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Inside Quibi's implosion, aided by the divisive management styles of Katzenberg and Whitman, compounded by a failure to understand its digital-native audience — The Emmy race has begun! Vulture is taking a close look at the contenders until nomination-round voting closes on July 13.
Nieman Lab, @dkthomp, @davechensky, @sepinwall, @tomgara, @a_w_gordon, @scotteweinberg, @patrickhwillems, @jatayler, @jakesherman, @stuckintheiv, @megancgraham, The Playlist, @pattymo, @timmarchman, @harrymccracken, @constar24, @aexm, @anamariecox, @_kellyq, @itstimwhite, @walthickey, @harrymccracken, @donaldrichard, Wall Street Journal, @seyitaylor, @profjeffjarviss, @seldo, @thekendallbaker, @henderson_joe, @anthonyha, @margeincharge, The Week, @jayshams, @_danilo, @amyvernon, @janeost_, @htranbui, @liamstack, @clarkewolfe, @mattzeitlin, @mims, @film_girl and The A.V. Club, more at Techmeme »
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: Is Quibi delivering the young, digitally savvy audience it promised news organizations?
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: delicious, dishy feature on Quibbi, filled with uh-that-certainly-explains-a- lot anecdotes, but none perhaps more explanatory that this one
David Chen / @davechensky: Years from now, when no one asks me why Quibi failed, I'm going to show them this amazing paragraph.
Alan Sepinwall / @sepinwall: Inject all content about Quibi(*) directly into my veins: (*) As opposed to content on Quibi.
Tom Gara / @tomgara: A lot of great stuff in this QUIBI piece but the highlight for me is “In market research following its Oscars and Super Bowl ads, 70 percent of respondents said they thought Quibi was a food-delivery service”
Aaron W. Gordon / @a_w_gordon: The whole article on Quibi is great and only reinforces that media companies are increasingly run by people who don't actually like the articles/videos they make.
Scott Weinberg / @scotteweinberg: I've always enjoyed trashing quibi but after reading this I want to pee on its ashes too.
Patrick Willems / @patrickhwillems: changing my professional bio to “entertainment enthusiast”
@jatayler: Man, it's inconceivable that Quibi could've failed so badly with these people at the helm.
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: “When I ask Whitman what TV shows she watches, she responds, 'I'm not sure I'd classify myself as an entertainment enthusiast.' But any particular shows she likes? ‘Grant,’ she offered. 'On the History Channel. It's about President Grant.'”
Bryan / @stuckintheiv: This is absolutely tremendous content. I will forever be in awe of the inability of the wealthy to comprehend that they might not be experts at everything. Also, Meg Whitman sounds like the single most boring human alive.
Meg Graham / @megancgraham: I know this is not the takeaway here but !!?!! printed out emails folded hot-dog style !!?!!
Charles Barfield / The Playlist: Quibi CEO Meg Whitman Admits She's Not “An Entertainment Enthusiast”
Patrick Monahan / @pattymo: Incredible to see the Marge Simpson “Music is none of my business” in real life, especially since entertainment is literally Whitman's business
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: Can't decide if this is more chef kissing fingertips or Antonio Banderas leaning back in his chair in delight
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: Maybe all tech startups should pivot to whatever market research says people think they do.
@constar24: I have not engaged with ANY Quibi content, and this is essentially the first and I— The biggest facepalm.
Ana Milicevic / @aexm: I maintain that the best & most interesting content Quibi could put together would just be a documentary about their day to day operations. I'd pay PPV prime boxing event money for that Gal Gadot meeting w/o hesitation
Kelly Connolly / @_kellyq: haunted by the image of a billionaire ceo with his emails folded hot dog style on his desk
Tim White / @itstimwhite: It's totally conceivable. In fact I think the general consensus prior to launch was “this is going to fail”.
Walter Hickey / @walthickey: the inspiration for quibi is GENUINELY perfect
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: Maybe I'm alone, but all the negative coverage of Quibi has me intrigued enough to at least subscribe. And now the bar for me finding it OK has been lowered so far it's submerged.
Don Richard / @donaldrichard: So Quibi's an HBR case study on product development without doing the necessary product discovery?
Benjamin Mullin / Wall Street Journal: Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman Struggle With Their Startup—and Each Other
@seyitaylor: “Katzenberg is on his phone all the time, but he is also among the moguls of his generation who have their emails printed out (and vertically folded, for some reason) by an assistant.” Please @netflix make a documentary about @Quibi. PLEASE!
@profjeffjarviss: Absolutely masterful strategy from Quibi. They are lulling their competition into a false sense of security.
Laurie Voss / @seldo: I swear to god it's eventually going to come to light that the whole motivating force behind Quibi is that nobody had the nerve to tell Meg Whitman that if you turn your phone sideways normal video content works just fine.
Kendall Baker / @thekendallbaker: Quibi's best chance at survival might just be making a documentary about working at Quibi ... and releasing it on Quibi. Would download/watch immediately
Joe Henderson / @henderson_joe: Aaaaand any sympathy I had left for the fate of Quibi is now gone.
Anthony Ha / @anthonyha: Come for the Quibi schadenfreude, stay for the extreme pettiness of the rich
Margaret Lyons / @margeincharge: Basically every graf here is o_o but this one is extra O_O
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Quibi CEO admits she's not really an ‘entertainment enthusiast’
Jacob Shamsian / @jayshams: “In market research following its Oscars and Super Bowl ads, 70 percent of respondents said they thought Quibi was a food-delivery service.”
@_danilo: With Elite Crisis claiming so many lives and wrecking our mental health, I LOVE any respite wherein the incompetence of the most powerful is just pathetic and funny:
Jane / @janeost_: the detail about Jeffrey Katzenberg demanding his emails be printed and folded vertically is the kind of bizarre detail that can only come from an old rich executive who has tormented hundreds of assistants in his life
Hoai-Tran Bui / @htranbui: watching the trainwreck that is quibi is so much more fun than watching anything on quibi
Liam Stack / @liamstack: Like a lot of people, I have spent more time reading accounts of what went wrong with Quibi than I have spent watching Quibi (I have spent zero minutes watching Quibi)
Clarke Wolfe / @clarkewolfe: “Apparently, her face fell off.” It's so awful and so funny all at the same time. 🤣
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: “If we have a show that's going to be a huge hit, you pitch to Netflix, HBO. If it doesn't get traction, you pitch to Quibi.”
Christopher Mims / @mims: Who has the definitive account of why anyone gave Whitman and Katzenberg money to build Quibi in the first place?
Christina Warren / @film_girl: When I was an EA for an exec at Turner in college I had to print out his emails as well as Variety, THR, Deadline and fold them too 😂😂😂

[Thread] Media companies that received PPP loans after US disclosed recipients: $5M-$10M for Wikimedia, $2M-$5M for Fortune, $1M-$2M for Digiday, and more — Now that the list of PPP loans is out, we can see which media companies got them, not just rely on owners publicizing it: Already spotted: - Forbes: - Crain: - Daily Caller:
@jakesherman, Wall Street Journal, Hollywood Reporter, @russellbrandom, @kenvogel, Talking Biz News, The Hill, U.S. Department …, @alexweprin, @jakesherman, Business Insider, @ericgarland, @kerrymflynn, @sethabramson, @adamparkhomenko, Slate, @tatianasiegel27, @kerrymflynn, @jamesvgrimaldi, @taylorlorenz, @wsj, @kerrymflynn, @pkafka, TechCrunch, @kerrymflynn, The Daily Beast, MediaPost, Washingtonian, @juddlegum, Deadline and @ceostroff, more at Techmeme »
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: The Daily Caller News Foundation took $150,000-$300,000 in PPP loans, and The Daily Caller Inc. took between $350,000 and $1 million in PPP money, according to SBA data.
Russell Brandom / @russellbrandom: The @TexasTribune received a PPP loan of more than $350k, per SBA records.
Kenneth P. Vogel / @kenvogel: Media outlets that received PPP $: • @newsmax: $2-$5m • @chronicle: $2-$5m • @WashTimes: $1-$2m • @EENewsUpdates: $1-$2m • @DailyCaller: $350k-$1m • @publicintegrity: $350k-$1m • @ICIJorg: $350k-$1m • @Sojourners: $350k-$1m • @OpenSecretsDC: $150k-$350k
U.S. Department of the Treasury: SBA and Treasury Announce Release of Paycheck Protection Program Loan Data
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Faze Clan and Kanye West's Yeezy are among the recipients of the government's Paycheck Protection Program loans: ...
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: Media Matters Inc. received between $1 million and $2 million from the PPP program.
Aaron Holmes / Business Insider: Several Silicon Valley companies were listed as coronavirus paycheck loan recipients …
Eric Garland / @ericgarland: Betsy DeVos, Newsmax, a synagogue, the Guggenheim Museum and others got coronavirus bailout money among other insane recipients. 🧐
@kerrymflynn: The Information declined to disclose amount of PPP loan but Jessica Lessin responded to my email with this statement: “Growth in our individual subscription business has remained steady but has not come close to avoiding the shortfall from events and B2B”
Seth Abramson / @sethabramson: Tucker Carlson's blog got quite a payday Especially interesting that this came as there was speculation that Carlson—a sometime Trump political adviser—might run for POTUS in 2024, something Trump wouldn't want him to do because he needs the way to remain clear for Don or Ivanka
Adam Parkhomenko / @adamparkhomenko: All the right-wingers had their hands in the cookie jars while lines for food banks went on forever.
Jordan Weissmann / Slate: Grover Norquist's Anti-Tax Group Took Money From the Paycheck Protection Program
Tatiana Siegel / @tatianasiegel27: I have yet to hear of an actual small biz (like my hair salon) that received PPP money, but a bunch of Hollywood companies including Gersh agency & Judd Apatow took the $$$, according to released docs today. ... via @thr
@kerrymflynn: And courtesy of another tip: Salon dot com received between $350K-$1M Proper Media received $150K to $350K ^ Proper Media was founded by Chris Richmond who later acquired Salon dot com
@jamesvgrimaldi: Politicians benefit from Paycheck Protection Program: GOP Oklahoma congressman, owner of a Tulsa fast-food firm got as much as $2 million; Pittsburgh rep. got a loan for his car dealerships; Pelosi's husband is an investor of a firm that benefited.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: FaZe Clan received a $1 million to $2 million PPE loan ...
@wsj: In all, about 4.9 million small businesses have taken out the forgivable loans, totaling about $521 billion as of June 30, according to the Small Business Administration
@kerrymflynn: A new addition to the list thanks to a tip from someone following this thread! Lessin Media Company, which owns The Information, received a PPP loan between $350K to $1M, per SBA spreadsheet Reached out to confirm / any more to share on size of loan
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: If the people on this list (and the people on other lists) used the $ to keep people employed, great.
@kerrymflynn: Another good tip. Per ProPublica, “The New York Observer, the news website that Kushner ran before entering the White House and is still owned by his brother-in-law's investment firm, was approved for between $350,000 and $1 million, data shows.”
Rachel Olding / The Daily Beast: Billionaire Kanye West's Company Gets Multimillion-Dollar PPP Loan From Trump Admin
Sara Guaglione / MediaPost: PPP Loan Data Lists Media Organizations Receiving Funds
Andrew Beaujon / Washingtonian: Which DC-Area Media Outlets Received PPP Loans?
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Tucker Carlson only sold his stake in JUNE. So that means that Carlson, while spending hours on TV decrying tyrannical government, was on the take
Deadline: Who Got PPP Loans? List Shows Hollywood Talent Agencies, Law Firms, AFI And Kanye West's …

Simon & Schuster names Dana Canedy, a former New York Times journalist and the administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, as its executive VP and publisher — Ms. Canedy, a former journalist at The New York Times and the administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, will run the namesake imprint at one of the country's largest book publishers.
@pamelapaulnyt, @marclacey, @usowomen, @danacanedy, @davidgura, @rakiathegreat, @rachsyme, @schemaly, @yamiche and The Glow Up
Pamela Paul / @pamelapaulnyt: This is HUGE news for publishing, for journalism, for readers, for editors, for authors present and future. Simon & Schuster Names Dana Canedy New Publisher.
Marc Lacey / @marclacey: Ms. Canedy, who will begin her new job on 7/27, said she reads books in bed late at night wearing tortoiseshell glasses fitted with tiny lights on either side, which she bought years ago so she could read in the dark when her son would sleep beside her.
UnitedStateofWomen / @usowomen: Exciting news from the book world: @DanaCanedy has been named the new publisher of Simon & Schuster, making her the third woman and the first Black person to hold the position.
@danacanedy: With Gods Grace, I am looking forward to this new “chapter” of my career! Sorry, couldn't resist! ...
David Gura / @davidgura: “She becomes the third woman and the first Black person to hold the position.”
Rakia Clark / @rakiathegreat: I cannot describe how big a deal this is in book publishing. I can't stop grinning. Yes yes yes @DanaCanedy!
Rachel Syme / @rachsyme: this is huge news but also I love this small detail “Ms. Canedy, who will begin her new job on July 27, said she reads books in bed late at night wearing tortoiseshell glasses fitted with tiny lights on either side”
Soraya Chemaly / @schemaly: Simon & Schuster Names Dana Canedy New Publisher. Ms. Canedy, a former journalist at The New York Times and the administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, will run the namesake imprint at one of the country's largest book publishers
Yamiche Alcindor / @yamiche: Congrats to @DanaCanedy, who Simon & Schuster today named the executive vice president and publisher of its flagship imprint. Dana, who has been the administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, now has one of the biggest jobs in book publishing. 👏🏾👏🏾 👏🏾

Sources: SiriusXM is near a deal to buy Stitcher's podcasting unit from Scripps for around $300M — Deal would follow similar moves by Spotify and iHeartMedia to enter podcasting industry — Sirius XM Holdings Inc. SIRI .51% is near a deal to buy E.W. Scripps Co. SSP 1.45% 's Stitcher Inc. podcasting unit …
@richlightshed, Deadline, Variety, The Wrap, @donlday, Hollywood Reporter, @simonowens, @jessedamiani and @richlightshed, more at Techmeme »
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Podcasting is 🔥🔥🔥 in past 2 years (1/2) @Spotify bought: @Gimletmedia @ParcastNetwork @anchor @ringer +exclusive @joerogan @SIRIUSXM bought @Stitcher @Simplecast invested in @SoundCloud @iHeartMedia bought StuffMedia @radiojar @PNGamingInc bought @barstoolsports
Todd Spangler / Variety: SiriusXM Nears Deal to Buy Stitcher Podcast Network
@donlday: EW Scripps, which owns channel 6, took a pair of investments valued at $55 million in 2016 and turned them into $300 million in four years.
Natalie Jarvey / Hollywood Reporter: SiriusXM to Acquire Podcast Platform Stitcher
Simon Owens / @simonowens: Here's my very first question: will Howard Stern episodes end up on Stitcher?
Jesse Damiani / @jessedamiani: The podcast wars are fully underway

Netflix's deep catalog of Black programming is the envy of Hollywood and was largely built after a shift in culture following executive departures in 2018 — The company didn't set out to build a big library of Black programming, but now it's the envy of its rivals.
Ben Smith / @benyt: Previously untold story: A 2015 internal memo warning Netflix was missing an opportunity with Black programming
Nikita T. Mitchell / @nikitatmitchell: In 2015, Black employees made the case that Netflix was missing an opportunity with Black audiences. At the time Netflix was spending more money on programming for British people and anime fans than for Black Americans.
@wajahatali: Trust me. Based off recent conversations I've had folks in media and Hollywood still don't get it but the ones that do will be the winners in the end.
Rakesh Agrawal / @rakeshlobster: Netflix has also been able to tackle other groups (e.g. Indians) by aggregating audiences across the diaspora. Better than the milquetoast programming on network TV. (He says into season 8 of friends and having counted <10 black people w/speaking roles.)
Ben Smith / @benyt: How Netflix Beat Hollywood to a Generation of Black Content
Christi Parsons / @cparsons: When your company's Black employees get together and tell you how to make your business better, you probably ought to listen
Mariana Atencio / @marianaatencio: Must Read today... for diverse creators this highlights: 1. The importance of having executives from your race in the room. 2. Must always have that presentation with consumer numbers and $$ ready. 3. INSISTENCE.
Katrina Jones / @katrina_hrm: “The story of how the company got there didn't start with a visionary founder's decision, a memo or a culture of promoting Black executives. It's a story of stops and starts, internal tensions, corporate competition, social media and personal connections.”
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: “To the immense frustration of mostly white executives all over town, they also find themselves — again! — scrambling to catch up with Netflix... now winning the race to the center of the conversation as well.” New @benyt
Charles Ubaghs / @charlesubaghs: “Netflix's chief content officer, Ted Sarandos, and other executives declined to speak on the record to me for this column, perhaps wary of appearing to take credit. They directed me instead to Black creators and their work.” Well done @Netflix
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Netflix would go on to spend $250 million for two of ABC's top creators ($100M to Kenya Barris and $150 million to Shonda Rhimes) in overall deals.
Neil / @rejects: A fascinating read about how Netflix operates. Hollywood still has so much work to do, but it's interesting to peek behind the curtain on some of actual work they've done so far.
@mikalfm: Product strategy isn't about product features. It's about conviction. What do you believe with conviction greater than your competition can muster. Netflix nonlinear schedule and personalized algorithms enable heterogeneous content as a strategy.
Stephen Floor / @stephenfloor: This article on how Netflix is the envy of its competitors because of its diverse executives and library of content produced by Black creatives is motivational for institutions seeking to make change. Innovation also includes climate and education. 1/4

Colin Kaepernick partners with Disney to create scripted and unscripted content on race and social injustice that showcases directors and producers of color — Under terms of the pact, announced Monday, Disney and Ra Vision will emphasize scripted and unscripted stories that deal with race …
ESPN Press Room U.S., Deadline, The Wrap, @andrewlbeaton, @jemelehill, /Film, Multichannel News, @lucas_shaw, @clarencehilljr, @kaepernick7, Axios, @fieldyates, @zeitchikwapo, @zeitchikwapo,, @jbflint, @washnews, Adweek, @scottgustin, Vanity Fair, CNN, Awful Announcing, Fortune and The Streamable
Isabelle Lopez / ESPN Press Room U.S.: The Walt Disney Company Announces Overall First-Look Deal with Colin Kaepernick
Denise Petski / Deadline: Colin Kaepernick Inks Overall First-Look Deal With Disney; Includes ESPN Films' Docuseries On His Life
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: Disney Signs Colin Kaepernick to First-Look Deal
Andrew Beaton / @andrewlbeaton: Colin Kaepernick and Disney/ESPN are partnering to create content on race and social injustices in a deal that includes a docuseries on Kaepernick's journey. It also brings together a major NFL partner—and the NFL's chief critic.
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: Very excited to announce that I'll be serving as a producer on @Kaepernick7's docuseries, as part of his production deal with ESPN/Disney and content collaboration w/ @TheUndefeated. I consider it an honor to play any role in telling Colin's story
Ben Pearson / /Film: Disney Signs First-Look Deal with Colin Kaepernick, and is Developing a Docuseries About His Life
R. Thomas Umstead / Multichannel News: Disney Signs First Look Deal With Colin Kaepernick
Clarence Hill Jr / @clarencehilljr: I am old enough to remember when ESPN thought it got rid of Jemele Hill. Hills don't die they multiply
Colin Kaepernick / @kaepernick7: I am excited for this partnership with Disney across all of its platforms to elevate Black and Brown directors, creators, storytellers & producers. I look forward to sharing culturally impactful and inspiring projects.
Field Yates / @fieldyates: Disney has announced an overall first-look deal with Colin Kaepernick, the first project in which is an exclusive docuseries chronicling Kaepenrick's journey over the past five years.
Steven Zeitchik / @zeitchikwapo: ESPN's Kaepernick docuseries comes on the heels of “Colin in Black & White,” the scripted series on his early years he's making with Ava DuVernay at Netflix. So yes, Disney and Netflix are now competing to be leaders in the Colin Kaepernick business.
Steven Zeitchik / @zeitchikwapo: One interesting bit from the Kaepernick/ESPN announcement: the docuseries will be made with Jemele Hill, who clashed with the company over politics when she was on staff there
Grant Hermanns / Colin Kaepernick inks first-look deal with Disney
Stephanie Wash / @washnews: Colin Kaepernick's journey from San Francisco 49ers quarterback to civil-rights activist will be chronicled in a documentary series developed by ESPN Films as part of a first-look deal between Walt Disney and Kapernick's Ra Vision Media production company.
Kelsey Sutton / Adweek: Colin Kaepernick Lands First-Look Deal at Disney
Scott Gustin / @scottgustin: NEW: Disney (ESPN) and Colin Kaepernick announce partnership and new documentary series that will feature “scripted and unscripted stories that deal with race, social injustice and the quest for equity...” Jemele Hill will be a producer on the project.
Yohana Desta / Vanity Fair: Colin Kaepernick, Burgeoning Media Mogul, Lands First-Look Deal With Disney
Frank Pallotta / CNN: Colin Kaepernick signs production deal with Disney
Joe Lucia / Awful Announcing: Disney announces first-look deal with Colin Kaepernick, focusing on race and social injustice
Fern Siegel / The Streamable: Colin Kaepernick and Disney Sign First-Look Deal

Apptopia: Disney Plus app was downloaded 266,084 times in the US, up 72.4% from the average of June's four weekends, driven by the Hamilton premier — “Hamilton” delivered for Disney Plus — with the musical movie of Lin-Manuel Miranda's reimagining of the founding father's life spurring …
The Wrap, The Streamable, @andykleinman, TechCrunch, Observer, MediaPost, @chrismessina,, @mattbelloni, @scalzi, /Film, Forbes, @nickchilds, Reason and Cord Cutters News
Sean Burch / The Wrap: ‘Hamilton’ Drives 79% Spike in Disney+ Downloads
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: ‘Hamilton’ Proves to Be Big Hit for Disney Plus as App Downloads Were Up 72 Percent Over the Weekend
Andy Kleinman / @andykleinman: This is how it's done @Quibi, @HBOMax and everyone else. A re-release of a bad film (Justice League) alone won't cut it. You need something people really want, something really good, and that is not available anywhere else. Another genius @RobertIger move.
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: ‘Hamilton’ gives Disney+ a holiday weekend bump in US, with app downloads up 74%
Brandon Katz / Observer: The Big Catch in Disney+'s Massive ‘Hamilton’ Numbers
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Disney+ Spends $8.2 Million In ‘Hamilton’ National TV Advertising, App Downloads Surge
Chris Messina / @chrismessina: “From Friday through Sunday, the @DisneyPlus app was downloaded 752,451 times globally” Meanwhile, @Quibi was downloaded 3 times, and once accidentally when someone mistook it for a food-delivery app.
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: Disney is probably waiting to reveal Hamilton numbers on what will otherwise be a brutal earnings call, but it wouldn't be surprising to see a sub spike of 3-5 million from ONE piece of content.
John Scalzi / @scalzi: Everyone wanted to be in the (living) room where it happened.
Ethan Anderton / /Film: ‘Hamilton’ on Disney+ Resulted in Over Half a Million App Downloads Over the Weekend
Scott Mendelson / Forbes: ‘Hamilton’: A Spike In Disney+ Subscribers Can't Yet Compare To Global Theatrical Box Office Success

Reframing “tech vs. journalism” discussion as “managers vs. employees” shows why journalists who have called attention to workplace activism have become targets — Last week, the worlds of technology and journalism were transfixed by a conflict that played …
@caseynewton, @kantrowitz, @joshconstine, @jackiehluo, @loganlahive, @htsuka, @cwarzel, @taylorlorenz and @taylorlorenz, more at Techmeme »
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: I wrote about the clarifying power of reframing “tech vs. journalism” as “managers vs. employees” — and how Twitter has given employees the upper hand for a change
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Very good stuff on the tech vs. journalism battle. Workers are more comfortable speaking up than ever, this threatens managers who'd rather they kept quiet. Journalists bring these workers' stories to the public, so they've become a target.
Josh Constine -SignalFire / @joshconstine: Under the surface, journalists vs tech is really employees vs managers, and guess who the underpaid, overworked, quite essential reporters are siding with?
Jackie Luo / @jackiehluo: so glad that someone wrote this take—here's @CaseyNewton on how the conflict between vcs/founders and journalists is fundamentally a labor issue
Logan LaHive / @loganlahive: This piece by @CaseyNewton nails it... We spend so much time focused on the VCs, the CEOs, and the media... Workers are done being left out of the conversation. They are seeing their voice has power. They are demanding to be heard. ✊
Hayley Tsukayama / @htsuka: Got to this part, and a little bell in my head went “ding ding ding ding”. I have my own biases of course, but I think this is smart framing.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: agree w/ @CaseyNewton - this part about asymmetric advantage is crucial to understanding the public reckoning going on in most industries (in the media industry I Immediately thought of @WesleyLowery's anecdotes abt getting called in by editors for tweets)
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “It might not be visible from the luxury Airbnbs where tech executives are riding out the pandemic, but there is a resurgent labor movement in this country.” Excellent @CaseyNewton breakdown
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I am so utterly disgusted by the way Clubhouse has handled this abuse situation. Not only has the platform refused to take steps to limit the user perpetuating an aggressive, coordinated harassment campaign. The founder is liking tweets saying “Clubhouse won”

Buoyed by the public awakening over BLM, journalists of color are sidestepping management to collectively inaugurate their own #MeToo-like movement — We're finally feeling empowered to speak openly about racism in the newsroom. — Ms. O'Brien is a journalist. — Every journalist of color has a story.
Siren, @timobrien, @lucas_shaw, Committee to Protect …, @ameshiacross, @jpanzer, @ndungca, @marceelias, @wajahatali, @deeyah_khan, @jamilsmith, @rolandsmartin, @andrewzimmern, @jayrosen_nyu, @mattdpearce, @amy_siskind, @tamikanews, @markhertling, @rossacrosswi, @okaikor, @alivelshi, @dartdclark, @sunlorrie, @donwinslow, @motokorich, @jamunt, @juliezebrak, @socialkimly, @brizzyc, @scotthech, @nytopinion, @jemelehill, @marymoriarty and @capehartj
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: Read @soledadobrien:"There are simply not enough of us in the newsroom to object effectively-not in TV, print or online, certainly not in management. So our only option is to mimic the protester's strategy: Talk directly to the public and just talk loud."
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: A sharp column from @soledadobrien hoping that newsrooms will change more now than they have in years.
Katherine Jacobsen / Committee to Protect Journalists: Maynard Institute's Martin G. Reynolds on challenges facing Black journalists and how US media needs to change
Ameshia Cross / @ameshiacross: This is a powerful piece. We are lucky to have @soledadobrien in news media. She's been through the fire and leaves no stone unturned in sharing the harsh world of newsrooms and their treatment of Black journalists
John Panzer / @jpanzer: I am deeply angry that this is a reason we no longer have @soledadobrien's voice on CNN. She is awesome. I am glad that she can speak her mind more freely now, but why should she have to go to her own independent company to do that? I want more voices like hers on the air.
Nicole Dungca / @ndungca: related to much of @soledadobrien's op-ed, esp to white stories always being seen as the default. it's a mindset that's drilled into you, even if you grow up in diverse communities. glad many of us are working to change it, but we've got a ways to go
Marc E. Elias / @marceelias: I used to watch @soledadobrien every morning on @CNN and thought she was the best. I wondered why she left the mornings and stopped the amazing CNN documentaries. It is sad to learn that this is why.
@wajahatali: Sharing this piece by @soledadobrien again. I really hope people read it, especially white colleagues in the media industry.
Deeyah Khan / @deeyah_khan: Important piece by the wonderful @soledadobrien “The press has too long basked in a white world, looking out of it, if at all, with white men's eyes and a white perspective. That is no longer good enough.”
Jamil Smith / @jamilsmith: “We refuse to be benched or tainted as activists or deemed incapable of objectivity, while white reporters are hailed for their ‘perspective’ on stories.” Thank you for this, @soledadobrien.
@rolandsmartin: GREAT piece by my buddy @soledadobrien! We all have felt every word in here. The Unbearable whiteness of media is real! “A MeToo Moment for Journalists of Color”
Andrew Zimmern / @andrewzimmern: Whoops. Reposting with proper handles Superb piece from my friend @soledadobrien
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Should have tagged @soledadobrien on this, she just wrote about it happening to her. Read her piece:
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: “It's been 52 years since the Kerner Commission declared: 'The press has too long basked in a white world, looking out of it, if at all, with white men's eyes and a white perspective. That is no longer good enough.'”
@amy_siskind: Thanks for teaching up @soledadobrien and for all you do to hold our media accountable.
Tamika Smith / @tamikanews: Baffling how we speak up for others but are silenced & mistreated by news organizations we work for. #MeToo “We're finally feeling empowered to speak openly about racism in the newsroom.”
Mark Hertling / @markhertling: An eye-opening piece by @soledadobrien. As we move on from Independence Day celebrations, taking action first requires a better understanding of the situation.
Scot Ross / @rossacrosswi: @soledadobrien: “...panel-driven journalism that sometimes gives voice to liars & white supremacists; the excuse of ‘balance’ to embolden and normalize bigots and bigotry by posing them as the ‘other side.’”
@okaikor: imma keep saying this. “thank a Black organizer” —much of what is happening is a result of the efforts of Black folx who hit the streets. they are often the folx we often “distance” ourselves from. “Soledad O'Brien: A MeToo Moment for Journalists of Color”
Ali Velshi / @alivelshi: An important read about journalists of color and representation by my old friend and colleague @soledadobrien
Dartunorro D. Clark / @dartdclark: “We refuse to be benched or tainted as activists or deemed incapable of objectivity, while white reporters are hailed for their ‘perspective’ on stories.”
Lorrie Goldstein / @sunlorrie: Agreed that MSM who accuse other institutions of being systemically racist, need to look inside our own house: Soledad O'Brien on the Racism Faced by Journalists of Color
Don Winslow / @donwinslow: I'm a huge fan of @soledadobrien and she knows it. Wicked smart. Brutally honest (especially about the media's failings) World class bad ass. And the best bullshit detector around.
Motoko Rich / @motokorich: .@soledadobrien “Thin ranks of POC in newsrooms often meant us/them reporting, where everyone from architecture critics to real estate writers, entertainment reporters to sports anchors, talk as if people listening or reading are exclusively white”
J. Elias O'Neal / @jamunt: So much of what @soledadobrien said is true. There MUST be more emphasis on black, brown and queer voices in newsroom MANAGEMENT or else those voices and stories will be muzzled/silenced.I didn't see a professional pathway to being an editor so I left news altogether to be a PIO.
@juliezebrak: Soledad O'Brien: “We are letting viewers, listeners and readers know that the absence of reporting on communities of color is why it took shocking videos of police killings to awaken them to police brutality.”
Kim Lyons / @socialkimly: “We are risking jobs and status and a metaphorical stoning by bigots on social media to call out an industry that reports on racism and segregation while shamefully allowing it to fester within.” @soledadobrien bringing the 🔥 as usual
Carrie Brown / @brizzyc: “When I criticize CNN (as I do frequently on social media), the company attacks me as “more of a liberal activist than a journalist,” a common dig against journalists of color who criticize newsroom management.”
Scott Hechinger / @scotthech: I was there. And it was a powerful call to action. Looked at 55 defenders, from 42 defender offices, in 26 different states back in Brooklyn at the first Zealous training. “This is your time. Do it. Do it!”
@nytopinion: .@SoledadOBrien writes on racism in the media: “There are simply not enough of us in the newsroom for us to even object effectively. So our only option is to mimic the protester's strategy: Talk directly to the public and just talk loud.”
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: Excellent piece by @soledadobrien about the obstacles journalists of color often face in their own newsrooms. A racial reckoning must happen in the nation's newsrooms
Mary Moriarty / @marymoriarty: Soledad O'Brien called out (kindly) a room of public defenders for allowing prosecutors and police to control the narrative for decades by refusing to speak to journalists about what the criminal system does to our clients. She was right. @soledadobrien

Sources: the Knight Foundation considered making a bid for McClatchy but dropped out as it decided that the risk it would take on was too great — But Alden Global Capital would be happy to lend a hand. Plus: When a standstill isn't really a standstill. — The bids are in, and the bankruptcy auction is now on.
CNN, @ckrewson, @samanthajgross, @brynstole, @nicolemfoy, @kirbywtweets, @fblethen, @jbenton, @biancajoanie, @niemanlab, @harrisalexc, @donlday, @tomgara, @mathewi, @mgafni, @jayrosen_nyu, @froomkin, @timafranklin and @mathewi
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: .@kdoctor says the Knight Foundation — which hired McKinsey to investigate “transforming” McClatchy (!) — stepped away from the idea of bidding for the bankrupt newspaper chain:
Samantha J. Gross / @samanthajgross: So I guess this is how it feels to have vultures circling over head. Feeling defeated today, but grateful for @OneHeraldGuild and the work we are doing to protect our important journalism and most importantly, our journalists and staff.
Bryn Stole / @brynstole: No knight riding to the rescue of bankrupt newspaper chain McClatchy: @kdoctor reports the Knight Foundation won't bid on McClatchy and hedge funds Alden or Chatham appear to be likeliest winners.
Nicole Foy / @nicolemfoy: this was obviously never going to ACTUALLY happen, but now I have the right to aggressively judge how the Knight foundation dispenses journalism funding til the end of time
Kirby Wilson / @kirbywtweets: “About 40 percent of daily newspaper readership (as measured by print circulation) will have its fate in the spreadsheets of financial engineers.” Disaster.
Frank Blethen / @fblethen: The destruction of our local newspaper system is about to take a big leap. There otta be a law against this. Newsonomics: There's no Knight in shining armor coming to rescue McClatchy via @NiemanLab
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Remember, last week, when everyone was excited that a “leader in nonprofit journalism” might bid for @mcclatchy and create a nonprofit newspaper chain? Welp, the leader in question was @knightfdn, and in the end they decided not to bid, @kdoctor reports.
Bianca Padr Ocasio / @biancajoanie: “Alden can keep one foot on Tribune's neck while they're seeing what plays out with McClatchy.”
@niemanlab: The list of bidders doesn't include the knight-in-shining-armor many had hoped would turn McClatchy into the country's first nonprofit newspaper chain.
Alex Harris / @harrisalexc: hard to overstate how depressing it was to read this today, on top of everything else in the world
@donlday: The two primary bidders are Chatham Asset Management, and Alden Global Capital. Alden, in particular, is known for its slash and burn approach to papers it gains control of. The Knight Foundation decided against making a bid.
Tom Gara / @tomgara: The Knight Foundation briefly considered doing something hugely consequential for the trajectory of American journalism, but decided instead to focus on its core work of bankrolling useless thinkfluency future of journalism nonsense
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: As many suspected, the Knight Foundation considered a bid for the bankrupt McClatchy newspaper chain but ultimately balked
Matthias Gafni / @mgafni: Two hedge funds (including Alden) leading bids to take over McClatchy out of bankruptcy. Terrible news. The nonprofit Knight Foundation thought about bidding, but in the end pulled out.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: There will NOT be a bidder for the McClatchy newspaper chain that turns it into a non-profit and inaugurates a grand civic experiment, according to @kdoctor. The Knight Foundation was looking at it, but decided against bidding. Only bottom feeders now.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Ugh. I am so bummed. @knightfdn should have done this, not as a way of spending its endowment, but as a way of investing its endowment. So should @FordFoundation @macfound @OmidyarNetwork @Hewlett_Found @PackardFdn @gatesfoundation @RockefellerFdn

Memo: New Zealand's largest newspaper group Stuff says it is “trialling ceasing all activity on Facebook-owned networks”, as part of the global boycott — Company says it has ‘paused’ its relationship with the social media company as part of global movement against hate speech
Dave Earley / @earleyedition: 🚨The biggest news website in New Zealand @NZStuff has effectively quit Facebook🚨 (albeit temporarily) as part of #StopHateForProft campaign - announcing it will stop posting stories to their FB & Instagram profiles immediately ...

Conservative news sites like Newsmax have published opinion pieces from a network of at least 19 fake personas pushing Middle East propaganda over the past year — DOES NOT EXIST — Conservative sites like Newsmax and Washington Examiner have published Middle East hot takes from “experts” …
Laura Rozen / @lrozen: “Badani is part of a network of at least 19 fake personas that has spent the past year placing more than 90 opinion pieces in 46 different pub'ns. The articles heaped praise on the UAE & advocated for a tougher approach to Qatar, Turkey, Iran & its proxy groups in Iraq & Lebanon”
Candace Avalos / @candaceforpdx: It's legit scary how much of an impact these fake online personas are having on our society and democracy.
@myminutia: “His profile photos are stolen from the blog of an unwitting San Diego startup founder. His LinkedIn profile, which described him as a graduate of [GWU] & Georgetown, is equally fictitious...The articles heaped praise on the [UAE]....” Brave new world. ...
Trita Parsi / @tparsi: MUST READ! @thedailybeast reveals network of 19 fake personas that's placed more than 90 op-eds praising the UAE and advocating hawkish policies on Qatar, Turkey & Iran. Another example of how a US Mideast “ally” is duping the US into more conflict! ...
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: So the right wing is literally publishing fake news? ...
Peter Slattery / @peterslattery3: “The personas in the network used a mixture of stolen or AI-generated avatars and fake biographies to make them seem more plausible.” nice work here from @thedailybeast ...
@thetattooedprof: Right Wing media is a lot of things, but legitimately journalistic is not one of them.
Noah Shachtman / @noahshachtman: EXCLUSIVE: @newsmax @dcexaminer @HumanEvents and other right-wing outlets were duped into publishing pieces by fake “experts” — all part of a sophisticated Middle Eastern propaganda campaign. ...
Tamara Cofman Wittes / @tcwittes: I look forward to the real news sites duped by these fake accounts reviewing, & reporting to readers, how they got duped and what they'll change to prevent any future info op from using their platform.
Stan Veuger / @stanveuger: “He's printed those insights at a range of conservative outlets like the Washington Examiner, RealClear Markets, American Thinker, and The National Interest. Unfortunately (..) Raphael Badani does not exist.” ...
Jesse Damiani / @jessedamiani: “Unfortunately for the outlets who published his articles and the readers who believed them, Raphael Badani does not exist. His profile photos are stolen from the blog of an unwitting San Diego startup founder.”
Andrew Kirell / @andrewkirell: Right-wing outlets like Washington Examiner, Newsmax, and Andy Ngo's Post Millennial got duped by a network of completely fake “experts” with phony names and stolen bio images pushing propaganda. Exclusive from @arawnsley: ...
Peter Jukes / @peterjukes: “The articles heaped praise on the United Arab Emirates and advocated for a tougher approach to Qatar, Turkey, Iran and its proxy groups in Iraq and Lebanon.” Hmm. See Cambridge Analytica and the alleged De Havilland bank plan ...
Matthew Chapman / Raw Story: Propaganda effort fooled conservative sites into printing op-eds from nonexistent ‘experts’: report
April Glaser / @aprilaser: honestly don't know how democracy can function if we are perpetually unable to determine what is and isn't real and are thus stymied from making meaningful political decisions
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: Wow — this story from @arawnsley: “The fake contributors also appear to have used AI-generated avatars for a handful of their personas.” ...
Adam Rawnsley / @arawnsley: Twitter just suspended 16 Twitter accounts that were part of a network of fake personas. Together they spent the last year placing about 90 opeds in +40 different news outlets. Newsmax. Washington Examiner. Jerusalem Post. Real Clear Media. ...
Lachlan Markay / @lachlan: Wild @arawnsley investigation into a network of apparent UAE sockpuppets that has set up fake news sites and social media pages and succeeded in placing columns in prominent, mostly right of center media outlets ...
Steve Herman / @w7voa: News sites, such as @newsmax and @dcexaminer, published pieces from “fake journalists” heaping praise on the #UAE and advocated for a tougher approach to Qatar, Turkey, Iran and its proxy groups in Iraq and Lebanon.