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Arianna Huffington made just $21 million from sale of Huffington Post, new document reveals — HuffPost founder pocketed “only” $21 million from web site sale — In a new court filing, lawyers for two men suing Arianna Huffington for allegedly denying them credit and cash for their role …
Poynter,, JIMROMENESKO.COM, @romenesko, @drudge_report and New York Magazine

Booming Vox Media, the People Behind The Verge and SB Nation, Raises Another Huge Round — Tech investors are supposed to avoid content businesses. But they do make exceptions: The people who brought you the Huffington Post, for example, have been able to raise a ton of money for BuzzFeed.
AdAge, GigaOM, Fortune, @justinnxt, @agolis, @mattbuchanan, @jeffjohnroberts and @pkafka

The International New York Times debuts — The first edition of The International New York Times appeared Tuesday. It replaces the International Herald Tribune. In a letter to readers on the front page, Times Publisher Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. says his father “had the vision to make The Times a national newspaper in 1980.”
Forbes, New York Times, FishbowlNY, Associated Press, @poynter and Capital New York

‘IHT’ publisher gets a promotion as ‘International New York Times’ debuts — As we reported yesterday, The New York Times is doing a big promotional push for its new global edition, The International New York Times, which debuted this morning as a rebranded version of The International Herald Tribune.
@joepompeo and FRANCE 24

Who's Behind the Sponsored Content at BuzzFeed, Gawker, Hearst and WashPo? — A Look at Four Big Publishers, And How Their Native-Advertising Teams Shape Up — What good is native advertising if it doesn't talk like a native? — To help advertisers, media companies are building teams …
@chrisboutet, @paulcarr and @romenesko, Thanks:@steverubel

Harper's Redesigns Its Web Site and Embraces Branded Content — HARPER'S Bazaar is joining the growing list of media properties whose publishers are supplementing more traditional forms of advertising with sponsored content. — The magazine, which is owned by Hearst …
@careyathearst, @hearstcorp and @dmaunited

How UsVsTh3m shows the Royal Charter regulation farce is not fit for purpose in the digital age — Well, wouldn't you know, after years of blogging about how press regulation didn't work in the digital era, I find myself having just helped launch the very epitome of why the current proposals are completely unfit for the 21st century.

All these media organisations won't be covered by the press regulation Royal Charter
@joannahiggins, Daily Mail and Guardian

YouTube Partner: We Are ‘Not Happy’ With Money From Subscription Channels — Alchemy Networks CEO Peter Griffith was one of the first media executives to bet YouTube viewers would pay to access certain channels. His company was one of the YouTube's initial partners when it debuted subscription channels …

Netflix, as Easy as Changing the Channel — The television two-step is familiar to nearly every household with a TV set and a Netflix subscription. To watch cable, the television must be on one setting; to browse Netflix, it has to be on another. For some family members …
@brianstelter, @pkafka, @beauwillimon, @mariondebruyne, @brianstelter and Los Angeles Times

Sony Strikes Production Deal With Netflix
News Release Archive, The Wrap, TechnoBuffalo,, VentureBeat, The Verge, Hollywood Reporter, Reuters, Los Angeles Times, SlashGear and @amolsharmawsj

Politico CEO Jim VandeHei Talks Capital New York Relaunch, Jeff Bezos' WaPo Purchase — Jim VandeHei will bring his 15 years of covering Beltway wheeling and dealing to helping Politico and its new Big Apple bauble Capital New York in its quest to become the dominant force in political journalism.

PolicyMic Raises $3M, Betting That Millennials Want Substantive News And Commentary — How many younger readers really care about news and politics — as opposed to celebrity gossip, viral videos, and cat GIFs? Well, a site called PolicyMic is built around the proposition that readers under 35 …
@mattturck, @wp, @erichippeau and @jacobdhorowitz

News site study: 33% of Twitter referrals return within a week — Readers coming to a news site's homepage direct are the most likely to return, according to a study by real-time analytics platform Chartbeat. Around 80 per cent of those who come to a site direct will come back within one week …
@sarahmarshall3, @niemanlab and Big News

$70 Billion TV Ad Market Eases Into Digital Direction — Baby Steps Start After Years of Resisting Change — Earlier this year, DirecTV took a step into the future of TV advertising. Rather than let marketers target only shows and geographic markets, it allowed them to zero in on specific audiences — down to the individual home.
@joegarde, @initiativeww and @gfulgoni, Thanks:@kantrowitz