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Can ‘60 Minutes’ Afford to Take Lara Logan Back? — Is Lara Logan too toxic to return to 60 Minutes? — Eleven years ago, the 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan was sitting in the InterContinental hotel in Amman, Jordan, watching her career flash before her eyes.
TVNewser, Washington Post, ThinkProgress, Talking Points Memo, @laurenashburn, @joshuafoust, @howardkurtz, @allinwithchris, @dvnjr, The Daily Banter, Los Angeles Times, @thelloydgrove, @daveclark_afp, @mungaro, @paiger33, @mlcalderone, @rosiegray, @joshuahersh, @azmatzahra, @jayrosen_nyu, @mikeogling, @scclemons, @sarahw, @blakehounshell, @nymag, @jayrosen_nyu, @richarddeitsch, @jpodhoretz, @hemlockmartinis and @mlcalderone

CBS News Mum on Logan's Status At ‘60 Minutes’ Following Report — CBS News declined to comment on the status of its well-known “60 Minutes” correspondent Lara Logan following the publication of an article in New York magazine that suggested the journalist's return to the program after making …
New York Magazine

Lara Logan's Future At CBS Uncertain Since Discredited Benghazi Report
Mediaite, Gawker, Talking Points Memo and @mlcalderone

Time public editor Margaret Sullivan says journalists need to be like sharks … New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan says journalists today are like sharks. “If you're not moving forward, it's over.” — Sullivan gave a keynote address at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia …
@jayrosen_nyu, @dabeard, @poynter, @mlcalderone, International Journalism …, The Buttry Diary and New York Times

How little-known luxury and fashion magazine DuJour landed an interview with Donald Sterling — For Luxury Magazine, an Unusual Exclusive — In the week and a half since TMZ published the now-infamous audio recording of Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers …
Hollywood Reporter, @mlcalderone, @peterlattman and Talking Points Memo

A Key Player in a Scandal, V. Stiviano Feeds the Media's Appetite
@jonathanmahler, @frankbruni, @jswatz, @carr2n and @michaelroston

Interview with Tasneem Raja, interactive editor at Mother Jones, on data journalism — Tasneem Raja urges newsrooms to adopt pair programming for better data journalism — New, digitally native media enterprises like Five Thirty Eight have gotten a lot of attention — and some grief — as they've gone online this year.
@jeremybowers, @tasneemraja, @digiphile, @jsb and @macloo

LA Times to relaunch site on Tuesday, with mobile readership in mind — How the L.A. Times is redesigning for the mobile Web — Newspapers lag far behind in the share of time spent on mobile devices. That's a reality the Los Angeles Times is hoping to counter when it relaunches …

No Regrets for the Founder of Tumblr After Yahoo Sale — When Yahoo bought Tumblr for $1.1 billion a year ago, it sent a ripple of excitement — and anxiety — through the tech industry. Would Yahoo and its recently arrived chief executive, Marissa Mayer, breathe new life into Tumblr?
Forbes, Gigaom, @jennydeluxe, @eric_andersen, @sfiegerman, Business Insider, @digiphile, @nytimesbits, ZDNet and The Next Web

Slate doubling down on podcasts, launching two in the next week — Slate Raising Its Investment in Podcasts — The digital magazine Slate will start two new podcasts on Monday: The Gist, with the former NPR reporter Mike Pesca, its first daily podcast intended to deliver news and opinion …
@jaredbkeller, @davidplotz, @fmanjoo, @kgeee, @slategist and @pescami

Can the Pulitzer Prizes do more for journalism? — The 98th-annual Pulitzer Prizes in Journalism, Letters, Drama and Music, awarded on the recommendation of the Pulitzer Prize Board, were announced a few weeks ago by Columbia University. — In his 1904 will, Joseph Pulitzer …
@lheron, @dangillmor, Libraries and @niemanlab

AOL Relaunches Moviefone with New Look, Expands Into TV Content — Site for tickets, info relaunches with Disney's ‘Maleficent’ as launch sponsor — AOL's Moviefone has a brand-new look and an expanded mission that now encompasses TV. — The Internet media company teamed on the Moviefone relaunch …
New York Times, The Wrap, VentureBeat, MarketWatch and Re/code

Comcast to bring its X1 service to L.A., New York within year of merger — Within a year after its $45 billion acquisition of Time Warner Cable Inc closes, Comcast Corp aims to make its advanced X1 cable service available in areas such as New York and Los Angeles and other markets where it will gain a commanding new presence.

2 NOLA journos are being forced to testify in a federal criminal case — At the end of this month, two reporters will have to take the witness stand in the trial of an alleged crime boss in New Orleans, because a federal district court judge rejected their arguments that their testimony would violate reporter's privilege.