht is consciously doing Trump fanatic John Malone's dirty work. Anderson Cooper might not realize it, but he's a dead anchor walking.
Trip Gabriel / @tripgabriel: Darcy's newsletter was an honest report on the reax to the CNN faceplant. It was the essence of unafraid journalism. A top CNN personality forwarded it to me to defend the network's journalism bonafides. If Licht prefers a whitewash he aligns himself with the worst media bosses
Mona Charen / @monacharen: Brave and honest from Oliver Darcy. Calling out his employer for a terrible decision to do townhall format with Trump. Bravo. ...
Steve Krakauer / @stevekrak: It's good to see it in writing, because the public should know the anti-speech activists are coming from inside the building. “🙈🙉” is not a journalistic tenet - it's precisely the opposite instinct of how your role is supposed to work.
Andrew Kerr / @andrewkerrnc: This is a farce. Oliver Darcy can't ethically cover his own employer. It's an unassailable conflict of interest.
@parrhizzia: @mediagazer @AlexGriffing Too emotional? Wow - that's usually reserved only for women. Just imagine if Licht DEFENDED his FEMALE host when the “unemotional” Trump attacked her?
@keitholbermann: Former CNN staffer @sunny Hostin accurately accuses @cnn of journalistic malpractice, and her friend @andersoncooper of gaslighting her - and all of us. Well done.
Mark Jacob / @markjacob16: CNN's Chris Licht wants his staff to be unemotional about the network platforming Trump's lies. After all, Trump is just A WOULD-BE DICTATOR TRYING TO KILL DEMOCRACY. Oh, sorry, Chris. I didn't mean to get emotional about whether fascists steal my children's freedom. No worries.
@comfortablysmug: Very interesting information about @oliverdarcy unearthed by a Washington Post reporter
Steve Mullis / @stevemullis: What a terrible person to be in charge of a news org. @oliverdarcy's fair and critical media coverage of his employer is EXACTLY what he should be doing on his beat and it actually lent some legitimacy to CNN during this whole debacle.
Mark Thompson / @son_of_a_thomp: Seems fair. Like no one is stacking the deck. Great job Chris.
Jamison Foser / @jamisonfoser: It is perplexing that I have not yet seen a single reporter who covers the news media follow up on the Puck News report that CNN/Trump rally attendees were instructed they could applaud but not boo. CNN should be asked about this!
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: Calling your media reporter to the top boss's office the second he reports on something where you don't like the tone of his coverage is about as bad of a sign for a news operation as I can imagine.
Ashton Pittman / @ashtonpittman: Trash.
Stephen L. Miller / @redsteeze: Outstanding.
David Darmofal / @david_darmofal: This appears to answer my question about @oliverdarcy's silence on Twitter today. Apparently Chris Licht loves Trump so much because Licht's an authoritarian too.
John Whitehouse / @existentialfish: putting aside darcy, if licht sees a dispassionate approach as virtuous to journalism as this piece describes, it's wild to make a point to put trump's passionate supporters on cnn's air where they can cheer him
Kate Aurthur / @kateaurthur: JFC. Oliver (whom I've never met!) has just covered it like a journalist. Ridiculous.
Michael Weiss / @michaeldweiss: I read the coverage. It conveyed—accurately—how others within and without the network viewed this disaster. Attacking your own media reporter for faithfully depicting your own fuck-up is usually a sign of corporate insecurity.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Chris Licht wants to stay in his silo and only listen to people he agrees with.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Gotta get out of the silo, Licht
Miranda Yaver, PhD / @mirandayaver: Anyone with a spine should be emotional in defending American democracy. Anyone with a spine should be emotional in defending survivors of sexual abuse against public mockery and defamation. Being dispassionate on these issues doesn't make one a good human or a good journalist.
@meidastouch: Yikes! No room for dissenting opinions at the new CNN! This will make what you hear from their top talent less trustworthy, as it is now confirmed they will be forced to toe the company line at all times.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Also not surprised about this:
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Frustration at CNN boils over with Trump town hall
Sal Calleros / @salcalleros: Need one more reason to hate this guy? Zaslav last week defended the company's decision to host a town hall with Trump, saying “we need to hear both voices,” and noting the company's investors are looking forward to a “great political season coming.”
Patrick Reilly / New York Post: CNN reporter Oliver Darcy scolded by CEO Chris Licht over ‘emotional’ coverage of Trump town hall: report
Jeff Jarvis / I repeat: Chris Licht is vying to be the second most dangerous influence from media on democracy under Rupert Murdoch. CNN is borked. — @Mediagazer One the other hand, Anderson Cooper received one dozen attaboys...
Jenn Gidman / Newser: 2 Polar Opposites Defend CNN's Town Hall With Trump

Sources: CNN tried to book Donald Trump for months; he agreed after his campaign reached an understanding that CNN would book Trump surrogates, which CNN denies — Questions also linger over what the network offered the ex-president in exchange for what some called a Trump infomercial
@hugolowell, Mediaite, @jbensonwrites, @brianstelter, @newrepublic, @newrepublic, Wall Street Journal, @thp1640, @mattyglesias, Advocate, New York Post, The Wrap and Politico
Hugo Lowell / @hugolowell: NEW: Trump told CNN chief Chris Licht backstage before the town hall that he would boost their ratings — to which Licht nodded and said he should “have fun” per ppl familiar. Behind the scenes look @guardian ...
Tommy Christopher / Mediaite: Trump Campaign Mocking CNN Town Hall As ‘Trump Infomercial’ And ‘In-Kind Campaign Contribution’
@jbensonwrites: “The issue isn't so much whether [Kaitlan] Collins is doing a good or bad job,” tweeted @BGrueskin. “The issue is that there's no job here for a journalist to do.” A Donald Trump town hall is the Kobayashi Maru for journalists.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: One day after the Trump town hall drew 3+ million viewers to CNN, the network returned to its usual ratings levels on Thursday, averaging 538,000 viewers in prime time. No “retention,” in TV parlance, from the night before.
@newrepublic: “[W]hoever made the decision to pull the plug on this vomit 20 minutes early perhaps should be in line for a promotion, if only because they brought this embarrassing night for CNN, journalism, and America to a halt." ...
@newrepublic: Kaitlan Collins and CNN's journalists tried their best. But the execs, from Chris Licht on down, brought total shame on themselves, journalism, and America, @mtomasky writes. ...
Isabella Simonetti / Wall Street Journal: CNN's Kaitlan Collins Ascends, as Network Takes Heat for Trump Town Hall
DrDunster / @thp1640: ...but - Kaitlan opened saying they (actually she, as face of CNN) had accepted NO conditions. The format was a condition. The audience was a condition. Did she lie or did she not understand??
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: It should go without saying that nobody who works at CNN or other media organizations is going to be twirling their moustache and saying “Trump becoming president again would be good for the bottom line.” At the same time it *would* be good for the bottom line and that matters.
Christopher Wiggins / Advocate: Anderson Cooper Receives Backlash for Supporting CNN's Trump Town Hall
Shannon Thaler / New York Post: CNN boss Chris Licht told Trump to ‘have fun’ before going on stage for ratings-boosting town hall
Dessi Gomez / The Wrap: Triumphant Trump Played 'It's a Man's World' on Flight Home After CNN Town Hall
Jack Shafer / Politico: Enough With the Bellyaching Over CNN's Trump Town Hall

[Thread] On May 11's editorial call, CNN's Chris Licht says Kaitlan Collins “made a lot of news” and “America was served very well by what we did last night” — Chris Licht begins CNN's 9am editorial call by praising @kaitlancollins for a “masterful performance last night.” He says “I couldn't be more proud of her” and the whole team in NH. Then he says he's aware of the backlash... More to come
@acyn, @brianstelter, @brianstelter, The Guardian, @bidenwarroom, HuffPost, @karaswisher, @moshik_temkin, @rorystewartuk, @steveschmidtses, @jayrosen_nyu, @johnamaechi, FTVLive, @johncusack, @mehdirhasan, @princessbravato, @johncusack, @soledadobrien, @asharangappa_, @dahlialithwick, @simon_schama, @paulachertok, @sarafischer, @edgeofsports, @sulliview, @kellwoohoo, @joycecaroloates, @farhip, @jeffjarvis, @scottadamssays, @tcarmody, @electproject, @aoc, @benmullin, @justinbaragona, @bradleywhitford, @voxdotcom, @froomkin, @blueboxdave, @iampoliticsgirl, @sugithvarughese, @djrothkopf, @aoc, @chrislhayes, @brianstelter, @po_murray, @hholdenthorp, @mehdirhasan, @agoldmund, @dylanbyers, @chrisgeidner, @kimmasters, @hilaryluros, @lindseyboylan, @gtconway3dg, @froomkin, @thesarahkelly, @keithedwards, @meidastouch and @kurtbardella
@acyn: Cooper: You have every right to be outraged today and angry and never watch this network again. But do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Just in: CNN's town hall with Donald Trump averaged 3.1 million total viewers. The event outrated Fox and MSNBC, as expected, but these are not 2015/16 level numbers for Trump — not even close.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “You do not have to like the former president's answers, but you can't say that we didn't get them,” Licht tells staffers, many of whom are angry about the town hall. “Kaitlan pressed him again and again and made news. Made a LOT of news.” And “that is our job.”
@bidenwarroom: Maybe someone should remind @CNN that it's not the job of a journalist to make “news,” it's to report on accurate news.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Oof. The silo feint is doing some heavy lifting here since most people have been fully listening for a while now to Trump and his angry base. But good try!
Moshik Temkin / @moshik_temkin: The job of CNN is to make money for its owners. That this kind of company passes for “media” in the US is a big problem that goes much deeper than just holding a dumb town hall with Trump
Rory Stewart / @rorystewartuk: A very strong case from @andersoncooper - on the decision to show Trump. Passionate, thoughtful, morally grounded. @RestIsPolitics
Steve Schmidt / @steveschmidtses: “The decision by CNN's Chris Licht to throw Donald Trump a propaganda rally, to stack an audience full of his sycophants, and then to celebrate it as news, is an absurdity.” I break down why CNN's Trump Town Hall was an insult to journalism:
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Of Course Trump Should Be Interviewed on TV!” There's the right way to do it— and there's what CNN did. By @MichaelSocolow. Recommended. In particular, recommended for @andersoncooper
@johnamaechi: No, @CNN - you screwed up. Platforming an avowed liar fresh off being found guilty of sexual assault. Behaviour should have consequences that don't include access to international audiences to lie, abuse, bully, manipulate the narrative and rehabilitate your image.
John Cusack / @johncusack: Cooper can't have it both ways - the fact is it's wasn't half the electorate. It was a handpicked cheering section - it was the mar a lago lobby. If Cooper feels this way truly- then call on licht to release exactly who the audience was and how they were chosen - how much...
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: This is what's known as a ‘false dilemma fallacy’
@princessbravato: It's an attempt of gaslighting to me. Anderson screwed up here. We aren't in a silo to not want to hear lies and defame his victim. He incited an insurrection. It was gutterball, humiliating, disgusting, vile lies, and hatred. American people deserve better.
John Cusack / @johncusack: What's so alarming is the lecturing tone about silos - really ? Are you really that defensive - or do you really think we are really that dumb ? It was all for the money - Don't put lipstick on this pig AND be self righteous about it -
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: This is an attempt at damage control.
Asha Rangappa / @asharangappa_: Is there really a silo where you can avoid listening to Trump?? If so, can someone please point me to it?
Dahlia Lithwick / @dahlialithwick: It's so weird. Now the avoidance of flagrant lies, threats of violence and contempt for law and truth is a crabbed “silo?” I sort of prefer to think of it as “democracy ” but sure, I'm limited that way.
Simon Schama / @simon_schama: It's the “ well we have to hear from Adolf or how are we going to battle him ?” casuistry .. so deeply deluded
@paulachertok: 😒Chris Licht is proud of @CNN hosting a Trump rally live on TV. He's either gaslighting that his debacle was “masterful” or he's delusional. Either way, it's very bad news for journalism, democracy and America.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Forget the theatrics in former President Trump's falsehood-filled town hall on CNN and the Twitter-bubble hysterics; Trump actually made lots of news at Saint Anselm College in Goffstown, N.H., last night, @AlexThomp writes:
Dave Zirin / @edgeofsports: Pathetic. Hope it was worth it @CNN @kaitlancollins
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: I look forward to Chris Licht's heartfelt apology this morning (😂)
@kellwoohoo: As a former media buyer, I can tell you that the boost in ratings @CNN got for a one-night event won't help them sell any more ads. Especially with the damage to their reputation this town hall has caused. @CNN won't get this stank off them any time soon!
Joyce Carol Oates / @joycecaroloates: Think of how many more viewers CNN might get if they hosted executions or mud wrestling between nude candidates for president. Not sure that a one-night-only high rating means anything significant.
Paul Farhi / @farhip: For perspective: 3.1 million viewers is about what “The Five” averages on @FoxNews on a daily basis.
@jeffjarvis: Good for @NicolleDWallace that she chooses not to replay Trump's CNN lies from last night. I repeat a link to @brianstelter's report from CNN boss Chris Licht's defensive call with staff this morning:
Scott Adams / @scottadamssays: I don't think this could have turned out better. It was a great show. Plenty of fact-checking. I learned some things. Provocative. Made news. Entertaining. @kaitlancollins was prepared and poised. Well produced.
Tim Carmody / @tcarmody: I wonder if journalism doesn't get in its own way too often by assuming that's what is good for it (or some portion of it) is good for the country or world. What's good for CNN, or even CNN's audience, is not good for us, and vice versa. (Insert any media organization here.)
Michael McDonald / @electproject: Trump's schtick could easily be magAI generated. There's no reason to watch it. I didn't
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @aoc: It was a disservice to democracy, but also a major harm for women, survivors, & people who rely on repro rights. CNN allowing sexual assault to be treated like a joke to an applauding audience is egregious. At this point it's not abt Trump- we know him. It's abt the programming
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: New, w/@grynbaum: In the days leading up to last night's Trump town hall meeting, CNN held mock debates to prep @kaitlancollins. Donald Trump was played by Mark Preston, CNN's VP of political and special events programming:
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Also, while this is a big number for CNN primetime compared to recent numbers, this still wouldn't beat a typical weeknight broadcast of Tucker Carlson when he was still on Fox.
Bradley Whitford / @bradleywhitford: Chris Licht, spare us your defender of democracy bullshit. You're in show business. You got hired to get ratings for CNN. If that means platforming a racist traitor so he can lie, mock his sexual assault victim and get applause for it, you'll do it.
@voxdotcom: CNN is under scrutiny over its decision to host a town hall with former President Donald Trump. Looming over that criticism is the shadow of billionaire media mogul John Malone.
David Marcus / @blueboxdave: The point wasn't a one night ratings bonanza, it was to try to send the message that CNN isn't just the Anti-Trump News Network anymore.
@iampoliticsgirl: This is the problem with the 24h news-for-profit entertainment model. The media is not supposed to make news, but report on it. CNN committed arson, threw gasoline on the fire, then got great ratings for covering it. It's obscene.
Sugith Varughese / @sugithvarughese: All too often, the news media forgets they aren't the story.
David Rothkopf / @djrothkopf: He clearly does not understand his job. Most of the news produced was about CNN's ghastly judgment in doing this and producing it as they did.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @aoc: “Making news” is not the same as covering news. When one wishes to become a participant in events (ie. “making” news), they become the story and sacrifice the pretense of a neutral observer. Also no one got answers. It was 70 mins of steamrolled propaganda, esp on abortion & SA
Chris Hayes / @chrislhayes: solely from a “news” perspective, it's a very old shtick! it's gone from man bites dog to dog bites man over the course of 8 years.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: In the key 25- to 54-year-old demo, the town hall averaged 703,000, about five times higher than CNN's typical performance at 8pm.
Po Murray / @po_murray: I left @CNN when Chris Licht hired a gun extremist to spread gun lobby lies. I urge all to join me & #BoycottCNN for giving the seditious twice impeached racist misogynist fascist criminal a platform to spread his lies. #ShameOnCNN
@hholdenthorp: Kendall Roy literally said, ‘we can make prime time safe for you,’ on Sunday night. Licht did the same thing with Trump. At least own up to it. @CNN @karaswisher @EricSchultz
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: I would argue that ‘making news’ is not our job; holding power to account is. And on that measure, the town hall last night was a complete and utter failure.
@agoldmund: “You don't have to like this guy's odious and dangerous views, but you can't say we didn't amplify them”
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Here's the best thread w/ CNN C.E.O. Chris Licht's remarks this morning on last night's Trump Town Hall. As I wrote ahead of last night's event, “a defining feature of many a WBD executive is their ability to pretend like nothing is wrong.” >>
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: “Made a LOT of news” is going to stick with me. It's an admission.
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: This thread confirms that Chris Licht is not fit to run a news organization.
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: “Masterful performance” is a tell. It's a vapid and gross show. That's it. Unlike the recent overtures of “going back to” hard hitting news, CNN continues to be a TMZ version of the news.
@froomkin: This was brave and honest and @oliverdarcy has once again earned my admiration, especially with his boss saying the opposite in the CNN morning phone call.
Sarah Kelly / @thesarahkelly: This really encapsulates the disconnect between ownership's mission and journalists' mission

How TV news anchor Connie Chung on CBS and NBC inspired the first names of many girls among Asian families in the 1980s and 1990s, and how some met in person — It was on my first day of college at the University of California, Berkeley, when I started to realize there were more of us out there.
@kurtbardella, @sturgeons_law, @pjmooney, @nytopinion, @jimpethokoukis, Slate, @caityweaver and @anniema15
Kurt Bardella / @kurtbardella: What an outstanding and moving essay via @conniewang about the impact of the legendary Connie Chung ... representation matters! I hope a generation of “Katie's” are waiting in the wings because of @KatiePhang ... #AAPI #StopAsianHate
@sturgeons_law: There's something amusing about being named after only moderate prosperity. Feel like many people would go for something more hyperbolic. [image]
@nytopinion: For years, @conniewang thought the story of her name was special. “Little did I know it was the story of a generation,” she writes. “Generation Connie.”
James Pethokoukis / @jimpethokoukis: The Immigrant Dream is the American Dream | Ms. Han said she named her daughter Connie “because I also wanted her to be famous and outstanding.”
Caity Weaver / @caityweaver: I thought I liked this story by @conniewang — but when I started crying at the part where all the Connies meet their namesake Connie Chung at the story's photo shoot, I realized I LOVED it 😭 THE PHOTOGRAPHER WAS ALSO NAMED CONNIE!!! I'M SCREAMING

Elon Musk names ex-NBCUniversal ad chief Linda Yaccarino as Twitter's CEO, to focus on business operations; Musk will focus on “product design & new technology” — - Former NBCUniversal advertising chief Linda Yaccarino will be Twitter's next CEO.
@lindayacc, @elonmusk, @lindayacc, Fortune, New York Times, The Week, Digital Journal, Deadline, The Wrap, Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, KOIN-TV, Associated Press, Bloomberg, @goldman, Variety, Wired, @stevedeaceshow, @stillgray, Insider, @drloupis, @stevedeaceshow, @caulfieldtim, @brittanyventi, @thevivafrei, @brendonleslie, @legendaryenergy, @sapna, @fortunemagazine, Ars Technica, WWD, @edmundlee, @dankennedy_nu, The National Pulse, Media Matters for America, Advocate, Mediaite, Financial Times, The Information, Washington Post, Slate, Ad Age, Forbes, New York Post, MediaPost, Observer, Rolling Stone, ABC7, Al Jazeera, Engadget, CBS News, Variety, Semafor, The Verge, @elonmusk, IGN, Radio & Television …, New York Daily News, Gizmodo, Boing Boing, The Guardian, CoinDesk, Axios and Reclaim The Net
Linda Yaccarino / @lindayacc: Thank you @elonmusk! I've long been inspired by your vision to create a brighter future. I'm excited to help bring this vision to Twitter and transform this business together!
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: Excited to announce that I've hired a new CEO for X/Twitter. She will be starting in ~6 weeks! My role will transition to being exec chair & CTO, overseeing product, software & sysops.
Linda Yaccarino / @lindayacc: I see I have some new followers👀...👋 I'm not as prolific as @elonmusk (yet!), but I'm just as committed to the future of this platform. Your feedback is VITAL to that future. I'm here for all of it. Let's keep the conversation going and build Twitter 2.0 together!
Steve Mollman / Fortune: Linda Yaccarino thanking Elon Musk for Twitter CEO job becomes her most liked tweet ever. Now for the hard part
Armando Tinoco / Deadline: Linda Yaccarino Shares First Tweet Since Becoming Twitter's New CEO As Elon Musk Addresses “Concerns” About New Hire
Mason Bissada / The Wrap: RipTwitter Trends as Right-Wingers Disapprove of Elon Musk's New CEO Hire: ‘The Death of the Platform’
Wall Street Journal: Sources: Linda Yaccarino, who has resigned as NBCUniversal's head of advertising, is in talks to become the new CEO of Twitter
Amanda Silberling / TechCrunch: Elon Musk appoints new Twitter CEO, NBCU's Linda Yaccarino
David Hamilton / Associated Press: Before Musk picked Yaccarino as Twitter CEO, she challenged him on policies, and his own tweets
Jason Goldman / @goldman: I mean
Todd Spangler / Variety: When Elon Met Linda: NBCU's Yaccarino Pressed Musk About Twitter's Advertising and Hate-Speech Policies a Month Before He Hired Her as Twitter CEO
Steve Deace / @stevedeaceshow: So basically Elon is hoping she can bring back skittish advertisers while he's still ombudsman essentially. I hope it works, but remember why advertisers were skittish. Most of them are WEF simps, who either hate free speech or are afraid of it. There is no way that tension of...
Ian Miles Cheong / @stillgray: Elon Musk has just announced the appointment of Linda Yaccarino to lead Twitter as the CEO to handle the company's business operations, dealings with regulators, and advertising. What this means is that Elon Musk will now have ample time to deal with the actual product, the...
Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis / @drloupis: Likely New Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino is a WEF Executive Chair That Suggested Elon Musk Limit His Tweets.
Steve Deace / @stevedeaceshow: The more we learn about this woman, at this point the best you could say is it appears Elon has found a Fauci Tom platform to try and appeal to a segment of the marketplace that won't entertain anything he says, in some attempt to appear balanced. We know how that decision turned...
Timothy Caulfield / @caulfieldtim: Please, please, please let this be a move in a positive direction. The information ecosystem needs some stability... “Who is #LindaYaccarino, Elon Musk's pick for Twitter CEO?” ...
Viva Frei / @thevivafrei: The dunks on this decision are obvious and easy to make. The arguments for this decision are equally obvious and easy to make. If @lindayacc continues to remain under the influence of / actively associated with the interests of the @WEF, this does not end well for @elonmusk's...
Brendon Leslie / @brendonleslie: Everyone needs to relax, it's still possible for people to be unbiased in their jobs - no way @elonmusk throws away $44 Billion and all his hard work to this point for a woke CEO
@legendaryenergy: No one is going to trust Twitter to be an “everything app” now.
Sapna Maheshwari / @sapna: let us tell you more about Twitter's new CEO, Linda Yaccarino — whose new gig (and announcement timing) has a lot of people in the media world saying “holy sh!t” w @tiffkhsu @BenMullin @RMac18
@fortunemagazine: Whoever Elon Musk's Twitter replacement is, experts tell Fortune she'll have her work cut out with him hovering from the sidelines.
Ashley Belanger / Ars Technica: Right-wing Twitter worried Musk's CEO pick could return Twitter to its roots
Adriana Lee / WWD: Why Twitter's New CEO Matters
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: The Elon faithful losing it over the appointment of longtime ad exec @lindayacc as new Twitter ceo
@dankennedy_nu: I'm choosing to be optimistic about Musk's reported choice of Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter. He may realize he's done enormous damage to his other companies and that he's ready to fade into the background. We'll find out soon enough.
Jack Montgomery / The National Pulse: Who is Linda Yaccarino? The World Economic Forum-Aligned Exec Elon Musk Hired as Twitter CEO.
Kayla Gogarty / Media Matters for America: Twitter's new CEO has been supporting Elon Musk since he took over the platform
Christopher Wiggins / Advocate: Elon Musk's New Twitter CEO Draws Opposition from Left and Right
Derek Saul / Forbes: Musk Taps Linda Yaccarino As Twitter CEO Replacement
Rachyl Jones / Observer: Former NBCU Ad Exec Linda Yaccarino Is Twitter's New CEO
Jon Blistein / Rolling Stone: Elon Musk Names New Twitter CEO, Linda Yaccarino
Todd Spangler / Variety: Elon Musk Confirms Linda Yaccarino as Twitter's New CEO, Focused on Business Operations
J.D. Capelouto / Semafor: Three reasons why Linda Yaccarino makes sense as Elon Musk's pick for Twitter CEO
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: I am excited to welcome Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter! @LindaYacc will focus primarily on business operations, while I focus on product design & new technology. Looking forward to working with Linda to transform this platform into X, the everything app.
Taylor Lyles / IGN: Elon Musk Officially Announces New Twitter CEO
Adam Jacobson / Radio & Television Business Report: NBCU Confirms Yaccarino Departure. Twitter Is The Destination
Muri Assunção / New York Daily News: Elon Musk welcomes former NBCU ad chief Linda Yaccarino as Twitter's new CEO
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: Twitter's new CEO said to be NBC executive Linda Yaccarino
Dan Milmo / The Guardian: From dealing with Musk to fixing Twitter Blue: what's in the next CEO's in-tray?
Sara Fischer / Axios: NBCU ad chief Linda Yaccarino in talks to lead Twitter

Linda Yaccarino is stepping down as NBCUniversal's chairman of global advertising and partnerships, set to be replaced in the interim by Mark Marshall — The executive will be succeeded in the interim by advertising sales and client partnerships president Mark Marshall
The Hill, Reuters, NBCUNIVERSAL MEDIA, @pkafka, Variety, Axios, @kerrymflynn, @sherman4949, Vox, @jeffreyatucker, @jbflint, @thewrap, @thephilosotroll, Forbes, Ad Age, Reuters, Light Reading, Beet.TV, The Hollywood Reporter, Media Play News, Adweek, Next TV and Deadline
Julia Shapero / The Hill: Linda Yaccarino thanks Musk for opportunity, shares excitement to ‘build Twitter 2.0’
Mike Vaccaro / Reuters: New Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino says she is excited to help to transform Twitter
Jen Friedman / NBCUNIVERSAL MEDIA: Linda Yaccarino to Leave NBCUniversal, Mark Marshall Named Interim Chairman, Global Advertising and Partnerships, Reporting to Mark Lazarus
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: This one is signature Elon: Either he knew that pre-announcing his CEO hire would force her out of her current job - days before her biggest presentation of the year .... or that he *didn't* realize that would happen. Damning either way.
Brian Steinberg / Variety: NBCU Shakes Up Ad Sales Days Before Upfront; Linda Yaccarino Departs, Mark Marshall Named Interim Chief
Michael Flaherty / Axios: NBCUniversal says Yaccarino to depart amid reports of Twitter CEO role
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: Dying for a 10,000-word tick-tock story of how Linda Yaccarino landed the Twitter CEO gig Did the possibility come up behind-the-scenes at POSSIBLE, the marketing conference, in Miami last month? Or... prior?
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: @pkafka She doesn't **have** to leave immediately. She could stay for upfronts if the company wanted her to.
Shirin Ghaffary / Vox: Elon Musk says he'll step down as Twitter CEO. But he's not going anywhere.
Jeffrey A Tucker / @jeffreyatucker: This is not good. Bad vibes here.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Next stop Twitter? NBCU says: “Linda Yaccarino to Leave NBCUniversal, Mark Marshall Named Interim Chairman, Global Advertising and Partnerships, Reporting to Mark Lazarus”
@thewrap: “It has been an absolute honor to be part of Comcast NBCUniversal and lead the most incredible team,” she said in a statement. “We've transformed our company and the entire industry—and I am so proud of what we've accomplished together”
@thephilosotroll: This would be both a significant improvement over Musk's current management and still a total disaster.
Parker Herren / Ad Age: NBCU interim ad chair discusses industry ahead of must-see upfront presentation
Michael Shields / Beet.TV: NBCU Ad Boss Marshall: ‘We Continue to Spin Our Wheels’ on Currency
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Linda Yaccarino Exits NBCUniversal Amid Twitter Talks; Mark Lazarus Assumes Oversight of Ad Sales
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: Linda Yaccarino to Leave NBCUniversal, Mark Marshall Named Interim Chairman, Global Advertising and Partnerships
Jason Lynch / Adweek: Linda Yaccarino Exits NBCUniversal, Mark Marshall Named Interim Ad Sales Chief

A profile of Linda Yaccarino, who has vast experience in ad partnerships, praised Elon Musk publicly, and told colleagues that people get hung up on his tweets
Fortune, The Wrap, KDFX-TV, The Hollywood Reporter, @notaaroncraig, @scottmonty, @carlquintanilla, @karaswisher, CoinDesk, Forbes, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Insider, Billboard, Bloomberg, Ad Age, CBS News, The Information, CNN and Free Press
Kylie Robison / Fortune: Elon Musk hired a tough, ‘Long Island lady’ to save Twitter. But can Linda Yaccarino keep Musk on a tight enough leash to bring back the ad dollars?
Rosemary Rossi / The Wrap: New Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino Reveals Plans to ‘Build Twitter 2.0’ in First Tweet Since Landing the Job
Chris Isidore / KDFX-TV: Elon Musk names NBCU ad chief Linda Yaccarino as Twitter CEO
Carly Thomas / The Hollywood Reporter: Linda Yaccarino Speaks Out on Twitter After Becoming Social Platform's New CEO
Craig Aaron / @notaaroncraig: “I'm not sure that it matters who the new CEO is because they won't actually have the power to provide an adequate check and balance on the chaos that is Elon Musk.” — @JGo4Justice @freepress ...
Scott Monty / @scottmonty: Let's be clear: Elon needs to let @lindayacc execute. As soon as he gets in the way of operations - and that includes shooting his mouth off - it's going to make her job harder. Visionaries should avoid detailed operations. ...
Carl Quintanilla / @carlquintanilla: “.. She is well-known among CEOs and marketing executives and can serve as a ‘Band-Aid’ to some of Musk's fractured relationships in that arena, a person close to her” said .. @washingtonpost @sarahellison #twitter ...
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: They may be trying to signal a version of the highly effective and successful early Zuckerberg-@sherylsandberg ; biz duo here. But, let's be clear, this is not that: Why Elon Musk picked Linda Yaccarino to lead Twitter as CEO ...
Shaurya Malwa / CoinDesk: Dogecoin-Like Spike in Milady NFTs After Elon Musk's Tweet, But Will It Last?
Rob Tornoe / The Philadelphia Inquirer: Who is Linda Yaccarino? New Twitter CEO is a Penn State grad who just left her NBC job.
Chris Eggertsen / Billboard: Elon Musk Says New Twitter CEO Is NBCUniversal's Linda Yaccarino
Aimee Picchi / CBS News: Elon Musk says he's found “a new CEO” for Twitter. It's said to be NBCU's Linda Yaccarino.
Chris Isidore / CNN: Who is Linda Yaccarino, reportedly Twitter's next CEO?

Sources: non-US investors may substantially pay for Forbes' takeover; Austin Russell committed $100M-$200M and is in talks to have Sun Group invest $200M-$300M — Forbes agreed to sell itself in a deal that makes it look like the iconic magazine brand is staying in American hands.
@sarafischer, @aexm, @tomaxwell, @sarafischer, @rafat, @rafat, @rafat and Talking Biz News
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨Forbes says it's been mostly acquired by Luminar's Austin Russell BUT what Russell & Forbes cannot confirm is who is backing bid (82% @ $800M valuation) - Sources say likely others involved - This makes it look more American owned that it really is
Ana Milicevic / @aexm: It's almost like someone picked up a copy of ‘Money Laundering for Dummies’ and then didn't read past Chapter 2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thomas Maxwell / @tomaxwell: Luminar is worth only $2 billion but CEO Austin Russell has spend $100 million on two homes and now $600 million on Forbes? Where is the money coming from
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Scoop: Forbes takeover bid gives foreign funding cover —Forbes said quietly yest it sold 82% stake to a 28yo tech entrepreneur —But 2 sources familiar w deal tell me the takeover likely to be substantially paid for by foreign investors Story on @axios
@rafat: Good reporting here from @sarafischer, it isn't his money, or most of it isn't, mostly coz he doesn't have it.
@rafat: How did on-paper billionaire finance this deal when he didn't finance it from stake in his company Luminar? He has sold *only* 230mn of shares since it went public, if I am reading correctly. And his shares are worth fraction of what they used to. Something is majorly off here...
@rafat: Didn't see this plot twist coming. After failing to sell it to as a vanity play for non-Western billionaires, Forbes is sold as a vanity play for a 27 year old, on-paper self-driving car billionaire (reporters, there is a lot more to dig here), paying $650mn for a majority stake.

EV company Luminar's CEO Austin Russell acquires an 82% stake in Forbes, a source says at an ~$800M valuation; sources: Sun Group, GSV, and others back the bid — Austin Russell, the CEO of electric vehicle technology company Luminar Technologies, has acquired an 82% stake in Forbes.
The Wrap, @sarafischer, @brackin, @niubi, @rmac18, @chronotope, @jyarow, @mayazi, @thekenyeung, Wall Street Journal, The Information,, Reuters, Fortune, Deadline, The Wrap, Talking Biz News, MarketWatch and TechCrunch
Mason Bissada / The Wrap: Who's Really Buying Forbes? $800 Million Deal Backed by Sun Group, GSV (Report)
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨 Confirmed. This deal is made to look like it's Austin Russell buying 82% of this asset but it's not. The bid is being financially supported by Sun Group, GSV, and others. Russell's bid a cover to make it look like the deal being vastly acquired by American money
Andrew Brackin / @brackin: Thiel Fellow acquires Forbes 🐐👏
Bill Bishop / @niubi: Forbes has been a dumpster fire for decades. No surprise this is the next chapter for it
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: $800m is a pretty insane valuation given the other media news of the last few weeks?
Aram Zucker-Scharff / @chronotope: Tremendously overvalued. I'm not sure what a majority stake constitutes but one could almost certainly start up a new publication with a better reputation at zero for whatever he paid.
Jay Yarow / @jyarow: I guess nobody told him digital media is a dying (dead?) business.
Maya Zehavi / @mayazi: That's a steep valuation in a word where everyone announced the death of media for anything but trophy properties
Ken Yeung / @thekenyeung: Is Austin Russell : Forbes as Marc Benioff : TIME?
Alexandra Bruell / Wall Street Journal: Automotive Tech Billionaire Austin Russell to Acquire Majority Stake in Forbes
Ernie Smith / A 28-year-old man figures out a way to stop the 30 under 30 list once and for all. ht @Mediagazer
Christopher Palmeri / Fortune: Forbes magazine's new majority owner is a 28-year-old billionaire who made his money in self-driving car tech
Bruce Haring / Deadline: ‘Succession’ Plot Comes Alive, As Forbes Majority Stake Acquired By Young Technology CEO

Indian streaming service JioCinema introduces a Premium subscription plan, offering content from studios like HBO, up to four logins, and more for ₹999 per year — JioCinema has introduced a new Premium subscription plan, providing its users with access to a broader range of content.
91mobiles, Reuters, The Economic Times, India Today, afaqs! and 91mobiles, more at Techmeme »
Marcia Sekhose / 91mobiles: Disney+ Hotstar loses 4.6 million subscribers as JioCinema gains users in India
Gourab Das / The Economic Times: No more freebies: Ambani's JioCinema to now charge premium subscription for HBO and other content
Ankita Chakravarti / India Today: JioCinema Premium subscription plan launched in India: check out price, list of HBO shows and more
Sanket Vijayasarathy / 91mobiles: JioCinema Premium subscription plan launched as HBO shows arrive on the platform

A chaotic year has upended media companies' upfront presentations to woo advertisers, amid top executive departures, the writers' strike, cord cutting, and more — From May 15-18, expect Disney, NBCUniversal and Warner Bros. Discovery execs to work overtime selling their wares to ad buyers during a downturn and a major work stoppage.
Variety, Bloomberg, @alexweprin, @benmullin, @alexweprin, Vanity Fair, Robb Report, Insider Intelligence and Deadline
Brian Steinberg / Variety: TV's Tough Upfront: More Video Rivals Will Fight For Fewer Ad Dollars
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Also since a year ago: AMC Networks has had 3 CEOs, Vince McMahon retired and then re-joined and sold the WWE, Netflix announced an in-person upfront then made it virtual, Fox featured Tucker Carlson in its upfront then fired him, and WBD launched a crash course in cost cutting.

Twitter appears to limit search results for news website Bellingcat; Elon Musk has suggested that Bellingcat's Texas mall shooting investigation was a “psyop” — - The investigative news website Bellingcat reported on the Texas mall shooter's apparent neo-Nazi beliefs.
@maxberger, @maxberger, @brent_a_casey,, @eliothiggins, @eliothiggins and @arictoler
Max Berger / @maxberger: If only there was a name for the kind of guy who pushes fascist propaganda and suppresses anti-fascist reporting. 🤔
Max Berger / @maxberger: The team @bellingcat reported the Allen, Texas shooter had links to neo-Nazis. Elon Musk suggested their reporting was a “psyop” — and then apparently limited their reach on Twitter. ...
Art Garkfunel / @brent_a_casey: Every accusation is a confession with the right wing. @elonmusk blathers about how he's so against censorship, then engages in exactly that. His target audience will never know, because they're a bunch of dipshit rubes who can't/won't think critically. ...
Craig Nicol / @Mediagazer so Musk's version of free speech is shown, again, to be absolute bullshit?
Eliot Higgins / @eliothiggins: So it does appear that if you don't follow @bellingcat you'll not see if in search suggestions. Did we offend someone?

Reuters EIC Alessandra Galloni sets an AI use framework: journalists are responsible for greenlighting content that uses AI, disclosure is essential, and more — Reuters set out a framework for using artificial intelligence to support its journalism with “rigorous oversight by newsroom editors” …
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: What Reuters is telling its journalists about using artificial intelligence