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Univision's Isaac Lee on how buying Gawker Media, with brands iconic to millennials, is important to Univision's “young, digital and diverse” future — In many Hispanic homes in the United States, Univision is a constant TV presence and a huge influence.
TVNewser, @sulliview, @raju and @sulliview

Viacom formally announces settlement: Phillippe Dauman ousted, will be non-executive chairman until Sept. 13, Tom Dooley serves as CEO at least through Sept. 30 — It took two days longer than expected, but Shari Redstone's victory finally received a stamp of official approval.
The Wrap, Los Angeles Times, Radio & Television …, Fortune, CNNMoney, @emilysteel, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Broadcasting & Cable, CNNMoney, Mashable, Guardian, Quartz, Business Insider, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, @megjameslat, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw and Vanity Fair

Viacom's future still up in the air after management shake-up: firm must boost key businesses, decide whether to sell a stake in Paramount or recombine with CBS — Turning around ratings and ad momentum at key networks and boosting Paramount's financials are among the items on the to-do list …
New York Times, The Daily Caller, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Fortune

Sean Hannity, with a primetime Fox audience of 2.5M, veers into the role of Trump adviser, says he “never claimed to be a journalist” — During major inflection points in Donald J. Trump's campaign, the advisers, family members and friends who make up his kitchen cabinet burn …
CNNMoney, Los Angeles Times, Talking Points Memo,, FTVLive, @ron_fournier, @mattyglesias, New York Magazine, @blakehounshell, Vanity Fair, The Week, @jonathanmahler, @hadas_gold, @gabrielsherman, @mikeallen, Media Matters for America, @gideonresnick, @jpodhoretz, The Hill, @mlcalderone, @enrique_acevedo, Vox, CNNMoney and Wall Street Journal

The New York Times should pause in its rush to Facebook Live video and reinstitute its traditional standards of quality control — IT'S been just over four months since The New York Times started producing live video for Facebook, but already the scoreboard is flashing. A few earned gold medals.
@jayrosen_nyu, @wfederman, @lencosta3rd, @abbieruzicka, @jason_pontin, @elanazak, @dannygroner and @meena_thiru

Ad tech startup, which powers contextual ads offered by Yahoo, sells to group of Chinese investors for $900M — The startup, which powers contextual ads offered by Yahoo! and Microsoft's Bing, plans a move akin to a reverse merger that would make it a public company in China.
Forbes, TechCrunch,, Domain Name Wire and Fortune

The blurring of lines between media and tech firms, Silicon Valley's culture of secrecy, and a lack of skepticism and resources make tech reporting difficult — With the lines between media firms and tech firms blurring, coverage of the tech sector presents one of the most profound accountability challenges in modern journalism
@nickconfessore, @emilybell, @om, @krmaher, @adriennelaf, Slate, @jeffkauflin, @harrisj, @carolafrediani, @alexamcmahon, @janebsinger, @tothevictor, @dseetharaman, @g_piechota, @dvcjrnal, @adriennelaf, USA Today and The Awl - Medium

Ryan Lochte's Evolving Story Faced Little Resistance From NBC — NBC, the exclusive television home of the Olympics, became the exclusive repository of the Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte's dubious tale of a gunpoint robbery in Rio de Janeiro last Sunday morning.
Discussion:, CNNMoney, CNN, @johnbranchnyt, @liamstack, @jayrosen_nyu, TVNewser and Complex

New editor of ESPN's The Undefeated Kevin Merida on leading a startup sports news site, video efforts, covering racially charged issues like police violence — Yes, Friday brought extensive Summer Olympics coverage, notably the ad nauseam, 24/7 mini-soap opera of the dissembling U.S swimmers …

Pentagon settles with Navy SEAL who wrote the book “No Easy Day” about the Osama bin Laden raid; author will pay $6.7M — Four years after a former Navy SEAL was threatened with prison for writing about the Osama bin Laden raid, the Pentagon has dropped its claim …
GalleyCat, CBS News, @buzzfeedandrew, Bookseller News, New York Times, NPR, The Verge, The Sun, Daily Mail and Washington Post

CNN's Trump commentator Corey Lewandowski is still being paid by the presidential candidate's campaign, received $20K in July while working for the network — New filings with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) reveal that Corey Lewandowski is still being paid by Republican presidential …
New York Daily News, Politicus USA, @mattyglesias and Associated Press

After releasing emails from Turkish political party AKP containing malware, WikiLeaks says it will continue not redacting archives for “accuracy” — It's alarmingly easy to visit WikiLeaks' email database from Turkish political party AKP and come away infected with malicious code.
@stevenlevy, @jamesgibney and @digiphile