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Facebook to expand TV data report initiative to networks in eight countries — Facebook Adds TV Partners Overseas — The rivalry between Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. over social conversations around television shows is moving overseas. — Facebook Monday will disclose plans …
Mashable, AdExchanger, @vanitakohlik, Talking Biz News, The Next Web, Business Insider, VatorNews, TechCrunch and GigaOM

Nielsen and Twitter Unveil Social TV Metrics, Showing How Little Tweets Line Up with Ratings — Nielsen and Twitter have released their first rankings of TV shows, designed to show the reach of TV-related conversation on Twitter. — And one thing is immediately clear …
New York Times, Media Money …, Fast Company, Los Angeles Times, @the_moviebob, VentureBeat, @jaredbkeller, @josephstash, @amolsharmawsj, @demetria_g, Mashable, @stevesi, @sarahw, Business Insider, SocialTimes, @laurahazardowen, SlashGear, @poniewozik, Wall Street Journal, Broadcasting & Cable, AdAge and CNET

What Mugshots Mean For Public Data — The New York Times has a story this morning on the growing use of mugshot data for, essentially, extortion. These sites scrape mugshots off of public records databases, use SEO techniques to rank highly in Google searches for people's names …
Nieman Journalism Lab, Forbes, @ftrain, @mikeolson, @hmason, SlashGear, WebProNews, @mathewi, The Rural Blog, Search Engine Land, GigaOM, Softpedia News and Kirk LaPointe's …

First they came for the mugshot websites, but I said nothing...
Businessweek, Forbes, The Huffington Post and @trevortimm, Thanks:@mathewi

Can Jim Impoco Save Newsweek? — Jim Impoco, the new editor-in-chief of Newsweek, is either the bravest man in journalism - or the most self-destructive. Now owned by International Business Times Media, the notoriously embattled publication has changed hands four times in three years.
@digiday, FishbowlNY and @jayrosen_nyu

The New Yorker Names Jonathan Shainin Online News Editor — Jonathan Shainin has been named news editor of Shainin comes to The New Yorker from The Caravan, where he served as senior editor since 2010. This will be Shainin's second stint with The New Yorker …

The Quartz Way — Quartz, a web-only business publication, just turned one year old. On both editorial and business dimensions, Quartz features all components of a modern media venture. Is this a formula for the long run? To answer the question, in the first of two articles, we take a closer look at the editorial product.
@pekkapekkala, @davidbauer, @elanazak, @xdamman, @zseward, @antderosa, @amzam, @borthwick, @niemanlab, @wblau, @jayrosen_nyu, @dougvs, @jonrussell, @bryfitz, @rajunarisetti and @rishad

Publisher of Philadelphia Inquirer Fires Editor — The editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer, William K. Marimow, was fired on Monday, according to a brief e-mail sent to staff members by the newspaper's publisher. — A Pulitzer Prize winner and former investigative journalist …
Gawker, Poynter, JIMROMENESKO.COM,, Erik Wemple, Politico and @chaughney

Fox News debuts bizarre, giant tablets in its outrageous new newsroom — If you can't make the news better, make it bigger — Fox News has just unveiled a breathtakingly ridiculous newsroom, complete with novelty-sized Windows-based touchscreens, a Twitter wall, and a wannabe Minority Report style display …
Mediaite, TechCrunch, @onthemedia, @hunterw, The Atlantic Wire, GeekWire, @brianstelter, @lukew, @hadas_gold, @mikeisaac, @cthursten and @kevinrose

Fox host apologizes for reporting fake news — Fox News host Anna Kooiman apologized on Sunday for reporting a story from a satirical news site. — On Saturday, the co-host of Fox & Friends Saturday was talking about the government shutdown when she said President Barack Obama had offered …

Michael Rooney Departs Dow Jones, Trevor Fellows Joins as Head of Global Ad Sales — Michael Rooney, chief revenue officer of Dow Jones since 2007, is leaving the company. According to a memo from Lex Fenwick, Dow Jones' CEO and publisher of The Wall Street Journal, Rooney is departing to …
MinOnline, @edmundlee, @rupertmurdoch and @rajunarisetti

A Bombing Suspect, and the Rush to Judgment — ATLANTA — I have perhaps never been so furious with an editor. Those who know me well recognize that this is quite an assertion. It was late in the afternoon of July 30, 1996, and as a national correspondent in the Atlanta bureau …
@damiencave, @nytimes, @bydanielvictor, @ksacknyt, @ellenbarrynyt and Retro Report

Tumblr's Editorial Director Christopher Price quits — Another Major Tumblr Employee Quits — Editorial Director Christopher Price, who joined Tumblr a week after it launched and has been part of its inner circle ever since, is jumping ship. — Price, who goes by Topherchris on this here internet, said only the following:
@bafeldman and @gawker

Reuters CEO Andrew Rashbass talks about Reuters Next at staff meeting — Reuters CEO Andrew Rashbass Speaks to Staff During Town Hall Meeting — ReutersReuters Chief Executive Officer Andrew Rashbass addressed Reuters staff during an hour-long town hall meeting at the New York Reuters building this morning.
Talking Biz News