Top News:

Media, left out of the relationship — Note who's missing in Tanzina Vega's New York Times story today about the monster merger of ad agencies Publicis and Omnicom. — Media — TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, online — are nowhere to be seen. This merger, they all say …
GigaOM, B&C, Globe and Mail, @ufomedia, iMediaConnection Blog, @davidapatton, AdAge and MediaNama

ESPN confirms it will hire bloggers to cover every NFL team — ESPN will hire bloggers to cover every NFL team, Rob King confirmed by phone Monday afternoon. “If you're going to place a bet anywhere, place it on the NFL,” said King, ESPN's senior vice president for content, digital & print media.
The Insider, Cincy Jungle, @jamiemottram, @richarddeitsch, @brianmfloyd and eMedia Vitals

TNR asks the big journalism question — Over at The New Republic, Marc Tracy offers a helpful peek into how an ignorant Fox News interview—a religion scholar who happened to be Muslim was asked why he wrote a book about Jesus—became a “traffic bonanza” for BuzzFeed.
New York Times, @treybarrineau and @stkonrath

How a Terrible Fox News Interview Became a Traffic Bonanza for BuzzFeed
Folio, The Atlantic Wire, GalleyCat, The Week, The Atlantic Online, Books News & Features, New York Magazine, The Huffington Post,, Guardian, HyperVocal, American Prospect, Wonkette, PolicyMic, The Independent, The Hollywood Gossip, International Business Times, Firstpost, Irish Independent, Slate, Mother Jones, The Raw Story, Mediaite and Groupthink, Thanks:@ericmarkdo

CBS and TWC Talks Break Down, But CBS Isn't Going Dark Just Yet (Updated) — CBS to go dark in Los Angeles, New York and Dallas — As it turns out, CBS won't be going dark for Time Warner Cable in Los Angeles, New York and Dallas just yet. — “At the request of CBS, we have halted going dark on their channels.
TVNewser, Broadcasting & Cable, Hollywood Reporter, FierceCable, Reuters, Los Angeles Times,, The Verge and CNET

NYT interview with Obama: No surveillance questions? — Jackie Calmes and Michael D. Shear's interview with President Obama packed in enough news to fill three New York Times articles and one media story: “It was the paper's first exclusive chat with the president in nearly three years,” The Huffington Post's Jack Mirkinson writes.
The Huffington Post, Mediaite, @kegill, The Daily Caller, @sarahkendzior, Wonkette, @trevortimm, Firedoglake, @dangillmor, The Newspaper Guild and New York Times

Thomson Reuters Twitter Account Is Hacked — The main Twitter account of news outlet Thomson Reuters was taken over Monday, apparently by the Syrian Electronic Army group that has hacked other news organizations. — “Earlier today @thomsonreuters was hacked,” a spokesman for the news organization said in an email late Monday.
VentureBeat, Reuters, The Atlantic Wire, Softpedia News, The Huffington Post, AllThingsD, The Verge, @whatthebit and BuzzFeed

CNN to produce Hillary Clinton film — CNN Films has tapped documentary filmmaker Charles H. Ferguson to direct a film about former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, POLITICO has learned. — “CNN is very pleased to be working with Academy-Award winner Charles Ferguson on the film …
Reuters, TVNewser, New York Times, @jonlovett, Associated Press, Broadcasting & Cable, The Huffington Post, New York Magazine and Variety

Bradley Manning judge to release verdict on Tuesday in WikiLeaks trial — Army private faces sentence of life in military custody with no chance of parole if convicted on ‘aiding the enemy’ charge — Bradley Manning, the self-confessed source of the massive WikiLeaks trove of US state secrets …
New York Times, @xeni, Reason, @kgosztola, @mgsledge, @kgosztola, @xeni and

Google's New Zagat Is Much More Limited (For Now), but It's Free — Google today put out a gussied-up version of the Zagat website, Android and iOS apps. — Regular users of Zagat's famous local ratings might be disappointed to find that the new site features just nine cities: San Francisco …
GeekWire, Engadget, Android Police, The Verge, CNET, ZDNet and VentureBeat

Hearst Poaches Todd Haskell From New York Times to Lead Digital Revenue — And Names Publisher For Still-Untitled Dr. Oz Magazine — Hearst Magazines has hired Todd Haskell away from The New York Times, where he had been group VP-advertising since 2007, to become senior VP and chief revenue officer …
Folio, WWD Media Headlines, FishbowlNY, FishbowlNY and Capital New York

VCR's Past Is Guiding Television's Future — The last few weeks have been a rugged legal stretch for incumbent television companies. — First, an appeals court declined to rehear a case in which broadcasters sought to close down Aereo, a company that allows users to record and play back broadcast television over the Internet.

Google weighs 100 million takedowns — Google has received requests to remove more than 100 million links since January 2013 for web pages deemed to be in breach of copyright laws. — That is double the number it received for the whole of 2012 and a sign that publishers are stepping up their battle against internet piracy.
Digital Spy, PC World and RT

Why the time is right for The Washington Post & others to boost video initiatives — The Washington Post will formally launch PostTV today — a big gamble that it can widen audience and win significant advertising revenue by producing digital video programs and distributing the segments to various partners.
Discussion:, Washington Post, @poynter, NetNewsCheck Latest and @abeaujon