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Univision's Isaac Lee on how buying Gawker Media, with brands iconic to millennials, is important to Univision's “young, digital and diverse” future — In many Hispanic homes in the United States, Univision is a constant TV presence and a huge influence.
TVNewser, @sulliview, @raju and @sulliview

Univision exec Isaac Lee addresses Gawker Media staff in New York; Nick Denton gets $16,666/month for two-year non-compete and non-solicitation agreement
Awful Announcing, Hollywood Reporter, @petersterne, @sparkyrandles and @anthony

Gawker staffers Pareene, Nolan, Feinberg, and Sargent are moving to Deadspin; Trotter, Galperina, and Hongo go to Gizmodo, while others join Jezebel
New York Post, Newser, and The Baffler

Former Gawker EIC Max Read reflects on who really caused Gawker's demise, pointing to Nick Denton, A.J. Daulerio, Peter Thiel, himself, and others
@tommorton, @choire, Vox, @romromberts, @grahamdavida, @ggreenwald, @duncanrobinson, @caityweaver, @jayrosen_nyu, @morganmpage, NPR, VentureBeat, @annehelen, @jwherrman, New York Magazine, @yandal_randal and Slate

Viacom formally announces settlement: Phillippe Dauman ousted, will be non-executive chairman until Sept. 13, Tom Dooley serves as CEO at least through Sept. 30 — It took two days longer than expected, but Shari Redstone's victory finally received a stamp of official approval.
The Wrap, Los Angeles Times, Radio & Television …, Fortune, @emilysteel, CNNMoney, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Broadcasting & Cable, CNNMoney, Mashable, Guardian, Quartz, Business Insider, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, @megjameslat, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw and Vanity Fair

Viacom's future still up in the air after management shake-up: firm must boost key businesses, decide whether to sell a stake in Paramount or recombine with CBS — Turning around ratings and ad momentum at key networks and boosting Paramount's financials are among the items on the to-do list …
New York Times, The Daily Caller, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Fortune

Sean Hannity, with a primetime Fox audience of 2.5M, veers into the role of Trump adviser, says he “never claimed to be a journalist” — During major inflection points in Donald J. Trump's campaign, the advisers, family members and friends who make up his kitchen cabinet burn …
CNNMoney, Los Angeles Times, Talking Points Memo,, FTVLive, @ron_fournier, @mattyglesias, New York Magazine, @blakehounshell, Vanity Fair, The Week, @jonathanmahler, @hadas_gold, @gabrielsherman, @mikeallen, Media Matters for America, @gideonresnick, @jpodhoretz, The Hill, @mlcalderone, @enrique_acevedo, Vox, CNNMoney, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post

The New York Times should pause in its rush to Facebook Live video and reinstitute its traditional standards of quality control — IT'S been just over four months since The New York Times started producing live video for Facebook, but already the scoreboard is flashing. A few earned gold medals.
@jayrosen_nyu, @wfederman, @lencosta3rd, @abbieruzicka, @jason_pontin, @elanazak, @dannygroner and @meena_thiru

Ad tech startup, which powers contextual ads offered by Yahoo, sells to group of Chinese investors for $900M — The startup, which powers contextual ads offered by Yahoo! and Microsoft's Bing, plans a move akin to a reverse merger that would make it a public company in China.
Forbes, TechCrunch,, Domain Name Wire and Fortune

The blurring of lines between media and tech firms, Silicon Valley's culture of secrecy, and a lack of skepticism and resources make tech reporting difficult — With the lines between media firms and tech firms blurring, coverage of the tech sector presents one of the most profound accountability challenges in modern journalism
@nickconfessore, @emilybell, @om, @krmaher, @adriennelaf, Slate, @jeffkauflin, @harrisj, @carolafrediani, @alexamcmahon, @janebsinger, @tothevictor, @dseetharaman, @g_piechota, @dvcjrnal, @adriennelaf, The Awl - Medium and USA Today

Ryan Lochte's Evolving Story Faced Little Resistance From NBC — NBC, the exclusive television home of the Olympics, became the exclusive repository of the Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte's dubious tale of a gunpoint robbery in Rio de Janeiro last Sunday morning.
Discussion:, CNNMoney, CNN, @johnbranchnyt, @liamstack, @jayrosen_nyu, TVNewser and Complex

New editor of ESPN's The Undefeated Kevin Merida on leading a startup sports news site, video efforts, covering racially charged issues like police violence — Yes, Friday brought extensive Summer Olympics coverage, notably the ad nauseam, 24/7 mini-soap opera of the dissembling U.S swimmers …

CNN's Trump commentator Corey Lewandowski is still being paid by the presidential candidate's campaign, received $20K in July while working for the network — New filings with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) reveal that Corey Lewandowski is still being paid by Republican presidential …
New York Daily News, Politicus USA, @mattyglesias and Associated Press

After releasing emails from Turkish political party AKP containing malware, WikiLeaks says it will continue not redacting archives for “accuracy” — It's alarmingly easy to visit WikiLeaks' email database from Turkish political party AKP and come away infected with malicious code.
@stevenlevy, @jamesgibney and @digiphile

Remembering David Carr, 18 months after his death: reporter, junkie, and mentor — A year after he died suddenly in the newsroom of The New York Times, David Carr still pops up several times a day on the Google Alert I set for him back in 2005, when he first explained to me what that was.
@alexkeysjackson, @beingbrina and @deepakadk