Top News:

E-reader ownership doubles in six months — e-Reader ownership surges since last November; tablet ownership grows more slowly — The share of adults in the United States who own an e-book reader doubled to 12% in May, 2011 from 6% in November 2010. E-readers, such as a Kindle or Nook …

Twitter For Newsrooms!? Twitter *Is* A Newsroom — Earlier this morning Twitter released “Twitter for Newsrooms,” its primer on how to use Twitter to gather and report news in the 21st century. — #TfN is Twitter's official nudge to old school reporters, a heavy handed reminder …
Nieman Journalism Lab, CJR, Future of Journalism, VentureBeat, The Atlantic Wire and …
Brad McCarty / The Next Web:
Twitter finds its media home with Twitter for Newsrooms
Twitter finds its media home with Twitter for Newsrooms
Poynter, 10,000 Words and @twittermedia

Will the NY Times Give David Pogue Another Pass on Ethics? — David Pogue. Image by Getty Images North America via @daylife — David Pogue has weathered one mini-scandal after another in his years as the star technology columnist for The New York Times.
The Business Insider
Jim Romenesko / Poynter:
Want to know which PR pitches tickled Pogue? It'll cost you!
Want to know which PR pitches tickled Pogue? It'll cost you!

Hulu Buyers Would Get Exclusive Content, With Strings Attached — A few days after the news first broke that Hulu is for sale, we know a bit more about what, exactly, that means. Here's where things stand right now. — Hulu's owner/partners — Disney's ABC and News Corp.'s Fox …
Betabeat, VentureBeat and Electronista
Lymari Morales / Gallup:
Americans Regain Some Confidence in Newspapers, TV News — Confidence still lags behind levels of trust seen through much of the 1990s and into 2003 — WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans' confidence in newspapers and television news rebounded slightly in the past year, having been stuck at record lows since 2007.
Poynter, On Media's Blog,, TVNewser, Hot Air and Free Press
Sarah Kessler / Mashable!:
With 500 Million Views, TED Talks Provide Hope For Intelligent Internet Video — When Director of TED Media June Cohen shopped around the idea for a television show featuring lectures from the organization's famously elite conference, she was told the talks didn't have mainstream appeal.
Adweek, GigaOM, WatchingTV Online and Betabeat
The Atlantic Wire:
The Journalists Who Just Might Get Rich Off of WikiLeaks — “Whether the arrival of WikiLeaks has fundamentally changed the way journalism is made, I will leave to others and to history,” wrote Bill Keller in his sprawling account of working with Julian Assange that The New York Times Magazine published in January.
Future of Journalism, Press Gazette, Future Journalism Project and Financial Times
Keach Hagey / On Media's Blog:
Dan Balz staying at Washington Post — In the end, Washington Post political reporter Dan Balz decided to stay put. — “Yes, I'm staying at the Post,” Balz told POLITICO. — According to the Huffington Post's Michael Calderone, Balz had been in talks with Reuters about taking …

Note to media: We are all brands now, so get used to it — There's been a lot of talk about “branding” and new media lately, sparked in part by Washington Post columnist Gene Weingarten's recent anti-branding rant, in which the veteran journalist said that branding is “ruining journalism.”
Facebook, Metamedia, Teaching Online Journalism, Jason Kristufek's … and The Copy Box, Thanks:accessnetflix
Mac McClelland / GOOD:
I'm Gonna Need You to Fight Me On This: How Violent Sex Helped Ease My PTSD — It was my research editor who told me it was completely nuts to willingly get f**ked at gunpoint. That's what she called me when I told her the story. We were drunk and in a karaoke bar, so at the time I came …

More Awesome: News Challenge grantee Awesome Foundation wants to fund journalism at the micro level — There's something inherently meta about the Awesome Foundation winning a grant from the Knight Foundation in order to...give grants. Also, something kinda awesome.
ScribbleLive: Four ways to make money from liveblogging — Liveblogging platform ScribbleLive claims to have come up with four different ways that news organisations can make money from liveblogging, a form of reporting described by Matt Wells, blogs editor of the Guardian, as …
Future of Journalism

Not That New York Magazine Is Gloating About Poaching Frank Rich From The New York Times or Anything... Former Star Times Columnist Gets His Own Mini Outdoor Campaign — Nearly four months ago, New York magazine rocked the Manhattan media world by poaching star op-ed columnist Frank Rich from The New York Times.

This Just In: How Your House Is Faring — Many of the residents who have fled Minot, N.D., where thousands of buildings have been swallowed by the Souris River, have turned to a modest, family-run enterprise to check the status of their homes: the tiny local television station.
Save the News Blog and TVSpy

Distracted by Online Banner Ads? Here's an Alternative — MANY consumers bypass Madison Avenue with software that filters out online advertising. Adblock Plus, for example, averages about 13 million daily users on one browser, Firefox, alone. — Now a tech start-up, AdKeeper …