Top News:

Using Twitter to Move the Markets — Last week, while everyone was wondering what Twitter is worth after the unveiling of its I.P.O., I spent some time on a little different math. How much could a single post on Twitter be worth? — How about $1 billion? Or maybe $6 billion?
@johnwaggoner, @jswatz, @carr2n, @philiped, TIME and AllThingsD

Pew surveys of audience habits suggest perilous future for news — News organizations have been confronting the problem of a shrinking audience for more than a decade, but trends strongly suggest that these difficulties may only worsen over time. Today's younger and middle-aged audience seems unlikely …
BuzzMachine, AllThingsD, @emilybell, @terryheaton, @rajunarisetti, @jeffjarvis, @brizzyc and Kirk LaPointe's<br …

Nielsen Twitter TV Rating arrives Monday, shows gap between Twitter and mass-market popularity — Tweets Provide New Way to Gauge TV Audiences — CBS Corp.'s CBS +2.55% “The Big Bang Theory” and “NCIS” are among the most-watched shows on television, with upward of 20 million viewers each.
New York Times, Digits, SocialTimes, @demetria_g, The Next Web, VatorNews, TechCrunch, AdAge, Broadcasting & Cable, CNET, BuzzFeed and AdAge

The soul of a new machine: Gawker struggles with the slippery slope between viral and true — When you come across a viral story about a heart-warming incident that you know will get millions of pageviews, how closely should you look into the claims that the viral story is based on?
BuzzMachine, @paulcarr, Medium, @jayrosen_nyu, @mattbors, @qhardy and @antderosa

The Quartz Way — Quartz, a web-only business publication, just turned one year old. On both editorial and business dimensions, Quartz features all components of a modern media venture. Is this a formula for the long run? To answer the question, in the first of two articles, we take a closer look at the editorial product.
@zseward, @antderosa, @dougvs, @rajunarisetti, @rishad, @jonrussell and @bryfitz

Asking Americans the naive questions of an outsider, Al Jazeera obtains profound answers — An Outsider Looks at Life in America — NEW YORK — Al Jazeera wants to make its name as American as pizzaburgers. But when Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based television empire that has long broadcast …
@lisadebode, @andrewchappelle and @mattdpearce

NYT's Jill Abramson: Horse-race media trivializes politics — NEW YORK — New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson says she worries about the trivialization of politics by publications like POLITICO, but offered no defense when asked about the Times' own coverage of the political horse race.

A Bombing Suspect, and the Rush to Judgment — ATLANTA — I have perhaps never been so furious with an editor. Those who know me well recognize that this is quite an assertion. It was late in the afternoon of July 30, 1996, and as a national correspondent in the Atlanta bureau …

Cruz's 21-Hour Speech Fueled a Ratings Jump at C-Span2 — Given the meager approval ratings the public has consistently given Congress, it might seem surprising that anyone watches the unblinking live shots of the Senate and House on television. But government crises apparently …
@brianstelter, @buzzfeedandrew, The Daily Caller, Baltimore Sun and Twitter blog

BBC places next-generation iPlayer at heart of digital strategy — Director general Tony Hall to outline corporation's plans for more personalised version of its successful on-demand service — • Tony Hall's digital vision could cloud BBC licence fee's future
Guardian, Daily Mail, BBC, The Drum and The Independent

Sailthru scans reader IP addresses to make article recommendations for BI, NY Post, and more — How Sailthru uses 1:1 personalisation to drive engagement — By using ‘smart’ data to better understand their audience, publishers can personalise their output to each individual reader — Read more
Big News

Introducing Columbia Visuals, A Viz Journalist's New Best Friend — If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a blog covering all aspects of photography is pretty much priceless. — At least that's what the Digital Media department at Columbia Journalism School is aiming for with its new project, Columbia Visuals.